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12-05-2018, 06:26 PM
“How long has it been, and how long till we have to meet back up with Shinsou?” the disembodied voice of Yamato asked the young Shinobi as Hayate walked slowly across the sprawling Radasanth skyline. “Didn’t he say we would need to be in Tylermande…”

“When did you all of a sudden begin to care about what others said?” the shinobi mocked his partner. Some days it was like he was talking to a wall and others he seemed to honestly care, but those were few and far between. The two of them had just finished their business in Radasanth and were about to make their way back to Whitevale to rejoin the Brotherhood’s main forces, until they heard something interesting.

“Come one come all!” Shouted a number of citadel monks as the strolled through the crowded Radasanth marketplace. The city was filled to the brim with refugees from the south, most tried to stay to the small rundown shelters, but others saw those places to be crowded dens of crime and worse than staying on the streets. While it didn’t affect the businesses in the area it did make it hard to get around as most of the refugees fled with everything they could carry.

“You all can’t miss the event of the decade, one night only, a free match in the Colosseum, multiple men enter only one can come out alive!” the monks went on as they marched up and down the market inviting the entire populous to come. This was in part a genuine and thoughtful idea put forth by the Citadel to accommodate and entertain the masses of people coming into the city, but also a diversion created by the Assembly to try and forgo taking any real action to help the refugees. While this wouldn’t be common knowledge to the public, it’s pretty clear to see that they would rather distract their people instead of help them.

“Did you hear that?”

This was the very thing that I had come to fight against. I, Hayate Amatsukami last of my line, fight for the people and to protect what I hold dear. For the last year I’ve lived in hiding within the ranks of the Brotherhood, they have all become my friends and closest allies, and together we plan to over throw the Assembly and establish a new order for our beloved country. And for this reason I’ve decided it was time to make myself know to the world, to win this festival and announce that the Son of Akashima is ready to stand up for Corone and its people.

Registration was the simple part.

The stadium the monks created for their little festival was a sprawling arena lined with rows upon rows of refugee filled seats all eagerly awaiting the arrival of the competitors. It was cold and snow fell from the heavens like dancing fairies gracefully blanketing large the circular stone tablet in a soft white vail. The rules seemed simple enough, keep at least one foot on the tablet at all times, and fight until only one soldier remains standing. Four large pyramid shaped monoliths placed in all cardinal direction formed an invisible barrier between the competitors and onlookers, keeping those in the stands safe from any stray arrows or magic.

Hayate stood at the northern most side of the arena starring up into the crowds. Though he had the full intention of becoming the star of the show for now he dawned his wooden dog mask to hide his scarred face. There was a bit of a chill in the air, enough for him to see his own breath make a small cloud in front of his face. He wondered who all would show up for a competition like this, the stands were almost shoulder to shoulder at this point so whoever showed up would have to put on a good show.

12-15-2018, 02:40 PM

He carefully studied the combatants in the Hume festival as they made their way into the battle square proper. Nosdyn's eyes were on one particular person...a man he'd met before some time ago. Way before the ash-fall and the eruption of Lorinus. Way before the volcanic eruption attempted to end their world...

But life would move on...life always found a way.

Nosdyn and his people were no different.

As he stood there carefully, he removed the hood atop his head. Which hid his face behind a shadow, his amber coloured eyes revealed. Nosdyn had developed a darker skin colour those days from their first encounter that time. He'd grown older...stronger. But yet he still had a lot to learn.

As he stood in place looking at Hayate, he hesitated.

There were whispers in the gathered crowd as they observed the demon-kind that was Nosdyn.

"It's him...the Haidian..." Someone nearby whispered.

"Heard he was killed by Zack Blaze..." Rumours...one and all.

"Start placing your bets and your coin!" Another voice called out in the crowd, opening the gambling field.

Nosdyn took it all in. There was a mad-sort of tension in the air. The older demon could feel it. His eyes were narrowed calmly as he stared at Hayate for a long moment. The fool had called out an open challenge to any number of combatants who would appear. Nosdyn was strangely hoping for a second meeting with that psycho figher, Zack Blaze...

A moment later there was the ignition sound of his rune-sword as the blade manifested into being. He'd recently upgraded the power of his weapon. He'd learned a lot since his encounter with Zack Blaze, and his other encounter with Hayate. He'd grown stronger...or so he thought.

Hayate is fast...remember what happened last time. How it ended... Nosdyn lacked any sort of enhanced movement capacity. His power lay in raw strength and his capacity to survive brutal attacks. Nosdyn looked up at the sky in The Citadel arena. There was no ash-fall. It strangely felt weird seeing that. ash-fall had become such a common thing at that point that he was not used to seeing a regular sky.

