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07-29-2018, 03:44 AM

Koreena Cronen shoved her foot into her heeled boot, the leather cool against her shin. A fluster hand ran through her dark locks that were littered with white streaks, the loose waves swayed before settling back down. She gave herself a once over in the mirror, shrugging at the simple white shirt that clung to her curvaceous form like a second skin, her skirt that most ladies her age wouldn't dare to wear. The jean fabric stopped just above mid thigh, it allowed her dark-sun kissed complexion to peek out. As she nodded once at her reflection she made her way out of the room she was occupying at the Weeping Willow. Her heels clicked softly against the old wood flooring as she nodded somberly at one of the other patrons renting a room.

Stepping outside KC was greeted with the light of the sun. Golden rays licked her arms with gentle kisses of warmth. The day tasted like light, bubbly on her tongue and sugary as it went down, making everything from the ends of her toes to the tips of her fingers tingle. A shiver of delight ran up her delicate spine. Drunk with the freedom of her twin brother, her absent father that she was getting awfully good at avoiding, she waltzed down the street. Her carefree mood quickly ended when she was shouldered checked by a townsmen. Stumbling backwards she tried catching her balance only to have her backside to meet the hard ground.

"Hey!" She growled with annoyance.

Swiftly she stood up, brushing herself off. Her striking blue eyes narrowed as she squared her shoulders facing the brute that didn't know how to watch where he was going.

Slowly the man turned, his own face turned into a scowl.

"Watch where you are going, lass." He grunted.

Something snapped in the fiery girl as she took her index finger and prodded into the man's chest. "Listen here you ignorant ass." She said through clenched teeth.

He caught her small wrist, his large hand engulfing it quickly. He tossed it aside and stepped closer her. She cocked her head sideways, her long locks spilling to the side. Her chest rose and fell as she could hear her own blood pulsing in her ears. She was certain that if not for her slightly darker complexion she would be flushed with anger. The man puffed out his chest like a pride filled rooster would.

"Do you know who I am?" He growled.

A small giggled escaped her lips, the sound almost giving away her true age which her attributes shielded. Her gaze ran over the swollen brute, as she shook her head.

"Do you know who I am?" She quipped back.

The man stepped back, his face twisted with confusion or shock she wasn't sure. "No-no I don't." He stuttered for a moment.

"Good then we both are in the same playing field." She grinned, in one fluid motion her hand shot out and connected with the man's Adam's apple. His eyes grew wide with shock as his hand clamped around his throat as he fell to his knees. Koreena stepped closer, her hand tangled into his thick locks as she forced him to look at her. "For the record, I am Koreena Cronen." With that she tossed his head off to the side and walked around him and off down the street. The murmur of the towns folk filling her ear as a coy smirk danced across her plush lips.

Professor Charles
08-04-2018, 02:19 AM
And all I had wanted was a drink.

I have many reasons to want to find a quiet corner of a public house and rest my weariness, drink away what worries I had. My brother and I had, after some time of him kidnapping me, laughing with me, threatening me, reconnecting me with my family, holding me prisoner for a few days, discovering my daughter and in a farcical manner becoming engaged to her, come to an understanding of mutual respect. I would work with him, researching what was the impending apocalypse for his benefit and he would keep up the pretense of an alliance with the being who had ruined my life so that in the future we could destroy him; Morté, the ‘King of Death’ and ruler of the underworld, Rahl.

Now I had Morté's long-supposed daughter, who was biologically mine and his wife Sephora’s child (now there had been a glorious affair), living with me. When she had asked to move in to my small apartment that was more or less a glorified library, I could not say no. It was the same day, after all, that our genetic connection had been certified. Yet she was in my living room, sleeping on my sofa, and had gotten into the habit of making tea very late at night so all I could hear was the whistling of the kettle - sometimes constantly, the sound echoing as a haunting reminder. Thus, I had finally stalked, muttering, from the apartment that evening, telling her I might be back in a day or an hour, who knew. I hired a horse from the local inn, and set off at a high gallop from the marvellous wonder that is the city-on-an-island, Tor Elythis, riding across the five league bridge to head for the closest, quiet town. All in the hope of getting a moment of quiet and a simple drink.

How wrong had I been.

Apparently getting a simple drink was far too difficult. For it had only been a few minutes of me nursing my beer at the corner of the room when a rough adolescent high elf had bundled over to me and prodded the air around my horns.

“Oi, you,” he growled, in a rural, rough tone I never connected to posh elven society in which I lived. “We no like yet kind here, dirty demon.”

My brow rose at that, and my eyes flicked up to where he was indicating - the two horns that curled from my temples and went back along my head. They were the same pale colour as my skin, but hardened like stone. Slowly I blinked as my weary, slightly blurred mind remembered that I looked like a tiefling, and that for some half-demons weren't that favoured.

“Actually, that's rather an interesting topic for discussion,” I grunted, my eyes moving and settling on him. I leant heavily on the table before me. “But, forgive me, you lack something of the holding or stature of the being who would comprehend the complexity of my narration.”

The teenager took a moment for the cogs of his dumb mind to whir and connect. I had not spoken in massively complicated words, but I had deliberately chosen ones that might not be understandable for an elf half dulled in his wits by alcohol. And one who was already an idiot.

Then he suddenly realised what I meant and his brow furrowed. “You … you … OI!”

Slightly I smiled as I picked up my mug of beer, watching the angry light begin to come into his eyes. I straightened, knowing it was a good time to finish what was left of my drink and head out. All I had wanted to do was be left alone, and it was he who had come up to me.

“You-you’m just called meh and idiot!”

“Not quite,” I shook my head as I threw back the rest of my beer. “But, you said I was not welcome. So. Goodbye and thank you for the short acquaintance.”

I rolled back my shoulders and set the tankard on the table. Moving around it I aimed to go around the long way; easing past him would not have been simple, or smart. And I was smart - far too so apparently for this town. Slowly, I took my first step.

“Eh no way,” the teenager elf said, swiftly moving back and blocking my path with a broad shouldered body. “You’m not going anywhere.”

“Actually I think it is time for me to go,” I looked him squarely in the eye. “You made it clear that I am not welcome and I seem to have finished my drink. So …”

I shrugged and began to move back the other way, of original blockage.

“You think yer so smar’ eh?” I cringed, inwardly. No, I knew I was smart. It really was - is - the one thing I know as a constant. He stomped back around and shoved a hand against my shoulder. Relaxed, I let it swing back as he did so. “Just yapping on with big words when naebody wants a demon like yeh.”

“Please, let me past,” I said, looking at him now directly on the eyes. “I've paid, and I'm leaving, like you wish.”

“No, I dinnae wish you tae leave the bar, I wan’ yeh to leave our country. Go back to your own, rodent.”

Thankfully I was used to being called names - 'barbarian’ and 'rogue’ mostly - and so I simply blinked as I pointed at the door in response. “There is my country, thank you. Now, let me pass.”

And I sucked in my breath and summoned my supernatural strength. Lifting up my hands I made what became one of the most ridiculous mistakes of my life, and shoved hard against his chest.

He stumbled back, eyes wide. As he did he let out a rippling scream.


And it was then I knew I had been the stupid one.

Immediately from behind hands grabbed me. My fighting instincts took over, and I whirled hands to my shoulder where one held me, fixing my fingers about his forearm. Tightening the hold I swung him around, up and over my shoulder as the second grappled my arms. Swinging back an elbow I attempted to catch the second in the gut as my first assailant was thrown to the floor before me. I heard a grunt as my elbow made an impact, and then I was whirling, hands curling into fists.

They began to glow with a deep black, like night. My eyes grew dark, my face stern, and I counted two more incoming. I threw a steady punch, socking one in the jaw. It crunched hard, the black glow about my hands sparked as I grinned and stepped back, onto my first victim. As he let out a groan, the one I had initially elbowed was getting back up and the fourth was nearing me. Quickly I kicked out, and it knocked over the table I had been at. This gave me more space - I could dodge the punch that was flying at my face and then kick the balls of the elbowed one. He fell, I just had the newest, fresh-faced one and we squared off against each other, fists raised. I jumped back, he leant forwards, swinging back his arm and I found I forgot.

Forgot the first adolescent, their leader, whom I stumbled into the waiting arms off. As I attempted to dodge a blow, he grabbed me from behind. It was short, it was sudden, but it was quick enough to catch me off guard. A smack landed across my face, and I was sent reeling back against the bar. People jeered, glass shattered, the breath rushed out of my lungs. I knew fast - I had to act fast, and I did. Slowly I began to get up to throw my arm, but …

Two arms grabbed my shoulders. They began to drag me and I scowled heavily, and struggled half-heartedly. I caught eyes briefly with the first teenager who beamed as I aimed to kick up, but my dragging was very briefly over - instead I was thrown. Strangely strongly.

