View Full Version : Leave of Absence

02-17-2019, 10:24 PM
This can’t be good…

Talons clamped tightly against once jagged stone. The sound of waves crashing resounded behind him as amber eyes watched two figures in the distance. He knew where this was going, he had foreseen it. All he could do, however, was watch. He knew how this would end, yet the pain of this single hour would crush his host. The person he vowed to protect, was she was villain in this situation? The purple, half clouded sky rained star light down upon the landscape. As seagulls flustered, racing to the safety of their nighttime nests, the cliffs represented an edge those two were inches from. Their silhouettes stood as living shadows against the hazy sky. It was almost time.

Huh, the thought crossed his mind as he scoffed up a sad smile, Time… so fickle.

He closed his eyes, the drama playing out before his living memories. Within nature’s steady waves, beating lazily against the cliff sides, chilled wind disturbed the evening air. Then, the final nail was driven into the coffin as he heard a sword drawn from its sheath.

He could feel the weight of it all from out here.

It begins.

02-17-2019, 10:25 PM
Leave of Absence

[OOC: Semi-Solo with an alt.]

02-17-2019, 10:26 PM
Why did she want me out here?

She was used to the cold. It was not the autumn breeze or dropping temperatures that bothered her. It was the circumstances. She looked up at the star speckled sky. A purple and dark blue sky was birthed from a glorious sunset. It was still light, yet she was sure that by the end of this night would take over. The wind ruffled her white coat, the low hanging garment flapping in the cool waves of air. She reached up, keeping the hood of the coat over her head. Her sleeves were tight against the armor beneath. She knew she needed it. Besides, the one who summoned her here was fully clothed in the garments of war as well.

Pebbles crackled beneath her boots as she approached her. The lone woman stood at the edge of the cliff, gazing out into the endless sea. At the think beach below, a boat was anchored against the loose sands. The green eyed girl lifted an eyebrow, Is that a pirate ship?

“Ashla?” She spoke.

For a moment, there was complete silence between the two. Did the brunette even realize she had come? The waves lapped against the shore, the cliffs, as an uncomfortable silence crept in. The girl pushed a loose strand of flame colored hair behind her ear, beneath the hood. She was pale. She started wondering if she even took her blood thinning and blood pressure medication that noon, as her stomach was knotted in a horrid manner.

She felt in danger.

Why did you want me out here?!

It was a slow movement, a hand lifted. Ashla raised her gauntleted arm, turning her head towards her. Her blue was… eerily calm… Her lips moved.

“Thanks for coming. I needed to speak with you before I left.”

Felicity’s skin crawled, her chest jumped.

“This might be the last time we see each other.”

02-17-2019, 10:26 PM
She had reason to be terrified.

Ashla sighed, looking down towards the ground. White pebbles and grey rocks littered the ground. She felt the weight of her pack on her back. She was aware of the weapons she carried at her side.

“You have every reason to be scared. I’m sorry.”

She looked up at peridot eyed girl.


She had picked her up from the side of the road when she could be counted a child. She trained her in how to use a sword, to survive. Yet, her methods were more than crooked. She knew she only had herself to blame for the distrust and paranoia in that young woman’s eyes.

“… I won’t be troubling you much longer.”

“-Where are you going?”

Felicity took a single, swift step forward. Her limbs shook, hands limp. Beneath her white hood, Ashla saw the outcome of what she had done to her. I hope to never trouble you again… Felicity…

She looked away again, crossing her arms. “Salvar.”


She looked back towards her again. Beneath the hood, she was surprised to see… was that anger? No, it could not be. Felicity’s anger was explosive and extroverted. Never had she seen her in a fit of rage held inside like that. Why would she be upset anyways? If Ashla was finally getting out of her life? The wind provided little aid against the rapidly rising temperatures of her sweaty body. Still, despite her internal confusion, she remained calm. Cold, even. Anything to defuse the bomb before the black powder set it off in flames.

“I’m leaving for Salvar.” Her eyes narrowed, “I may not come back.”


The rapid fire questions were uncomfortable, demanding. This was not what Ashla had wanted. She wanted to say farewell, apologize… Felicity was questioning her like she had done something wrong. Was she wrong? If she was wrong this time, at least, she knew not what it was. The blue in the sky darkened, the purple lowered in hue as the moon rose higher in the sky. Sunlight still shone out from where the sea bathed most of its shape. They did not have long.

