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View Full Version : Double the Trouble with a Demi Succubus -Part three Charon and Koreena.-

09-14-2019, 02:17 PM
Koreena arrived in Falleni late last night. Her heart swelled with mixed emotions being back in her birth place. She had only been in town a few hours when a knock came at her door - her mother’s door. To her surprise it was lacky from one of the prestige princes that tend to require company. She had tried to refuse to dance for him knowing well that this particular prince’s reputation precedes him. Finally she had to agree to dance for him in three days time, just dance.

Settling back into her childhood home she looked around. The place hadn’t been touched, it was like a shrine of Leila’s life. She sighed softly, having been away from Selena and Charon for almost two weeks. So KC went over to the desk she had seen her mother sit at writing letters to her father. She grabbed a piece of paper that smelled of lavender, a pen and began to write a letter to the raven haired beauty.

Dear Selena,
My life has been all too adventurous since you have last seen me. My father sent my brother and a headhunter to collect me. The scene kind of turned ugly when the headhunter went rogue and took a slice out of my stomach. Thayden of course went crazy and ripped the guy apart, literally. I took off, jumping out of the second story window. I am okay, the cut on my abdomen isn’t deep, a few stitches took care of it. I presume that my lovely father didn’t think the headhunter was going to get pissed when I broke his nose and try and stab me.

I am in Falleni now, I haven’t even been back but a day and one of the princes is beckoning to entertain him. His lackey wouldn’t take no for an answer so I told him I would strictly dance for him. His name is Prince Asaph, the gaither because he collects dancers like myself. His reputation is horrid and I heard the horror stories, he practically kidnaps the dancers that don’t go willingly and pimps them out at his parties. In three days he is throwing a party and I am to be the main entertainment.

I hope this letter finds you well, I miss you terribly. How is your father and even the egotistic Morningstar? Please remember what I said about you being destined for great things.


She folded the letter up, pushing herself away from the desk. Koreena glanced down at her mother’s cloak that was made from the finest silk. It was black but had little crystals sewn into the fabric so when either the sun or the moonlight hit it, it sparkled like the stars in the nighttime sky.

She took it from the armchair and put it on, fitting her like a glove. She tossed the hood over her head, shielding her face so that she was not seen. The young demi-succubi headed to the postmaster with coin in her purse to bribe him.

Rounding the corner she could see the tall, lengthy man as he held his bag of letters, gifts and other sorts he would later send out. Out from an alleyway stepped the one person she was hoping to avoid at all cost here, Prince Asaph. His hand snaking around her waist as he pulled her flush too himself. “Koreena,” he purred her name.

Sucking in a breath she pushed herself off of him. “Prince Asaph,” she mumbled. “I have to reach the postmaster before he departs.”

The prince chuckled letting his hand wander too closely to places he shouldn’t. She wiggled from his grasp stumbling backwards before catching herself. “I just wanted to see you, let you know I am excited for you to dance for me in three days at my party.” Kora gave him a curt nod before quickly slipping around him, a shiver running down her spine. “See you then sweet succubus.” He called after her.

KC barely made it to her destination before the postmaster was getting ready to ship out. “Postmaster!” She called out, the tall man turned slowly, his warm chestnut gaze falling on her. “I have two gold coins if you enchant this letter to have the person who is to receive it in a days time.” She huffed, pulling back her hood.

The postmaster’s brows knit together as he looked at her closely. “I knew your mother,” he said in a thick tone. “She was a kind soul, for her memory I shall do it.” He nodded taking the letter and the coin. Closing his eyes he whispered something to the paper in a lost tongue, in a split moment it disappeared. Kora gasped softly as she looked at him, confused.

“It is on its way,” he nodded before turning to take his leave. “Thank you,” Koreena called after him, breathing a sigh of relief.

Professor Charles
09-15-2019, 08:04 AM
Patiently Selena stood, looking the image of a ballerina in passive pose. Arms held still by her side, yet with a small, elegant curve to them, legs straight, heels together and toes pointed delicately. There she stood, chin high, hair bound in a bold bun as the seamstresses worked around her, weaving their magic as they made her her first 'royal’ dress.

A gorgeous emerald it was, a far cry from the plum and black of her father's realm. But no longer was she princess of the underworld Rahl, instead she was Lady Star, mistress of the court of Morningstar. Indeed, they had never had any formal ceremony at all, and neither were they going to consummate the marriage - but those facts were only known by a few. For all appearances Selena had to seem like she was Lady Star, in the various circumstances where she needed to be. These included, but were not limited to; balls, official events, pageants and embassy events. None of these she had gone to yet, for Morningstar seemed to like to conduct his small council meetings, his general day-to-day court operations and other daily tasks alone. He had never had a queen, and she was only really there as a symbol.

But tonight was going to be different. For the first time she was to appear as Lady Star, and be presented as Morningstar's bride. It was a gala of his power for his nobles and courtiers, where he would formally introduce her to many of his closest and most loyal followers.

Let's see if they actually respect me, she thought as material was tacked at her shoulder. So far she had a grand evening gown, with a drooping 'queen anne’ style neckline. The rest of the dress became next to nothing at her waist, where it was cut away to reveal bare flesh. Then, from her waist, it wooshed down into a loose and fluid skirt.

The needle stabbed her accidentally. Letting out a light cry she glanced from the mirror to the seamstress holding the offending item. Wide eyed the woman automatically dropped the thread, then took a step back, bowing her head.

“My lady I am so sorry!” she gasped.

Selena raised her hands kindly, “no it's okay, it's fine.”

“My lady, it is not, I should be more careful! Lord Morningstar-”

“Won't know if you don't tell him,” Selena smiled gently, still standing as still as she could so as not to upset the work done so far.

The seamstress paused and looked at her with wide eyes. “You … won't?”

Selena shook her head. “No.”

The woman let out a long sigh of relief. “Thank you my lady,” she said and curtseyed. She then went back to sewing.

It was only a short time later when a young man rushed in, baring a letter. He charged through the wooden door into the small, private dressing room. Hands out in front of him he held the letter to Selena.

“Miss!” he cried, “a letter has come to you!”

Selena frowned, wondering how on earth a letter could get to this semi-plane of Morningstar's realm. But then, the letter could actually have been sent to her biological father's place, and he could have arranged to send it here, or there was magic on the envelope, or a dove had flown here … anything. There were multiple excuses.

Calmly, she took the letter, moving still as little as possible. She slid a fingernail beneath the seal and ripped it open. Then, she unfolded the paper and began to read.

09-18-2019, 12:22 PM
Koreena had spent most of the morning laying in her mother’s pallet bed. It still smelled like Leila which comforted her immensely. The three days had passed and later when the moon was full Prince Asaph’s party would be in full swing. Wrapped in the soft blankets that her mother once laid in made her wish to lay in it forever. Her mind wandered - thinking what Charon was doing, what Selena was doing. For two people she had just met she felt bonded to them. An urgent knock came at the door as she groaned.

She untangled herself from the blankets and walked out of the bedroom, across the living room, to the door. The knocking turned into pounding, quickly KC looked around for something to arm herself with. She grabbed a letter opener and slowly opened the door. Gabriel, the finest beledi dress maker burst into the room in a flurry of panic. Kora groaned as she closed the door behind him, walking over to the fireplace she stroked the fire back to life. Her hand slid across the mantel trying to ignore the man as he laid out fabric after fabric on her sofa.

“Dear Mother Goddess,” he cried, grabbing her arm and pulling her over to the middle of the living room.

“Gabriel,” she groaned in protest.

The man turned, his dark chocolate skin shone in the fire. He looked her up and down with his moss green colored orbs. “What are you wearing?” Koreena glanced down as she smiled slightly embarrassed. She had taken - stolen Charon’s tunic shirt and had been wearing it for the last two days. “Oh Gabe, what are you doing here?” She quickly changed the subject and also tried to remember if she had told him to come see her. She was almost certain that she hadn’t, few people even knew that she was in town.

“Prince Asaph sent me, he wanted you to have a new beledi dress of course,” Gabriel pushed a frustrated hand through his long white locks.

Koreena sucked in a breath, something between a gasp and a yelp. “What?” She hissed.

Gabriel nodded eagerly displaying the rainbow of elegant fabrics. KC knew no amount of moaning and groaning would deter this mad man from making her something to wear for this party. Her dark gaze ran over the beautiful fabrics before deciding to simply let him do what he does best. He started to measure her quickly and efficiently, when he was finished he waved her away. “Go, go wash up!” He demanded her and started working feverishly.

Koreena didn’t need any more encouragement, turning she left and headed down the long hallway to the bathing room. She pushed open the door, the white marble top glistened in the sunlight. She smiled fondly making her way over towards the large bar claw tub. Turning on the water Kora stuck her hand under the faucet letting the water warm before she placed the plug in. Water started to fill as she went over to the cupboard and took out a small jar. She popped the jar lid open and poured out dried rose petals, smiling a sad smile as her mother used to take this exact bath.

After Koreena soaked in the tub and washed herself, she wrapped a robe around her and headed to the living room where miraculously Gabriel had already made two dresses. “Wow, that is amazing I was only in the bathing room for maybe an hour.”

The dark skin dressmaker beamed proudly, nodding eagerly. “Try one on, hurry we don’t have much time!” He cawed like a bird.

Koreena grabbed the first dress, it was black and gold. Shimming into the first half of the beledi dress. It fit like a second skin. The skirt sat right on her delicately curved hips, gold coins hung around her waist like a belt. With each movement the coins swayed and collided together. The top was almost like a braclet, the straps crossing forming and X on her back. It came with a sarong scarf. She popped her hips from side to side, the metal colliding together sounded like raindrops. The memory of her and Charon dancing in the rain came to her. Her fingertips grazing over her plush lips remembering the way he kissed her.

Back in the living room Gabriel called her back to model his creation. She walked in, the skirt part of the dress, flowed fluidly. Gabe let out a low whistle as his drank in his work. “Prince Asaph is going to love you in that but I think the royal blue color of this one would make your skin color pop.” He pointed to the other beledi dress that was the same making as the one she wore but a different color.

Koreena nodded in agreement, the dresses were breathtaking but the reason for why she was getting them soured the mood. She sighed dreading what was going happen in the next few hours after the sun went down. She pursed her plush lips slightly feeling trapped in the beautiful beledi dress.

Professor Charles
09-23-2019, 05:10 AM
It was a fine, elegant hall, filled with colour, pattern and vibrancy. Swathes of material draped endlessly from walls and ceilings, making one feel as if they had been engulfed by a rainbow. Barely could the pale cream walls be seen for all the fabric, aside from where they bordered the tall windows directly. The room was made of two levels - one the hall and the next a balcony that ran the entire length of all four sides, accessible only by a blue-draped set of narrow steps.

There were some people already here, milling in their fine Fallieni clothing that showed off as much flesh as Selena would dare to. They were as bright and varying in colour as the decoration on the walls, and some had piercings all over their bodies. Gold and shining jewels made excellent jewelry, so much so to the extent that Selena felt dull in her silver circlet, that was nestled on her brow just below the stem of her horns, and woven nearly into her thick, black hair. Her clothing also was dark - the deep green of her fake husband's house, that was more Corone fashion than anything. Yes, it showed flesh at her midriff, and had the short cropped top and straight-lined skirt but the materials were not as lithe and 'swooshy’ as the Fallieni. It was just not quite the same and she felt quite out of place, despite her position.

“Eh Lady Selena Star, Princess of Rahl,” a loud voice announced.