The bar upsurged into uproar as I was flung right through the window. It shattered into many pieces, and the black energy around my hands banished itself - herself - and I hit a wall hard.

08-04-2018, 05:36 AM
The chaotic symphony of glass shattering, people hooping and hollering and a body colliding with a wall unraveled in front of Koreena. Her blue gaze followed the man as he slide down the brick fall he had been thrown against. A small unamused sound that sounded much like a short laugh came from the maiden. Slowly her head turned as she watched a group of elven thugs come out the window, she assumed they had just shattered using their human battering ram.

They stalked towards the man as a group of testoroned filled neanderthals. The man that had horns- hmm interesting she thought, slowly got up, shards of glass falling from him. A over dramatic sigh parted her plush as Koreena shook her head. Her moral compass was showing as she stepped in between the man and the group of brutes. The glass crunching under her heeled boots.

“Boys,” she purred seductively.

The group faltered, their eyes drank up her appearance. The fiery maiden grinned as she could almost smell their arousal.

“Didn’t your mothers teach you to play nice?” She quipped. A playful hand flipped her hair over her shoulder.

“Oi! Hes scum! His kind ain’t welcomed.” One barked out, thrusting an accusing finger at the man they had just tossed out the window like a rag doll.

There was a rough laugh as the man placed one hand against the wall as he pushed himself slowly up from the ground. He ran a stumbled a little, but even so lifted his eyes to fix them on his assailants. “And they told me Raiaera was so lovely and welcoming,” he sarcastically replied.

Koreena glanced back at the man, handsome in his features he was she frowned. “Every place has a town idiot,” she quipped.

Inhaling deeply she rolled her shoulders around, letting her body loosen up as the hoard of men pressed towards herself and the man. Her digits wiggled as the tips of them started to tingle. The blood that flowed through her veins pulsated with magic as she could feel there was moisture in the air. Her thumb ran across the pads of her fingertips, her bright gaze flashed a clear ocean blue.

“Move,” the brute she assumed was the leader growled.

“They seem to like to be in your way rather than out of it,” the horned man grunted as he stepped away from the wall. He straightened the thin coat he was wearing as he came up beside her. His white hair hung messily about his pale features and he looked at her with piercing blue eyes.

Koreena hummed with amusement as she met his gaze for a moment before winking at the man then back to the men. “The last man that got in my way choked on his own Adam’s apple.” She growled.

She met the gaze of the ring leader of this entire mess. A slender eyebrow arched with curiosity, her right hand moved out in front of her. “Did you know that the body is over sixty percent water?” A small sound of laughter left her lips. Her head dipped down for a moment as she took another deep breath.

“What ye yammerin about?” He grunted with annoyance.

With one swift movement she called to all the water in the brute’s body. She made it weep from every pore, every orifice of his body. Slowly he started to choke as the water leaked from him. Her knuckles white with tension as she looked as if she was physically pulling something. The pressure of the water trying to escape all at once dropped the elf to his knees. His screams were gurgled by the water he was choking on.

The slender elf now looked like a bloated dead fish out of water. His body imploding, water logging itself. The seductive magic set every cell of her ablaze, she practically glowed from the old magic she was invoking. Finally the elf’s body couldn’t take the pressure and exploded, coloring the streets, walls and bystanders with his blood.

There was a quiet, impressed whistle from beside her. The horned man was thoughtfully looking at the blood splatter. “Less elegant than it could have been but … impressive.”

The half succubus shivered with delight, her once white shirt was now splattered with red. She turned towards the horned man, her slender eyebrow arching at him. “Well my good sir, please feel free and show me a more elegant way ...” Her hand did a sweeping gesture towards the group that were covered in the remains of their ring leader.

Professor Charles
08-04-2018, 06:46 AM
My eyes wandered over the group - the four elves, who were more hooligans than the grand bardsingers and fantastical warriors that high elves were supposed to be. Drenched in blood and flesh and the discards of organs. My head tipped to the side, regarding them in a narrowing of my eyes. Slowly I moved my view from one to the other, from jaw drop to eyes wide, to shaking moron and I saw their potential in their eyes. Their confusion, and horror, their anxiety and fear. Fear at us, fear at her. Fear that what had happened to their thug leader might happen to them …

I let out a sigh as I thought about what my brother would do: end them all, swiftly and without thought. But I was not what he was. He was the personification of power, and I was the being of destruction, yet had the essential ability to know exactly who deserved that destruction. And today it was not these, drowning in their master's remains.

So I raised my hand, and the black void of energy bubbled from my palm. It rose, encircling my fist as the darkness awakened within me, calling out to be used, to damage. I sucked in my breath and chose the more solid-looking of the bunch, then let loose the energy. In a pulse like a bolt from a crossbow it fired at the man and hit him square in the chest. But instead it bursting through him it threw him back, slamming him into the table beyond, which cracked with a loud snap beneath him. He slumped down, his chest rising but not moving - out, but very much alive.

“They don't deserve death,” I said quietly, turning to her. “They'll learn from this.” Then I nodded at them, “go do something useful with your life, like learning to cook … or spinning wool to gold. Your leader is dead.”

“Or proper grammar, english or something other than the way you talk now,” the girl mumbled. The look of annoyance on her face, her plush lower lip pouting out.

I smiled slightly, recognising in her the desire for death than I had seen many times over my millennia. In souls of the dead, in my siblings, in my acquaintances. But also in myself. Slowly I breathed in, checking that the thug’s followers had no more potential to challenge us - they were not, they were busy getting their upset friend back to his feet. Then I smiled, drew myself up and eased out the last of the aches from my assault, and offered her a small, half-mocking bow.

“Shall we?” I gestured further down the street, where a quieter pub still went about their daily lives.

08-04-2018, 12:21 PM
It took Koreena a moment for the magic she had called from her father- demigod blood to dissipate. Another shiver ran down her delicate spine as she casted one last longing look to the group that was now cowering around their friend. She sucked in her lower lip as she could still feel the seductive pull to end their feeble lives.

“We shall,” she bowed in return, the slight pout her face held now melted to a seductive smirk.

The walked down the street, the sames whispers, gasps and feared looks that she had earned from the townsfolk before followed her once again. She was making her own name for herself and it wouldn’t be long before the shadow of her absent father was no more. Their walk to the small pub was quiet but Koreena didn’t mind, she enjoyed the comfortable quiet.

It didn’t take them long to get to the pub. He opened the door for her and ushered her in, following behind her. KC walked straight to the counter and peeled off the white shirt that was stained with the blood of her victim.

“I need a new shirt,” she demanded.

“We- we aren’t a clothing store miss,” the pub wench stammered.

“She means, please can you spare a shirt,” the horned man leaned around her and set a shining silver on the bar. “And two tankards of your cask brew please.” He gave a pleasing smile.

KC snorted unlady like at the well mannered man before her bright gaze narrowed with annoyance. “Also a washing basin…..please.” She said sickly sweet, casting a sarcastic look at the horned man.

“I've learned it's often simpler to just be nice for the small things, then it gets done faster,” he smiled back at her, “if that doesn't work, then you can resort to the demands.”

The girl rolled her eyes as she shook her head, ‘aye, aye Captain.” She stood at attention and soluited him mockingly.

A pale of warm soapy water was set on the counter along with a simple purple tunic shirt. Koreena flashed the pug keep a smile before walking towards the back of the seating area. Her heels clicking softly against the wooden floors as she went. Heaving the pale of water onto the table she took the rag that had been soaking in the warm soapy solution and wrung it out.

She worked at cleaning her face first, the droplets of water rolled down her neck and disappeared in her bosom. A sigh parted her lips as she worked her way from her neck to her ample breast. She dunk the rag back in to the water wringing it back out before she washed the remnants of what happened a few minutes ago away.

When she was finally finished with cleaning herself up she pulled the tunic over her head. The fabric bunched around her arms stopping just after her elbow, the clinging fabric let a small portion of her midriff to peak out. Turning around she held out the rag towards the horned man, uncertain if he wished to clean up as well.

He looked at her with an odd look in his eyes before he grabbed the rag, dipped it in water and slapped it to the back of his neck. “Charles, by the way. Everyone calls me Char, though. Professor Charles … De’Erebus.” He smiled as he rubbed at his neck.

“Charles,” she tested his name on her tongue.

Her hand reached out and wiped away a rogue droplet of water. His skin was smooth and warm under her fingertip. “I am Koreena, but most call me KC or Kora.” A coy smile danced across her lips, letting her finger slip from his cheek.

Professor Charles
08-05-2018, 03:07 PM
I have a girlfriend, I reminded myself as my heart began to thud at the clearly flirtatious attentions that I receiving from this young woman. Then I paused - did I? Regina was a young human woman in service to my brother whom I had, at various times recently, had very consensual intercourse with. Pleased, Morningstar had encouraged the match and Regina and I had arranged an arrangement of sorts, but no words of 'girlfriend’ or 'boyfriend’ had actually been mentioned. And where we stood in terms of our mogonomy … I came from a family where sisters had mated with brothers, but then, at the beginning of the world, there had been nothing else. Only us, and the Old Gods. And what other personalities existed to near the start.