“… Lye Ulr-“

“-Shut up.” Felicity blurted. The darkness covered her face, her hood providing more hade than the dim lights. Ashla looked back towards the ship, knowing it would soon depart. “I must go soon. Fel-“

“I said shut up!” The redhead barked. She moved. Ashla heard her footsteps approaching her. They were strangely light and slow, yet still filled with a purpose she could not understand. Then, understanding bolted through her as she heard a blade unsheathe.

Felicity held a knife to her back.

02-17-2019, 10:27 PM
Felicity heard her old mentor choke. Were there tears? She did not care. Felicity understood, She wanted to say farewell before she went off on some suicide mission.

“This will be the last time we meet, huh?” Her arm steadily shook as she struggled to hold the blade. Memory upon memory slammed and shoved around her mental space. Felicity hardly felt like she was there; the coastline was but a distant shade of shape and form. Unpleasant, joyful, horrific, enlightened, traumatic memories all flashed before her eyes. What was beyond them, Felicity had no clue. Ashla’s back, with a knife pressed against it was the likely guess.

“Chasing revenge?” Felicity croaked.

Words seemed to brush her ear drums, shaken and shy. Yet, the language felt messed up and tangled. She heard nothing but gibberish, although it was a language they both spoke. “You…” she growled, the memories still rolling through her head, unstoppable. She felt that familiar rage vibrating her bones.

“You took time out of my day…”


“Had me come out here to this miserable rock…”


“Just to announce to the brat you kicked around like dirt…”

Tears fell from her eyes as she practically screamed the words, still somehow quiet.

“Just to announce that you’re going back to your old ways?!”

02-17-2019, 10:27 PM
She was misunderstood.

Of course she was.

She had been misunderstood her whole life.

Then again. She deserved this.

She scoffed, tears dripping towards the ground as she stood still. She knew how this girl felt. She knew she felt mistreated, misused. All those hours of brutal training, purposeful injury, verbal beatings. Ashla bitterly smiled, pulling a hand up to wipe away her tears. For once, at least, Ashla knew for certain where she was going.

“Absolutely not.”

She dared to turn to face her. She dared to turn towards the once energetic, peppy teen who chased her tail, begging for one more lesson. In the place of that child, an enraged, wounded, pathetic woman stood, Her head lowered, her mind was obviously someplace else. That blade would not be driven into her old mentor’s body anytime soon.

I did this to you…

The tormenting, agonizing guilt had been there for a long time. At this point, it was an old ache that throbbed once in a blue moon. It was always there, but she was so used to the feeling she was used to it. The image did not shock her, but it added one more bit of sting to the next throb.

Her lips tightened, her eyes narrowed. Her jet-black hair was messy, blowing in the wind. Ashla reached for the knife, steadily pushing it down. “I can’t move on if I don’t face my demons.”

She was icily, unnaturally calm as she explained herself, “I need to fight Lye if I could ever dream of being in peace.”

She let go of the knife, Felicity still as a rock, “I’m in a prison, Felicity. I’m finally breaking out.”

02-17-2019, 10:28 PM
She watched as Ashla’s white hand pushed the knife down. The words were calm, yet filled with a pain even greater than her own. Felicity somehow did not thrust the blade into that miserable woman’s chest.

Miserable indeed. Ashla was chasing after her old demons in hoping of silencing them. Felicity scoffed, however.

“What’s the difference, really?”

She put the knife back in her sheath, she turned and took several paces back.

“You mean to say goodbye.” She reached a large boulder. Against it, another device of injury and death was placed.

“I can’t believe I’ve come to this. But it will end both our suffering.”

She yanked a handful of arrows from a quiver, readying a flexible bow.

She saw legitimate shock cross her formal mentor’s face. “Felicity- You- You’re insane….”

She took a step back, gawking at the weapon in her hands. Felicity still could hear the memories, clamoring like an orchestra of instruments all out of toon. She hardly felt alive, the coast all but dead to her. Even the image of the person she was aiming at was strangely distant. Was she having some sort of episode? The dead, lifeless eyes said that she did not care one bit.

She unleashed an arrow, aiming to kill the pathetic piece of meat and bone that was once her best friend.

02-17-2019, 10:28 PM
Her body snapped into action.

It was simple to dodge the arrow. As good of a quality as the bow was, the archer was far from present. Ashla knew this was not Felicity, just a shadow of her fighting o behalf of her emotions. Still, hurt was obvious in her pounding chest.

Disarm her.

Hoping to avoid conflict, the half elf bolted towards her. With the speed of a graceful bird of prey, she dodged anther loosened arrow with ease. Grabbing the bow, Ashla swiftly took ahold of one of her hands. Felicity was stronger than Ashla. Way stronger. Yet, Ashla knew how to handle this. Even while Felicity was still procession her lightning moves, she jammed her fingers into the pressure points and muscles of her arm and hand. It was a swift disarm, ending in the sound of the wooden bow echoing as it hit the ground.

