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View Full Version : When the chips are down, Althanas comes through.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
09-04-2018, 06:50 AM
Hey everyone.

As some of you know, and others may not, the last couple of weeks have been a particularly testing time in my life. Me and my wife have separated, and although our relationship ended amicably and continues to be on amicable terms, there have been a million issues to iron out; childcare, where we are going to live, what our lives will look like after the house has been sold and what our finances are going to look like too. Add to that the pressures of work and you can imagine where my head has been – solidly up my ass. On that note I want to thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart for the support that you’ve given me over Skype, PM ect. Some of those comments have kept me going just that little bit more.

Now that things have started to sort themselves out (or at least pieter out a bit) and I actually have some sort of time again, I can see a little light at the end of the tunnel. I’m starting to put more thought into things I want to do again, rather than just mope around the house, watch shite TV and sleep.

Obviously, one of those things is to bring my focus back into writing, and delivering some threads. Poor Shin has been neglected somewhat, and I aim to rectify that soon.

So this is me saying “I’m back from my small hiatus”. I need a little time to get my bearings, figure out which part of Tylmerande I was supposed to be kicking the shit out of and generally get a grip on the whole Brotherhood thing, but I’m here.

Cheers everyone.

09-04-2018, 07:47 AM
It's great to hear from you mate, keep on keepin' on. I'm always just a message away.

09-04-2018, 08:59 AM
Glad to have you my dear friend.

You've done amazingly through the events you have gone through and I'm proud and honoured to be able to call you my friend.

I look forward to writing with you again, playing Civ into the early hours of the morning and seeing you sometime (hopefully) soon. At least now we can discuss openly about you taking my city ..

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
09-04-2018, 09:02 AM
At least now we can discuss openly about you taking my city ..


Or, I could rock up with Storm and just take it.


Storm Veritas
09-04-2018, 10:40 AM
Welcome back.

09-04-2018, 11:45 AM
Welcome back!

09-04-2018, 12:33 PM
Welcome Back!

09-04-2018, 02:41 PM
Welcome back dear

09-04-2018, 08:30 PM
I'm sorry about the separation! Hope things get better for you. Welcome back!