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View Full Version : Borrowing Tomorrow's Happiness Today

07-29-2018, 02:48 AM
McKinley had spent most of the morning rushing around her small cottage, avoiding the intense gaze of her love. Joshua sat on the high stool, drawn close the the breakfast nook. She could feel his eyes as they bore into her back. If she simply kept moving he would not be able to talk to her and talking would not lead to them fighting, again. Quickly and swiftly she rushed passed the large man.

The same fight had erupted out in the last day, many times over. Always heated words and hurt feelings by the end of it. Well the feelings hurt mostly were always McKinley’s. She had promised herself that this morning she would act like everything was okay. She jumped slightly when she heard Joshua’s heavy fingers drumming impatiently on her counter, still she went on with her business.

“McKinley,” Joshua’s deep voice made her chest tighten with nervousness.

Slowly the petite redhead turned, the shirt of his she wore flaring out slightly with the movement. She figured that if she wore only his large shirt when he woke up it would soften his anger. She guessed wrong.


She arched a crimson eyebrow at him. Her hand landing on her delicately curved hip.

“Avoiding something?” He arched his own thick brow.

The fiery redhead scoffed before slamming a fist down on the counter in front of him. Her bright orbs narrowed like daggers aimed at their mark. Her cheeks flushed with anger as she could feel herself tremble. He had the audacity to ask her a question like that when she had simply dropped his affair with the Goddess he worshipped.

Just as quickly as the anger came it left her body as she took a breath as she whipped around and grabbed the strawberry wine from the cabinet. Using her teeth in such an unladylike manor she pulled and uncorked the bottle. Pop! Huffing she took a large swig, the fiz tickling her tongue as it went down.

“Little early for that isn’t it?” She heard behind her.

Turning around she held the bottle up in the air towards her annoyed lover. “Getting drunk today is just borrowing tomorrow’s happiness.” She glared before leaving him in the kitchen as she went towards the back of her cottage. Maybe she could find serenity in her garden. Though she heard heavy footsteps behind her, quickly closing in as she all but ran towards the back door. The bottle in her hand and the contents inside sloshing over and spilling down her arm.