Felicity looked up with a gasp, only for that dead look in her eyes to return. She reached to her side and drew her sword. It was made of brilliant delyn. The blade sparkled against the moonlight as she threw a half efforted swing at her chest. An obvious move. Felicity was worse than even her first pathetic days of training. Ashla raised a gauntlet, using the armor to block the attack as she resumed a light footed unarmed stance.

She lept out of the way as another dysfunctional swing was unleashed. A tear entered her blue eye as she considered bailing now. Would she leave before Felicity came to her senses? Would she regret sailing away from her without a proper farewell.

A bitter thought crossed her mind, I’ve lived with so much regret already. Why not add one more to the heap?

Before Felicity could move like a zombie again, the wing footed, lithe woman sprinted towards the pathway leading to the ship to Salvar.

02-17-2019, 10:50 PM
“Don’t go.” The words here slurred, whispered out. She felt so strange, moving towards the direction she ran with a sword in hand. The familiar cliffs of Corone felt strange and unfamiliar. She felt worlds away from this one. Numb to all feeling but the silent eruption of anger, she stalked down the rocky pathway. The shuffling of sand soon sounded as she picked up speed, the terrain flattening. She would not let her escape. Soon, the black hair was right in front of her, She idly swung again.

With the grace of an angel, Ashla turned, blocking the slash with her gauntlets once again. She took a step back, frowning, “I don’t want to hu- I don’t want to fight you.”

Hurt, huh? Funny how you caught yourself, Executioner.

The swings were suddenly harsher, faster. She still felt asleep, yet her body moved with a strangle sense of lucid swiftness. Eyes blank, she felt the hood fall from her head as she drew her dirk as a sidearm. She lunged forth, attempting to overwhelm the teacher with her sheer strength. Against such an inhumanly dexterous and speedy opponent, however, her weapons only ever hit thin air or banging metal.


The cries fell on dead ears, tired of that voice. Why was she fighting? She wanted her to stay, yet she also never wanted to see her again. The mindless action was backed with old rage, buried underneath or taken out on an innocent person who deserved no such treatment. It was truly mindless, as she never considered why she was attacking this woman once. She just knew she was doing it. She knew she desperately desired to succeed as much as her plagued mind would let her.

Finally, a blade hit something different than air or armor. It hit another blade. A familiar blade. A blade that cut her. A blade she witnessed cut through the hearts of others. The Hail Storm’s Daughter, Ashla’s signature weapon of choice. The blue, Damascus blade gleamed against the moonlight as she skillfully parried, then kicked Felicity back.

A sudden surge of memories swarmed her in the instant. She never noticed herself hit the ground. She only saw memory after memory of what that sword had done. Suddenly, she was blindly racing towards her again, hoarsely growling.

“Get that thing out of my sight!”

02-17-2019, 11:03 PM
Ashla was shocked to see that her sword alone sparked a sudden, sharp, flame in her eyes. Yet, as their weapons clashed once again, she still took notice of how distant those eyes still were. Ashla bit her lip, contemplating.

She darted back, putting the sword away and instead unsheathing her new rapier, and her old dagger Deadpetal. The four blades the girls carried sparkled like white lights against the night. As the sound of their weapons deafened the sounds of the shores behind them, Ashla gritted her teeth.

Felicity was beyond reason. In Ashla’s attempts to make the girl strong, she had been breaking her that whole time. She broke yet another onslaught of wild strikes with a parry, still attempting to flee to the ship ahead. Unwilling to drag the black market sailors into her fight, her war, Ashla realized she would have to end this fight, not flee it.

Sheathing her rapier, she twisted the dagger into a icepick grip as Felicity raced in. Using old Rondell Dagger techniques, Ashla wrapped and constricted her and her former student’s weapons. Careful not to make her bleed, Ashla disarmed her once again. Dropping her own knife, Ashla raised a leg and kicked the girl.

Flashbacks flickered in her mind. Brutally beating a teenager in attempts to strengthen her. If she was beat down enough, the beating would not affect her anymore. Except… except she was so, so wrong. Tears glistened in Ashla’s eyes as she watched the familiar redhead crumple to the ground. Then, she stood up again. She murmured, echoing words from those inhumane training sessions.

“Get up, useless sack of meat. Get up. We’re not done yet.”

Tears slipped down Ashla’s cheeks. What have I done to her?

Felicity pushed on without weapons, striking with sloppy boxing moves. Ashla easily averted them, regardless of her blurred vision.