Selena jumped, looking over to the announcer beside the doorway where she was, peering into the hall. Hurrying back over to her from him was Selena's newly appointed maid, Rashiel, niece of Sir Fellden who sat on Morningstar's small council, alongside Charon.

“Madam,” she curtseyed as all eyes turned to look at Selena. The princess pursed her lips a little and awkwardly remained where she stood.

“All I want to do is find Kora,” she muttered.

Rashiel nodded a little, looking out to the people. “Yes madam, but maybe we should get into the party first.”

They were still standing in the door, that was true. Until Selena moved she would be the centre of attention. And that was not something she wanted to be tonight. After all she had requested that Morningstar gain her an invite to this prince Asaph’s celebrations simply so she could infiltrate it and possibly rescue Kora. If the dancer needed saving.

They moved to the side of the room, where, darkened by the kindness of a balcony overhead, a long table filled with drinks stood. Selena saw the punch and aimed for it.

“I need you to go and find out where they are keeping her,” she said quietly to her maid, as she began to ladle, but kept her eyes peeled and glancing around. Apparently now someone grander had come in and so most eyes were on them, thankfully.

“My lady …” Rashiel began to murmur.

“Just go,” Selena waved a hand. “I'll be fine. Honest.”

Rashiel looked nervous, but her lady had given her a direct request. Thus, she cursteyled. “I will see what I can fine, madam,” she said.

Then she was gone, merging into the growing crowd. Selena leant against the curtained wall and began to drink punch.

09-24-2019, 01:24 PM
Koreena had been practically dragged to the festivities, under protest she was tossed over one of Prince Asaph’s guard's shoulders and carried here. The Hall was alive with color, colorful tapestries draped from the ceiling. Most of the lighting came from gas lanterns and candles, giving the room an almost glowing atmosphere.

Gabriel scurried frantically behind her with the dress he had finally decided upon. The bag that shielded it from onlookers eyed as she was brought in. Even with them having used the side entrance and coming just before the party started, whispers of the infamous Demi Succubus arrival spread like wildfire.

The guard that carried Kora effortlessly, made his way down back hallways, cutting through two rooms until the were in a makeshift dressing room. Lightly the big brute tossed her on a sofa that was more for looks then comfort. A string of unattractive curse words spewed from her plush lips.

“You should watch that pretty mouth of yours,” KC didn’t even have to move the locks that had fallen in her face to know who it was.

“Asaph,” she spat out his name with disgust.

“Prince,” he corrected her with a tight lipped response.

She sighed, pushing herself to sit up and adjust herself comfortably. She looked around the room. It was simple, the light was more bright than that of the dance hall. A vanity with a plush looking stool was pushed into the corner. Pursing her lips awkwardly she looked towards the Prince and his guard. He was smart for having someone with him. She had planned to knock him out and leave but now she had another more worthy opponent to get through.

“Hurry and change, you are on in fifteen minutes.” The prince spoke, his gaze greedily washing over her form.

“Can we do a rain check? I am just not feeling up to dancing today…” She mumbled.

“If she isn’t ready in fifteen minutes bring her out naked for all I care! She will dance for my entertainment!” His deep voice filled the room as he yelled at his guard, tone dripping with annoyance. With his final words still echoing off the walls he turned on his heels, slamming the door behind him.

“She is right here and you my good sir are a royal asshole!” She called to him behind the closed door.

The guard, who looked more like a laundry bag stuffed full of meat, coughed to cover up his laughter.

Koreena sighed as she laid back on the sofa, staring at the ceiling for a moment. Her mind wandered off, her thoughts dancing to Charon, his warrior like body, how his lips melted against hers. She touched her lips fondly a small smile gracing them. “Charon,” she breathed his name.

“Excuse me?” The guard arched his eyebrow, inquisitively.

Her dark orbs narrowed with annoyance, “leave so I can get ready.”

The guard’s lips fell open as if he was going to protest. Her glare became darker almost demonic like as she snarled at him. He stumbled towards the door, jiggling the handle nervously. “Okay - okay..” He stumbled out the door into the hallway.

Professor Charles
09-25-2019, 06:37 AM
“Apparently she is tonight's brightest entertainment,” Rashiel murmured, her thin eyebrows rising into her temples. “They say that she is a famous dancer here, beloved by many.”

Selena grunted. By what Charon had said of that night when he and Kora had deliberately run out into the rain, away from Morningstar, Kora could hold a court to ransom with her dancing. The way her hips swung and her body responded the rhythm was far beyond any similar he had seen in one so young. Tipping back her head and eyeing the crowd Selena kept watch on as many individuals she could, noting those who might come in useful, should she need them. Also she was remembering names as they were announced, and she noted that there was a demoness Lady of Haldin, Tular, arrived that she may have some ability to befriend. What, being a half death god and seemingly tiefling/demon. Though of course she was actually half primordial, but the appearance came out similar.

Smoothly, she ran a hand over her head, touching briefly the curves of her horns and ensuring all her hair that was carefully woven around them was still in place. Looking back to Rashiel she paused as she raised the punch to her lips.

“When is she due to come on?”

“Very soon my lady,” Rashiel said quickly, anxiously. “Ten minutes perhaps. We should be ready.”

Selena nodded a little, as she drained the rest of the drink. She set the empty glass aside before she kicked away from the table.

“I need a willing victim,” she grunted.

The maid blinked once, confused. “A willing …”

The princess waved a hand impatiently. “It's fine. Show me the dance floor where she is expected.”

Confused, but accepting, Rashiel inclined her head and turned. Weaving through the loose crowds she hurriedly took Selena from the entrance hall through to another, larger chamber where a smaller crowd was milling. A group of musicians were preparing on a narrow gallery, and a small dais held a single and simple, proud throne. Selena’s eyes travelled over the area, and nodded with agreement that the space was perfect for dancing. People even seemed to unconsciously know something beautiful would be happening as they left a considerable sized space between themselves.

Scanning her eyes over the people Selena marked out what looked like a bored guard. He was awkwardly poised beside a doorway. Pursing her lips she nodded slightly to herself before she slipped her hand into the pocket of her dress.

“Wait here,” she whispered to Rashiel. “If she comes before I am back … just keep watching and follow her every move. Keep within ten feet of her.”

Rashiel frowned. “Yes, my lady, but what-”

Once more Selena waved a hand and twisted, heading straight for the guard. Rashiel’s curious eyes watched as the daughter of Charon transformed before her eyes. Strange, and beguiling she stripped away the proud, directed princess, and instead constructed a bright, flouncing girl with wide eyes and a smile that could seduce a rat. She took up a half filled glass of wine from a table as she did. Happy and young she seemed, and she was awfully apologetic as she 'tripped’ and fell into the guard's side, spilling the wine over him.

“Oh gosh!” she gasped, blushing suddenly. “I am so sorry!” Quickly setting the glass to the side she began to dab at him with her own silk shawl.

The guard gasped at the seeming generosity. “Oh no need,” he whispered, shocked at what had just happened. “You don't-”

But the red wine had stained his beautiful tunic, picked out in rich colours. “Oh but it's my fault,” Selena was timidly saying, dabbing more enthusiastically. She moved around to his front. “Please, let me …”

And she fluttered her eyelashes at him. He paused, and smiling awkwardly as he stood there. Rashiel was astounded to see her share a long look with the guard, one that showed a measure of understanding and of flirtation, but why …

And then things changed. Selena moved an arm - but from where Rashiel watched she could not see. It was fast, it was scrupulous, and for all those watching it just have just seen a slip of the hand. Possibly to … at least it seemed to change the guard. He let out a gasp, Selena grinned slightly, and as her arm moved back to the side she pressed closer to him, leaning up to whisper in his ear.

Rashiel was not close enough to hear, but she was sure the princess had him under her spell now. Beautiful, and charming was she, collected and calm. She moved to stand beside the red-stained guard as doors began to open and the musicians began to play.

09-25-2019, 10:03 PM
Koreena was escorted to behind the stage by the guard that had been keeping an eye on her. His hand was wrapped firmly around her upper arm as he guided her down two all ways, cutting across the same two rooms to behind a drawn curtain. The soft music blended with the gentle murmurs of the attending guests. The notes of the music soothed her nerves slightly, she closed her eyes and let it wash over her.

“You better impress, mio amore.” Prince Asaph materialized from the shadows, his hand snaked around her waist, pulling her flush against him.

Koreena’s face grimaced, scrunched together with distaste. She wiggled from his grasp as he grabbed her wrist bending it. She gasped as her wrist filled with fiery pain, bending at an angle that with any more pressure would break it. The look in the Collector’s eyes shone something of greed, lust and possessiveness. His features darkened as he applied just a little more pressure, causing the demi succubus to yelp.

“Master, you can not harm her before she entertains.” The guard drew the prince from his darkness.

“You are right, Thadios.” He smiled a sickly sweet smile, dropping her wrist. “You will submit to me and be mine, dolce Koreena or I will break you.” With that he parted the curtain slightly before entering the stage. He quickly addressed the crowd before the sound of drums started to play.

“You are up, succubi,” the guard known as Thadios pushed her through the curtain.

KC gasped, a spot light flashing in her eyes but not before she was able to see a sea of bodies. She could feel their gaze, their eyes bore into her with childlike wonder. The drums beat, almost like a pulse of the music as the other instruments slowly began to pour in, one right after the other. For a moment she sat there, off to the side she glanced noticing how still the Prince was.

Collecting herself she took a deep breath, the notes of the music washing over her. Slowly her hips started to roll, the navy blue fabric looked like waves from the ocean. The coins on her hips gently collided together giving another sound to the beautiful orchestra of music that was playing. Her tea colored complexion glistened if the soft lighting of the room, the glowing hue did wonder for her unique skin color. Her hands started to sway, caressing her hair that was neatly braided at the top of her head down into a bun at the base of her neck, a few tendrils left to frame her angelic face.

She dipped, rolled and swayed her body, almost as if she became water itself. The deep blue hued fabric billowed like waves lapping against the shore. Kora opened her mouth and high pitched notes spilled from her lips. No words really just another layer of music, the sound almost mirrored that or a prized opera singer.

Kora’s eyes flashed a bright blue as the two pots she had demanded filled with water trembled. The movements she did with her hips didn’t falter as the water came once she called. It wrapped itself around her arms like a bracelet, when she tossed out her arm it snapped like a whip. The crowd gasped in unison as she did it a few more times. Her fingers moved fluidly as if she was playing a piano. The whip that was made from water snaked away from her arm and moved around her.

The temp of the music picked up, the drums beat faster. She moved her hips quicker, the coins colliding more rapidly. The water turned to droplets around her, suspended in the air, just as she had done the last time she was with Charon. When her arms moved to one side so did the droplets. The light reflecting off the droplets as they casted random rainbows around her. The sounds of approval and wonder came from the crowd.

Just as the beat was about to end, simultaneously the demi succubi clapped her hands together and the water combusted into a mist. Her head body as she could feel the cool mist wash over her body and those close enough to the stage. An applause erupted from the sea of people, hooping and hollering, some chanting her name.

Koreena was about to flee the stage when the serpent himself pulled her to him once again.

“Was she not breathtaking!” He called to the people. Many answered with more hollering. “Only the best for my parties!” He gloated before whisking her off the stage.

“Let go,” she hissed as she tried to fight against him.

“Still you try to defy me! Deny me what I want.” He growled, wrenching her down the hallway away from the people.

The skirt of KC’s dress swooshed around her legs as she stumbled, trying to keep up with the angry prince. The collector went the opposite way from the dressing room she had gotten ready in. Fear gripped her chest as she tried to fight him, tired of her resilience he turned and his hand collided with her face. A fiery pain erupted on the side of her face, her ear rang as she tried to collect herself quickly.

