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View Full Version : Swapping weapon types....

03-21-2020, 02:36 PM
I wanna handle this transaction entirely OOC.

I was told in order to switch to a new weapon said new weapon(s) had to be swapped in at the bazaar.

So here goes:

I'm looking to dismantle and sell my character's beam sword for whatever value it has at last check. I had upgraded recently to Prevalida quality.

That's the first part of this...the second part is...

I'd like two have two maces constructed with some of the value I get from selling the beam sword. (Note: I want to keep the power cell/core whatever of the sword I have an idea for something later on but the rest of the materials/etc can be up for grabs)

For both maces I'm looking to get x's 2 Iron Maces. With oak handles I am looking to dual wield them going forward.

The idea is a complete overhaul of my character.

With the removal of my fear magics/etc I wanna start replacing things with other things.

But yeah I'd like a price check on the sword, and a price check on the two Iron Maces and we'll work it from there. Thank you in advance.

03-21-2020, 04:24 PM
Hello Nosdyn. I'll have a look at this and get some numbers done for you soon.

03-21-2020, 04:32 PM
Phi beat me too it, but I worked the purchase stuff already. xD

What I said was you couldn't swap your sword willy nilly without buying the new weapon in the Bazaar. You can keep your sword in your inventory if you want. You just have to buy the new weapon(s).

If you do desire to continue selling the sword, could you please provide the purchase link?

For 2 iron maces w/ oak handles would be 200 GP.

03-21-2020, 04:46 PM
I did not think that I had to link it myself otherwise I would have.

Here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?1241-Purchasing-an-Upgrade&p=12589#post12589) my last sword upgrade was done there to the Prevalida upgrade.

But yeah I still wanna sell/dismantle stuff.

And I want to purchase the two Iron Maces their HANDLES I'd like to be oak hope this helps man. My idea is mainly do dual wield but I will handle that aspect later on Let me know how much everything will cost from there and we will work it out.

And yeah the prices for both maces are fine is that 400 all together? Or 200 for both? I wanna upgrade both Maces to masterwork quality too...I have an idea for down the road.

03-21-2020, 04:50 PM
Awesome, bro. Thanks! Yeah, providing the purchase link is part of selling equipment. It makes things so much easier than having to fish for who knows how long. xD I'll get back to you on the sword stuff! 200 for both, but Masterwork would be a little more.

03-21-2020, 05:01 PM
Thats fine man give me a price range and well work this from there. There is a thing I am attempting to get down going forward...you guy swill be seeing hints of this in my future threads. (Both solo and co op) But yeah the dual wielding maces idea is a idea I had, and I think I can do something really good.

03-21-2020, 05:04 PM
That link was to the upgrade to Prevalida only. Did you purchase that sword on the the oldworld 3.1? I can't find a purchase for the sword here. I know you bought the Prevalida upgrade, but any enchantments or whatever from the original purchase needs to be checked.

03-21-2020, 05:08 PM
The sword was original equip for Nosdyn. I had strengthened it over time, but I can provide you the level 1 profile if it is needed, in fact I will hunt that down for you hold on, but yeah was initial equip for Nosdyn but was considerably weaker at level 1 ad you'd imagine. I didnt even think to link this stuff going into the purchase but I got you guys here is my level 1: here (http://www.althanas.com/oldworld/showthread.php?27774-Nosdyn-Krotar-(Chapter-1)) if you guys need any other links on my behalf feel free to let me know.

But yeah the sword was Nosdyn's initial equip going into the whole character.

Hope this helps.

03-21-2020, 05:16 PM
(Note: I want to keep the power cell/core<--- How can you keep that if the enchantments was never something that was purchased? I need to prove you purchased that. I can give you the numbers for selling only the Prevalida sword, though.

03-21-2020, 05:31 PM
I'm going to be frank here...I don't understand what you're asking.

My character's sword is at the very basic level a light saber, power cell/etc is basically just what fuels the energy blade.

As I told you in Discord there seems to a miscommunication here that I don't really understnad.

The gem/power cell is all I want to keep the sword itself can be dismantled and I'm trying to sell it for whatever gp value it would have.

If you don't understand the weapon itself you can definitely ask me but it is all there in the level 1 character profile and future upgrades/purchases I did. If this is going to be a problem of any sort though please let me know ahead of time and I will get my maces through questing in solo's I don't want to be a bother to anyone.

03-21-2020, 05:32 PM
Bazaar buy back of the Prevalida sword would be 780 GP

2 Masterwork Iron Maces would cost 150 GP each. Total for 2 at 300.

Please let me know what you want to do.

03-21-2020, 05:34 PM
Thanks dude, that all works price wise.

I'll make a note of the transaction on my level 5 profile and going forward too, but yeah that works just fine.

03-21-2020, 05:42 PM
Bazaar purchased back 1 Prevalida sword- 780 GP

Purchased items-2 Masterwork iron maces with oak handles- 300

Nosdyn receives 2 Masterwork iron maces with oak handles.

Nosdyn receives +480 GP added to his account. Added

Thank you!

Transaction Complete