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View Full Version : Approved Puzzle Level 1

07-26-2019, 04:19 PM
Name: Puzzle

Also Known As: The Bird Dwarf of Radasanth


Twenty years ago, a locked box was delivered to a professor at the university. The box was locked with a puzzle. After weeks of struggling, the aging academic unlocked the riddle and released what was inside.

A curious little boy was inside. Despite his bizarre appearance (more on that later), the professor raised the child as he would any other Radasanthian lad. And then some! The professor taught the boy the arcane and the mundane alike.

The professor named the boy “Puzzle” because, well, why not?

By the time the child reached adulthood, he could speak five living languages and read several dead ones.


The boy was small as a child, and small as an adult. By the time he finished growing, he was only four feet tall, with stubby arms and legs to match. Puzzle’s eyes were a glassy black, making it difficult for his peers to identify any humanity in him. It didn’t help that his face protruded into a puggish beak. Plus, his entire body was covered in white feathers. The icing on the cake, though, was his pair of angelic wings.


Flight – he flies more like a seagull than a swallow, but it’s enough to get him out of most tough situations.

Like a bird, Puzzle has lightweight bones intended for flight. Meaning, he is able to ride updrafts and travel across long distances (i.e. not a combat scenario) with little effort, hardly needing to take a break at all.

However! While long distance travel might not be energy sapping, the quick movement required for combat flight is extremely draining as it depends almost entirely on the flapping of the wings as opposed to gliding.

Therefore, in combat Puzzle can maintain flight for three posts before tiring and needing to perch for two posts before being able to take flight again.

In combat, he flies at the speed of a human running on the ground. And, while out of combat he might cruise the thermals at 20,000 feet, in combat (via furious flapping) he doesn't really go above 150 feet in the air.


University educated.

Weapons & Armor


07-26-2019, 05:04 PM
Hello! And welcome to Althanas.

Could you possibly give me some stats on how Puzzle can fly - such as is it unlimited?

Is there any skills you would like to add?
Kind regards


07-26-2019, 07:58 PM
Thank you for the reply. Edited!

07-27-2019, 06:31 AM
Amazing! Thank you!

Is that everything that you'd like to add to this profile? If so I'll get you approved.

07-27-2019, 08:21 AM
That's everything! Thank you!

07-27-2019, 05:48 PM
My pleasure! Please let me know if you have any questions.

But in any case - you are approved!

200 starting gold added!