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Black Shadow
09-04-2018, 10:35 PM
(Updates in pink)

Name: Black Shadow
Race: Human
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Black
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 220 lbs

Personality: Doesn't talk at all, to communicate uses sign language. Values others lives over his own.

Appearance: wears all black and his face is completely covered, you can't see any part of him at all.

History: He was once a prince of a powerful country. He was out with his brother, training his archery skill, when they were attacked by a group of soldiers from an enemy of his kingdom. In their retreat, Black Shadow's brother, Elinther, was killed. When Black Shadow made it home his father blamed him for the death, and sentenced him to a fight. Black Shadow accepted it, but when his opponent faced him in the arena, he turned and would not fight. He would have had to kill his younger brother. Black Shadow ran, trying to escape. In his attempt his throat was slit, severing his vocal cords, and causing him to be unable to talk. He then made his way into Raiaera.

Skills: Sharpshooter - extremely good with bows, hasn't missed since he was 10
Stealth - can remain hidden fairly well

Strength: due to heavy training, and the draw strength of his bow, he has strength 8x that of a normal human. this allows a punch of his to knock a man down, break bones, and deadlift 1,500lbs
Speed: He is 8x the speed of a normal human due to his training, allowing him to run at speeds of 120mph and react quickly to avoid attacks.
Agility: His Agility is 7x that of a normal human, allowing him to dodge attack with ease, moving his body is ways no normal person can.
Hearing: His sense of hearing is 4x that of a normal person, allowing him to hear a whisper from 10ft away
Balance: His balance is 5x that of a normal human, allowing him to run across a rope suspended over a cliff with ease, even firing his bow while doing so.
Eyesight: His eyesight is 4x better than a normal human, allowing him to see something from 60ft away that it normally takes someone 20ft to see.
Endurance: His endurance is 5x that of a normal human, allowing him to run at his top speed for up to an hour and to take blows to his body that would normally knock the wind out of him with very little effect.
Night Eyes: Black Shadow has enhanced vision in the dark, allowing him to navigate within the dark easier than most.

Bow Abilities:
seeker - When Black Shadow uses the Red string of his Bladesinger Bow, once per thread he may fire upon a specific NON-Lethal spot on the target's body. The arrow will then seek out and hit the target in that area. If the target is behind cover the arrow will not change its path quick enough to hit the targeted area.

Shockwave - Twice per thread Black shadow can pull, the yellow string of his bow which causes a showckwave to travel along the surface. It he fires against the wall, the shockwave will travel up and down the wall in ten feet all directions. If it hits a person, the shockwave will be concentrated to just their body, giving a chance of stagering or even knocked back the person.

Sonic Boom - once per thread, Black Shadow can pull the white string of his bow, allowing the arrow to travel at a speed so fast it breaks the sound barrier and causes a sonic boom.

Lightning - once per thread, Black Shadow can pull the blue string of his bow. Wherever his arrow strikes, a bolt of lightning will strike, causing powerful electrical damage that can kill weak opponents (Most NPCs) and will temporarily limit movements of more powerful opponents while giving them high levels of pain (PCs). Flamable Objects will ignite on fire.

yew bow with steel tipped arrows, the shaft of the arrows are hollow steel giving him the ability to use them as close range weapons without them breaking.

steel sword with "Courage" carved in the elvish tongue of Raiaera.

BladeSinger Bow - better than 'The highest tier of wood,' A longbow, made with high quality, using the top teir of wood - Liviol Nihon Redwood. This is not the average bow, as it cannot be bought by conventional methods. The crafting of a bladesinger bow is difficult and somewhat a lost art. Due to Black Shadow's exceptional precision and skill with bow and arrow, any encounter with him would most likely be deadly with this weapon, as Black Shadow rarely misses. Due to the power of the bow it is near impossible to dodge the arrow, unless the opponent basically has the sufficient speed to dodge a bullet.

Bone Bow - A bow made of black bone (Won Here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?273-Sacred-Fields-of-Shore/page2))

10 rywan arrows and a short bow of rywan wood - Yew bows and arrows, nothing special except they glow white when they can use the enchantment, and both have to be lit up. IC time between shots must be 10 IC minutes. When fired together (Must use the arrow with the Bow, any other arrow/bow combo does not work) they set whatever they come in contact with on fire. The fire is normal fire and can be put out like normal. (Won Here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?240-Hunter-to-Hunted/page2))

The Demon Lord Arrow - arrow tip strength equivalency of Adamantine; returns to Black Shadow after being shot and is away from him for over 5 minutes. Flies through the air and stops 2 feet away from him, suspended in midair. Cannot hurt anybody when returning to Black Shadow. Cannot hurt anybody when suspended in midair. Must be placed in quiver for 2 minutes before it can be shot again.

ten Black Diamond tipped arrows.

09-06-2018, 04:59 PM
Heya, Shadow!

I hope all is well and I want to say your patience is highly appreciated. I'm going to read further in to everything on this update and get to work on it. I'll get back to you if any questions arise. Please bear with me.

09-07-2018, 03:50 PM
Hey, Shadow. Could you detail the ability of your Rywan set of bow and arrows (copy and paste from the spoils thread is great), and a little more on the Lightning, please. It's easier for everyone that interacts with Black Shadow to have that direct profile info. Otherwise, things look good to go to me.

Black Shadow
09-07-2018, 09:08 PM
what I had said in the post is a modification of the description by Philomel in the thread itself in order to be simpler. when used together the arrow catches on fire. I'm not sure what else I could say to make it more clear. suggestions?

as it says, wherever the arrow strikes, lightning hits. What should I add? Suggestions? I'm not sure how else tomcat it clear.

Sorry for the confusion.

09-07-2018, 09:15 PM
It's just profile clarification for when anyone looks at the profile of Black Shadow knows without having to click links. It's just profile detail and abilities clarity is all.

This description from the spoils thread is great- They are just Yew bows and arrows, nothing special except they glow white when they can use the enchantment, and both have to be lit up. IC time between shots must be 10 IC minutes. When fired together (Must use the arrow with the Bow, any other arrow/bow combo does not work) they set whatever they come in contact with on fire. The fire is normal fire and can be put out like normal.

With Lightning, to what extent does the ability lightning deal out? Any stun capabilities? Duration of effect? Extent of effect? Is there a radius involved around the target?

Black Shadow
11-30-2018, 10:01 AM
Edited the description of the bow/arrows

Edited the lightning effect.

12-01-2018, 03:24 PM
Thank you so much for the edits and your patience on this. Have fun out there!