No ash-fall. The Monk's power is worth looking into... Nosdyn thought to himself. He spotted Hayate's position and began to slowly stalk towards the Akashiman. Nosdyn's rune-sword made a mysterious sound as he walked and held it at a forty-five degree angle pointing down. The tip of the weapon was an inch or two off the floor of the combat arena. Nosdyn kept his eyes on Hayate. Hayte had won their first encounter...barely. But Nosdyn was different in their second meeting. "Akashiman..." Nosdyn called out towards Hayate. "So we meet again." And in that fell moment, it was on.

01-19-2019, 03:00 PM
Simple. Benign. Solid.

These were the words Vaeron chose to describe the arena as he stepped into it, his blade already drawn. His keen eyes scanned around the vast rectangular base, with a pyramid-like structure at each corner. They seemed to hold up a kind of shield, invisible save for the telltale shimmer that was akin to a mirage in a desert. Beyond the shield were teirs of spectators, hundreds of blood-thirsty, violence-lustful watchers. Still, despite this dome of protection a thin precipitation of snow fell from the sky, coating the ground in a paper-thin white skin.

Likely, he was not the only person there who saw the similarity between the snow and the ash outside.

Vaeron took a long breath in and leant back to peer behind him. From the doorway that magically had allowed him to enter into this protected arena stepped a magnificent black steed. His eyes were like unfathomable voids, his hooves the size of dinner plates. His deep black coat was like pitch, shadows in the night, and his mane lay flat against his muscled neck and back. Staring deep back at Vaeron the horse, known as Megladon came to his side, and did not react as the door disappeared behind him.

"The monks said to keep one foot on the floor at all times," Vaeron grunted. "Hopefully that means just one of us needs to."

He patted his horse's neck and moved around to Megladon's side. For a silent second he ran his fingers through the soft, lucious mane, then smiled before he jumped. With one leap and tension in his arm, he threw himself onto Megladon's saddleless back.

He paused, and grinned slowly as it seemed his notion was correct - having just one of their sets of feet on the ground allowed them to remain and not fail the rules of the arena.

"Good," he murmured, tightening his grip on his blade.

And then, finally, he looked at his opponents.

02-02-2019, 02:56 PM
The last Amatsukami watched as snow danced delicately down from the heaven while the other combatants entered the arena. To his surprise the first person he noticed was an old rival he met once before in the citadel many months prior. Hayate bit his lip out of excitement to see Nosdyn brandishing his vibrant purple saber, forgoing all other combatants and specifically calling the shinobi out by name. If there was ever a time to see this big brute again he was at least happy it was here in the citadel where the penalty for death was negligible.

“Demon…” Hayate let the word slip his puckered grin. With one final peaceful breath the shinobi closed his eyes ready for the fight to break out. The crowd began to swell with excitement as Hayate open his eyes and broke out into a mad dash towards his rival. A lot has changed since they last fought and the circumstances were definitely more even this time around. As he moved he notice a handful of other combatants already engaged in combat, fighting it out on the outskirts of the rather large arena. In addition one soul stood out of the chaos, a warrior on horseback, an oddity.

With a flick of his metal wrist Hayate launched a flurry of shuriken towards Nosdyn. This was mostly an attempt to open him up for a more lethal blow, knowing fully that his rival had tanked much worse before. Three shuriken soared through the air like spinning razors aimed at the demon’s midsection with Hayate fallowing quickly in their shadow ready to deliver a strategic and deadly blow. He knew that Nosdyn would have a stalwart defense and anticipated it, opting to at the very last second leap over his head while twisting his form to cut him down with his bladed left arm.

“It’s a pleasure to see you again, dare I say, friend.” He said as he landed behind the demon and rolled to safely just out of reach of any counter attack. He didn’t check to see if his initial assault had any effect but was ready knowing his odds of dealing a fatal blow that easily were slim. The crowd enjoyed his flare as they cheered and jeered, even if Nosdyn did not. “Let’s dance.”

02-11-2019, 01:42 PM
It happened quickly...

Nosdyn recalled Hayate's speed and reflexes from before. It was hard to keep up with the speedier fellow but he followed with his eyes, the best he could. Nosdyn knew, if he took his eyes off Hayate...it was likely over. The mention of the term...friend...caused Nosdyn to raise an eyebrow. There was no suspicion in the gesture, he'd led a life of survival and constant battle. It was difficult to know who was sincere and who was not...strangely...Nosdyn knew that Hayate meant that.

It was a curious matter that would be explored after the match.

Chaos erupted all around him as old rivals new and old began to fight all around him.