Monogamy had never been strict amongst my family, my world in the depths of Rahl, or here. Indeed, I had delighted in the pleasures of the flesh, but never in a way where it was known we would be true to only one another. My last relationship … well.

I shifted slightly, gazing into Kora’s eyes as she looked into mine. The finger slipped away and I let the rag fall to the countertop. There was a small thump and a mug of beer appeared by my shoulder, but I did not touch it, nor pay attention to the bemused barmaid. Instead I laid my hand on the bar, resting my long fingers pointing towards hers and I spoke.

“So, what do you do so late out? You look barely older than my daughter.”

My daughter. That sounded weird. And yes, my daughter was approaching fifty, but she was half demon, half primordial, which meant she had stopped aging at maturity. She looked permanently eighteen. Beautiful and young, full of life and now away from her threat of her father (the non-biological one) who might as well have kept her in a cage she was so naïve about the real world.

She had got confused over what a common donkey was.

08-05-2018, 03:16 PM
Koreena felt a coy smile dance across her plush lips. Her body automatically responded to the horned male, Charles. She was the daughter of a powerful demigod, a once beautiful succubus. Her face didn’t falter from its flirtatious stance but a pang of sadness gripped her chest when she thought of her deceased mother. It had barely been a full moon’s cycle since she was killed.

Mentally she shook such somber thoughts from her mind. She focused on the handsome creature in front of her. A small melodic laugh spilled from her ruby red lips, she shook her head at such a silly question. Yes she was young to most but she was hybrid of to species that matured quickly, especially the women. Her father and mother had mated not for love but simply for the act, her mother was very open when explaining the nature of the relation of her and the Thayneslayer.

KC felt herself lean towards Charles. She watched as his eyes drank in her long, sun-kissed legs, the way her hips curved out just right, her small, flat stomach and the shirt that had allowed her navel to peek out. Yes she was almost sixteen but she had come into her body three years ago. Her ample breast had blossomed from her chest, the tip of her tongue traced her lips.

“Charles,” his name came more like a purr from her.

“Char,” he said in a firm voice. “Definitely prefer that. Char, liked the charred remains of my cold, black heart,” he grinned a little, inviting her in with his eyes.

She leaned in a little bit more, her breast almost flush against his chest at this point. “I’m not your daughter sweetheart, the night is where I prefer to be.” Her tone was hushed as she let her lower lip catch in between her teeth. She cocked her head to the side, her dark brown locks streaked with white spilling to the side.

“The night? Well. You've caught the right time,” he leant against the bar, taking her in but still within control of himself. “Tell me, how old are you, and I'll … answer any question you like.”

Kc took the beer that was his, she put the mug to her lips and drank with greed. The bitter taste tingled on her tongue and down her throat. She sighed softly as she set the mug aside before placing a hand on her delicate hip.

“I am fifteen but being part succubus and sired from a demigod I am practically matured.”

Professor Charles
05-06-2019, 12:29 PM
Demigod? Rahl, that was impressive. My features became appreciation as I began to nod, slowly, my eyes taking her in. Part succubus - that definitely explained something about her. From the flirtation, to my interest in her and - dare I admit it - my heart pounding heavily. Intrigued, I let myself smile and lifted my chin as my fingers curled around the beer..

“Sired … from a demigod you say? Which one?” Because I knew quite a few, and had even had some relations with a few. Though that was back before the Calamity.

The look of annoyance marred her angelic features for a moment before she quickly composed herself once more. “You want to talk about my creator?” A sigh parted her lips as she pushed a hand through her locks. “The Thayneslayer, Breaker of chains, Joshua Cronen.” She practically spat his name out with disgust like it left a bad taste in her mouth.

My head tilted to the side and I looked into the distance, thinking of the name. Joshua Cronen - I frowned as I tried to think of a demigod by that name. ‘Demigod’ was a fairly relaxed word these days, and could be used to describe many things, from being blessed by a god, to being very distantly related to one. It did not mean, as it solely did in my elder days, that you were half god and half mortal. And then - Thayneslayer.

I breathed in. Few could claim that name. And only some months or years ago the divinity heavens were singing with the death of the Thayne Draconus. Slowly I breathed in, nodding and blinking as I looked back at her, my heart suddenly thumping with sorrow. A sigh escaped my lips. Even though I had not know them personally, and had heard terrible stories, to know the loss of another great divine being (besides Morté, because he was an ass) was harsh.

“Thayneslayer. I think ... I remember.” I looked back to her. “Not him. I remember hearing of Draconus’ death.”

She pursed her plush lips out slightly as her dark gaze met mine. “Death tends to follow my family,” Her tone was nonchalant but her eyes told a different story. She cleared her throat before shaking her head.

I paused, and then nodded to a corner of the small, quiet bar. “Shall we?”

Kora glanced from me to the table in the corner. She nodded slowly, “we shall,” she offered me one of her kinder smile, a blessing most didn’t get in a lifetime. Giving her a smile in return I picked up my beer and began to head over. There was a small booth with a padded seat either side and I sank into one side, wincing slightly as an ache still hating me.

“So,” I said as I watched her take the seat across from me. My hand curled tighter around my beer. “Your turn. I offered for you to ask any question.” And I looked into the fifteen year olds eyes, wondering if it was right to be entertaining ideas of a night with her, considering our vast age difference. But then, any age was vastly different to mine.

05-06-2019, 03:42 PM
KC took a well manicured nail and tapped her ruby red lips, many thoughts and questions swam in her mind to ask him. Her dark icy blue orbs drank in his appearance, she studied him for a moment. Her eyes rolled over his muscles that peeked out slightly almost giving off that he could have been a warrior in a past life. Slowly her eyes went up to his face savoring the sights as they went. His jaw was strong, lips soft thin, kissable. Her own upturned into a small grin at the thought.

His horns erupted from just above his temple, if he turned and the lights of the gas lanterns caught them just right she swore that the could have been almost black, maybe blue. The contrast against his white hair was beautiful. Her fingers itched to run through the soft tendrils. Her chest rose and fell as she bit her lower lip, a hunger, a curiosity stirring in her belly. She cleared her throat before leaning back in her chair, straightening her spine and crossing her legs at the ankles. Questions first, relish in the sexual tension later. She mused to herself.

“What type of species are you?” She cocked her head to the side, still studying him slightly.

The man's expression drew to a blank. His smile faded and the amused sparkle in his eye faded as he concentrated on her. Chest lifting up and down, he paused before saying slowly. “Would you be convinced if I said 'tiefling’?”

The sound of her melodic laughter filled the room as she shook her head. There was no way he was just a human with demonic ancestry. She had met many tiefling, she had laid with two and she knew this horned man, Charles was certainly not one.

The laughter subsided as she shook her head, her tongue licked her lips, wetting the plush pillows. “No,” she said an amused look on her face. “I Have met many tiefling, even laid with a few and I can tell you are not.” She leaned in slightly her fingers drumming against the table.

“Why is it you don’t wish to tell me what you are?” Curiosity shone bright in her dark gaze.
He shrugged slightly. “People assume I am a tiefling, and often it is easier that way.” He leant back in his chair. “To explain what I am is … requires some belief.” He looked right at her. “How old do you think I am?”

KC couldn’t help it but the more he spoke, the interest in him grew the curiosity stirred in her belly. Her brows drew together as she sat back in her chair, what a strange question, she thought. “You look maybe late twenties early thirties but that doesn’t mean anything. My mother was one hundred and had the appearance of a twenty year old.”

Professor Charles
05-06-2019, 03:58 PM
My brows rose. Late twenties, or early thirties? Now that was not bad. I had, in the past, been mistaken for nearer fifty, and that had been something of a disappointment. Maybe it had been back in my day of having scruff of a beard, being less careful about my appearance and somewhat chained to a boat for all the times the King of Rahl got bored. Now though I had a profession, a purpose, and a need to look proper. Maybe that had some assistance to my looking young?

“I'm older than your mother,” I said, shifting a little, and I watched her. I was still unsure of what to say, but I had said I would answer any question. And this had been her choice. In a way, I owed her the truth. She had denied the usual lie. “But thank you for the compliment anyhow. Now,” I leant in closer. “One, I wouldn't go spouting what I'm about to say in general public, and two, what do you know about the beginning of the world?”

She looked almost surprised by my question, her face scrunched together with uncertainty. “Only the stories my mother told us and the things I read in scholar’s books. Thayne’s- Gods coming together and creating all this.” Her hands gestured to around her.

