View Full Version : Philomel in the usa

02-20-2019, 09:42 PM
Yes. You read that right.

I am coming to America. As in the USA, sorry Canada (you have a hotter president).

Anyway, I want to see people! If you are up for meeting me I'd love to meet you!

Dates I'll be where;

2nd to 4/5th April - New York
5th to 7th April - Portland
7th to 10th April - Seattle

I've been in contact with a couple of people in New York. I'd love to have a pub night out. If anyone can recommend a bar for the 2nd or 3rd that would be awesome.

Bare in mind I am coming with my husband.

02-21-2019, 10:36 AM
That’s quite the trip. I’m about a 3 hour drive from Portland to the little woodsy town of Bend. If I can swing some time from work, we could figure something out. What’s the occasion for the nationwide trip?

02-21-2019, 11:56 AM
My cousin is getting married this week in Belize, but due to various reasons we can't make it out there. I've never been out to the USA, and have always wanted to go to Seattle as my aunt emigrated before I was born. My cousin and her soon-to-be new husband live in Portland.

I'd be very up for meeting up in Portland! We arrive in the city at 10am on the 5th so have the whole of that day.

Plans so far - a friend of mine from my masters from California is coming on the 10th to Seattle. We are also staying with friends in New York. He's the main reason we're going there, he's a friend of Gordon's from uni.

Storm Veritas
02-23-2019, 09:09 PM
Awesome! Wish you were hitting Boston!