Tossed over somone’s shoulder she was carried deep into the bowels of the building. The lightly started to get poor, all the demi succubi could make out was shadows. Her tongue rolled over her lips as she tried to struggle against whoever was carrying her, the coppery taste of her own blood filling her mouth.

Finally they came to a room that was lit a bit more, Koreena was set on her feet but not before her arms were pulled behind her back. She casted her glare at the guard, Thadios as he pushed her forward. Her eyes filled with horror as she saw what looked like a large cement block that had shackles built into them. A dark laughter filled the room as the Prince had rolled up his sleeves and was holding what looked like some type of whip.

Over power and outnumbered Koreena still tried to fight. “No!” She struggled as she was pushed flush against the cold stone. The freezing steel stung against her wrist as she thrashed trying to get free.

“This is a leech whip,” the prince said, admiring the whip as he flashed the weapon into her view before pulling it away quickly. “Since you deny me of what I want, what could be mine. No one else will have you.” He growled, his lips assaulting her own as she pulled back. Pulling back he sighed, a look that almost mimicked sadness in his eyes. “There is a special poison that will make you hallucinate first, then your core temp will heat extremely high before your heart gives out.”

“Please - don’t do this Asaph.” She pleaded with the monster.

“It is Prince Asaph!” He spat out before unraveling the whip. “I wouldn’t struggle, the leech whip is made to rip away flesh.” He purred.

Koreena closed her eyes as she gripped the chains, bracing herself. The first crack sounded like thunder and lightning. The whip cut across her back as a high pitch scream spilled from her lips. Her teeth ground so hard together she was certain she would break them. Warm liquid spilled down her back, the bralette barely shielding her breast now after the fifth whipping. Her body started to sag against the cement stone as she was slowly losing herself in the fiery pain of her back, tears blurring her vision.

Professor Charles
09-28-2019, 01:59 PM
Selena slid to a gasping halt as she heard the first ear-splitting crack. Eyes wide, she froze, fearing at what lay at the end of this cold, terrible corridor. Behind her was wheezing, as the guard who was now entirely devoted to her in his mind, body and soul came up.

“My-my mistress,” he huffed, “why we go-”

“What is in there?” The princess rounded on the guard, eyes low and dark. Her finger pointed demanding at the door. Another crack pierced the air - and a scream. It made her body shake, but there was no way she was going to head in without possibly causing Kora more harm. There was a high probability that there would be more guards than Selena could even deal with.

“The whipping post mistress,” her guard shivered, lips quivering. “She …”

A second, blood-curdling howl of pain.

Selena’s heart beat hectically. Shoving her hand to the door she whispered words that might mean her guards doom. In her pocket she gripped tight what was the internal, emotional centre of him - the small ruby gem of his Heart. As she tightened her grip around it he gasped, and began to stumble towards the door.

“I will do as you will, my mistress,” he vowed. And his eyes were full of direst love for her. He slowly drew his sword as he strode to the chamber that the whip cracks continued from.

After him Selena followed, still in her gorgeous dress but now with a bodyguard who would die for her.

They approached the chamber door, prepared for anything.

The door opened, at first the two males - the one that stood guard and the other that did the whipping were concentrated on the tattered form of a girl before them. Her back was a horrid sight, flesh peeled back, exposing muscle and connective tissue. Her body trembled - convulsing with pain.

The guard with the wine-stained tabard paused for a moment, before his face curled up with disgusted anger. Aiming his sword right at the man with the whip he let out a chilling scream before he began to run at him.

“You die TONIGHT!” he yelled, going for his former master.

Koreena tried to raise her head to see the chaos that erupted behind her. She let out a mix between a cry for help and a strangled sob. “Pl - ease..” Her head lulled to the side the only thing holding her up were the shackles.

The other guard roared and started towards Selena's devotee. But her own eyes were on Kora. Rashiel had been left to try to keep their corridor clear, so it was just her and the guard. Her heart thumped heavily, but sucking in her breath she let go of the ruby within her pocket to run out of her cover from the door to Kora.

“Mmm-mistress!” her guard cried as he saw her, and he redoubled his efforts to fight against both guard and Prince Asaph.

She kept running, until she was by Kora. Taking the closest shackle in hand she tried to pull at it. “Key?” she asked desperately.

Kora’s gaze was not focus. She winced as she raised her head to look at her friend. “Belt… his…. belt..” She mumbled.

Selena grunted, turning and looking at the group of men. Her guard - hells, she hadn't even asked his name - was desperately struggling to keep his assailants back. Asaph had seen her and was trying to get around him, but the prince had hardly seen the point of a sword for his own palace. All he had was a dagger.

But so did Selena.

She was not a warrior, but she had not spent fifty years without learning to fight a little. Pulling her long slender blade from where it was hidden in her dress she started to run.

10-01-2019, 11:52 AM
Koreena’s heart swelled with hope when she saw the beautiful raven haired girl that was Selena. The fire in her back seemed to dull for a moment as she tried to struggle against the chains. They had rubbed her wrist raw but still she fought. “Don’t - touch her - you bastard!” She said breathlessly.

“That’s right struggle, the poison will kill you faster!” Asaph hissed as he advanced on Selena, dagger drawn.

Kora gasped as it felt like someone had injected acid into her veins. The breath hitched in her breast as she went blind with pain. Black vines spread across the skin that hadn’t been marred from the leech whip. Beads of sweat started to collect on her brow as she felt like her entire body was set ablaze.

“Out … Selena… get… out...go…” She groaned, warm tears slide down her cheeks.

Selena did not watch as her guard was able to concentrate his battle solely on one person now. He had a large cut to his upper arm, but then the other man had a slice on his skull. She, on the other hand … was less evenly matched. Asaph clearly had more warrior experience.

“I am a Princess of the underworld Rahl,” she hissed, “daughter to the King of Death, and you there have my friend. You have made an enemy of my father's kingdom tonight.”

She began to circle him.

Fear gripped Kora as she watched the petite woman get ready to lay down her life. Please don’t fail me now… She pleaded to the Mother Goddess. Even with the fire of the poison working its way through her veins she was not going to let her friend fight alone. She closed her eyes, her brows knit together, a mixture of pain and focus on her face. She called to water, the water that made of over half of the Collector’s body. She couched it, beckoned it to come to her.

The large man froze for a moment, he could feel something wrong within his own body. She tried to separate the cells, of his blood. She felt like she was on the cusp of almost passing out as she stopped in his stance. “Now - Selena…” She gasped almost losing the grip on the magic that kept the Prince in his place.

Selena breathed in sharply, then suddenly darted forwards, eyes bright and scarlet. Her knife went as swift as she did as she cried out, the prince staring at her with wide as he was stuck frozen. A smile came to her face as she darted forwards, blade flashing and she aimed right for his throat.

With the Prince’s body immobile Kora had to focus but unconsciousness was slowly starting to claim her. A few more moments.. She thought in a daze of confusion that seemed to be rolling in like an unwelcome fog. Her vision blurred but she knew she heard his throat open like a fountain once he started to make gurgling noises on his own blood.

In the corner of her eye KC saw her mother. The magic fleeting from her as she struggled against the chains. “Mom!” She called out, on the other side of the room she saw Charon. He closed the distance towards her mother. “Charon? What are you doing?” Her eyes no longer had an iris or a pupil. The were pure white, as if she were blind. Charon’s own blade plunged into her mother’s chest. “NO!” She cried out before passing out.

Professor Charles
10-02-2019, 11:24 AM
“Kora!” she cried as Asaph slipped to the floor, drowning in his own blood. She didn't care about him anymore though - he was yesterday's villain. Right now she was concerned with Kora, and helping her.

The guards still fought, but now that Asaph was dead the other was losing his will to fight on. As Selena grabbed the key from the dying Prince’s belt her guard struck out and stabbed the other man in the chest. Darting back over to the slab she tried to hold Kora up as she reached for the shackles. But they were high, and the floor was becoming slippery in blood. She gritted her teeth and yelled out.

“You! I need … hold her!”

“Mistress!” he gasped as he turned and ran to her, the new order pumping purpose in his veins. He did not need the pressure of her fist around her heart, so determined was he in his quest. His clothing now stained in both blood and wine he aided her by sliding his arms gently around Kora’s body as Selena unlocked her restraints. Though he shook from various cuts he stood, eager to follow every order until his dying breath.

Selena looked once in his eyes and gestured, wanting to get out of there as soon as they could. “Come,” she said, “Rashiel will have kept the corridor clear. I need you to show us a quiet and quick way out of here.”

Just for effect she slipped her hand into her pocket and touched the ruby with a finger. He gasped and nodded, securing his hold around Kora.

“Mistress. Yes,” he mumbled as he awkwardly turned and began to shamble out. Carrying the unconcious girl he poked his head out of the corridor before going out completely. Selena stepped over Asaph, disregarding him entirely as they walked.

“Madam!” Rashiel came rushing up to them, “the party is … fine, but some are wondering where he went and then you. We-”

“Are getting out of here. And heading to father's. As in Charon's.”

Rashiel made a line with her lips, but nodded.

“This guard will get us there. He knows the palace. Right .. what is your name?” Selena looked to the guard.

“Peter, mistress,” the guard said as he started for a door.

“Peter will get us out safely,” Selena sounded fully confident. And Peter smiled. He managed to, with half a hand available, open the door and lead them down a back alley staircase. All while the people in the party still celebrated … and rumours spread.

10-02-2019, 11:02 PM
Koreena floated in a sea of blackness, a hot searing pain wrapped itself around her. Charon had plunged his dagger into her mother’s chest, he then dipped his head and kissed her lips. His usually thin, pink lips painted in the crimson blood of her mother. No, it’s not real, her mother had died a month before. She tried to muddle away the hallucinations that fogged her.

Visions flashed quickly around her, consuming her, suffocating her. She felt smothered as they crashed over her with such realistic qualities. Her brother stood before her in the room she had occupied, the Weeping Willow. The headhunter closed in on her, his silver dagger gleaming in the moonlight. “Kill the problem child!” Thayden’s voice rang out.

“No Thayden, please! I’m sorry!” She cried out into the night.

Her body struggled against the guard as she the visions over took her.

He gulped, his arms curling as tight as he could around her. “Mistress!” his voice rang out, “mistress, she's …”

“Just hold onto her,” came a steady growl as the world began to spin. There was pressure at Kora’s arm, a soft but firm grip. Then a feeling of them moving but not moving, as if shifting through an ocean of custard, but with their feet never leaving the ground.

“Stop, make it stop… the burning..” Koreena gasped her eyes flashing back to their normal dark gaze before going completely white again.

The vines of black started to slowly spread down her back, a few of the lashings had missed her lower portion. The small dimples in her back were bruised from where the whip had just licked the flesh.

“The burning will stop,” came the strong voice again. “I promise. Just hold on for me.”

KC gasped, her body was feeling something above feverish, her back stiff from the blood that was starting to dry, a few spots still trickled the crimson liquid. She tried to lift her head but it felt so heavy. Tendrils of her multicolored locks cling to sweat covered face. Her head lulled from side to side as exhaustion overcame her.

Seconds passed. Minutes. The world settled, and there were the few sounds of gasping, shuffling feet. Somewhere, a dog howled as new, firm arms began to embrace her, letting her head relax onto a new, more familiar chest.

“I cannot do anything,” said a firm, aged man. “We must take her to Morningstar.”