Slowly I nodded, watching her. “They're called the Old Gods, the Thayne came after, technically. But what the histories don't tell you was that at the beginning there were other minor divinities - other beings, born to serve those gods, with certain personalities, personifying certain powers …” I trailed off, my index finger tapping on the mug of beer. My lips pursed, my mind filled with thoughts of my siblings.

I was silent for a moment, gazing into the mug. Then I breathed in fast, shifted my weight. I spoke in a low voice, quiet. “We call ourselves primordials. I'm … one of the oldest out of them. Us.”

My eyes flickered up to her, to gauge her reaction.

Koreena was completely enthralled, her eyes shone with excitement as my story ended. “Wow,” she breathed. “And I thought that my mixture was pretty fascinating.” She laughed softly for a moment, “so you have seen it all, some many things I could ask you.” She sighed once more shaking her head at me or maybe the situation I wasn’t sure.

“You see why it's easier to let people assume I'm a tiefling,” I answered, nodding slowly. “As to knowing a lot … I've spent a lot of the last five thousand years not in this plane, but rather in one of the many underworlds … but I guess you could … ask.” I shrugged. Then I realised something “You're not freaking out?”

05-06-2019, 04:14 PM
Koreena grinned before she shook her head at his question, freaked out, no maybe a little turned on by the thought of how experienced he must be. “I am part demon that feeds off having sexual intercorse with other beings, I can change my appearance to please any person. You being an old being that serves the Old Gods isn’t far fetched for me.” Her tone was soft and sulturty as she shifted her weight crossing one leg over the other.

“Served, past tense. They all went in the … Great Calamity.” He paused for a moment as the words slipped from his mouth, his eyes glancing away, out to the general area of the bar as if to see if anyone was watching. “If you have … heard of that. They are the ones who created this world. Not others, likely, but this one.”

KC’s mind wondered on the things he had seen be created, the things he had endured. Her mother had told her once a story about Kalona, also known as the Raven Mocker. He had been a divine creature that’s beauty was beyond breathtaking. She loved when her mother Leila told her the story about the rise and fall of the great Raven Mocker. She used to tell many myths of the Cherokee indians. Was there such a great spirit as Yowa or was it the Greeks that got it right about their ideology of their Gods and Goddesses? Technically each race had their own version of practically the same divine beings.

Her mind swam with the possibilities of everything. “So the ones you served are no longer here, what do you do with yourself now?” She asked softly.

“Well,” his brows rose slightly, then he made a look of vague irritation. “A number of things. But for simplicity's sake, let's say I teach at Tor Elythis university. I teach older history. A little philosophy, politics.” He looked back to her. “And my original name is Charon, rather than Charles. Hence most people prefer Char.”

Koreena grinned as she gave him a once over. “A hot professor, professor Charon. I’d attend your class for certain.” She laughed softly shaking head.

His brows rose even further and his lips parted as he blinked at her. “Well. That's … you'd … be welcome in my class. But then, anyone with a keenness in my subject is welcome.”

“As much as I enjoy history and I do vastly, I wouldn’t be there to take in your lectures.” She ran a hand through her dark locks that were streaked with white. She glanced at the bar wench as she walked by with an empty tray. She pulled out a silver coin placing it on there.

“Spiced red wine please,” she glanced at Char. “Are you still nursing that beer?” She grinned at him.

He looked down at it and then lifted it to chug the down the rest of it. Then he held the empty one out to the barmaid and smiled gently. “Whatever the lady is having.”

She laughed softly as her eyes followed the bar maiden. It only took her a few moments before she returned handing out two wine glasses filled with a dark crimson liquid. She held out her glass to the professor, “to your freedom and profession.”

Professor Charles
05-06-2019, 04:42 PM
Freedom indeed. I laughed hollowly as I raised my glass and clinked it off hers. The word had a myriad of meanings, and I was sure that what she was referencing was vastly different from what I was thinking. My life had been a fight for freedom its entire wake, and serving the Old Gods would not have been something I regarded as potentially not being free. Instead I had lived through practical slavery with Morté, when he had stripped me of the final vestiges of my power some four thousand years into my indenture with him, and now I was in a vaguely constructive working agreement with Morningstar, my darling brother. Yet, still I drank, enjoying the fact I still had say over what I did and the fact I could be here. That was freedom enough, for now and I looked at the fifteen year old, considering of how good this night was becoming.

One thing was slightly concerning me.

“Fifteen …” I said. “Is that the age of majority for your kind? Do you mature sooner than most?” I mean, I could not talk. I had been mature, which basic common sense, the moment I stepped from Khaos.

KC took a sip of the wine as she moaned softly with appreciation for the sweet, spicy taste. “I came into all this-“ she gestured to her body, “almost three years ago, I won’t change much more. I mean if you don’t count the fact that I can change my appearance.” She shrugged, a small giggle left her lips. “Does my [i]age[\i] bother you for some reason?”

I was only bothered if she was not mature enough to understand what she would be doing. Consent was a major part of anything for me - whether that be intercourse or a conversation about the deeper meanings of the universe.

“When you're as old as I am,” I said, “age always needs to be considered,” and I eyed her carefully, knowing what she knew now. She knew the secret of my identity and being, a I wondered what might happen to this daughter of a Thayneslayer possessed by this newfound ken.

“So. Succubus,” I said. “How does that work? Do drain life energy or anything?”

“Interested are we?” She smirked before taking another sip of her wine, her intense gaze never left mine. “When I turn eighteen I will reach a point in life that will allow me to feed off others sexual desires. For right now I just do it for the pure pleasure of myself.” She winked playfully at me.

Interested? She had been the one flirting with me. But maybe that was just her species - built with an innate personality that could not help but be progressive towards the attentions of others. I sat up slightly and looked right at her.

“The answer is, are you flirting because you cannot help it, or are you legitimately interested in an ageless man you barely know nothing of … that or you're a plant by my brother.” I looked her over as I thought of it. It would not be beyond Morningstar to do this.

For the first time I witnessed her frown, it creased her face in such a way that it made her look wiser then she already was. “I didn’t know you had a brother, but to answer your very crude question; I know when I am flirting, yes at times it comes natural but this was all me. As for being interested in you, I wouldn’t have wasted my time exploding some thug if I hadn’t been interested from the start. I know enough about you, Charon, more than I can say about my own father.” Her eyes narrowed slightly as the frown still sat upon her lips.

Clearly she was upset. The whole situation made me pause and consider as I set down my glass. Firmly, I looked at her in the eye. “I meant no offense. I apologise. Only, I wanted to ascertain if … well. I'm complicated. You should be aware that there is a … woman I see.” It was the best way I could think to describe Regina in the circumstances. We were not monogamous - I had determined that to come this far.

“Oh and I am interested also,” I finished quickly.

05-06-2019, 04:58 PM
Koreena took a moment to collect herself, she wasn’t annoyed that he questioned her motive but seemed to always find a reason to feel like he shouldn’t be attracted to her. She thought, taking a long drink of her wine. The flavor danced happily on her tongue and made the back of her cheeks pucker slightly. She licked the remaining remnants of her lips. She rolled out her shoulders as she felt slightly stiff, maybe tense. She froze for a moment when he mentioned the woman. Fuck me… She groaned inwardly.

“I am glad to hear you are interested as well but does this woman know that you aren’t monogamous?” She bit on her lower lip.

“Well it's not exactly a relationship. There are … emotions involved, but they are more of appreciation for the bodies, friendship based. And also,” he picked up his glass. “She works for my brother, so should have some idea as to how I operate. If she gets annoyed … I will take that, not you.”

She felt herself become tense again. She had done that once before, a few months ago. Been a mistress without even knowing it. The man had been very persuasive with his words and other methods to convince her that his other lady, that ended up being his wife, was okay not being exclusive. The sex had been amazing but the fall out with his wife finding out about her and KC truly finding out about their closed marriage. She smiled at the memory of her beating the living daylights out of him.

“I will take any hurt feelings, not you.” He kept his eyes steadily on her as he lifted his drink to his lips and took a sip.

Her fingertips played with the condensation on her glass, the droplets of water rolled up her skin, pooling in the palm of her hand. Her eyes flashed a brighter blue as she held her palm out straight, the water started to dance in her hand. She sighed softly, she didn’t care about the girl’s feelings. She knew that was harsh but she would be lying if she pretended like she did. She didn’t like competition, in her mind she knew that’s not what it was but it’s embedded into her DNA. Succubus women don’t share and can get quite nasty if they feel like they are being challenged.

She watched as she made the water roll down all the tips of her fingers, jumping from one to the next. She wanted to know more about Charon, bedding him was simply for her own pleasure. He had done something that not many could do for Koreena, he had intrigued her.

“I’m not scared of the girls feelings getting hurt. Most women are delicate flowers.” She flicked the water off her hands as her gaze met his, bringing the glass to her lips she took a sip.

