View Full Version : News update: 13th October 2019

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
10-13-2019, 09:39 AM
It's been a while since we last had an update, so I'm here to bring everyone up to speed!

Firstly, I hope the whole of the Althanas community can join me in congratulating Philomel and Grumble on the birth of their son. He's been a long time coming, but Peregrine (Pippin) joined us on the 11th October, and mother, baby and father are all doing very well!

Of course, this means that Philomel will likely have reduced presence here whilst she begins motherhood. We wish her all the best in these wonderful times, and hope that she returns when she is fit and able!

In the meantime, at least one member of the administration team remains active on a day to day basis. You can usually find us on the discord server, or, if you have a question you want asking and answering over PM, you can contact us via PM here.

On a personal note, it is nice to see the activity on the site picking up, and both old and new faces returning to the fold. Keep it up, everyone!

In the meantime, go forth and enjoy your world. :)