When Hayate attacked, that's when it happened. During their first meeting...Nosdyn had made a lot of mistakes. Nosdyn observed the shurken stars, an exotic akashiman weapon...an reality seemed to slow down in his mind. The stars rotated towards him and he did not even flinch when they connected with his flesh. Nosdyn wore leather armor. His hide cloak dancing in the breeze that came in from the east. Nosdyn's eyes narrowed for a moment as he felt the initial impact of the shuriken. Sharp... Nosdyn thought to himself. As he stood in place he wanted to test the limits of his endurance and survival capacity. He let his rival...no...that was no longer appropriate. Friend...it is not even strange to call him that. In demon philosophy allies were made on the battlefield more oft than not.

You only know someone really after you fight them...

Nosdyn narrowed his eyes. "That is new I see." He noticed the artificial arm that Hayate currently equipped to replace flesh and bone. There was a familiar aspect to the craftsmanship of that item.

Then...Hayate struck. Nosdyn's eyes were still seeing a blur to everything...a slow down effect. He looked down at the fresh cut that Hayate had given him. Nosdyn was so used to pain on a personal level that he barely felt Hayate's really sharp sword cut through his puny leather armor. Demon blood spilled. Nosdyn noticed that the injury was not fatal...though it should have been. He'd not been given a proper chance to fully test his new power.

"There....thats more like it." Nosdyn said calmly. The pain coursed through his stomach area, but it did not deter him...no it merely began to make him angry. Nosdyn locked his eyes on Hayate. The Akashiman was fast...there was no doubt about that. But Nosdyn had also grown strong. He thought of another enemy turned temporary ally at that point. Jake. I will meet you again someday, Jake. Nosdyn shut his energy sword off and he opted to test his hand to hand capacity. He replaced his weapon on the latch in his belt, keeping his eyes on Hayate the entire time. Then, as Hayate was close enough to strike, Nosdyn clenched his left hand tightly, a pop from his knuckles and his hand began to shake from the tension. He swung his hand towards the side of Hayate's skull as hard as he could. Thaynes help them all if his attack connected with Hayate at that point.

05-08-2019, 01:58 PM
They were already fighting.

Or, they had begun to fight when he had arrived, and the short few moments that it had taken for him to swing himself onto the black of the brilliant steed, and then face into the arena once more. Megladon pawed his mighty hoof, as big as a dinner plate, at the snow-laden ground, seemingly eager for battle. Yet already around them the clash of steel could be heard echoing off the seats of the stadium, the stones of the pyramids and the force-field itself, powerful and protective.

Blades were currently being swung, and three discarded shuriken now lay on the soil. Thump a sword connected with something, tearing into leather and flesh. The figures flickered - Vaeron could see them now - and they clashed together like the apocalypse incoming.

One was some form of demon. Blue skinned, with dark patterns like tattoos climbing over his skin. Horns, but small like pebbles on the shore, stuck from his skull in a certain, natural pattern. He wore leather armour, and had several weapons attached to him. He seemed to currently be flying a fist, or otherwise free-handed cut to the enemy incoming.

Who seemed more samurai than warrior. This one bore a mighty slightly-curved sword, similar to the ones that Vaeron knew were called 'katanas' yet bigger. He had ferocity in his stride, had been the one to loosen the shuriken and was flying at the demon with surprising speed. Swift. Direct. Condemning. Vaeron winced as he imagined the strength of the blows.

It seemed they were interested in one another solely, currently. And perhaps had not noticed him. Good. Nodding to himself, and his old friend he reached over his shoulder to swing down his bow. It was elegant, and elf-made, sourced with strong wood, and unstrung. But his magic being what it was, it needed no string. Instead, it would serve him well as he stayed away from this fight. That was the plan, at least. Remain back, throw some damage, then ride away on the four hooves that carried him.

He smiled, amused, as he readied the bow. He aimed into the centre of the mass and listened to the crowd as he mimed drawing an arrow. Except there was no arrow, just a draw of fine silver light which would release a pulse of energy and hit -

Well, it could hit anyone, for all he carried.

He let it fly.

05-08-2019, 04:02 PM
Did he just absorb our full frontal assault?...

Hayate gritted his teeth as he saw Nosdyn’s fist come barreling towards him; it looks as if traditional means wouldn’t do the trick anymore fighting this demon. Still the fact remains that he withstood his first barrage with an unflinching determination, something that would not be lost to Hayate as they continued their dance. Despite his best efforts Nosdyn closed the gap between the two and struck the shinobi’s jaw with a stunning force. He spat blood and teeth as he stumbled back mildly disoriented yet staying on his feet. It would take more than that to put down the Son of Akashima. He panted for a moment as he brought his cloak to his face, wiping his mouth and spitting out a wad of blood and mucus staining the white powered floor.