Why did I always have to be so wrong?

Close to the edge of the waters, Ashla turned, ducking behind Felicity’s back as she kicked her leg.

What was wrong with me? What is wrong with me?

As Felicity sputtered and panted, Ashla turned aside.

Why did it have to end like this?

Her left hand’s fingers twitched, Cold steam started to flow from their tips.

02-17-2019, 11:11 PM
Felicity felt memories bang so loud, her ears hurts. She saw images so clear, it took her away from the present. She felt herself stand. Seeing red as she eyed Ashla again.

Her brown eye, Ayleth’s eye, was watching as she stood to the side.

Everything went red.


Seconds later, she felt a heavy kick to the chest, sending her back. She saw ice crystalize and form in front of her. She saw Ayleth’s extended hand, emotion contained yet screaming within her eyes. She felt an explosion. She felt everything blur and flutter as she flew back.

She felt herself dragged beneath the waves of the shallow sea.

Her body did not move. It had once moved without her conscious effort. Now, Conscious effort did nothing to stop the numbing. The explosion has caused shards of ice to embed her skin. She saw the crimson liquid oozing out. She saw the flame like threads of nuclear energy extending from her wounds as well. She felt completely numb. Strange how even as her cloak formed, she felt nothing. Air was meaningless as she closed her eyes, knowing very well that her power would take over.

Her mind drifted back to that brown eye, on the frowning face, she saw before the explosion hit and passed in a slow instant. She saw…

She remembered…

She remembered the tears she saw pouring down her face,

Extreme eat overtook her body as she blanked out.

02-17-2019, 11:28 PM
Tears were pouring like a river as Ashla staggered towards the ship. She knew how confused the crewmates were over the fight between two maidens down the beach, yet she would say nothing. She was paying them with coin, not details of her life story. Still, her head hung low as she sheathed her dagger. “I am so, so, so sorry, dear…”

Then, her elf ear twitched. It was strange, as she heard bubbles, bubbles, in the water. Even in summer the water would not naturally boil like that! Her eyes widened, suddenly realizing that the explosion of ice must have cut her too many times.

Her Berserk Powers would not take control of her body like a parasite.

She turned around, blue eye wide in fright as she saw a figure emerge from the water in a flurry of white, foaming waves. The water around her glowed and bubbled. Steam was rising like smoke from a burning building, reacting to the nuclear girl’s extreme heat. A cloak of red-orange hue swirled around her, encircling her in the wild, chaotic energy of deadly radiation. Sanity was gone, if any sanity was there before her plunge. Eyes dilated and mindless like an animal, she bolted towards the nearest person with wide, outstretched hands – Ashla.

Ashla saw a monster before her. A monster she created.

Her stubborn, selfish refusal to live was the only thing that kept her from letting the beast kill her. Instead, she dodged. She averted the extreme power, the glowing woman. She dodged and ran, waiting out this short yet brutal storm. Steam swirled, meshing with the cloak as the soaking wet redhead punched and swiped blindly. The rage engulfed body was acting out of an instinct of destruction and devastation. This was what had Ashla created in an innocent child.

She knew her crimes as the Executioner of the Wicket were wide and ranging, but she personally counted this to be amongst the worst.

Until the moment she died, Ashla would never feel free from the shame of it.

Eventually, the nergy died out. The cloak dissipated and Felicity dropped to the sandy ground unconscious. Now, standing over the smoldering young woman, Ashla wiped her tears. She pulled out backpack out and scowered for something. Eventually, she pulled out an old, white cloak and wrapped it around the girl like a blanket. With an old, despairing care, she stood up. Leaving a goodbye note she had written prior to this tucked under her limp hand, Ashla took one final look at Felicity Knopsnider Rhyolite before turning and leaving for the ship. This was the final goodbye.

The note’s contents would be a story for once Felicity woke up. As of now, the tragedy of the Apprentice of the Executioner of the Wicked was finally at its bitter end.

02-17-2019, 11:29 PM
[OOC: Finished.]

02-20-2019, 09:23 PM
Leave of Absence (https://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?1625-Leave-of-Absence).
Reward Judgment


Flamebird (https://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?34-Flamebird) receives:
725 EXP
100 Gold

Ashla (https://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?38-Ashla) receives:
850 EXP
100 Gold

"Whatever you are physically...male or female, strong or weak, ill or healthy--all those things matter less than what your heart contains. If you have the soul of a warrior, you are a warrior. All those other things, they are the glass that contains the lamp, but you are the light inside."

Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel

includes judge's discretion. All rewards added