Koreena blinked a few times, her blurred vision took in the handsome features of her new lover, “Charon,” she croaked. A few new tears slipped down her cheeks, “I’m so tired - the burning..” Her eyes closed once more, her body still trembling from the pain and the fever that Asaph had taunted her about.

Professor Charles
10-08-2019, 06:39 AM
My hands neither shook nor made mistakes as I pulled the dying form of my lover fully from the bloodstained guard. I did not ask questions as to how Selena had ended up with this coffee-coloured skin man, robed in standard uniform armour. Her ways were her own, and since he had brought Kora to me safely in her condition, I saw no reason to hate him.

Cradling Kora’s head in the crook between my shoulder and my collarbone I once more glanced up to my stunned daughter.

“You heard what I said,” I barked, “we have to take her to Morningstar.”

“But he …” she mumbled, long awkwardly as her maid just caught up with us. Rachel or something similar was her name. She was the last to stumble up the stairs to my wide apartment door, from where the portal had materialised - and now closed.

“He is the best healer I know!” I insisted, my eyes livid and burning. “He is the only one who can help her. Now get me there! Now!”

“But why would he do anything for her?” she mumbled, but I saw her hands fumble at the pockets of her dress for where a quartz crystal which would lead to the demi-plane that was his court was. I did not have such an item, I never had. I was, after all, the rogue member of his council and court who refused to give him my oath of fealty, and thus was treated with a varying amount of distrust, uncertainty and curiosity from all there. That, and recently my magic had been exploding more and more powerfully in a sudden myriad of different ways that made me both a threat and an exciting project fit my megalomaniac brother.

I thought about question, and stared back. Morningstar had never had much love for Kora, especially when my other lover was a member of his staff.

“It's fine,” I said, determinedly, “I'll work out something for him. Just get us there ...”

Hectically, she nodded, reaching for me. Her hand touched my shoulder, the bedraggled guard and Rachel-not-Rachel touched hers. Selena’s other hand held onto the quartz as it began to glow, and she poured her will into it. Our world’s doors flew wide open, just like those to my apartment, but in all honesty I didn't care if there were any thieves today, just so long as-

We landed, in a flurry of limbs and mess, right in the centre of his courtroom. There he was, all chocolate hair and glowing eyes, lounging splendidly in his temporary dull throne (because I destroyed his other one). One courtier prostrated before him, but he was immediately forgotten as our party exploded into life in his world. Gasps and shocked voices arose.

Quickly he stood, eyes connecting right to the centre of the chaos. Me, half kneeling there and cradling a suffering Kora in my arms.

Selena stepped forwards. “We - I can explain. I received a letter and-”

“She's dying,” I interrupted her. My eyes focused right on those of my brother, as my breathing caught up with my racing heart. “I need your help.”

He didn't move, only blinked as he took us in. His lips pursed, his head tipped to the side. There was a second as an aide took a step forward, across the marble floor. “My lord-”

Morningstar shot up a hand, cutting him off. “You'll owe me a favour,” he murmured softly, “a substantial one.”

“Yes, I know and we'll discuss that,” I kept staring, still kneeling. I was prepared to give him anything - minus my entire freedom or fealty. “But can you help?”

He was quiet for a moment, then his lips flickered up into a smile. He shrugged as he began to walk towards us.

He spoke: “Yes.”

10-09-2019, 10:21 PM
Koreena’s head swam with pain, not fiery like what had consumed her entire body but a dull aching pain. She groaned softly. Her head laid on a soft pillow, small memories of what had occurred swirled in her mind. She willed for her eyes to open but they didn’t seem ready to.

Pictures of her twin ordering her death, Charon stabbing her mother then kissing her lips assaulted her still weak self. Her tongue felt thick in her mouth as she tried to wet her lips.

“How are you feeling,” a feminine voice asked off in the distance.

“Like I was dead,” KC groaned as her eyes slowly peeled open.

Her vision started to clear as she blinked a few times, the room was dimly lit. It wasn’t a room at all though more of a luxurious type cell. The bed soft but firm as she tried to push herself into the sitting position. She hissed with pain, her back tender but nothing nearly as bad as it had been. She looked around for the person that had spoke to her. A petite woman sat across the room at a desk.

Smooth black hair was pulled back into a sharp bun, whilst deep hazel eyes gazed back at Kora. With an olive complexion the human woman looked healthily exotic, with a certain beauty. She wore a neat, simple working dress and her lips were curled up into an uneasy smile.

“You should probably move slowly,” she advised.

“I should probably be dead,” Kora mumbled as she looked around for any familiar faces. “I’m sorry I’m always bitter after waking up from being beaten the wee hours before.” She joked coldly, the uneasiness of her sore body making her mood extra sour.

“You almost were dead,” the woman said slowly, “but Lord Morningstar is highly skilled and powerful. He was gracious enough to grant you another chance at life.” She cupped her hands on her lap.

“Morningstar… shit..” She mumbled to herself mostly. “I’m Koreena or Kora, heck even KC to some.. I need to go see Lord Morningstar to thank him..” She glanced down at her hands. She knew she owed the arrogant ruler for saving her life, not that she was entirely happy about it.

“I know exactly who you are,” the woman said in a firm, slightly resentful tone. Then she took a pause, and coughed before she resumed a kinder one. “You can thank his lordship if you want, but definitely not now. You need to rest. He is benevolent enough to understand that.”

Koreena nodded for a moment. “Have you seen Selena or Charon? Are they okay?” Her tone laced with concern. “Also what is your name I never caught it..”

The woman smiled slightly, straightening her back. “The Lady Star is currently busy, I believe in her apartments. Charon is with his lordship currently, upstairs. They are both well. As for me.” She paused. “Well I think you know who I am, Kora, really. Especially when I say he was mine first.”

Koreena laughed gently, shaking her head in disbelief. “Regina,” she sighed her name, pushing herself to stand. Her knees wobbled under the weight of her body for a moment before straightening her spine. The tattered bits that were her clothing was replaced with one of Charon’s tunics.

“Well sadly you may have had him first but I believe that doesn’t matter to him now,” Her tone dipped low as he dark gaze narrowed at the human.

“You really shouldn't stand up,” Regina admonished as she watched Kora try to stand. “You need to rest. He'll be back, this is his room after all. And he cares for you.” She shrugged a little, but a smile played on her lips. She paused. “Oh do sit back down, I'll get Fallon to go find him if you are that anxious.” She waved her hand towards the open door, which revealed a dark stone corridor.

“I am capable of going to find our lover, myself.” She smiled sickly sweet as she took a few uncertain steps. The pain in her back causing her to hiss slightly.

Regina let out a quick breath as her eyes widened. She stood fast, a sweeping movement as she came to Kora’s side. Ducking under the demi-succubus’ arm she shook her head. “Stop. Now. You'll make all Lord Morningstar's work be for naught. And Char’s.”

KC’s eyes narrowed as the human that had tried to puff her chest out at her now was coming to her aid. “I am fine,” she said breathlessly. “I just need to make things right.” She growled, determination knitted in her brow.

“Oh stop being so stubborn,” Regina growled, trying to guide her back to the bed. “You've just woken up from being poisoned.”

“Hey human, you are the one that started acting like a child as if I stole your toy.” Koreena tried to shrug her away.

“Toy?!” Regina began to get hysterical as she tried harder to pull her back. “Is that what you think of him? Maybe he is better with just-”

And she fell silent. Because at that moment the being they were both lovers of came into the doorway.

Professor Charles
10-19-2019, 12:08 PM
There I stood, awkward and frozen, my lips parted as I stared at the sight before me.

My two lovers, the two women I had feelings for, standing there for the first time meeting. Kora was up, and conscious - that was good at least - but she was trying to walk which her pale complexion and shaky legs really did not seem enthusiastic about. Regina was currently trying to pull her back to the bed it seemed.

I let out a slow, uneasy breath, wincing internally. At the same time my brother swept around the doorway, having been with me the entire journey. He paused as I did, setting a hand on my shoulder mainly out of habit.

“I don’t think of him as a toy you twit -“ Koreena fell silent as she realized why Regina had stopped arguing. She tried to offer me and Morningstar a smile but she looked entirely exhausted. Her tea color complexion pale and sickly looking, pain still clouded her dark gaze. “Charon,” she breathed my name.

“Kora,” I murmured, and I paused before looking at the woman who supported her. “Regina …”

It seemed that they had now met. Not something I had planned, but more than likely the being at my shoulder. Awkwardness filled the room as my eyes looked back to Kora. “You should sit down,” I said.

“Exactly what I said!” Regina cried.

Koreena rolled her eyes at me and that of my other lovers response. “I am fine… just sore,” she murmured. Her gaze fell to Morningstar, she chewed on her lower lip before sighing. “Thank you Lord Morningstar for gifting me with my life.” She turned to me, a sad look in her eyes, “Thank you for bringing me here..”

I smiled warmly, glad at least she was better. Regina's lips were pursed, her body still supporting Kora’s partially. We were talking, now, but still not moving. The pressure at my shoulder increased slightly, and I looked around, seeing my brother gently push me partly into the room so that he himself could be seen better. My room indeed was spacious, but with four of us potentially in it would not be.

“Your gratitude is accepted, young Koreena,” he said quietly, voice passive. “But you are not fully recovered. If you truly are grateful for my work then you should sit down … somewhere more comfortable can be arranged.”

Meaning not my cell. I kept my eyes flickering from one lover to the other.

Kora slowly nodded her head, her face twisted with discomfort by the movement. “If you don’t mind Lord Morningstar I would really like to bathe and then lay down…”

He paused a moment, his eyes running up and over her. His arms folded. “I have laws here. Those of no slavery, rape or murder should go unsaid, but whilst here you will respect every member of my staff. You will also not use your magic unless the need is essential to your survival. Yes?”

This time Kora didn’t argue she looked defeated, finally shrugging off Regina she stood there, if that’s what you called her hunched over position, standing. “I understand..” she said softly, her gaze falling to the floor.

Slightly, I smiled, knowing that in this Morningstar was being generous in allowing her to stay. My brother paused, then breathed in before he gestured. “Regina, show her to the guest rooms on the staff floor. Take care of her. The one with the ensuite … it should be available.”

Regina nodded quickly, before curtseying. She reached to support Kora again, offering an arm. “It's got stairs …” the Demi succubi looked up from the floor, her eyes meeting Morningstar’s dark gaze before looking at my other lover. “Then we should get going..” she murmured softly. She took a few steps, her plush lip sucked in as she bit down.

“Kora,” I said softly, seeing the pain that she was trying to hide. “Please let Regina help you.”

“That or Fallon will,” Morningstar grinned. At that moment a large orc leaned his way into view, having been there all the time. He gave a grunt and waved.

Koreena glanced at me before the large orc. “If you don’t mind I would like to keep what pride and dignity I have left.” She looked at Regina, “pleasure meeting you..” She mumbled before taking another painful step. “Lead the way Fallon…”

“No, my dear, Regina will show you,” Morningstar flustered a hand. “Or both if you insist.” He looked from one to the other. “Carry her if she looks as if she going to collapse. Even if she resists.”

Regina paused, looking slightly as though her feathers had been ruffled. But she inclined her head before heading out of the door. Fallon grunted, before giving Koreena a tuskful smile and gesturing with his fist down the long blustery corridor to the view of the stairs that began at the end of them. Quietly, I remained where I was, folding my arms and leaning against the desk.

10-21-2019, 01:01 AM
Koreena could feel her body wanting to give out. She had never felt so exhausted, the pain flared with each small movement she made. A few deep breaths and she slowly, almost crawling to the doorway. She stopped for a moment, pausing before turning her entire body towards Morningstar and Charon. “Thank you, gentlemen..” She murmured, a light sweat collecting on her brow, her breathing slightly labored.

