View Full Version : Althanas Day Games - Truths about your character

05-03-2019, 05:49 PM
Post a truth about your character that you have never told anyone before.

That's it! Lets get to know ourselves!

05-04-2019, 03:30 PM
This is a lesser known fact/weakness of Hayate's but he isn't able to swim. This stems from his upbringing, never being allowed out of his family compound, and thanks to his heavy metal arm. It's kinda funny actually but I've written before that he just sinks.

05-04-2019, 03:32 PM
Some newer folk might not know that Philomel has a brother, Leaf. He used to be a character of mine and I wrote a difficult thread where Philomel had to explain to him where she went back in time to kill their father.

05-04-2019, 09:04 PM
When first creating her, I briefly considered making Ashla a redhead.

I've considered bringing cringey Kaida back...

A modern day Ashla and Felicity would both have been emo teens.

Well this one is disgusting and gross, no reason I never shared it, read at your own risk:
why won't spoiler tag work?

Storm Veritas
05-05-2019, 10:11 AM
Storm isn't nearly as smart as thinks he is, so he hates games of strategy like chess, checkers, etc.

Gnarl & Root
05-11-2019, 04:27 PM
(( So what it's not althanas day))

Root the Cat is indestructible. Good job he's a story character only!

05-11-2019, 05:13 PM
It is past Althanas day now but the games can still go on :D

Stare secretly likes the colour red, but would never tell anyone.

05-11-2019, 06:45 PM
Hayate is terribly scared of people in positions of power.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
05-13-2019, 01:19 PM
Shinsou was conceived in a field of wheat.

05-14-2019, 12:44 PM
Sage knows many things about many things. except himself, in that there is a lot he does not know about.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
05-14-2019, 03:29 PM
Shinsou doesn't know that Sage is Kai.

05-15-2019, 01:30 PM
Wait, does Shin even know who Kai even is? …

Sage has been mistaken for a girl so much that he is desensitized to it. Any indignation he shows is just a reflex at this point.

Elite Optic
05-15-2019, 03:39 PM
Elite is probably the oldest character I'm Althanas.