View Full Version : Approved Split ~ Level I

10-21-2019, 05:59 PM
Name: Agviros Rouge.
Age: Fifteen.
Race: Mystic.
Sex: Male.
Height: 5"4 inches.
Weight: 105 ibs.
Eye Color: Burning amber.
Hair Color: Red.
Skin Tone: Pale.
Enneagram Tritype: 6w5, 4w5, 1w9.
Big Five Personality: RIOAD.


Name: Gunhari Ordain
Race: Mystic.
Sex: Male.
Height: 6"1 inches.
Weight: 285 ibs.
Eye Color: Blue.
Hair Color: Brown.
Skin Tone: Pale.
Enneagram Tritype: 2w3, 1w2, 7w6.
Big Five Personality: BEOAD.
*The body is deceased, he lives in Agviros'.*



Agviros Rouge is a young, redheaded boy with amber eyes. The Mystic is a bit on the short side, skinny, and overall unimpressive. His red hair is long, and he prefers heavy, dark clothes that leave him unseen. Having grown up within the great Rouge family, he has learned etiquette and proper form. He still carries straight up, regal posture and body language he has learned. When Gunhari is in control of his body, the posture is more military and strict. Chosen clothes may be lighter and more aesthetically charming.

• Basic Survival Kit.
• First Aid Kit.
• Cooking Kit.
• Several traveling bags.
• An oak quarterstav wrapped with leather.
• Several outfits.

Gunhari's Skills:
• Weaponry: Gunhari is an expert in nearly all forms of weaponised combat. He is fluid, precise, and tremendously formed and experienced. He has lived a lifetime of war.
• Social: Gunhari is a natural people's person who understands human interaction and social skills.
• Languages: Gunhari is skilled in the written and spoken major languages of the world.
• Survival: Gunhari is an expert survivor away from civilization.
• Disciplined: Years of serving in Raiaera's military has shaped Gunhari into a disciplined soldier, even off duty.
• Educated: Gunhari has an up to high school graduate level of education in all major subjects.
• Horsemanship: Gunhari is a great rider.
• Cooking and Baking: You should try his sweet rolls!

Agviros' Skills:
• Educated: Agviros has a high school level of education in all major subjects.
• Artistic: Agviros is an excellent painter, doodle, musician, writer, and poet. He is passionate about the arts and is skilled in them.
• Weaponry: Agviros has been trained in the basics of staves, knives, and swords.
• Unarmed: Agviros has been taught the basics of Akashiman karate.


Agviros is a fifteen year old boy who has yet to pass the Mystic Trials. He cannot use Gunhari's powers, Gunhari has to be in control of the body for them to be used. However, Gunhari can use Agviros' Mystic Protection.

Mystic Protection:
Agviros has the standard Mystic ability of Mystic Protection. Three times per thread, he can use the ability. When attacked, his Mystic Protection forms glass which shatters and flies out upon impact. His Mystic Protection is only good against low level attacks and materials, and stronger materials or powers can break through.

Gunhari's powers are considerably weaker than when he was alive and in his own body. Gunhari can use Agviros' Mystic Protection, as well as his own ebbed powers.

Light Magic ~ Summoning:
Gunhari is a Light user. He no longer has the weapons he used long ago, but he can summon light versions of them at the strength of steel. If he is "disarmed" during combat he cannot summon that weapon back, but he can call on another. He can summon the following:

• A zweihander with a flamberge blade.
• An arming sword.
• A dirk.

Light Magic ~ Projectiles:
Gunhari can call upon his Light Magic to summon up to three projectiles. They can be shot up to thirty feet away, are the size of arrows, are pointed, and are the strength of steel. They can be summoned all at once or one at a time every hour.


A select few Mystics ever step out from their hidden villages. However, there have been times in history where one or two stepped down from secrecy. Long ago, one of them was Gunhari Ordain. He was from no important family, nothing above the ordinary. Yet, he heard rumors from a young age of life beyond Chateau Drantrak. These rumors were of war, pain... and he wanted to help.

In his twenties, the Light User stepped foot into the rest of Althanas. It was a bold, bitter move. It was looked down on by the villages. When he left, he was told he could never return.

Gunhari went on to explore all there was to see in Althanas. He traveled to Salvar, Corone, Fallien, and everything in between. Eventually, he journeyed to Raiaera... right when the Corpse Wars began.

In the desperate battles against the undead, Gunhari was trapped within the walls of the small city of Eldorwaen. It was here that the experienced warrior's potential shone through. He helped to defend the walls from the undead, swiftly rising through the ranks of the military. When the town was safe, he went on to the other cities where he was declared a war hero.

Years later, Raiaera was in ruins, but still alive. The elves desperately desired to keep the aging man alive, despite the white hairs and wrinkled skin. Yet, Gunhari wanted to be at peace, even if he wished to keep the elves happy. Eventually, w compromise was reached. The elves eventually blessed him with a strange ability. After he died, he would be at peace. Yet, if Althanas was ever in severe danger, he would be revived within the body of a like minded Mystic.

After he died, he slept. For years, for years. After he died, he was blissful within the afterlife. For years, for years, for years...




... ... Then, the mountains spewed fire. The clouds were of thick ash. Meteors flew from the heavens.

For the first time in centuries, Gunhari opened his eyes. He was revived. He saw the world through the eyes of a fifteen year old boy, named Agviros. Furthermore, he was from the important and revered Rouge Family.

The Rouge family was a traditional, strict family of honor and history. Yet, there was something stirring within the untalented, timid boy. He was restless, like Gunhari had been. So, Gunhari made himself known to the teenager. He told him that he was here because the world outside was weeping. Would the boy, desperate to please hard nosed parents, really leave for strange, hostile lands? Why, the child was not even old enough for his trials yet!

Gunhari kept speaking, whispering... He begged the boy to achieve their destiny.

Althanas needed heroes again.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
10-22-2019, 05:47 AM
Hey Split, welcome to Althanas!

An extremely intriguing character, I have to say. I am happy with the abilities as they stand so you are approved!

200 GP added for your starting pot.