Morningstar nodded once, stepping back and giving her a wider space which to pass. He gestured down the corridor. “Adhere to what we agreed and all payment from yourself is given.” Charon only smiled in response, kindly.

With a trembling her hand reach out to the large orc, her body threatening to shut down if she pushed any more. Fallon took most of her weight as she leaned heavily on him. Absentmindedly she let the human lead the way as her mind swam with other concerns. She tried to forcefully push them from her brain as she thought of anything else. Putting one foot in front of the other, her gaze bore into the back of Regina, not really seeing her but concentrating on how her simple work dressed swayed with the flick of her hips.

The stairs came sooner than the demi succubi had expected. Pain already gripped her tattered form and she knew the stiffness in her back would barely tolerate anymore. Regina easily ascended the stairs not giving a second glance back. KCs dull dark gaze looked up towards the large orc. She raised her leg trying to take a step up the stairs. A strangled sob parted her pale, plush lips. Fallon moved to help her as she held a hand up in protest.

“I - I can do it…” She said breathlessly.

Fallon blinked a little, before nodding and keeping his shoulder ready for support. He got ready to take the support, when there was a large thump of wood on stone down the corridor. It was couple by the grating of keys in locks, and the drawing of bolts. Fallon paused, before he concentrated on the stairs again.

Kora froze, her lower lip trembling as she was already certain that was Charon giving up his freedom for Morningstar saving her life. She took a step down anyway certain that she could bargain her own servitude trading it for his.

Morningstar was coming up the corridor, striding with purpose, eyes focused ahead. Fallon muttered in Kora’s ear. “It's where he stays, miss. When he's here. We should get you that bath.”

She glanced at the humanoid like creature that was practically kin with goblins. “I have to make this right - try to at least… What kind of person would I be if I didn’t..” She took a stumble - step towards the Lord Morningstar.

“May - may I speak with you for a moment, Lord Morningstar…” She sucked in her lower lip, nervously.

Morningstar raised his brows but finished the few paces before he pulled to a halt in front of her, passing by the various other empty cells. “You are supposed to be resting. Where is Regina? She should be leading you the way.” His brow furrowed as he opened his mouth to call for the maid.

Koreena reached out, touching his arm gently. “I promise, I will rest Lord Morningstar… Regina is leading the way, she is just up ahead of us.. May I speak with you, plead to you for your brother’s freedom. I will serve you, I will be a scullery maid if it pleases you as long as you free him.. I am not his burden to bare and I fear that I am more trouble than worth when it comes to him and yourself but I beseech you that you will take my exchange of my freedom for his own into consideration…” Her breast rose and fell as she sucked in air.

Fallon looked utterly shocked as she spoke, as much as a grumpy orc could. Morningstar though, listened with silence, watching her and her expressions. As she went on his lips noticeably curled into a smile, a single eyebrow rose and he looked entirely amused. When she finished he was silent, but observing her.

“Clearly you have feelings for my brother,” he replied. “Clearly. However, it does sound as if he has not explained the relationship between him and I fully. I will not go into it, but there are many factors involved. Him, there,” he pointed behind him, “is mainly precaution over anything. It is just whilst I have other matters to attend to.” He looked her up and down. “I have no doubt you would work hard for his … 'freedom,’ however, my brother is free. He is allowed to live his life, but also has a purpose in serving at my court, despite however much he does not want to. The use you could give me compared to what he gives … the matter is inconceivable. He,” he pointed again, “is there because of his refusal to give me his oath of fealty … and other matters. It has nothing to do with you.”

Koreena took in what he said, she understood what he was saying but still to her it felt as if Charon was behind lock and key because of the mess with Asaph. She took a moment to collect her thoughts before an idea came to her. “Because I care for not only Charon but his daughter Selena - what if I pledge my fealty to you? What if the next time the father that raised Selena beckons her home I go in her place? You have seen yourself that I can become her, I will study her mannerisms and if for any reason I get caught I take blame? Isn’t that what you both wish to keep her from his grasp? Take me and I will go instead.. I will be loyal in serving you where you need me if you at least unlock him from the cell..” She chewed on the inside of her cheek.

Morningstar studied her curiously, the smile that had been playing at his lips. His eyes physically brightened before he let out a small laugh, “the offer is an intriguing one. I will consider the idea of you going as Selena, that certainly is an intriguing one. But even if you did serve me, you would soon learn where Charon stands in all this … we will talk later. For now,” he pointed at the stairs. “Go. Rest. Agree to the terms I set out, and we will see if you can be trusted.”

Kora released the breath she hadn’t realize she had been holding as she slowly nodded. “Yes Lord Morningstar…” She dipped her head in a pitiful bow before turning to the large orc. “Fallon, if you could carry me the rest of the way….” She murmured gently taking a few steps, her knees almost buckling with the movement.

The orc guard nodded once, sweeping his arms. Easily he plucked her from the floor, swinging her up and over his shoulder. He barely touched her, and was respectful for every area that he did place a hand, only light and in no area that was wrong or taboo. With a nod to Morningstar he began to carry her up the stairs.

KC laid over his shoulder as the tightness in her back groaned, being stretched slightly. She bit down her lip as she breathed through her nose. The large orc taking to the stairs with ease as she cast one last look back at the Lord of the court hoping he would consider offer she had made.

Professor Charles
10-23-2019, 12:51 PM
Morningstar watched as the girl was carried away, his head tilted to the side. His lips were slightly pursed as he curiously watched her. Obviously, she was taken with his dear brother, to the extent where she would offer herself. Indeed, when he had played the game of manipulate to see how far she was willing to go, when he faked beating Charon up more, she had offered almost her entire existence. When he had said to Charon that he would accept it if his brother did not stay silent, it had been only a farce. A small amusement. A single task that he would have accepted, then he would have discarded her. Had her memory wiped, maybe ... But here she now was again, offering fealty. Once again ...

But did she actually want to serve him? The answer was no, it was all for Charon's benefit. And though the offer was pleasing to Morningstar, it would never have meant she was willing. His rule was simple - nobody was ever forced to give him their fealty. Otherwise he'd have been an emperor on the mortal plane long before. Instead, it was always their choice. Even with his siblings he had kept them for as long as he could, forging deals with them, keeping them close so they could see the glory of his court and his life, until they would admit his greatness and want to serve. It had been that way with Moros, the personification of doom, who was currently in a small town called Snowburgh for Morningstar's benefit.

Charon though … Charon was an entire category of his own. He had not been from the beginning, but it had come to pass that Morningstar now knew that the future of his kingdom was so entangled into that of keeping Charon close at hand. Charon was his, he was determined, and he would make all the deals to keep Charon willing to aid him. Pausing, he twisted back to see where he kept his brother, safe and secure, when he was not around to watch. Should he tell him what the Kora girl had offered?

The prince deliberated for a moment. Nothing was set in stone, and the likeliest thing for Charon to do was to offer his own self and his own freedoms so that Kora would not be put in danger. They would react off each other until both were simple, permanent prisoners here and then where would Morningstar be?

Rolling his eyes at their ridiculousness he twisted back, and began to stride. Luckily, the guard Fallon had already cleared much of the stairs with Kora, and it allowed Morningstar an uninterrupted climb for most of the stairs. He met them as they came to the corridor that led to the staff and offices, and offered one sweeping gaze before continuing his ascent up the stairs. Taking them two at a time he gained to the top, then strode directly into the vast room of few chairs and many books Charon liked so much. But Morningstar barely glanced at them; he already had a direction, and had had one from the moment he and Charon had left the brief small council session to speak of what had happened in Fallien.

Going directly opposite, ignoring the obvious door that led to his throne room, Morningstar came to a seeming shelf of books. Instead of reaching for a book, however, he reached for a small lever set underneath a shelf and pulled that. A hidden door swung open, and he smiled, the familiarity of that trick coming back to him. A cream-coloured corridor, with panelling and a wooden floor lay before him. Faint, but mellow music came from down it.

He grinned, and stepped in, closing the door behind him. It merged with the shelf once more, seemingly nothing, never having been there.

But he - he moved down the corridor, and immediately began to shrug off his outer robe. The jangling of the keys to Charon's cell could be heard, and he removed these to shove them into a pouch around his neck. The music grew louder, and the recognisable sounds of strings could be identified. Proudly, he puffed out his chest as he strode faster. Sounds of warm female laughter began to be heard, as well as the splashing of water.

They grew louder, and his strides got lengthier. The laughter intensified, clearly all female, and the plucking of strings increased to a melody. Steadily, he worked on his cravat, as he spied thin steam.

He twisted around the corridor, coming fully into view of the room now. Six gorgeous women, most of them in the nude. They were relaxing and strutting around a warm steam bath, whilst a group of more female musicians played harps in a corner. Plush towels, a myriad of plants, other doors spread from this sauna, making it seem like a lost jungle paradise in the midst of his fine white court.

One spotted him, and gasped, her lips parting to reveal a pleased smile. Running over she slid her fingers into his. More then saw him, and they hurried over, beginning to remove his clothes, and he, quite willingly, let them.

“Beloved Morningstar,” the first one said, warmly, “we have been waiting for you all day.”

“Indeed, my lord,” another purred as she worked on the buttons of his shirt. “All day. We have been bored.”

Satisfaction flooded through the primordial, and he stood still as his six, entirely willing, members of his harem removed his clothing from his body. Each one of them, over time, had come to him, begging for him to take them as his lover. It was the way, they had said, they wanted to serve. And over that time his harem had grown. If anyone ever said that Morningstar the Great lacked for pleasures of the flesh, they were entirely wrong.

“Ah, well I can only apologise,” he purred to her in response. “But I am here now.”

“Yes you are,” a third one said, at his ear. Then she began to kiss at his neck.

Morningstar smiled broadly. At least this part of his life was as he wanted.

10-23-2019, 03:42 PM
Fallon had made the trip with ease as the rounded many corners. Having caught up with Regina shortly after they had gotten off the stairs. Koreena knew what she had offered up in exchanged for Charon’s freedom would not only upset him but Selena, maybe Morningstar wouldn’t tell them? Maybe it could be hers and the Lord’s own personal secret.

Regina pushed open a door that was at the end of a long hallway, tucked away from the centre of the court. The room simple, nothing luxurious but then again Kora didn’t need fine things. Slowly the large orc set her on her own two feet. His hand stayed securely around her waist to assure that she was steady enough. “Thank you Fallon for your help, I appreciate it.”

The large orc bowed his head for a moment, “you are most welcome, miss.” He gave her a smile filled with his two large tusks.

She watched as Fallon left, slowly turning to Regina, she stood there for a moment. KC pursed her lips as she wasn’t sure why the human maid was still standing there. “Thanks for your - help... “ The demi succubus mumbled.

Regina paused, looking to Fallon for a moment, who was pausing in the doorway, before she sighed, folding her arms over her chest. “Fallon, you should go back to your duties. I can take it from here.” She looked to Kora. “How do you like your bath? Warm? Hot? Bubbles? Rose petals?!”

KC flinched at her almost hostile demeanor, she shook her head. “Please, you don’t need to help me.. I rather not do this right now with you.. I am exhausted and I don’t wish to do whatever this is..” She slowly pushed her hand between the two females.

“Lord Morningstar said to take care of you. It's my job here. Running baths, doing the laundry, working in the kitchen. You can't exactly stand, let alone prepare a bath for yourself. I'll … find you clothing too,” she paused before unfolding her arms and strode over to a cabinet. “What do you wear? What size are you?”

