View Full Version : Althanas Fitness Thread v4.0!

09-08-2019, 10:12 AM
I am in terrible shape. Let's change that!

Post your fitness goals here, then update us every time you exercise to stay motivated.

My goals: As it has been before, my main goal is to get back into decent enough shape that I can resume training in martial arts without risk of injury. This will require some overall muscular endurance and a lot more cardiovascular endurance than I currently have.

My methods: Currently I'm taking it *very* easy because I want to stay motivated and build the habit by exercising every day for the next 3 months at least. Right now that means taking extra walks, and doing a set of pushups and squats every time I make a cup of coffee. Fortunately I make lots of coffee. I usually some shadow boxing first to warm up, and a little stretching after to loosen up anything stiff. Soon I'll start doing sets of calisthenics and sprints, and a daily yoga practice.

What are you all up to?