Any smile from his face had gone. Instead he was quietly observing her, intelligent eyes waiting for her to respond. “Many are,” he agreed. “We have never made any formal commitment, only an understanding that future sex will occur, and that we are friends. I guess, yes. She is my friend.” He tapped his finger on the glass. “She's also very far away, in a sub realm of its own actually. Or something. I don't actually know where my brother's court is, but the number of times I've been there it's always been through a portal.” He mused the last.

Koreena dipped her index finger in the wine glass, “ah so no chance for a threesome then.” Her slender eyebrow arched as she popped her finger in her mouth, sucking off the wine.

Professor Charles
05-06-2019, 05:15 PM
Carefully, I observed her as she pondered the problem of Regina. Yet, everything I said had been the truth. If wanted to invest emotions into the relationship she had yet to tell me. She still worked for Morningstar, who had the habit of kidnapping me at inconvenient times, and her pet name for me was 'barbarian’ simply because I valued my freedom. Girlfriend, or friends with benefits, both terms suited for me, but she was sorely mistaken if she thought I was ever going to be fully devoted to her.

I had not even been with the one woman I had loved - Sephora. And she herself was another man's wife.

“Unfortunately no chance of a threesome,” I admitted, watching the smooth lips curl around her finger. “But there is a wealth of conversation that seems to be explored between us, so a night of drinking and talk is at least available if you are disappointed by us being accompanied. Though,” my lips flickered up. “From what I know succubi like their … partners alone. Or victim? Is that a better word?”

She withdrew her finger from her mouth, a smirk dancing across her lips. “I am only half succubi, but even then I wouldn’t call you a victim if you are enjoying it.” She purred leaning towards me.

I studied her smooth jaw, those bright eyes, the long flowing hair. Slowly I set my wine down and leant forwards too, a small smile playing on my lips. “And … hypothetically speaking, what might one experience with you? What sort of lover are you?”

Her chest rose and fell, the tops of the round mounds slightly spilling from her shirt. “Well, one might say that laying with me is almost as euphoric as taking a cool drink of water after being trapped in the desert sun for a week. Hypothetically, of course.”

My brow tweaked upwards. “Of course. This is all simply hypothetical,” and my smile flickered wider. Fifteen - she was young but she had already told me she was mature enough to know exactly what this was. And by her words she was clearly experienced.

“I do like water,” I admitted.

I watched as she reached out towards me, her thumb brushing over my lower lip. Her own caught in between her teeth. “And I do like the way your skin feels against mine.” Tone tone barely above a whisper before she pulled her hand away.

As she did the breath rushed from my lungs. My eyes became fixated on her, and in that moment I had decided. Damn Regina and her moaning that might occur. I had never been monogamous and here this something fine right at my fingertips.

“It might be opportunistic to see if this establishment has more … private areas,” I found myself saying.

05-06-2019, 05:34 PM
Koreena grinned as she let the tip of her tongue trace her plush lips. Slowly she pushed herself away from the table, leaving her glass of wine. She stood up, her gaze still on the professor. “I do love taking advantage of a good opportunity, Professor.”

She turned on her heels and walked over to the bar, she could feel his hot gaze boring into the back of her. Her hips swayed back and forth as she waited for the bar maiden to finish with her other patrons. Slowly she made her way over to KC, “yes?” Koreena lifted her skirt up a bit, a thigh holster that held her twin daggers and coin purse peeked out. The pub wench looked a little taken back by the girl’s exposed skin.

She plucked out three silver coins before dropping them on the bar they clinked against the wood and themselves as they fell. “I need a room please,” her voice soft and innocent unlike what she intended to do once in the room. “One facing towards town center, I like to hear the musicians playing at night.” She flashed her a dazzling smile.

“Course, madam, course.” The pub wench mumbled, hobbling away to receive what she assumed was the key.

Koreena ran a hand through her soft locks as she rolled her head, stretching her neck out. The bar maiden came back with a key that looked like it was made of brass, she slid it over to the girl. “Madam you gave too much.” Her voice was hoarse as KC shook her unique looking locks with a smile. “No, keep it. I just need a bottle of your spiced red wine.”

She had a softer side under that rough exterior which the Charon was going to find out soon. She grinned at the thought of sharing a night with him. Usually she gave a speech about no falling in love with her, becoming obsessed because it was often heard of sharing a bed with a succubus can become addicting but with this certain she knew that wouldn’t be the case. They would either develop a bond of some sort of they wouldn’t and just share one wild night.

With key and bottle in hand she nodded at the pub wench and made her way back to their table. She had a wicked smirk on her face as she held out the key, the room number on it read 333. “Shall we?” she asked, her voice soft and sultry.

He smiled at her with a curious look and nodded slowly. Straightening his coat he stood, looking at the wine in her hand, then he glanced up at her. “We shall. As long as you promise you are not going to steal my soul.”

He gave her a small grin.

She laughed softly shaking her head, “I believe it was you, who said early that your name resembled what your heart looked like. Who knows maybe I’ll be doing you a favor and breathe life back into it again.” She winked.

“I have little remembrance of who might have said that, but yes. Breathing back life into me would be very much appreciated,” he stepped out beside her. “Where are we headed?” He took up his wine glass from the table, holding it gently in his hand, still a little liquid within.

“Room three hundred and thirty three. You know some associate that number with the devil. Good thing we will be sinning in there.” She purred, her eyes glancing at the glass in his hand. “You won’t be needing that my love, I’ll be your cup that overflowth.” She gave him another wink.

He raised his eyebrows but swung back his wine from the glass into his throat and set it down. Slightly he bowed, and gestured for her to lead the way. “I am under your guidance, miss Kora.”

“Then follow me,” and with that she turned and went up the stairs. She could feel him following close behind her. Her heels clicked softly down the hallway of doors, she watched as the numbers passed by. At the very end of the hall in the corner room it had the number 333 carved into the wood. She grinned, opening the door. She tossed a wicked look over her shoulder at Charon before she ushered him inside. Following in behind him she closed the door, locking it from the inside.

Professor Charles
05-07-2019, 07:15 AM
Rated very mature after this.

I stepped into the room, and my eyes took in the broad spectrum of what was within. A good sized bed, queen at least, with patterned and soft sheets, took up a respectable area of the space. A dresser, simple and little decorated stood against a wall. A closed door that likely led to a bathroom also was built into this, and the whole room was lit by the dullness of fast becoming twilight. The windows themselves were surrounded by heavy curtains that would be useful later for hiding their pleasures, and it was to these that Kora began to walk, a smile on her face.

I watched with some interest as she lifted the latch and swung open the window. As she did that a soft melody began to come on the wind - the musicians she had spoken of to the barmaid. Violins, a harp, a flute filled my ears as she twisted and then came towards me.

Caught off guard I was suddenly swung into a dance. For a brief moment she let her hips roll against me, the delicious sensation sadly didn’t last long before she pushed me onto the bed. “Stay,” she winked before stood in front of me. She must have saw the confused look on my face as she continued to explain. “I am Falleni, part and I am going to dance for you.”

I pushed myself up into a comfortable sitting position, pulling my hands onto my laps as my chest rose and fell. My robes fell around me, and my heart began to beat wild. All I did was nod once, having met a Falleni soul in my years in the underworld of Rahl who had danced her whole journey, and I had become enchanted. I knew something of what honour this was to be.

I watched as Koreena transformed right in front of me. Her looks didn’t change physically, though I knew they could, it was her demeanor. A hand ran through her tendrils as she let her hips sway from side to side, her top half rolling fluidly against the music. In one move she spun around, her knee high leather boots, slipping delicately from her feet and for the first time I got a heavenly peek of her legs. The complexion of her skin was the color of tea that had cream in it. Even with the heeled boots gone, her legs were still long, her body trembled deliciously.

I watched as her hands ran over her arms, as if she was almost bathing herself in the the music. The notes washing over her, she rolled her hips and heads so hypnotically. She lifted the tunic over her head, her lips parted as the cool air that leaked through the open window touched her flesh. The round mounds that were her breast covered by a lace white bra, another spin and her skirt fell into a pool of fabric at her feet. My eyes drank in every curve of her body, I could see that her body was painted with Falleni tattoos. Just above her round, plush bottom, two dimples on the small of her back winked at me. She spun now facing me, her chest rose and fell as her hips swayed, side to side, the plush pillow that was her bottom lip caught in her teeth.

I breathed in slowly, my hands loose fists on my thighs. I was waiting, entirely for her, not wanting to assume or direct, simply taking in the beauty that was her form. My chin lifted, looking at her dead in the eyes.

“What do you want?” I asked softly, the ambiguity deliberate.

05-09-2019, 01:45 AM
Koreena wetted her lips as she licked them, her chest rose and fell. The white lace against her skin almost made the material look like it was glowing. Her arm outstretched she motioned for him to come to her. He stood up off the bed in one fluid motion. He closed the gap between the two.