The sounds of clashing echoed all around him like a miasma of steel clashing with steel mixed with grotesque scream and triumphant calls. Though all Hayate could focus on at this very moment was the brutish demon threatening to exact his revenge. Never had his vertical handicap bothered his as much as it did watching Nosdyn stand tall as he relished in his slight victory. That was the last thing he saw before a brilliant light flew from behind the demon, over his shoulder, skewing the Shinobi though the right bicep. The force of the impact sent the boy flying a number of feet back, tumbling head over heels once or twice before he came to a stop away from the other combatants.

He couldn’t see, he couldn’t breathe, though he knew he was alive. Pain coursed through his body as blood began to spill from the coin sized hole through his arm, pooling around him melting the snow.

You’ve got to breath! Yamato cried out from the seal within Hayate.

The shinobi fought through the pain and took one gasp, filling his lungs with cold refreshing air, as he opened his eyes and struggled to regain his senses. He knew that fighting in a free for all would be tough, but he never expected it to be this bad. Admittedly he should have know better than to succumb to such severe tunnel vision so early in the match.

05-08-2019, 05:35 PM
The energy released by the arrow/bolt like impact also knocked Nosdyn backwards.

That was not from Hayate... Nosdyn recalled. He'd been through worse, survived worse, and would live. When he landed on the ground, there was a steam swelling off his epidermis like a sort of cloud or wisp. Nosdyn growled out in pain...THAT...he did feel. Focus... Nosdyn mentally scolded himself and began to rise from his position a few paces away from where Hayate landed. Where did he go...? Nosdyn thought to himself. He considered the situation at hand. It was an arrow of some sort we'll be stationary targets here! Quickly, Nosdyn raised his hood up over his head began to analyze the field around them.

Two warriors were fighting nearby with whatever rivalry they held with one anther.

They weren't the sniper. Nosdyn scanned rooftops trying to spot the target...again...no dice. There! Some yards away there was a fellow on horseback readying a ranged weapon of some sort. That's it mother fucker...smile for me. Nosdyn thought to himself. He pulled out his energy sword and activated the blade. Hayate could wait. Nosdyn held his weapon aloft as he moved quickly, best speed he could muster...which was overall not note worthy. As he narrowed his eyes he was getting closer towards the boy on the horse.

"You!" Nosdyn called out. "You would do well to mind your own business." Once Nosdyn was close enough, he took a mighty swing with his weapon at Vaeron's general direction. The blade had an amethyst glow and gave off an incredibly disturbing sound. As Nosdyn slashed he knew he was open to attack but he did not care. Got to take the fight TO the sniper..he's on a horse. That's a disadvantage... Already, Nosdyn's mind was coming with tactics, plans, strategies. The entire time the mighty injury that Hayate gave him did not seem to slow him down. Only give him fuel to fight harder.

05-26-2019, 12:59 PM
Like a thunder, the Akashiman was shoved back with a sock to his jaw by the demon. Vaeron watched with some degree of amusement as he saw the warrior stagger over the sandy dirt, and still ignore him entirely. The two seemed intent on keeping this battle between themselves, as if this entire arena had been built for them.

Yet the invitation had been clear. Open to more than one. The monks had welcomed the mage and his horse with open arms, declaring the rules before showing him the door to this theatre of madness. One, keep a foot on the ground. Two, it was a fight to the death. However, they had not mentioned the fact that the two warriors already within seemed intent on an aged disagreement between them. Something that had been brewing for far longer than Vaeron would, he suspected, ever find out about. He watched as his dart of energy flew from his bow, then struck the Akashiman warrior first, slicing through his arm, and then punched into the demon.

It made Vaeron smile - though his joy was brief. Snarling the blue-skinned denizen of darker places told him sharply, "Mind your own business."

Mind his own business indeed. And then the demon swung around, running directly for him. At last! Some fight!

Bending low over the back of his steed, Vaeron let out a soft murmur. "Run, Meg," he whispered.

And Megladon snorted, and pounded forwards on his hooves. Trained in the art of war he twisted sharply to the right and began to canter, madly, around the ring of the arena. The arch of the throw by the demon fell just shy of Megladon's rear hooves.

Vaeron grinned, now a moving target, and brought up his bow again. As he did he pulled off another arrow, a bolt shimmering into existence along with the string for a single split second before he released it, this time close and right for the head of the demon.

Now he had their attention. Now they were annoyed.

Now his fight could begin.