Koreena walked over to the mirror that hung in the bathing room that was adjoined to the bedroom. She discarded Regina as she slowly let her hands lift Charon’s tunic off of her. She grimaced at the stiffness of her back. Her heart beat against her breast bone as she was almost scared to see what her back look like. She breathed in and out as she allowed her eyes to look at her back.

A strangled sob came from her now quivering lips. Large gnarled scabs were on her back, the once open wounds were now closed. The sight almost too gruesome to look at as she raised a trembling hand to her lips. Fresh tears sprung to life as the once beautiful soft skin was now marred. KC was certain at least a few would leave scars, the skin around the scabbing was discolored, blue, black and purple. Should she have just went with the collector? He would have surely raped her more than once, pimped her out to his other royal friends and than killed her once he was finished. He had forever left his mark on her.

“Oh Mother Goddess…” She breathed out.

“Holy sanctimonious serpents!” gasped a voice from behind her. Regina was there, with a fresh, plain cotton dress draped over an arm.

Kora glanced at the look on the maid’s face. “Who knew poisonous leech whips were a thing.” She tried to joked through tears, clearing her throat.

“Okay, okay,” Regina said quickly, placing the dress quickly over a towel rail. “We uh, we need to bathe you and then I'll - I'll get the healer. She'll be able to dress them. If the pain gets worse, then let me know and Lord Morningstar can always heal it a little more, although he's always been a fan of letting the body do as much work on its own as it can …” she began to fluster, running over to the huge bathtub against the wall. Grabbing a tap she turned it and there was a splutter before steamy water began to run.

“Thank you Regina,” she said sincerely. KC had always been comfortable in her own skin but right now she didn’t feel like herself. Walking over to the tub that was quickly filling with hot water. She slipped one foot in the tub hissing slightly before letting her entire body submerge into the water. The water wrapped around her back, defying gravity it ran up her back washing the wounds. Her hands gripped the edge of the tub as she gasped with pain.

“Be careful!” Regina hissed, catching her under an arm gently. Quickly, she turned off the tap, and moved fully around to support her. There was an anxious look on her face. “Honestly, you're just as stubborn as barbarian. No wonder you two are so matched!”

Kora laughed dryly as she patted Regina’s hand that supported her. “Calm yourself or you will get wrinkles,” she said almost threw clenched teeth. The pain started to ease as the water worked it magic. Even her raw wrist stopped stinging as she let the water rinse her wounds thoroughly.

Regina aided her as much as she could, grabbing a face cloth and beginning to, gently but firmly, bathe the wounds at Kora’s back. “The man who did this to you?” she asked, “where is he now?”

Koreena grinned and bared it as she washed her tattered form thoroughly. “I manipulated the water in his blood to freeze him where he was and Selena slashed his throat,” she grasped as she worked her way down her back.

“Good,” Regina said in a strong voice, as she continued her cleaning.

After the bathing was over Koreena slowly stood, the pain in her back had not subdued completely but it had eased slightly. She accepted the towel Regina had offered her before she walked towards the bed. Now that her body was relaxed the exhaustion completely was consuming her. Pulling back the duvet she climbed in towel and all. With the warm blankets nestled around her she closed her eyes. Unconsciousness overcoming her. “I really do care for him and Selena,” she mumbled before falling into the deep abyss of sleep.

There was a quiet whisper for a reply. “I know. I care for him too.”

Professor Charles
10-28-2019, 12:46 PM
I sat on my bed, leaning back against the headboard, a book on my lap. Slowly I breathed, reading the words one by one, locked in here for now, powerless because of the binding enchantments on the locks and the room. Morningstar had been adding more as time went on, eager to keep up with the incredible amount to which my own power was increasing. A worry and a curiosity - I had to admit I understood his concern with me gaining out of control. Though I had more faith in myself than he did, me being in here was not new, nor was it likely to get old. At least I was not uncomfortable.

“Barbarian,” she cooed.

I looked up, and saw Regina in the window, smiling at me. She held up her hand, and I saw the keys in them. Slightly, I smiled.

“I'm coming in,” she said, “sit tight.”

“As always,” I said, folding the book closed.

I waited as she unlocked the door, and the enchantments filtered off one by one. I felt their effect immediately on me, as a vague easiness came over. But they would be brief. Still I sat as she walked in, then handed the keys back to a loitering Fallon. As Regina smiled slightly at me and came to sit at the end of the bed the orc closed the door. Then, as fast as his practised fingers could, he placed on the three locks and each layer of pressure returned.

She paused, before she began. “She's fine. She's resting, and healer McKay is going to look at her once she wakes up.”

I let out a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Regina,” I said quietly. “I know it could not have been easy for you.”

Taking a moment she pursed her lips, blinking at me with those deep olive eyes. Slowly she breathed. “Barbarian … you said you wanted to continue what we have. So long as Kora is willing, I will hold still a piece of your heart, and allow her a share.”

After our long conversation of before, it was all I wanted. Smiling, I leant forwards and touched her hand. “If you are willing.”

“So long as you keep to your word and get neither of us pregnant, I do not see any issue. Of course she is not the sort of person I would usually be friends with-”

“Well, I'm not the ideal lover, am I?”

She laughed a little, “yes, hence you being here, dear rogue. But I will commit to not thinking truly ill of her, and try to be civil towards her. For yours and Kora’s sake.”

Despite her first few words I felt a satisfaction come into me. I truly did have feelings for both Regina and Kora. Polyamory, untraditional, undecided, call it what you will, but I had been raised in a world where affairs were rife. My own brother had six women in his harem whom he claimed to adore all equally. And they were willing to share him - the being they both slept with and worshipped. My fingers slowly linked with Regina and a soft sigh came from her lips as she let me. Gently she moved closer, picking up my hand and draping it across her shoulders.

“I'll always be the first, though,” she kissed my cheek.

“First in only that you met me before she did,” I said, my brow raised.

“Mmm, and first in being right at where your loyalties really should lie.” She leaned into me, a sigh coming from your lips. “If only you did want to serve him.”

“And there, dear Regina, we will always be at an impasse,” I leant back against the wall, taking her with me. She snuggled into my side, which was the most she was going to get. She seemed to understand that I could not have sex whilst Kora was so battered.

“Now,” I said, “tell me what I've missed since I was here last.”

11-01-2019, 05:19 PM
Koreena slowly stirred, she wasn’t sure how much time had fast. Even though having just slept she still felt as if she could roll back over and sleep more. Her entire body was still but the pain mostly bearable. Gently she rubbed her eyes, attempting to chase the sleepiness away.

Dizzly she pushed herself to sit up. She let out a hiss of pain as the scabs on her back most have set, hardening even more after her bath. She yelped slightly when the raven haired beauty sat next to her bed. “Selena,” she sighed almost relaxing her very tense body.

Selena smiled gorgeously, closing the book she had been reading and placing it to the side. “Hello, Kora,” she said with a warm tone. “How are you feeling?”

KC grinned at her friend, tiredly, “like I was poisoned,” she joked lightly.

She yawned into the back of her hand, she took in the sight of the girl beside her. Admiring her long dark locks, the way her horns curved at her temples. She was indeed a rare beauty. “How long have I been asleep? I feel like I could sleep for a week straight..” She stifled a yawn again.

“A few hours,” Selena said lightly, casually. “I've been here maybe one.”

Kora slowly nodded, with a timid hand she touched her back, her cool hand soothing the marred flesh. She pushed the duvet back and dangled her feet over the side of the bed. Her head spun slightly as she waited a moment to get her bearings.

When confident enough she wouldn’t up heave or pass out she stood. The fluffy white towel wrapped around her body. Her legs still uncertain if they wanted to hold her up wobbled some. She sighed feeling still a little weak but pressed on into the bathing room. She glanced at the simple, plain cotton dress Regina had brought her.

Carefully she slipped the dress over her head, wincing slightly at the pain that flared up in her back. The dress fit like it was personally made for her. The neck line almost mimicked a sweetheart. The back barely letting her wounds show only few scabs and bruises peaked out. Swiftly she braided her dark and light streaked locks into a fishtail braid before coming back out of the bathroom. She almost looked as if she belonged at the court.

Selena came to stand in the doorway, appearing in the mirror behind her. A soft smile was on the princess’ face. “You look fine. You could belong here.”

Koreena smiled sadly, her hand touching her damp hair before she turned to face the raven haired princess. “Thank you, Lady Star.” She gave her best curtsy under the circumstances. “So what’s next, I have rested and slowly starting to heal; not fast enough but still..”

“I can have master healer McKay come see you,” she said kindly. “That might be worth it. To bind your wounds at least. Then … we will see what you want to do.” She paused. “If you wanted to, you could adapt to being here. Part of our world. As a lover of my father you'd have high status.” She said the last with a murmur.

The demi succubi smiled at her kind words. Nodding she wouldn’t mind if someone bound her wounds so they wouldn’t hurt as much when she moved around, gently she grasped the princess’ hand giving it a squeeze. “I wouldn’t just stay for him Selena, though I’m starting to fall down the rabbit hole that is Charon, I would also stay because I care for you as well.” She smiled at her, one that lit up her tired face.

Selena smiled back, squeezing the hand as tight. “He cares for you also. You just have to understand that he cares for Regina also.” She paused. “And you have to understand what he is here. Why he is kept the way he is,” she murmured, looking away slightly.

Koreena smile sadden the light in her eyes dimming, slowly she nodded. “I understand he cares for her but if I continue to feel the way I do I will back off, I don’t think I could share a man I potentially love.” She cleared her throat as a lump started to form. “Any way,” she pushed the subject aside. “Let’s go find the healer so we can patch these up..” Letting her hand slipped from the fair raven hair beauty.

Slowly Selena breathed in. “That … definitely sounds like something you need to speak with him about, dear.” She was still, poised, perfect.

“Maybe at a later time, right now we have other things to worry about.” She walked towards the door. “Shall we?”

Selena paused. “Master McKay will come to you,” she said quietly. “I will go get him if you are ready?”

“I think I would like to walk, help me clear my mind. I am not glass I won’t break.” She teased, sighing softly. Or will I? She thought to herself.

The lady stood there for a moment before she straightened. Then, she nodded, coming over to Kora and offering an arm. “Very well, but allow my support.”

“I’ll always accept your support, my dear.” She took the princess’ arm, someone that was now and forever would be her friend. Both of them walked arm and arm, slowly out the door.

Professor Charles
11-02-2019, 07:57 AM
Healer McKay was a fine, kindly man with spectacles on the end of his thin nose. Greying hair and light blue eyes matched the paint of his small, but pleasing office. He smiled as Selena and Kora walked in, looking up from his desk covered in medical books.

“My Lady!” he stood, looking up with bright eyes. “It is an honour.”

Selena looked briefly at the plants, at the examination table at one side of the room, at the bright lantern gifting light. “Healer McKay, meet Koreena … I do not know your surname.”

“Koreena Cronen of Falleni,” she smiled kindly. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Healer McKay.” She offered him the hand that wasn’t linked with with Princess.

“Ah,” the healer took her hand and bowed as he did. “The famous dancer of Falleni. The court is running with rumours of your exploits.” His thin lips curled into a smile, his eyes flickered to Selena and then back to Kora. “Pleasure to meet you … how can I be if assistance?”

KC pursed her lips before slipping her arm from Selena’s before she turned her back to the healer. She pulled the back of her dress down to expose some of her back, showing the freshly closed lashing marks. “I need your help to bind these.. it hurts when I move..”

Immediately the healer began to nod, pushing his glasses higher onto his nose. His hand ran down her back, but a centimetres from her skin. Selena stepped back to allow him access. “I see, I see. I presume his great lordship assisted in the original healing process?”