Her hand that was outstretched cupped his cheek, her thumb caressing his flesh. “I am going to undress you and then you are going to undress me from what I have on.” Her voice was breathy.

He blinked, and smiled gently. “Be my guest, madam,” he murmured, holding himself still and steady.

Her hands ran up his beautiful chiseled chest, one swift motion and she disrobed him. She laughed softly at how still he was. Her hands admired his broad shoulders even with the simple shirt he wore. Koreena’s hands dipped down to where his shirt line and the waist of his trousers met.

Her fingers danced across his abdomen, the soft flat surface. She could feel him suck in a breath under her touch. One swift motion she took his shirt off as she sucked in a breath. Still, he kept watching her, the smile growing on his lips as his primed muscles were revealed.

Kora hummed with approval, her eyes flashed down to his shoes. “Kick those off,” She whispered.

His raised his brow slightly but did as she wished, raising his and reaching only slightly to undo the top knot of the boots, and then the other. All the way through he kept looking at her as he listened to the music and kicked them to the corner of the room.

“How is that?” he asked.

She grinned as her eyes glanced down to his lips, they were the color of wine. Oh how she wanted to taste it- him. She shivered with anticipation, slowly she nodded. “Good,” she sighed.

And a resting smile came to his face as he rolled his shoulders back to let her finish her work. Her hands danced against the waistline of his pants, her hips still swaying gently with the music. She was letting the anticipation build but even she didn’t want to wait any longer. With a shimmy of her hips she pulled down his trousers, following them down. Her eyes drank him in, she grinned as she could see he was well endowed. He slowly stepped out of his trousers as she stood up in front of him.

Tall and strong he stood for a moment, before he moved. Drinking her in he took one last look at her before he raised his hands. His fingers lightly traced her skin as he took a small step forwards to reach around behind her, one hand rising and the other falling. With practised ease he undid the binding that held her breasts in arrangement. At the same time as her two round mounds fell out he pushed down to sweep her pants off.

The two pieces of material fell simultaneously. Stepping back he breathed long in, a small smile coming to his face. “Greetings,” he whispered.

Her soft laughter blended in with the music that still flowed into their room. “Well hello,” she winked, a trace of laughter still in her tone. She let one hand rest on his beautifully sculpted chest. Her thumb stroking the soft skin underneath as she let her gaze dance across his form. Koreena leaned into him her lips almost grazing his own, her breath fanning across his face. Her breast skimming against his lower half of his chest.

Kora was different from most succubus, she didn’t just rush into feel pleasure she savored the build to it, the anticipation. The way one’s skin was heightened from the waiting, when goosebumps rose from one's flesh just from the simplest brush. The hand on his chest slide up around the back of his neck. She guided his lips to hers, the kiss began soft, sensual. Strong arms wrapped around her curvy waist, pressing their bare bodies together. The kiss deepened as she licked his lower lip asking for entrance.

Professor Charles
05-10-2019, 08:31 PM
My heart was on fire in my chest, though my breathing remained slow and controlled. My hands wanted to run along her smooth skin endlessly, finding it as soft as that of a peach skin, or the most perfect silk. Eyes almost closed I was letting her dance and seduce me willingly, taking in the sounds of the pleasant music outside, and the rhythm of her body. Tongue teased at my lips but for a moment longer I let my hands slide up her spine, feeling the curve. Tonight, this body I could touch, and tonight I was hers.

When her tongue became too gorgeous to bear I parted my lips and let in entry. Calm yet still, I let her explore before my tongue met hers. And then they were two dancers together, mingling. I could feel her heartbeat, she could feel mine - my excited, eager heart.

Yet, still I kept, and slow, waiting for her subtle gestures of guidance. Quite willing to her let dance and her to lead my seduction.

Her hands tangled in my long locks as she started to grind herself against me, our skin sliding against one another with soft friction. It felt good, my skin tingled with anticipation. For her I bore my hips strong, so her movement would have a steady foundation, but I allowed my hips to sway slightly to her music. My fingers continued to trail down her spine, until I came to the end, and the roundness began. There I paused, opening my eyes slightly more.

Koreena pulled away first breaking the kiss, the movement of her hips not stopping. “Don’t be afraid to touch me, for tonight I am yours,” she whispered.

I smiled slightly and murmured back, “Let it be known, I am yours, also.” However, she had now given me clue as to what she wanted and I knew I wanted her.

Gently I moved back to her, hand once again sliding around her waist. Immediately, however now, it went down and gently grasped her bottom, encouraging us back into the realms of negotiation. The plush pillows that were her lips peppered sweet kisses across my jaw line and down my neck until she was at the soft flesh were my neck and shoulder met. She nipped at the tender skin, her tongue slowly rolling over it as her lips suckled simultaniously. A small groan escaped from my lips, and I found myself stepping closer to her, eager. My second hand placed over her bottom, massaging them as I tilted my head back, wiry hair spilling against my back.

“You are beautiful,” I confessed.

Her lips that had almost been suction cupped to my neck pulled away. A small smile on her lips as her fierce gaze bore into my own. “I intend to do beautiful things to you,” she promised.

“I am entirely willing,” I replied. “For you are one of the most beautiful things this world has given, and I saw the world being first formed from single atoms.” And I relaxed against her, trusting her entirely, squeezing her behind. My head tilted back further, signalling for her to continue, if she so wished to.

For a moment I could feel her gaze on me, her fingertips trickled down my chest, stomach to my slender hips. I felt her push me back as she guided me a few steps back until the back of my legs were met with the bed. One soft push and I fell into the goose feathered mattress. The mattress dipped with more weight as she climbed over top of me. Her strong, smooth thighs straddled me as if I was a stallion she intended to mount.

Her head dipped down until her lips were at my ear, her hair spilling over, tickling the side of my face and chest. “I am going to start breathing life back into you now, professor.” Her voice was breath as her lips grazed my ear lobe.

“My soul was stolen by you when you began,” I whispered my reply, and gently lifted my hands to rest on her hips, fingers resting only lightly on her skin. For the rest I remained the same, however, gazing at her and ready for the gifts she was about to give.

05-22-2019, 11:28 AM
Koreena grinned, her chest swelling with pride that she had captured the attention, affection and attraction of such a magnificent being. She sat up so that she was now towering over him, her breast rose and fell as she swayed her hips a little bit. Her hand reached for the bottle of wine next to them as she uncorked it, pop!

His curious gaze looked from her to the bottle and back to her. “I am not the only one going to be a cup to drink from.”

His brow furrowed slightly, but he did not react negatively, only smiled and nodded. “Whatever you wish.”

With his consent, she moved herself lower, she let her lips trail down his chest as she went. Her free hand followed down his body as she positioned herself on his lower thighs, still straddling him. She took the bottle and poured some of the contents from his navel down to the middle his hips. She lowered herself, her round, plush butt put up in the air.

Her tongue licked the base of his thick shaft, catching a few drops that had escaped from the path she had poured. His body tensed as she heard him gasp with surprise. Her tongue trailed from his shaft, up his hips to his navel where she sucked the rest of the sweet, spicy wine from his body. When she sat up a few drops rolled down her chin spilling onto her chest.

By this time his control over his breathing had been done and he was staring at her with wide, eager eyes. As he watched the liquid drip he raised a hand and softly stroked her hair as he breathed fast and lightly. “You’re far more than your father,” he whispered. “He's but dirt, you are the real divinity in your family.”

Koreena sat up for a moment, the look of surprise on her face. “I- thank you,” she couldn’t think of anything else to say, instead she would show him her gratitude.

He grunted lightly and lay back, inviting her to do what she wanted. She took one of his hands in her own. First she brought it to her mouth, softly she kissed each fingertip then his palm before she guided it down her neck to the round, soft mound that was her breast. She sighed with pleasure as he cupped the flesh in his hand.

“I will serve you like the God you should have been.” She spoke softly to him.

His brow furrowed slightly, as he gazed into her eyes. “I am not a god,” he gently said, “I never have, or wanted to be. Instead I've spent five thousand years at the behest of a demon lord of death who stole everything from me.” He raised his hand to hold her other breast and began to gently massage them. “If that is what a god is, if what your father is what a god is, I do not want to be one. Instead, I only want you tonight.” And his mouth twisted into a smile. “So do not serve me, but be your own person.”

Koreena’s lips frowned as he had taken her compliment literally. Her mood didn’t sour from his words but she had been saddened by how quickly the winds had changed. She shook her head at him, “then I will show you five thousand years worth of worship for each person’s body is a temple.” She pushed the comments he had made about her father and his past out of her mind. Her hips rocked back and forth against his own.

“You are the purest of flowers,” he replied. “I am sorry for the remark,” and he leant up. As he did his hands fell from her breasts, but one of his hands moved around to her back. Head coming up he brought his lips to hers and kissed her simple. It was meaningful and hopeful, but lasted only a second. Then he fell back down, hands coming to her breasts. “I am yours to worship if you wish.”

