View Full Version : A student of time and pressure

Tenedos Damascus
10-22-2019, 11:59 AM
We woke up this morning to learn that Master Osiris and Lord Veritas had agreed an armistice with the Assembly, albeit begrudgingly. At least, begrudgingly is what I heard.

The past few days have been a nightmare. Since we departed from Radasanth; all we have seen on our journey and heard about in the ranks is the devastation of Corone’s lands, owing to the meteor shower and the ash cloud from Lornius’s demise. Master Osiris calls it “the Calamity”. He’s not wrong. Life changed in an instant, and now we have to get used to a roiling wave of ash and fog arriving to choke the lush greens into decaying yellow. This climate change will affect many ecosystems in Corone; possibly even further afield.

Meanwhile, It’s been a day since I arrived back at Whitevale. It numbs my mind to think of all that has happened, both to the world and to the Brotherhood. Ever since Master Osiris was betrayed by the traitor Arius in Tylmerande, it feels as if we have been wounded. To be honest, after all we have been through, I count my blessings that we are even still here. The siege of Radasanth, the Calamity, the retreat to Tylmerande, Arius…I can only hope that times ahead improve. Lady Van der Aart’s pressure on the Brotherhood may have been alleviated with Master Osiris’s pledge of fealty, but this is sure not to last if we stay in Tylmerande.

It is all I can do now to hope our other operations can continue as normal.

Of the recent excavations near Whitevale, I have nothing new to report. The tablet we found underneath the Mausoleum of ISOS remains unencrypted, with our translators working overtime in Radasanth and unable to spare the time. It has waited thousands of years to be unearthed, so I suppose one more month won’t hurt, but my curiosity is once again left unsated. I wish I had a better grasp of the ancient tongue, or I’d do it myself.

I wonder what things are like right now in the Guilded Lily. The day before he left, Master Osiris assured me that his plans were nearly complete, and that the scars of the siege of Radasanth were well on their way to healing. The political situation between the Assembly, Lily and Brotherhood gives me less reason for concern now, with instability not as rampant between them, but I can’t help but feel the Lily is merely a puppet of the Assembly’s will. Lady Van der Aart is not a ruthless and cold person, but I have many misgivings… but, I suppose, there is very little I can achieve by worrying about such things from here. With any luck, the situation has improved with Master Osiris’s pledge, and all my negative thoughts are completely unnecessary.

~ Signed, this day on the 24th May, Tenedos Damascus (Magister).