“Yes sir, he removed the poison from my body and closed the wounds the leech whip had inflicted on me..” She murmured softly.

The healer pursed his lips thoughtfully, then straightened. He gestured at the examination table. “Sit up there for me, will you please. Lady Selena if you could please close the door.” Selena smiled before she went to do as the healer bid. McKay then kept missing to himself as he moved across the room to a cabinet.

Koreena had an uneasy look in her dark gaze but did as the healer said. She winced slightly as she pushed herself up onto the examination table. The healer hurried over again, lips curled into a smile as he brought over bandages, two potion bottles and some fresh cloths. He frowned when he saw her expression.

“Are you … okay miss?”

“I’m fine, the pain just comes and goes when I move a certain way, straining the scabs..” She took a deep breath uncertain if either of them could hear how fast her heart was beating.

His face formed an expression of concern and concentration. He gestured at her dress. “If you will, please … remove what you can and I will dress them. Have you taken anything for the pain?”

Kora tried to be discreet as possible as she slipped the dress up, revealing that the lashes when from above her shoulders to just below the small of her back. What wasn’t covered with scabs was bruised, heavily. “No.. I don’t need to, I just wished to have them wrapped…. Please.”

He paused, then held out a bottle to her. “Take a small sip, please.” His eyes were full of sincerity.

She chewed on her lower lip, uncertainty causing fear to tighten her chest. “Wha -“ She looked to Selena, if she trusted the healer then Kora could let down her walls and try to as well. She accepted the bottle from him and took a small sip.

Selena smiled, and healer McKay did also, straightening as he took up a cloth and the second bottle. The first he set to the side. He poured a little of the second potion onto the cloth, then gestured to her wounds. “I'm going to clean these. It might sting. After that, I will bandage it.”

The demi succubi nodded slowly as her hands gripped the side of the examination table, bracing herself for the treatment she was about to endure.

He began gentle. Soft and smooth he began to delicately pat the wounds. He started at her shoulder, lightly touching. Kora’s lips parted in a small gasp. Selena kept back, silent and still. McKay moved, calm but fast, cleaning them as swift as he could, eyes intent. Her eyes shut tightly as she breathed through the pain. Her knuckles white as she gripped the table.

“I will be as fast as I can,” he said in a low voice, patting even faster. Eyes narrowed as he continued to clean.

“I’m fine - it’s fine,” she breathed.

He raised his brow, but didn't say anything. In this spirit he continued, hands moving with practised ease. When he was done he went on to grab the bandages and bind her wounds with the cleanliness within. He hardly touched her but he did his craft with skill.

“You will need to come to me in two days,” he grunted.

“Two days… I haven’t spoke to Lord Morningstar about staying here that long..” She chewed on the inside of her cheek for a moment before she simply nodded. “I’ll try to come back in two days, Healer McKay, thank you..”

The healer stepped back and as he did Selena came back. Warmly, she smiled. “Thank you, master McKay.”

The healer nodded and began to tidy. Selena turned to Kora. “Shall we get you back to the bedroom?”

06-27-2020, 02:43 PM
Koreena slowly got from the examination table, redressing herself. She sighed as her back was tightly wrapped, the movements causing her only a little discomfort. Taking a moment she stood there, feeling exhausted but she knew she need to speak with the Lord of the court sooner than later.

“I need to speak with Lord Morningstar first, do you know where he is Selena?” Her voice was soft but even.

Selena paused, looking suddenly a little embarrassed as rose came to her cheeks. “He … he is not available,” she said with a small whisper. Her hands cupped before her awkwardly.

The demi succubi nodded slowly, if she was to pledge fealty to him she knew she needed to start showing him some respect. The first thing she needed to address is if and how long he wished for her to stay in his court. She sighed sorting things out in her mind for a moment.

“Would we be able to send someone to let his Lordship know that I would like to request an audience with him?” She tilted her head to the side, her fishtail braid swaying with her.

Selena glanced from the healer to Kora. McKay was trying to ignore them and not listen to their conversation, but his biting of his own lip betrayed him. She let out a small sigh, and gestured to herself.

“Yes, I as his … official bride could go, but it's really best to wait until he is done. They do not like to be disturbed.”

Koreena’s eyes grew wide for a moment slowly starting to understand bits and pieces of what the princess was saying. “Oh… well when he’s done then. I guess I should rest until than.” She pursed her plush lips awkwardly.

“Well, it's more a matter of when they are all satisfied,” Selena muttered quietly, looking at her hands surreptitiously. She looked distracted for a moment before, wonderfully, she smiled again and looked up. “Yes. You could rest. Excellent idea. I'll let you know when he is available. Shall I take you back to your room?”

Kora smiled at her friend, “you don’t need to babysit me dear, I know the way back. You should go attend to more important matters. I will be just fine.” She nodded assuringly.

For a moment the princess looked confused, but then she sighed and nodded. “Of course. Very well. I need to go up the corridor anyway so I'll go with you that far.”

KC nodded before she turned back to the healer that had been eavesdropping harmlessly, “two days..” She repeated softly before leaving his domain. They pair walked quietly down the hallway, Koreena comforted with the silence before the hallway split into two ways.

“If you want to go back to the city, or your home town, I can arrange for you to be sent there,” Selena offered as she pulled herself to a halt.

Shaking her head she gripped Selena’s hand for a moment, “I told you I would stay and I shall. I have business to work over with the big man anyway.” Her tone trying to sound light hearted.

Selena’s brow rose. “If you are sure. Just … do not do anything in haste. You are in a world that few mortals ever tread. And you will not change much, my dear. My birth father is … of particular necessity to Lord Morningstar.” Her eyes were steady on Kora's. “You will need to live with that.”

“I must unfortunately live with a lot of things but I understand.” She let her hand slip from the Princess’. She took a deep breath before bowing to the best of her ability. “Until next time my fair lady,” she grinned at the ironic reference.

Selena laughed lightly. “You're a female so it's a curtsey, but you are almost there. I will teach you later,” she herself gave a shallow curtsy before she turned to leave. “I will see you soon. Remember, don't try to free him on your own.”

“If I would have curtsied I don’t think I would have been able to get back up,” she teased her friend. She nodded watching her friend leave the opposite way.

Koreena turned on her heels, slowly making her way down the hallway to the room she was given. She hummed a gentle, melodic tune. Her range of vocal ability was vast as she went low, dancing back up high. The notes bouncing from the stone columns as she gradually made her way.

A few maids that she came across stopped for a moment taking in the stranger that walked their halls. She simply nodded but continued on her way to the room. The tune slipping from something cheerful to sadness and despair. She finally rounded the last corner the room she was given two doors down on the left.

Koreena pushed the door open to find a maid tidying up the semi spacious room. “Oh - uh hello..” she said softly almost causing the young girl to jump from her own skin.

“You don’t need to do that,” she said quickly feeling awkward.

“It’s my job miss,” the mousy little lass said.

“Thank you but I have got it, I came to rest anyway..” She bit down on her lip feeling bad for interrupting her.

“As you wish, Miss” the maid curtsied deeply before rushing past her and out the door.

Koreena sighed as she walked over to the bed, pushing back the blankets before climbing into the bed. She sighed gently laying down, trying to find a position that didn’t cause too much discomfort. She laid on her side pulling the covers up to her chin, nestling in. Sleep found her with ease as she closed her eyes letting her problems melt away.

Professor Charles
06-28-2020, 06:07 AM
“She wants an audience with you.”

Looking up from where he lounged, Morningstar fixed the messenger with a raised eyebrow stare. His 'bride’ blinked back, her raven hair pinned sharply back. Her hands cupped in front of her she looked back at him with as much intensity. Slowly she breathed as his gaze became one of amusement.

“I see,” his lips began to twist into a smile.

Leaning forwards he let his feet slide from where they had been resting against the table, onto the floor. There was a quiet noise of annoyance from the young woman who had been idly massaging his feet. Morningstar looked at her. “Later, Talia,” he said softly, as the massager threw Selena a glare.

Selena was only partially surprised. Somehow Talia, a member of Morningstar's harem, had managed to get him all for herself. The wily maiden had persuaded him from the hidden seraglio and into his own private chambers. They were separated from the rest of the palace, being accessed instead from a door to the back of the throne room. Morningstar had been reclining in an armchair in the safety of his cream-coloured summer lounge, so called for the theme of the decoration, when Selena had come in.

The prince began to rise, as Talia sighed and moved back to allow him room. As he straightened his clothes and found a suitable pair of court shoes Selena went on.

“I believe she wants to talk to you about … what you told me she mentioned before,” she murmured.

“Indeed,” Morningstar replied, “I suspect she does.”

Selena paused, her fingers pressing together. “Are … what are you going to say?” she asked, slightly nervously.

Tilting his head back Morningstar fixed Selena with a questioning look before he answered. “Selena, that is for myself to know. She would be pledging herself to me, not to you.”

“I know that, Lord Morningstar, but-”

“Selena, this kingdom may be easier for you to live in, as opposed to your father Morté's, and you may officially be the lady here, but it is still mine,” he paused as he looked down at the current outer robe he wore, and began to pull it off. Talia quickly scrambled to her feet to aid him, taking the clothing as he discarded it. “In that case, do not ask me what I am going to reply. What you can be certain that Charon's situation will not change.”

Selena blinked quickly, her eyes looking away from him. “I know that,” she said quietly, “I was more concerned with … Kora. She's a good friend, and she thinks this is going to aid him.”

“Well she'll very soon learn that is impossible,” he shrugged, as he pulled on a clean robe that Talia brought to him. He smiled pleasantly at Selena. “He knows where he stands with me, and that is all I need.”

“She said she thinks she is falling in love with him,” Selena said quietly, seriously.

Morningstar paused, concern passing over his eyes. His lips pursed slightly and he took in a long breath. “Well,” he replied, “that is either going to be a great benefit, or a problem.” He was silent for a moment before he nodded once. “Have her come to me in the small council chamber.” He twisted around to smile at Talia and give her a soft kiss.

Selena watched them, the way Talia's body literally shivered with delight. The concubine bent her body into his, their bodies briefly aligning. If she was being honest, Selena was truly happy that she didn't have to have relations with him. She would not want to have competition with his six lovers.

Morningstar pulled away from Talia. The concubine was beaming, as if her happiness was beauty itself. Softly, his fingers traced around her jaw, before he turned to face Selena, his brows rising.


She breathed in and shallowly curtseyed. “Yes Lord Morningstar,” she murmured, before she twisted and started out.

06-28-2020, 08:13 AM
Koreena snuggled into her pillow with a sigh. She was somewhere in between sleep and barely conscious. With protest she peeled her eyes open she stifled a yawn, wanting nothing more then to snuggle back into the pillow and sleep for days. She blinked a few times willing the sleepiness away.

She sat up slowly, the stiffness in her back was bearable as she stretched her joints. Her eyes took in the room, she yelped in surprise when she saw Selena in the same spot as before. “You know it’s almost disturbing that I wake up to you watching me sleep, again.” The demi succubi teased the lady of the court.

Selena barely smiled. “Your request for an audience has been granted. When you are ready he will see you.” She sat, her hands neatly folded on her lap.

Kora’s face twisted with surprise at her friend’s formality but composed herself quickly. “Thank you, Lady Star.”

Quickly she scrambled out of bed, exhaustion still trying to greedily claim her. She sighed before rushing to the bathroom, rinsing her face with cool water. She dabbed her face carefully before heading back towards Selena.