With that she let her hips buck slightly before she reached in between her own legs. Her hands grasped his husband’s bulge. Her hands moved up and down his thick shaft as it grew harder in her hand. His eyes went wide and breath rushed from his lungs. He kept massaging her breasts, but he was hesitant now, full of a new kind of excitement. Lips trembled.

“I wish to hear you say my name as if it’s a prayer and so I shall.” She grinned a wicked glint in her eye.

She moved, causing his hands to fall from her breast. She pushed his legs further apart as she nestled her body in between them. With one simple dip of her head she took him in her mouth. First just the tip of his hard shaft, her tongue rolling over, she suckled softly.

Professor Charles
05-22-2019, 02:56 PM
My body was a burning altar, engulfed in flames with exhilaration and pleasure. I stared at the ceiling as her practised tongue made multiple heavens success. She was a succubus after all, I knew she would be good, and this was beyond anything that Regina could give me. When she and I were together it was fast, with some emotion thrown in and then it was over. Not like this …

Bah, I threw Regina from my mind, because she did not belong here, in this room. Instead, this was a church where holy sanctimonious acts took place. She wanted me to worship her name? I did, I threw back my head and called softly.

“Koreena, great woman of body and mind. I …” I breathed out the next: “bidh gealach na grèine agus na reultan gad adhradh.”
The sun and moon and stars worship you, I said in one of the oldest languages I knew.

I knew she didn’t understand what I had said but I could tell she liked the way her name came from my lips by what she did next. She took me further in her mouth, my hips bucked involutarily at the smooth action. Her lips curled tightly around me as her head dipped up and down as she sucked softly. I let out another groan, calling her name louder.

“Koreena! Aon à lainn,” I didn't care in that moment if someone was passing outside in the corridor. This was our night, our joy. I tangled my fingers into her hair, caressing and wanting nothing but her. “You are amazing, aon à lainn.”

I closed my eyes.

With each compliment fueling her passion, she took my two round testicles in her hand. She massaged them as her lips worked on me. She had now taken all of me entirely in her mouth, sucking and massaging me with her skilled tongue. I sighed contentedly, relaxed in her hold and entirely susceptible to anything she wanted to do. Still, I trailed my fingers through her hair as she gave me pleasure. Suddenly, a shiver of delight ran through me and I was warmly close to an orgasm.

“Come,” I opened my eyes again, and slid my hands down her body to rest them on her shoulders. I pushed her back, though my body screamed for her to continue. Instead I encouraged her up, to look into my eyes. “I will give you worship now,” I mumbled.

Her gaze fell on me as she pushed her hair from her face. She licked her lips and grinned, “if it pleases you.” She rolled off of me and laid on the bed next to me, her locks spilling around her as her naked chest rose and fell at a slightly faster pace.

“It does,” I replied as I followed her roll. My breathing was still erratic but I had plenty of energy. Indeed, I was not as inherently skilled as her, but I was experienced. Eyes steady on her I lined myself up as I pushed her legs apart. Less elegant, more to the point.

“Aon à lainn,” I murmured again, before I let my own tongue begin to pay her pleasure. Small, precise movements, just below her belly.

I heard her take a sharp breath in, her delicate spine arched slightly as her fingers dug into the bed spread softly. My tongue moved up in between her warm folds causing her to jump slightly. I continued to try to copy the dance she had shown me before the window as she had seduced me to begin with; a burlesque pageantry. Softly dipping in and out, curving and darting I attempted to tease and explore her simultaneously. In that moment her flesh was all mine for the taking.

I nudged her thighs further apart as I let myself delve deeper, feeling the trembles of her womanhood. The slits of her opened up like a forbidden book that I had to read. Her moans blended beautifully with the music as her hips rocked back and forth. One of her hands tangled in my hair.

“Charon,” she breathed my name like a breath of fresh air.

That was my name, given to me by Erebus, the cold darkness of space when I stepped from Khaos in the same form that I was in that precise moment of time. My hands gripped her legs as I closed my eyes once more and moved my tongue in as far as it could go. I searched, delved, desired, gave her what I could give her in that moment, and that was me. Faster my tongue moved, more passionately and trying to find the epitome of her pleasure centres.

06-13-2019, 08:53 PM
Koreena’s body was ablaze, drowning in pleasure. Both hands had abandoned the bed and were tangled in his long locks. His tongue massaged her sacred spot, as his name spilled from her lips again. She could feel a fire in her belly start to grow and even though she wished for him to continue she pushed him away. Her chest rose and fell as she watched him move from in between her thighs.

With her index finger she beckoned him to come to her. Slowly he crawled over top over her, the bed dipping under his weight. She spread her legs so that he was still in the middle of her thighs. Her knee grazed against his ribs as she wrapped her hand around the back of his neck drawing him down to her. She claimed his lips with a greed, a hunger as she forced her tongue into his mouth. She tasted herself still on his lips and tongue.

Her other hand slipped in between his own thighs as she grasped his shaft, thick and hard and guided it to her entrance. She teased the both of them and slid the tip of him between her wet, warm slits. She released his mouth from her own as she gasped shivering with pleasure.

His mouth was so close she could feel his breath as he spoke. “Thank you,” he murmured, before he closed his eyes and used the power of his hips to move in deeper. The sweet sensation of him filling her, her tight walls wrapping around him. Her hands ran down his back as her long legs wrapped around him, entrapping him where he was.

Their lips collided as he pumped his self in and out of her, their lips melted into one another. At first the rhythm of his thrust were slow but as her body came more accustomed to him being inside of her, his tempo picked up. Koreena broke their heated kiss with a grin on her lips as she used his own weight against him and flipped him so he was on his back and she was on top.

His eyes fixated on her, hands locked at her waist, body shaking with pure pleasure and excitement. His lips trembled into a smile, his breathing was erratic. “Make me yours,” he dared her.

Her hips rocked back and forth as she grinned wickedly. “You were already mine from the moment you saw me, my love.” She quipped.

Though she had been overly cocky with her comment she didn’t care. Right now he was hers as she was his. Their bodies blended and fit beautifully together, as if they were made for each other. She licked her lips as she tossed her head back, her locks fell behind her shoulders, tickling his thighs and her round butt.

Koreena’s hips started to buck as if she was riding a wild bull. Her hands rested on his strong chest as a moan spilled from her lips. Her breast bounced wildly with the motion and force of her hips. She closed her eyes lost in the shire moment of raw pleasure that was washing over both of their bodies.

He grunted, jaw tight to not let out a loud moan, keeping his eyes open now and on her. His manhood was solid as stone, building with pressure and longing to release. Yet he kept going, holding onto her as if his life depended on it.

Now she didn’t just buck her hips but rolled them as well. Her walls clenched his shaft with greed as her lips gripped the base of his mighty sword. She could tell that her body was begging for release and that it would come soon.

His hands wrapped around her waist as her hips gyrated. Kora couldn’t deny her body any more as every cell of her being exploded, her body washed with euphoric satisfaction.

With her done he let himself go to, and their built up tensions were let loose, the thick juices of life flowing between them. He let out a low groan, satisfied and utterly happy.

When they both hand finished, she laid on top of his chest for a moment, her index finger drawing small patterns. He still sat inside of her as she looked up at him, she moved up so that she claimed his lips. This kiss was more softer, innocent in a nature.

Professor Charles
06-26-2019, 11:28 AM
I was glad of the drug I had been willingly taking these twenty years of my freedom. It meant the entire idea of intercourse had come with less worries. I already had one daughter, I did not need another, and so without difficulty I smiled. And I murmured to her, breaking the kiss.

“You … are quite something. I would do that a thousand times over.”

I was truly satisfied. She had taken me in a way that had required equality, and will, and had been her and I from the start. I gazed into her eyes as my member calmed.

She laughed softly as she unmounted me. “Well I’d gladly worship your body again any time.” She grabbed the bottle of wine and drank greedily before offering it to me.

I chuckled back as I sat up and took it, my heartrate beginning to slow. “And I yours.” I drank deep for a moment before I relaxed, leaning back on a hand. “So, was that all inherent skill or were you taught?”

She looked shocked at my question for a moment before she smiled. “I am only half succubus but even then it comes naturally and I haven’t even inherited half of the powers that succubi get.” She thought for a moment, “actually the only magic I have of a succubus right now is being able to change my appearance to please others.”

My brows rose a little and I nodded in a form of appreciation. I looked at her brown hair, streaked with white, and her eyes as blue as mine. I paused, remembering what she had told me about coming into her form when she was thirteen and I felt a sense of familiarity. I had been that young once, and with a body as developed. It had been strange, but I had been so fast to come to terms with it.

“Is this your true form?” I asked.

