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View Full Version : The Merry Robin Public House

05-03-2019, 01:31 PM
Welcome to the Merry Robin Public House.

This is a thread simply for being whoever you want to be.


The Merry Robin exists in a strange immortal time-loop, built on the gravesite of an eccentric wizard who claimed he never wanted to die, but did. Here, time seems to repeat itself and those who die always come back to life after a few minutes, or sometimes after a few years. Time also goes forwards most of the time, but there are rooms where many strange loops occur.

This thread offers no EXP or Gold, but is a place for people to try out new character ideas as they like. You can take up a Core Character of Stonevale even, and play them out to your heart’s content, killing them off as many times as you like. You can replay scenes, redo them and resubmit edited versions of old posts. This thread exists as a continuous stream of action also, as an ‘open’ case, so you will need to jump to the last post to be able to see the most up to date posts.

Guidelines for this thread:

This thread is supposed to be fun, for experimenting with different writing styles and characters. When you post for the first time please post a name, occupation and description of the character you are using, unless you are using a Core Character then please just state their name.

Please ask any questions you might have in the 'Introduction to Stonevale' thread.