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View Full Version : Novel Critiques - Are These Feedbacks Valid?

05-21-2019, 03:28 PM
Ello again!

I recently posted my first chapters of my novel on Reddit. I'm slightly sceptical of some of these comments (especially Blue Moon Army's.) Taking it all with a grain of salt and wondering if I have to completely re-organize my passion project now.

You guys don't have to read to manuscript. Just let me know if these critiques are valid. I trust you guys' writing opinions more than anyone else's, so...

Thank you!


05-21-2019, 05:00 PM
Sorry!! I'm still working on getting you a full critique of your stuff.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
05-22-2019, 08:27 AM
Ello again!

I recently posted my first chapters of my novel on Reddit. I'm slightly sceptical of some of these comments (especially Blue Moon Army's.) Taking it all with a grain of salt and wondering if I have to completely re-organize my passion project now.

You guys don't have to read to manuscript. Just let me know if these critiques are valid. I trust you guys' writing opinions more than anyone else's, so...

Thank you!


Firstly, I wouldn't accept such critique from anyone who can't even spell "prologue" properly. There is nothing worse than someone appraising the writing of someone else who can't be bothered to spellcheck their own comments.

Secondly, I believe that BMA's specific "judgment" is exceedingly harshly worded. There doesn't seem to be much thought placed into offering constructive criticism.

05-22-2019, 06:57 PM
Firstly, I wouldn't accept such critique from anyone who can't even spell "prologue" properly. There is nothing worse than someone appraising the writing of someone else who can't be bothered to spellcheck their own comments.

Secondly, I believe that BMA's specific "judgment" is exceedingly harshly worded. There doesn't seem to be much thought placed into offering constructive criticism.

Thank you. I learned from my early years as a teenager on this site not to take critiques personally and take it as a chance to learn and improve. This reviewer just... rubbed me off the wrong way though. It did feel overly harsh, but I was trying not to take it the wrong way. Was it me not liking the "attitude" yet the critique still being legit? Or were my emotions justifiable this time and he had bad critiques? I'm leaning towards the latter. I guess you can't make everyone happy, and no one else complained about what he did. Plus, multiple storylines and POVs in different settings do exist in fiction (LOTR Trilogy, Warrior Cats, RWBY Volume 4 as bad as that was, etc.) It's just a matter of doing it right, I suppose. *Insert shrugging emoji*

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
05-23-2019, 09:04 AM
Thank you. I learned from my early years as a teenager on this site not to take critiques personally and take it as a chance to learn and improve. This reviewer just... rubbed me off the wrong way though. It did feel overly harsh, but I was trying not to take it the wrong way. Was it me not liking the "attitude" yet the critique still being legit? Or were my emotions justifiable this time and he had bad critiques? I'm leaning towards the latter. I guess you can't make everyone happy, and no one else complained about what he did. Plus, multiple storylines and POVs in different settings do exist in fiction (LOTR Trilogy, Warrior Cats, RWBY Volume 4 as bad as that was, etc.) It's just a matter of doing it right, I suppose. *Insert shrugging emoji*


The other side is this - everyone is going to have an opinion. That's fine, but the way the opinion is conveyed makes all the difference, and I believe that a few of them on there have shown themselves up.

That said, it was posted on Reddit. Expectations for intelligent and constructive feedback were always going to be low.

Perhaps you should workshop the writing on here so we can offer a far more constructive and less judgmental appraisal? :)

05-23-2019, 10:25 AM

The other side is this - everyone is going to have an opinion. That's fine, but the way the opinion is conveyed makes all the difference, and I believe that a few of them on there have shown themselves up.


That said, it was posted on Reddit. Expectations for intelligent and constructive feedback were always going to be low.

Lol! I've gotten some good feedback off of Reddit, but that is still true xD

Perhaps you should workshop the writing on here so we can offer a far more constructive and less judgmental appraisal? :)

That would be fun! I haven't been much interested in RP here as of late to be honest. I've been working more on this original story and LOTR fanfics :P

This site's rules and workshop style has helped me so much though. Submitting my originals works would be fantastic! ... Where do I post them though? xD

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
05-23-2019, 11:06 AM

Lol! I've gotten some good feedback off of Reddit, but that is still true xD

That would be fun! I haven't been much interested in RP here as of late to be honest. I've been working more on this original story and LOTR fanfics :P

This site's rules and workshop style has helped me so much though. Submitting my originals works would be fantastic! ... Where do I post them though? xD

Obviously our workshop section is mostly for Althanas threads, but I reckon you could stick a new thread up in the FST or Role-Players corner and ask for some feedback. If you like I can do a "judgment" on it, or at least a full bodied critique in that style. It's been a while since I've reviewed anything of yours and I'd love to have a read :)

05-23-2019, 03:46 PM
Just read some of them, and I think Shin has hit the nail on the head for these comments.

You're a good writer.

Storm Veritas
05-29-2019, 09:22 AM
Well, I couldn't see the prologue or read any of this on the thread, so I don't know what to say about Blue Moon Army's critique of your work.

I will say that their suggestions about grounding your characters and establishing motivations are sound, but we don't know if you did this effectively or not. Moreover, there are many good stories I've read where the motivations and fundamental formation of key characters aren't immediately obvious. Cases include Harry Potter, Strider/Aragorn, Jon Snow, The Gunslinger, etc.

I would read the criticism as more of what it looks like to me - a cut and paste suggestion / newbie starter guide for writers - and not personalize it.

I would also suggest you write more here so we can give you more direct feedback on smaller cuts. Added bonus we love writing with you here. :)