Koreena slowly climbed over as she laid on her side next to me. She bit her lip but this time not sexually, her brows pulled together as she thought for a moment. “I am not certain, my mother had a true form but she was a full succubi. I am only half, I guess I will find out when my other powers develop. There isn’t much knowledge on halflings because I presume most keep to their own species.”

I nodded slowly. “Well I am how you see me completely, as I stepped from Khaos,” I smiled and swept a hand from my horns to my bare feet, taking in my naked form. My breathing had returned to normal, as had my heartrate. “All my siblings were born in a similar state.”

Her hand rested on my chest as she let her index finger trace soothing patterns. “And what a magnificent true form it is.” She smiled at me. “How many siblings do you have?”

I laughed a little softly. “More than I care to admit. I emerged near the beginning alongside Eros and Hypnos. Then Morningstar came,” I rolled my eyes slightly, “the Morai, the Cupids, the Fates … many. Around a hundred, maybe?”

Koreena laughed softly shaking her head. “Wow that is Indeed a lot and I thought having a twin was challenging enough.”

“When you consider we are our own race,” I shrugged slightly, smiling more. “You never know. You may have come across one, once.” I lifted myself up onto an elbow, rolling onto my side. “Tell me about your twin and your family.”

07-03-2019, 07:59 PM
Koreena licked her still slightly swollen lips nervously as she thought of what to share. She sighed softly letting her hand fall from his chest as he rolled to face her. Her family life was a touchy subject for her. She didn’t wish to sour this beautiful evening with her issues so she would try and and tread lightly.

“My mother,” she smiled sadly as a picture of her mother flashed in her mind. “My mother was amazing, her name was Leila. She had white almost silvery hair, her skin the color of dark rich coffee with a splash of cream. She was a Falleni dancer in the fighting rings. Always saved for the main event, the way she moved was captivating. When she was pregnant with my brother and I she only had half of her soul.”

“Half a soul?” her recent lover rose a brow, eyes moving briefly up her form. “May I ask … how? If you do not wish to say, then that is very fine.” His voice was calm, soft and patient.

KC smiled at him as she rolled over onto her stomach. “I don’t mind, my mother used to tell me the story all the time.” She thought for a moment on where to start. “Well my grandmother and grandfather tried to rebel against their king, I guess you could call them euserpers. There was a snake in their ranks and they were found out before any plan could really be done. My mother’s sister Lynnleigh sacrificed herself for my mother. They were all brought in and my grandfather and great uncle were executed, my grandmother, Simone was taken away and my mother imprisoned to serve the King’s cruel children.”

She paused for a moment taking a deep breath before pressing on with the story.

“Leila, my mother served the youngest and most cruelest prince, he did horrible things until one day she fought back. She ended up slaughtering him in the same bed he had defiled her so many times before. As punishment the King took half of her soul banishing her from her world, until she met my father and they both retrieved it and my grandmother.”

His brows lifted higher with each plot twist of the story, until they were central to his temples. His lips were a thin line when she was finished, full of grim understanding and empathy, living the pity to the best degree it should be given. When her voice went silent he let the quiet reign for a little longer as he held her gaze, then he dropped his eyes, looking to her hands resting on the mattress.

“I am sorry for it. She sounds like she was a very strong woman. Sometimes I wish I had parents to raise me, rather than the everlasting void of Erebus,” he looked back into her eyes. “Your family sounds remarkable.”

She smiled kindly at him, sadness still in her dark gaze. “She was, my brother is the opposite of me. All happy and obsessed with our father. A pain really.” She laughed softly shaking her head. Koreena looked at him, his own expression mirrored hers.

“Hey,” her hand caressed his cheek tenderly. “You have a family, you have your daughter- and me. I will be here when you need me.”

Professor Charles
07-04-2019, 07:36 AM
Now that I had shared much with this beautiful woman, including our bodies, I felt as if only truth was possible here. After all, she was being honest with me, what kind of honourable creature would I be to lie in response. I tilted my head around to kiss her cheek before I decided I needed to change position. My shoulders rolled back, and I pushed myself up so that I was sitting, letting out a breath before I replied.

“The truth is, I have only had certainty she is my daughter for a week,” I said slowly. “I have always been keen there was the possibility, but … she is biologically mine.”

Then I shrugged. “And most of my siblings have not seen me in a few millennia, and the others who have think I'm an idiot. They call me 'barbarian’. Or 'rogue’.”

Koreena pursed her lips slightly as she thought over what he had just shared with her. “Wow, um- so there was a possibility that you knew the entire time and didn’t pursue it?” She tilted her head sideways slightly.

I raised my brow, “well, yes. But there was a slight issue was that her mother and I had an affair. She is married … to my former master.” The word cane easily from my mouth to describe the relationship I had had with Morté. It was surprising how smooth it came, even to me, who had tried to deny the issues of enslavement … but my recent escapades with Morningstar had made me bed to admit such things.

KC pulled her knees to her chest, chewing on her lower lip. “Did you try to be in her life, maybe not as a father but as a friend at least?” She whispered gently.

I blinked, then nodded. “Of course. When Morté once beat her to unconsciousness her mother brought her to me, and we became familiar at least. From then I kept my distance but tried to keep an eye out for her.” I rubbed my clean shaven chin, then looked at her, with an idea. “You'd probably get on with her actually.”

She laughed, shaking her head. “I can barely get along with my own flesh and blood. I am hard to like or love dear. I doubt your daughter and I would get along smashingly.” She sighed pushing a hand through her locks. “It’s just how I am, I’ve always had a tough exterior that has since hardened with my mother’s murder.”

My hand froze on my chin as the word whispered out. My breath sucked in fast. Murder. Lips parting I could not help but stare at her, then I lent forwards to grip her hand. “I'm sorry. We can shift subject.”

Her body relaxed under my touch as she took a deep breath. “No I’m sorry, please I’m okay. You don’t have to treat me like I’m going to break. I- I would love to meet your daughter.” She offered me a sad smile.

I nodded. “Then what are you doing tomorrow? I will be going back to my home in Tor Elythis, which is close to here, where she is.”

She looked shocked for a moment but composed herself quickly. “I don’t plan life much but I would love to go to your home and meet your daughter.”

A smile came to my face as I relaxed back, glad to have something - someone - else other than my daughter to talk to. Though my students were exciting as prospects they were not my whole life. My flat, my work with Morningstar and Selena instead were. “Don't worry, you'll be introduced as a friend, that is all. If that is acceptable in how I might consider you.”

07-04-2019, 10:54 AM
Koreena sat there for a moment, blinking as she tried to mull over everything. Could she see herself with Charon, of course. He was everything that man should be but they had just met- and slept together. She chewed on the inside of her cheek, yes they were friends, that isn’t really a lie.

“Wh-what else would you introduce me as if not a friend?” Her voice was soft, barely above a whisper.

Char’s brows rose, going suddenly stunned, confused and lost. “What are you talking about? You want to … Not be my friend?” Or. … then his lips parted in shock. “Wait - no. We talked about that before this even. What are you exactly meaning?”

“No!” She gasped, shocked. This conversation was turning into an entire misunderstand. “You- you said if it was acceptable to introduce me as your friend and I meant what else would you introduce me as..” She shook her head a nervous giggle parting her lips.

“Oh …” he let out a huge she of relief, and the change to his emotions was obvious in his face. “Sorry, but phew. I guess I'd introduce you as an acquaintance, at a, stretch a colleague.”

Koreena got up from the bed as she disappeared into the bathing room, a small white robe around her body now. She leaned against the door frame as she had a wicked smile on her face. “I could you know be a sexy intern. Just give me a pair of glasses and a pad and pen. Yes, professor. Of course, professor!” She laughed softly, winking at him.

He cringed massively then, “that's … wow. No way. Take the robe back off, friends with a certain benefit it is.”

She let her mouth fall open as she placed a dramatic hand over her heart, mocking like she was hurt. “I’ll have you know that you wouldn’t be able to look at your desk again without thinking about my naked body on it.” She glanced down at the robe she had wrapped around her curvy frame. “Oh you mean this robe?”

He laughed softly, and nodded to her, holding out a hand to her. “We still have the rest of the night, unless you want to head back to the city with me now.”

Koreena closed the distance between them and stood right in front of him, slipping her hand into his. “Well if you think you can handle another round with me, without falling madly in love.” She laughed softly.

“Don't worry. I'm not one of those who falls in love easily. In all my years I've fallen in love once, and that was a mistake in the end,” he reached up and began to push the robe off her shoulders.

KC glanced down at her naked shoulder before she looked back to Charon. Her free hand reached out and stroked the horn closest to her. “I do love a challenge,’ and with that she let the robe fall from her form. The soft fabric tickled her ankles as her lower lip caught in between her teeth.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
07-12-2019, 10:27 AM
Sorrow Summit receives 961 EXP and 72 GP!

Professor Charles receives 906 EXP and 70 GP!

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
07-12-2019, 10:30 AM
All rewards added!