View Full Version : Approved Lina Sparks - Electric Feel

09-10-2019, 07:13 AM
Name: Kimbralina Sparks
Nickname: Lina
Race: Dheathain “Choiceling” Fae
Gender: Female
Height: 5’3”
Weight: 101 lbs.
Eye color: Violet
Hair Color: Brunette
Occupation: Healer


Without effort, Kimbralina is a natural beauty by any human or faerie standards. Her wavy brown hair flows down to her slender shoulders, often buffeted about by her gossamer wings when it is not constrained into a braid or bun. Like many fae she garbs herself in bright colors that bring out her violet eyes, but does not dress scantily like some of the women (and men) of her society. She has pale skin from spending most of her time indoors, and a slow, innocently seductive smile that quirks her cherry lips regularly.


Light-boned: Like most flight-worthy fae Kimbralina is fairly light-boned. This makes her approximately 1.5x more vulnerable to physical damage, in particular blunt trauma.

Iron: Touch of iron burns Kimbralina, as it does most fae, making her exceptionally vulnerable to anything forged of the black metal. Alloys such as steel do not have the same effects.


Agility 1.5x: Kimbralina’s naturally slender form also gives her a certain grace and ease of movement which escapes most adult humans. She is able to move fluidly and confidently both on foot and in flight.

Winged flight: Kimbralina’s wings are composed almost entirely of lightweight muscle and gossamer, and can beat at extremely high speeds, allowing her to lift off the ground, hover, and fly for short periods of time. The most weight she can carry in addition to her body and clothing is 30 lbs, but this will dramatically reduce the amount of time she can fly for. Currently flying unencumbered is akin to sprinting for Kimbralina, so she can only do it for 20-60 seconds depending on the intensity and circumstances.

Summon Gust: Kimbralina can summon a gust of wind from any direction within 100 yards. The gust would be strong enough to knock a normal person off balance or make a projectile miss, but she most frequently uses it to give herself an extra boost in flight. Using this ability more than three times in a given day would exhaust Kimbralina.

Glamour: Like many fae Kimbralina has a natural ability to hide her true nature. The only thing she can currently do with her glamour is make herself appear as an inanimate object roughly the same size as her body, such as a grandfather clock or a small tree. This glamour can only last five minutes at most, and would not stand up to close scrutiny from those with enhanced perception.

Spark of Life: Once per day Kimbralina can focus her body’s natural attunement to air and water magic into a powerful electric jolt. In order to use the jolt she must touch the target with two points (an in and an out, could be two hands, two fingers, two bare feet etc). Kimbralina has only ever used this ability to help the dead and dying by jolting their heart, but it could potentially be used to kill someone as hardy as a normal human, or temporarily disable a limb, or anything else that a strong spark can do.


Healing: Lina has an in-depth knowledge of how to heal fae, draconians, humans, and elves, as well as a scattered knowledge of remedies for other races. This includes the ability to brew potions and tinctures, clean, sew, and bandage wounds, provide treatments and advice for most common ailments, and do anything else that would generally be expected of a healer or doctor in Althanas’ current age.

Language and Lore: Lina studies language and foreign lands with a rapth interest in the expansive libraries kept by the fae folk. She can speak enough of several languages to get by on most continents, and makes a habit of conversing with any foreigner she meets in order to learn their dialect and accents. She also studies geography, flora and fauna, and science, and in fact finds an interest in most topics other than magic, which she keeps at arms length after what happened to her parents.

Natural Grace: Although she is no athlete and does not exercise or even fly often, Lina still possesses a natural grace and rhythm to accompany her beauty.

Music: Lina is said to have a beautiful voice and can play most stringed instruments that involve strumming and plucking such as harps, lutes, and others.

Literacy: Lina writes poems and songs and imagines that one day she will pen a bestselling Althanian novel.


A steel scalpel with an extendable blade (similar to a box cutter) blade can go completely inside the handle or extend out up to 5 inches.

A set of steel needles, sutures, and surgical thread.

A variety of other medical equipment (bandages, splints, etc).

A black leather doctor’s bag.

A variety of silk and low-tier clothing.

A round bronze locket on a leather cord with containing pictures of her parents.

Journal kit (leatherbound book, quill, ink, sand, ribbon, scrap parchment, blot cloth)


Kimbralina is a fairly typical fae in many respects; she is quite attuned with the natural world and other creatures within it, and is especially sensitive to the weather due to her unique mix of affinity for air and water. She is adventurous in spirit but often behaves in a mundane manner, likely a result of losing both her parents unexpectedly at a young age. Despite being a fairly passionate dreamer, she leads a surprisingly ordinary life in attempt to avoid the risks she perceives being associated with advanced magic and obsessive passions in general.


Kimbralina was born out of wedlock, which is not unusual for fae folk. However her mother was attuned to water and her father to air, and that is less than ordinary. The two were both members of a druidic clan responsible for investigating advanced fae magicks and their interaction with the Eternal Tap.

Lina, as her parents and friends fondly referred to her, grew up happily living between two homes. While never becoming a couple, her parents remained on good terms and supported her together despite the difference in their lineage. They encouraged her to delve into her natural magic at a young age, as soon as they saw her skill with electricity.

Sadly when Lina was only eighteen when her parents were killed in an explosion resulting from their magical experimentations. Gripped by trauma and grief, the young fae threw herself into helping heal those few of the druids that survived the explosion, for they were some of her parents’ closest friends. After the last of them had successfully vacated the hospital, she decided to stay on as an apprentice, eventually becoming a fully ranked healer after learning many skills related to the health of fae, draconians, humans, and elves.

For over ten years Kimbralina stayed in the middle-sized town in Dheathain where she grew up, working at the hospital and researching foreign lands and languages in her spare time to slake her natural thirst for adventure.

And then one day, a friend of her family was found mortally wounded and brought to the hospital. Forced to remember the horrors of her past, she sat at the elder fae’s bedside until they awakened, only to hear a whispered phrase that would change her life.

“Lina… good… I must tell you something before I die.”

09-11-2019, 11:55 AM
Greetings Miss Sparks!

Welcome to Althanas :D

All of your abilities are well detailed and provide some great information to get the numbers beginning.

For Spark of Life, however, I have a couple of questions, mainly regarding the fact that it *could* potentially kill someone. This means that it is overly powerful. I presume you are thinking of it working not dissimilar to a heart defibrillator? In that case we may need to set some limitations upon it, saying that it can only be used to heal at the moment (i.e. not usable in combat).

Also as it stands you are over the limit for points for a level one character. We would need to look at locking some of your abilities or bringing them down, unfortunately.

For the grace skill, I presume it adds no advantage to dexterity etc?

Thank you and of course, if you have any questions, I would be more than happy to help.


10-07-2019, 03:14 PM
Hi there, it's been about a month since there was any movement on this profile.

I'm just checking in to see if everything is okay.

Would you still like to proceed with the approval of your character?


Shinsou Vaan Osiris
11-01-2019, 10:01 AM
Going to close this off as "unapproved" for now. Please contact a member of staff if you wish to revisit this!