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02-11-2020, 11:00 PM
Hello everyone! All you wonderful people!

Site activity is obviously down, with little to no posts some days. We as the admins just want to check in with everyone and see how you're doing and what you'd like to see from the site.

02-12-2020, 08:05 AM
Hey, Phi!

I think it would be a good idea to update all the wiki's with the events of the End of All Things. Grim was basing his character on pre-apocalypse Althanas prior to me letting him know about it in Discord, and I couldn't find any threads explaining all that happened.

Also, I still need to reply some threads but I'm here! xD

02-13-2020, 06:12 AM
Hey flameo!!

Thanks for the advice. I'll look into getting something written for that. Thank you also for replying :)

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
02-14-2020, 10:36 AM
I'm probably going to be speaking out of turn here, so please forgive me, but I genuinely think that we need to do three things; write, ensure our written work is completed and advertise. The first and second is particularly difficult in multi-participant threads where (for example) someone's turn comes up and they are away on business for two weeks, or on holiday, and a thread stalls. I'm in about four active threads where I am waiting on responses, and I considered starting solos to keep the engine ticking over but I feel like the threads I am in are so important to Shinsou's development that liquid timing it won't cut it.

We also look stupid when we do a massive featured quest and then leave it stagnant and unjudged. Whilst this particular situation hasn't affected us too much, we have had all sorts of problems with hyping up events and then leaving them to just decompose. It sends out a bad signal to new guys that we are the kind of site where things just get left to rot, and we need to avoid that from happening in the future.

We have a solution in the works for the advertising conundrum, where Mr Fox has kindly volunteered to assist.

Gum do Mugu
02-14-2020, 10:48 PM
google is pretty is to rank in these days.

but it has to be an answer to a question. like somebody might google "how to write good characters" so maybe we could write a guide to writing a good character, a good setting, a good this, a good that.

but those are a bit too broad. ideally you want to niche down, something very specific. like, how to write a good male character with a troubled past. again, not a great example. but this is where google itself allows you to find out what people want, i.e. you start a question in the search box and see what auto completes are offered. maybe one of those auto completes jumps out at you as a quick and easy to write article about.

to rank it helps if the article is at least 1k words. the more the better. it used to be that seo was kinda mystifying you had to know X trick or Y trick to get ahead. but google is pretty good at giving people what they want. so if they want a good guide to A or B topic and you write that, then you'll get there.

there is one problem, google does not favour forum answers. so articles posted as forum posts will have a harder time out-ranking shit posted to a wordpress site or w/e else.

i think i'm not explaining why we should write guides to rank on google... it's because at the end of the article you say "we run an rp site where you can practice writing and get feedback. come and join"

how to get around the forum thing, idk--could setup a secondary domain like althanaswritingtips.com (lame i know) and run wordpress, setup search console and analytics etc. maybe hosting and domain costs could be a pain unless a baller out there wants to pony up? but honestly if you wrote enough writing guides and were able to rank on google then eventually you could get enough page views to make ads worth it and get some of the costs back.

i heard a stat the other day about book reading being on the rise in spite of you know everything else technology has given us. soooo i think it's too easy to say "oh well rp is just dying out" because i just don't believe that young people aren't into escaping into a cool imaginary world through a cool imaginary character. just need to show them althanas exists.

anyway thanks for reading my long post. i'm not sure if it will help, if it's practical, or whatever--but just seeing if my totally minimal understanding of how ranking on google works might help idk.

anyway happy valentines day gang!

02-15-2020, 09:35 AM
Thanks everyone for the responses and yes, encouragement to write, keep going and join in this conversation. Mr Fox has come on board staff as a PR person and we are very thankful to them.

02-18-2020, 10:57 AM
I'm haunting atm. Due to a recent event i refuse to talk about in public. But I'm more or less around, I got a few things I am planning but I will never be as active as I was with Nosdyn, sorry that event in question ruined a lot for me. Either way, I'm around gonna probably try my hand at alts or something like this, Nosdyn is officially retired. He's never going to come back at this point but my alts are game. If any of you guys want to do stuff hit me up.