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10-22-2019, 11:35 AM
The Promenade of Scara Brae.

The day had been positively dull and depressing. Sprawling grey clouds and a turbulent wind that danced wildly with the ocean continued to endlessly buffet the worn cobblestone rampart. The aging weather beaten rampart battlements from which Sage stood against offered an unrivalled look over the entirety of the Town and the Docks. Though being this close to the ocean wind was mercilessly whipping through his long hair to the point that he had long since raised the hood of his cloak to cease the elements constant assault.

To Sage Ainsworth, being back here was, somewhat nostalgic and unnerving at the same time. If he was going to be honest with himself, he could say that his first visit to the Promenade had been the catalyst that had kickstarted his obsession with learning magic. It was not an easy memory for him to dwell on, and even harder to admit that it had shaken him to his core. His desire to learn magic had been an initially selfish one, he had wanted power to be able to defend himself, to never feel helpless ever again.

But times had changed, not only for him, but for Scara Brae too. Sage idly went to place his arm on the stone battlement but quickly retreated as the slightest touch caused it and some of the wall still standing to tumble heavily onto the rocks below. He cautiously took a few steps away from the new gaping hole to stand a little more closer inland. He did not fear the ocean, or the fall, but he certainly disliked the idea that the ground could fall from under his feet in a nasty little surprise.

Scara Brae was not what it once was. The Meteors reach had been far and wide, more so than he had estimated and the promenade had taken a very heavy blow. There wasn’t much still standing, the buildings that had been made of wood had been splintered and cloven in two had been mostly swept away by the gradually receding tide. The stone buildings had fared only a little better against the initial tidal wave that had swallowed most of the town.

Sage had nothing to fear from the criminal elements that had once festered the Promenade, for they had either fled in the direction of Stonevale or had been swallowed by the sea. By rights it should have been a ghost town, the ruins of a recent civilisation. Instead there were still ships making berth as the Stone structures still stood, and were still serviceable to load and unload cargo and travellers.
It was nothing like it had been before, but it was not yet abandoned.

Sadly, there was nothing of use remaining in town, most of the bars and taverns were either toppled over or were just GONE. Even the bookstore that Sage had first visited the last time he had came was now nothing more than a derelict wreck. There had been nothing to salvage, as anything that was still useful had been looted long ago or was long ruined by the ocean.

The only place that had survived, was ironically the bar and inn called the “Peaceful Promenade” How that place had still survived he had no idea but suspected that it had to have been a magic enchantment, a preservation spell that had been woven in to its very structure.

He would have to take a closer look before he left. The ship that was scheduled to take him back to Corone was not due to leave for another four hours or so. Boredom had soon set in with the boy so he had decided to go take a look around and see what he could find. As it turned out, he had found nothing, and everyone he had seen was more than content to pretend as though they had never noticed him which led him to his current location overlooking the devastation.

‘It probably won’t remain like this’ He thought with an odd sense of sadness.

Sure, the infrastructure was still serviceable to the sailors needs right now, but there was no telling how deep the damage was at this point in time. And given time Scara Brea, much like the crumbling wall beside him, would all just be swept back into the sea.

He wasn’t too sure why he felt sad about that, for the lives lost maybe, but he did not doubt things could not be rebuilt, and if not here then further down the coast certainly. Sage pulled his hood tighter, and was quietly content to continue watching the incoming ships slowly approach the docks despite the choppy waters.

A crow disturbed his thoughts as it landed on the stone wall and cawed at him in irritation to which the boy scoffed, but relented and reached over to gently stroke the bird beneath its beak. He however could not hold back a smile as the bird closed its eyes in bliss.

“What a silly magic construct” He jokingly abolished the bird but it paid no heed to his words “Your supposed to be my eyes in the sky, and yet you want to be coddled. I certainly never designed you with that in mind, or a personality for that matter either”

The bird didn’t even both to protest as it unashamedly leaned further into its creators enticing fingers.

“I suppose I should be thankful for my own shoddy spell design then” The young mage snarked.

Ignis Glaciesque
10-22-2019, 03:00 PM
The bleak skies were blanketed with ash. Meloncoloy was her default emotion as she looked up. Huddling in a hooded cloak wrapped around her thin person, she looked from the sky to the staff laid against the bitterly cold boulder she sat on.

She felt as if she had chosen the wrong time to travel to.