“Lead the way please.” Her arm sweeping towards the door.

Selena inclined her head, before rising, her eyes briefly looking over the simple dress Kora had on. She smoothed down her own pristine gown before taking the lead and showing Kora out of the hall. They went quickly, Selena speaking little, aside from a spare, polite “excuse me” as they passed a courtier or maid. She seemed withdrawn, passive, as they walked through the long corridor of the guest rooms, down through the apartments belonging to herself, Charon's sisters and others, then down a set of stairs before they came to the throne room itself.

Selena looked back to make sure Kora was still there before she moved, striding into the large open space, with the doors flung open to the glorious summer sky. The throne sat on its dias, though it was smaller than what Kora remembered. The hall was empty, and barren, and they strode straight through the middle towards a door opposite. It was the same door that Morningstar had dragged Charon through on Kora’s first visit here. The door was ajar, showing a huge round table at the centre of it. High-backed chairs surrounded it, a dark wood against the pale walls. In two of the chairs figures sat; one was Morningstar, looking thoughtful, the other was a woman with horns and long black hair to her waist.

Koreena reaches up giving the large door three good knocks, she took in, one, two, three deep breaths while waiting to be granted access to come in.

“Lord Morningstar …” Selena said gently.

He looked up, his chocolate brown curls swinging slightly. Pausing, he pursed his lips before he saw Kora behind her. “Right. Yes. Kora, this is my sister Nyx. You met briefly before.” He waved to the black haired woman who inclined her head.


“Loving seeing you again Lady Nyx,” the demi succubus murmured softly.

She stepped into the large room taking a deep breath, the scent of nostalgia of past meetings that had occurred here. Her dark blue orbs swept over the room before landing on his lordship. A small, pleasant smile on her face. “Thank you for granting me this audience, Lord Morningstar.”

Morningstar leant back in his chair, breathing slowly. He nodded.

“I would like to discuss a few things with you if possible..” Her tone soft but filled the empty room.

He gestured to a chair. “Take a seat.” Nyx looked on inquisitively. Then he looked up, “Selena, if you can close the door and leave us,” he said.

Selena nodded, curtseyed shallowly before she moved out of the room, the door clicking shut as she did.

Koreena took one seat away from Nyx, she adjusted herself so her bandage back wasn’t pressed against the back of the chair. She set her shoulders back and her hands folded neatly in her lap, ankles crossed.

“Lord Morningstar, I went and visited your master healer and he said to see him back in two days to address my wounds some more, though I told him I would have to speak to you of course, if your lordship wishes for me to stay that long. We haven’t spoken since the stairs and so I wasn’t sure…..” The woman that sat one seat away from her raised and amused eyebrow.

“Sorry … I tend to ramble sometimes,” She sighed.

Morningstar paused. “This is what you requested an audience with me for?” He frowned, tapping a finger on the table. “Maybe I should have made you wait.” Nyx said nothing, only watched.

“No, Lord Morningstar. I know your time is valuable, I wish to mostly speak about what was said on the stairs.” She glanced uneasily at his sister, the rare beauty she was. Still unsure if he had confided in her about Koreena wishing to pledge fealty to him and even taking Selena’s place if Morté calls her home.

He nodded slowly, “then please, go ahead.” He blinked at her, tilting his head to the side. “Speak, openly. Nyx is one of my small council, she is honoured with the highest regard and trust here.”

The demi succubi nodded before her gaze met Morningstar’s. “If you’ll have me, I still wish to pledge my loyalty for you. I understand that there will be no negotiations for Charon. I only ask that you think about not locking him in the cell.” She paused for a moment, “I also want to know if you had thought over the proposition I left you with…”

Nyx looked over to him, her lips pursed as he blinked, but aside from that remained unmoving. “Why?” he asked. “Do you actually want to be in my service? Bare in mind it would be for your whole life, and Charon does not wish to. I need you to answer fully, truthfully.” He observed her with a stern eye. “Or is this just for him?”

Koreena blinked a few times as she thought before she spoke. “I do wish to be a part of something that matters, I have always been alone. I won’t lie when I say I have never been good with authority but I would like to work on it.” She sighed pursing her lips for a moment, should she be honest and give him such powers about knowing her true feelings. “When Prince Asaph, the one that poisoned me, gave me the lashings. He wanted to collect me to his hoard of dances, ones he rapes, uses and tosses out when done with.. I feel the sense of owing not only Selena and Charon but you as well Lord Morningstar. I could potentially be falling in love with your brother and maybe it isn’t what he wants, but what if it’s what I need, to be apart of your Court?” Her voice thick with emotions.

Morningstar looked at her throughtfully. Then he nodded, “that is not a firm answer. You state it is what you perhaps need? Perhaps? You have spent two days here, at most, and seen very little.” He leant towards her, eyes intent. “You want to be part of something that matters? There are other opportunities in the mortal world, why here? Why me? Clearly, you dislike what you see here. I will not accept the oath of someone who in fact does not care for it, and is doing it not out of devotion to me, but to my bride and my rogue brother. A lack of enthusiasm leads to disloyalty.” He narrowed his eyes. “That, or you are offering me this to betray me later.”

Koreena sighed trying to get him to see what she felt. “Because you are loyal! You look after your court, you may not want to show it but you care deeply for each member of it. If you feel like I would betray you then let me stay here for a trial run, Lord Morningstar. Yes we got off on the wrong foot because of me and I do apologize.. just let me show you - prove to you..” her eyes never leaving his intense gaze.

Professor Charles
06-28-2020, 08:15 PM
Morningstar's eyes intently snapped to hers suddenly, focusing as she spoke. His chest moved up and down slowly, and greatly, each breath meaningful. He remained quiet as she finished, his jaw setting, staring at her like there was nothing else. It took a long moment, but finally Nyx was the one to speak.

“You should tell her,” she said softly.

“What?!” he incredulously snapped, eyes darting to her. “What do you mean?”

Nyx looked right back at him. “Tell her about Charon. Obviously that is her main concern if she is falling in love with him. Why he is how he is.” Her decorum had fallen somewhat, and she now looked to her brother with some familiarity rather than honour, or devotion like the oath-bound retainer she was to him.

Morningstar’s facial expression curled into one of slight distaste as he looked back to Kora. “Charon will not be coming out his cell.”

Koreena tilted her head to the side, taking a deep breath. “May I ask why, your lordship?” Her tone softer then how it had been before, almost kind and understanding.

The man looked more uncomfortable now, more mortal than the near divinity that he was. His eyes shimmered slightly, then went dull. Nyx looked between him and Kora, eyes bright and encouraging. Eventually he grunted and sat back, folding his arms.

“Well the court knows now so …” he stared back at Kora. “Char has told you what we are? Primordials, each one of us representing a various element? Nyx here is night, her twin is day. You will meet Moros likely, who is … we call it 'impending doom’. Yes?”

The demi succubi nodded slowly, “he has shared some of this with me yes … what does this have to do with why he may not leave the cell?” She chewed on her lower lip, the plush pillow bouncing up and down from the auction.

“Well,” he raised his brows. “I am power. Pure and raw, both the magic that runs in people's veins to the literal power held by authority. I … have the ability to absorb others magic and use it my own. Hence me being … powerful.”

“It is a sufficient term,” Nyx nodded slowly, “you are also wise.”

He waved a dismissive hand at her but thanked her anyway. “Thank you, but the point is, I can feel power from people, and Charon's is … well. When I first found him again he had none, all of it stripped away. But I knew his potential, so I had him brought here. He was volatile at the time, and thus, I had him restrained in terms of using it, because of his denial to serve me, thus I cannot control what he uses his power for here, thus my people are potentially in danger. We made our first deal - his general freedom for his undertaking of saving the world, in my name. This you know, I think. Some of it?”

Kora nodded slowly, “so it’s precautionary… I understand yes.. that’s how he pertained the name the barbarian, correct?” She fidgeted with her hands in her lap nervously.

There was a pause, then Morningstar burst into amused laughter. His face exploded into a jeer. Nyx herself his a smile. “Yes. And more recent, 'rogue’. Vitus made that one.” He paused, “another on my small council.” He chuckled a few more notes, before he took in a breath and suddenly returned to more serious, “anyway, Charon’s abilities have developed. He is destruction, as you may know, and though he has empathic qualities … well he can now break through the chains of restriction that I use in general for those in court who are not pledged to me. And they have bound gods before entirely,” he stared at her. “Charon’s power is still growing. Exponentially, beyond what it was before it was taken from him by Morté. Potentially, one day, more powerful than me. A week ago he and I discussed this - the cell is now his containment. It is the only thing currently keeping him under control, and I have taken formal responsibility for him. He now either is somewhere I know of, and am satisfied he will not hurt anyone, or stays in that cell.” He jabbed the table aggressively as he sooke. “Part of his newer abilities partially has a will of its own. I will not have that wandering around here. He knows that, he accepts that. He is my brother, and I will control and assist him as I see fit.”

He finished, breathing accelerated, heart pounding, eyes full of fire. Koreena reached over and gently placed her hand on the embodiment of power. Her eyes met his. “I understand and I apologize for being naive and not understanding the entire situation.” She willed him good energy, it was a gift she hadn’t mastered yet that her mother was very talented with. As quickly as she had laid her hand on him she with drew it.

There was clear tension in Morningstar's body as she had done it. But he was silent as she did it. He only stared at her and pulled his hand from the table, breathing erratic.

“First thing, do not touch me, please, without my permission. You are neither my sibling, nor a member of my harem.” He said it politely, quietly, as if the positivity had worked but seriously.

She flinched as if he had physically hit her, she seemed to withdraw into herself.. “I’m sorry it’s just who I am, half of my being …” She looked down at her hands. “I won’t touch you again..” she almost sounded like a child that had been disciplined by their parent.

He observed her for a moment, then nodded, and continued like it had never happened. “Thank you. Now to your previous proposal … the willingness to go in Selena's place to Rahl …” his eyes flickered over. “Just how good are you at acting?”

“I like to think well,” she looked up under her long lashes. “I dance well which is kind of like acting…”

He pursed his lips slightly, but nodded. “Your desire to partake in an oath of fealty to me … that is something serious. Not usually requested someone who has been here a few days at the most. The only exceptions are my siblings, because I know them well already.” He observed her. “I will give you time to consider what you will be getting into. You may stay here a few more days as my guest.”

Koreena nodded slowly, “thank you, Lord Morningstar for your generosity. She scooted the chair out and stood holding her hand out to shake his but quickly withdrew it back to her side. “Sorry..” she mumbled softly and dipped into a shallow curtsy, wincing slightly at the discomfort of her wrapped back.

Morningstar casually waved his hand in acceptance of it. He began to reach into his inner coat as Nyx replied.

“Don't worry dear, you'll get used to it,” she smiled pleasantly. “Morningstar is just a little cautious with physical contact. He always has been.” She lightly, playfully, touched his upper arm, to which he flinched. The beauty grinned, delighted.

He scowled deeply at her, glaring as he shoved something metallic and jangling on the table. His hand remained over it as he switched back to look at Kora. “You are willing to be tested, yes? In obeying my will?”

Koreena nodded as her gaze glanced to his hand that had his the object, standing up straight again. “Yes, Lord Morningstar.”

“Well then,” he leant back, raising his free hand to point to the door. “Through there, go right. There is a door leading back to the library. Currently Charon is there perusing my books.” He lifted his hand, revealing a set of sturdy keys, fashioned grey and gold in colour. He shoved them towards her. “You can tell him I ordered you to. Take him back to his cell and lock him in. You now understand the reasons for this.” Then he paused. “Please.”