View Full Version : Lovers Intertwined (Mature)

08-28-2019, 06:00 AM
Rated very mature. Follow on from Insert Coin. Closed to Shinsou.

Philomel rode out ahead of the party, atop of the mightily muscled wingless dragon beast she had raised. His name was Delath, and he was the colour of earth and vegetation, and he ultimately was loyal to her. His length of thirty feet trailed out behind him, and the horses who made up the rest of their company had to dance in order to avoid his broad, sweeping tail swings. Five of them rode with pride - tall women who held themselves aloft, their eyes trained on the near and far, acting as the bodyguard that Philomel had never asked for, but had been created. The most astute of these was an archer named Alois, who stayed as close to Delath's behind as possible, but even she could never get close enough to hear the mental conversation between Philomel, Delath and the third being in their group - Veridian, a fox-form earth-spirit, and Philomel's soul-partner.

Mother, said the wyrm-like dragon, as he trotted on his massive four paws. His head swung left and right as he took in the beauty of the rolling hills and fields around them. We have been going for four days. I have not smelt nor heard nor seen any sign.

The Matriarch of the Gilded Lily - a society which had started out merely as a community space for whores, but had now grown to become the world's first truly feminist organisation with its own all-female army, navy, establishments and reputation - ran her hands over the coppery scales at the nape of his neck. I know, darling, she said, her voice edged with concern, I have not noticed anything either. I hoped those tracks we found last night were something but ...

Just another hunting party, Veridian grunted, his golden eyes blinking from where he was nestled in her lap. Another one. Like the last three we have tracked after and stopped.

Philomel grimaced as she remembered the Earl who had looked utterly appaulled at her party. She had 'spoilt his fun,' he had said, 'by frightening off the white stag,' he and his fanciful prancer-riding group had been going after. Just why nobles would be hunting in the midst of recent country-wide battle and the start of an apocalypse Philomel could not quite fathom, but she apologised and allowed the Earl and his party distance to continue their quest. They had last seen them heading towards a smouldering and singed forest.

Hmm, yes, Philomel frowned. Four days of looking and finding nothing. This is the way that the Brotherhood suggested was the likeliest, right?

Indeed, Veridian said, answering the question not for the first time. Yes that is what they said. That is what your lover said.

For the last time Shinsou vaan Dickface is not my lover, she snapped.

No, just your ex, Veridian scowled, and then he paused before he mocked her voice. The one that you are trusting far too much, you know - 'no I hate him now, definitely because he tried to take my city and so I was so angry and tried to fight him to the death, but now we have this peace treaty sort of, I just can't stop thinking about him, ooohhhh ...'


Anger flared through her, and she flicked his ear hard and brutal. He yelped. Delath roared. Behind them a horse started, and an alarmed voice rose.

"My lady?" Alois asked, "Is everything okay? Have you found his trail?"

Sighing, Philomel stared at her two companions before she answered in a bitter voice. "No, we have not found him."

"As you say, my lady."

"Everything is fine."

"Yes, my lady."

There was a contrived silence.

'Him' was not Shinsou. Instead this 'him' was Arius.

A rogue agent of the Brotherhood who had infiltrated it and risen to become Shinsou's right hand man. Once a gentleman of the Castigars he had all this time been a true villain, even more so than the Brotherhood themselves. As the war had commenced he had found himself in an opportune circumstance to attempt to do what he had always desired and seize power for himself. Money had been filtered from the Brotherhood's coffers into his own private funding. He had wormed his way into the heads of a good handful of soldiers, who had now become defectors. When all seemed lost he had struggled to vie for control and shown the true extent of his power and desire; shooting Shinsou in a moment of treason, and fleeing Tylmerande.

Therefore he was an enemy of both the Corone Assembly's United Forces and the Brotherhood army. Well equipped and with a sizable amount of money he was a realistic threat, one that could not be ignored. And thus it was, that after her arranged meeting within Tylmerande, to organise the surrender of the city back over to Corone Assembly hands, that Philomel set out to scout for Arius. Philomel, despite swearing that she did not care for Shinsou anymore, had been both vegeangeful and determined at the news, and so had offered the Gilded Lily warriors to find him.

'Everything is fine,' Veridian mocked.

Oh shut up, Delath himself growled.