Then again, it was the volcanic eruptions and meteor shows which jump started the person she came back to stop. She had no idea when and where he was; she just knew she had to stop him...

She needed to get off this island.

The island was dying anyways. Grasses were brown, trees were withered and leafless. She sighed as she slid off the rock. Taking up her staff, she continued to shiver as she made her way towards the ruined place of a town called Stonevale. She knew it was abandoned. Maybe, just maybe, she could salvage some supplies and a bite to eat from the rubble before making way to the closest active harbor. She needed to move.

She stepped into the ash coated town. It collected dust. It appeared as if a tornado of severe power rolled through and left this place dead. She sighed, singling out the first discernable ruins. She pulled off her cloak, revealing a gamberson and light clothes. The staff was dropped as she started to climb some boards, hoping to get to a seemingly collapsed kitchen. She struggled to balance as her curled, blond hair limited her vision.

She was off guard and vulnerable up on the collapsed beams.

10-22-2019, 04:16 PM
What few people he could see from his position may as well have been ants. But Sage was the attentive sort that there were not many people he could not discern their intent. The Sailors for example, moved with a purpose, there objective was as clear as day as they rummaged through the ruins to see if there was still anything of use. Anything that they did find was quickly packed up ready to be transported away from the island.

The Scara Brae survivors however, mostly all stayed in one place, some too distraught and were clinging onto their loved ones tightly. The calamity was still all to fresh in their memories, and some did not yet have the power to let go. Sage pitied the ones that sat motionless atop their broken homes, unmoving and unresponsive. His heart went out to them, it truly did, but he did not know what to do to offer succor.
But he could at least go and see, could he not?

Canen cawed seemingly in agreement and rapidly ascended high into the sky though the harsh winds prevailing the region it was not a steady climb. But it did not take long for the crow to reach an ideal altitude. And once more the magical construct gave its young master a literal bird’s eye view of the Promenade and the harbour, revealing the devastation in all its disturbing glory. His familiar saw everything that was worth noting including a family clothed in rags and torn garments that were currently digging up a seemingly intact rowing boat that had been hidden under the debris.

Sage made his way down the ramparts, though he kept a fair distance away from the edge believing that if he were to take even an inch closer the floor would disappear from under him. He kept a suspicious glare upon it until he reached the bottom where he had to traverse debris of splintered wood and shredded sails in order to get back to the docks where the “Lucky Maiden” was currently moored.

And yet he was not alone in trying to clamber through the ruins, though he had stuck to a longer if more stable path it would seem as though someone was trying their luck to get to higher ground, unstable ground as it was.

He would have rather left the stranger be. But their safety was currently a source of concern for the boy, and Sage was not one to sit by idly if someone was in trouble. Or he was watching an accident waiting to happen.
Better to say something even if it was not needed than to stay quiet if it was.

He approached the cloaked stranger until he was within shouting distance but his pace was slow and cautious. As he was mindful of his own footing as some of the wood was still soaking wet and offered a poor foothold. And just as he thought about his footing his left foot slipped across what he had initially thought as a stable broken plank and caused him to tumble to his knees.

‘Typical’ He chided himself. Here he is about to warn someone that the place was unstable and he just had to trip before he could say something.

He sighed at his luck, but he appreciated the irony.

“Careful!” He yelled into his cupped hands and paused when he noticed that the stranger had removed their hood revealing long locks of golden sunshine that whipped in the wind. It honestly made him pause in surprise. It was the single most colourful thing he had seen all week, Scara Brae was depressing and overflowed with a feeling of utter helplessness.

A helplessness that was a role Reversal that Sage did not appreciate, and just because he now believed that he could defend himself, that did not mean he had wished for this town to have met with such a grisly fate.

‘First Riaeira, And now this. If we are not more careful there will not be anything left of this world’ Such dark thoughts clouded his mind, but the sight of golden blonde hair was enough to allow him to banish such thought’s.

“Careful now! The ground is not stable over there!” He yelled into his cupped hands once more hoping that he did not startle the stranger into falling like he had.

Ignis Glaciesque
11-13-2019, 06:35 PM
As she stepped onto a broad beam, the surface began to shake beneath. Hanuh swiftly reached down and held the beam with her hands, knees atop the scratchy wood. She heard a call from beyond, within the edge of vision blocked by her hood. She pulled the hood down and turned, expecting to see a boy. Well, he kinda looked like a girl. But his voice was a boy's. Hanuh decided on this young man, fallen himself, being a boy.

