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View Full Version : Testing the Waters

10-14-2018, 08:13 PM
Hello all,

It has been a while. Really, since the start of Althanas 4.0. With that and everything going on in my life, mainly married life and med school, I didn't stick around to see the transition.

It all comes down to the brutal honesty that I feel inclined to share. I love writing stories. Althanas was the beginning, and through all the other sites and groups, is the only one that has remained. I love the world, the people, my character, the stories. I yearn for the impossibility of doing this all the time. But life is not so allowing, and thankfully so. Because, in reality, I can have adventures in the real world. As my second and third year of med school has kicked into high gear, I became at peace with letting Althanas, and Kryos, rest in the beautiful place in the past.

And yet, I still wondered at what became of Althanas with the huge changes that came with the transfer. It seemed like the whole thing was being replace, bones, blood, vessels, muscles and nerves and not just a cosmetic face lift. I wondered if Kryos could continue on in such a place, and how that would happen.

So I am testing the waters. Don't get me wrong, my schedule is even more busy than it has ever been. To consider writing for enjoyment again would require a lot of great time management. But the prospect is not without rewards, which is why I am considering it in the first place.

Therefore, if some kind active members could shed some light on the following, I would appreciate it.
1. Who are the main administrators/moderators that are around? They would be who I would work with to bring Kryos over to the new site. Specifically, is Rayleigh still around? I had been working closely with her when I drifted away.
2. How has the transition been? Is it just like it used to be with the occasional tweak to a link here and there?
3. Is Flames of Hyperion around/anyone know how to contact him?
4. What new things have been happening? Activity up, or down? New members joining? I know the FQ started, but for now, I need to see if I can resolve Kryos' current situration pre-4.0 before considering the FQ. How long is the FQ running? Again, time is my enemy, haha.
5. Anything else I may need to be aware of?
6. A friendly hello, and maybe a plate of cookies. :P

Really, I have always loved Althanas. I am surprised I am posting today, actually, because I thought I had let it go. Maybe there are too many loose ends that I feel I need to wrap up. Maybe I'll stick around, maybe I'll dive in, and maybe I will drift away again. I can't honestly say for sure, but I wanted to be honest with the strangers who have been a great blessing to my life. It is weird to call you strangers, though, because I feel that we are indeed friends, even though we haven't in person.

Anyway, enough of my unfiltered ramblings. It is great to be back, even to make a small post. I hope to hear from you all soon.

Steven (Kryos)

10-15-2018, 10:52 AM
Brother Kryos!!! I remember you fondly man make sure you enjoy your stay while you are here. I of course will be looking forward to working with you again at some point man! Stay cool bro and have tons of fun on the site!!! Welcome back.


Storm Veritas
10-16-2018, 09:48 AM
Hey, welcome back!

Unfortunately I haven't seen Rayleigh in a while, although there are still lots of good old faces around here. As a complete outsider to Althanian politics, I'd encourage you to reach out to her to see if you'd like to work with her here or anywhere else, since I don't know the story and would obviously welcome her with open arms.

Activity has been pretty low the last couple weeks, but the FQ is a big construct and just requires a little inertia that we are trying to pump in. I am around, as is Philomel, Shin, Max, and many many others.

AP has gone the way of the buffalo, but the systems remain largely unchanged. Level systems aren't much different, the learning curve for you would be near zero.

Activity is contagious; feel free to ask questions, check out the FQ, see how you can get involved, and write as much as your busy schedule will afford.

10-16-2018, 09:57 AM
Roger that. I'll see if I can find a way to reach out to Rayleigh.

In the meantime, who should I work with to make sure that my profile is properly moved over, as well as getting my exp/gold transferred?

In addition, who can I talk with about transferring threads over? Or is it more common that we just update hyperlinks to the oldworld?

I'll see what I can do. I need to resolve Kryos' Remembrance Arc, which if I just stop being a perfectionist, shouldn't be too hard. I think that activity is better than no activity. It is great to see ya'll again. :)

10-16-2018, 12:43 PM
Welcome back!

Current admins are Max Dirks and Lye, I believe.

10-19-2018, 02:22 AM
Questions! Answers!

1. Who are the main administrators/moderators that are around? They would be who I would work with to bring Kryos over to the new site. Specifically, is Rayleigh still around? I had been working closely with her when I drifted away.

The admins are Dirks and Lye. The main brunt of all of the work is going to move to Lye soon. Moderators are myself, Shinsou, Garron, Storm and Amari. Rayleigh is around in discord chat sometimes but not so much here.

2. How has the transition been? Is it just like it used to be with the occasional tweak to a link here and there?

Transition I'll leave to others to comment :P. It's had its highs and lows as all things do, but we're more or less there now with this site. The wiki is being worked on just now.

3. Is Flames of Hyperion around/anyone know how to contact him

Flameo hotman I have not seen for a while.

4. What new things have been happening? Activity up, or down? New members joining? I know the FQ started, but for now, I need to see if I can resolve Kryos' current situration pre-4.0 before considering the FQ. How long is the FQ running? Again, time is my enemy, haha.

Activity, as Storm said, is up and down. We're still experiencing a bit of the summer lull but with the FQ things picked up a bit and we're sort of not very active now but hope to get more soon. The FQ is the largest thing, and that can be read over in the sub-forum for it. I need to get my own stuff together for it.

5. Anything else I may need to be aware of?

That we are happy to have you back. Also WRITE WITH ME. I have seven characters now :D

6. A friendly hello, and maybe a plate of cookies. :P

As long as they are vegan, I'm in.

10-19-2018, 08:22 PM
So, are moderators able to update my level, exp and gold?

Also, I would LOVE to write with you! Or anyone. I just need to finish up the Remembrance Arc quickly, then I'll be free to go! I guess I should also get my character actually approved as well, haha.

11-11-2018, 11:23 PM
Alright, so between normal medical student life in clinical rotations, balancing family life, and writing a manuscript for a journal article, I've been a bit busy. Fear not: I'm still intending to write here when things calm down a bit (aka once the manuscript is completed). Can I get EXP for that, haha? Just kidding. Peace.

11-12-2018, 05:31 AM
Will be awesome to write with you when you have time :)