His long hair was also blowing in the wind like her's. The darker skinned girl blinked as the dry, cold breeze made her eyes dry up. She looked down into the rubble and continued feeling the wood. It indeed seemed pretty unsafe. This was a dull, bitter land. Hanuh understood very well that this event had devastated Althanas to its core. She grimaced, knowing that if she did not complete her mission it would still face worse. She decided the get down.

The skinny girl steadily backed up, crawling on the beam. It was always easier to get up than down it seemed. Yet, she managed to start climbing down; placing her feet on sturdy wood and bricks to get down. Soon enough, she was next to the young boy, at the bottom of the pile of ruined destruction. She noted that he wore loose, unsheltering robes. She raised an eyebrow, "Is it not too cold to wear that?" Then her manners caught on. Her eyes widened as she hastily added on, "-And thank you!"

Her mission was still in the back of her mind. Where should she start? She had no idea where he was, hiding in the shadows, at this time. This island was shattered, and she needed to know where to go and what to do. She knew that befriending a potential local or adventurer could help her with her task. Still, the lack of winter clothes still stuck out to her. Whoever this was, was he even competent to help? Hopefully so, he carried a gentle face. He gave her a welcoming feeling she instinctively knew was uncommon here.

11-15-2019, 04:03 PM
Sage Ainsworth watched with no small amount of curiosity as the girl carefully found a path off the unstable hill of broken wood and down onto something more stable. Now that she was closer, he was able to see the face that went along with those beautiful curled golden locks. There was an elusive hint to what may have been an inhuman ancestor to her features. It was subtle though, of so very subtle that if the wind had not been as strong as it was and had allowed him to see the slight points of her ears then he could have been second guessing himself.
He smiled politely to give her an honest answer, or at least he was until her question registered in his mind causing the boy to momentarily pause.

"What, my robe?" He said slowly repeating her question over again and looked down inquisitively at his own robe so as to inspect it for himself. The dark grey robe was from the Velathra magic academy that was located in a different world and as of this moment was the only one of its kind on Althanas.

It was something made for an academy student, meant for quiet and warm elven halls and labyrinthian libraries. It was not made for the ransacked remains of a port town with a blustery and temperamental ocean wind that seemed quite intent of riling up the ocean for a second go. The girl certainly had a point her thought amused, but he did not feel all that particular cold mostly due to his own cloak that had done a superb job at keep the biting cold wind at bay.

"Well, I guess the weather is very bitter right now. but I have another layer of clothing underneath this robe" He said with an earnest smile despite only a moment ago had been blindsided by the question. "And, um your welcome?"
And then he was back to feeling off put.

Why had she thanked him? Was it for warning her about the unstable hill? If so, he did not think that there was any particular need for her to thank him, he liked to think he would have done the same for anyone.

Honestly, he was not sure what to make of the stranger other than his immediate fondness for her golden locks. For a moment she seemed to gain a thousand-yard stare, like she was not even looking at him but was thinking or debating about something else instead.

"Are you ok? you looked quite lost right now" Sage asked hoping that it would be enough to bring her back to the present.

He looked around him and down at of soaked splinters that surrounded him as though to try and glean an answer. It would stand to reason
she was a traveller just like him, and just like him she must not have been able to recognise one inch of the mess that had once been Scara Brae.

Perhaps she was looking for a certain place?

"Hmm, I think this area was a storage warehouse once." He said not entirely sure if he was correct. Since his last trip to Scara Brae had been so disastrous. He had childishly turned to his own books for comfort and had looked into maps of the port town that were two years out of date. All so that if there was ever a “next” time he would have been able to navigate the streets from memory alone.

It was a shame that was now unable to recall half of what he had thought he had memorized.

"Not that anyone could tell by looking at it." He sadly remarked and idly flicked a plank of wood with the toe of his boot. "This area was the hardest hit by the calamity, so a lot of this area has not yet been properly surveyed."

It was difficult to stay apathetic to the wanton destruction, even though it had been a few days and most of the survivors had been dug out, Sage had still summoned his familiar, just in case.

“Sorry, where are my manners? My name is Sage Ainsworth. Welcome to what is left of Scara Brae”