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View Full Version : To Kill a Friend (Closed to Ogun)

04-03-2020, 02:49 PM
The journey across the narrow sea between Salvar and Corone wasn’t nearly as rough as the Anarchist thought it would be. It would turn out that travel via Ogun’s magnificent airship was the most comfortable and quickest way to cross the ocean. It had already proven lucrative and beneficial recruiting the half-dwarf to his cause, so long as his fees didn’t begin to accrue too much interest. Either way, since he would be aiding Deef and himself for the time being, Reiker thought it would be critical to see exactly what Ogun would be bringing to the table in terms of combat. And the best way to do that was first hand in Radanasth’s Citadel.

Discretion was of the highest importance while Reiker and the other operated and remained docked in Radasanth. The small group of mercenaries that they did travel with, Deef included, were permitted to the market district and other reasonable locations. But they had all been forbidden to talk about The Pride in any capacity or they would have to deal with the Anarchist personally. In the meantime, Reiker with Ogun in toe made their way toward the Citadel with a reinvented sense of interest in his spear-wielding companion. Though Ogun hadn’t been privy to Reiker’s intentions he was sure that the Half Dwarf had some sort of idea of what was going on. It didn’t take long for the two of them to get registered with the monks who operated the great spiraling hall. With a quick signature of their aliases and a general look over by the hosts of the Citadel Reiker and Ogun took their place in the queue.

Their battlefield was one of Reiker’s choosing, a desolate city block in the lower end of Radasanth. It would turn out that this was a popular choice among combatants and the monks had no issue conjuring such a place. And with a wave of warning, the Anarchist leaped through the monks' magic and was teleported into the colosseum, leaving instructions that Ogun is inserted in on the opposite side of the battleground.
Now it would be up to the Half Dwarf to prove what he had to offer to The Pride as they move forward with their plans.

The sun was just setting as Reiker entered the crumbling city district that was he and Ogun’s place of battle. Shadows had begun to reach across the streets like suffocating tendrils and a light mist filled the air. Reiker couldn’t tell the boundaries of this place from where he was located but figured that the street he was currently on would mark one end of the battlefield. As the Anarchist made his way forward he took notice of the half-destroyed building that lined each side of him. A surprise attack would be easy in a place like this, an idea that he was fond of implementing. And one he figured Ogun would attempt at one point or another.

“Perfect,” Reiker said softly as he spotted the place to set up his trump card. “This will be a great spot…”

Lifting his black hood and peering through a matted mess of black hair Reiker took out a spool of wire from the sack on his right hip. His gaze was fixated on a large pile of rubble leading into the bowels of a run-down tavern. The front wall had crumbled but made for a great entrance, one he could lead Ogun back to later. With a sadistic grin, the Anarchist got to work laying a multi-layered tripwire trap, hiding a second actual wire in the shadow of the first which operated as a decoy. The entire thing rigged to a satchel charge consisting of three grenades hidden under the rubble, a devilish trap intended to cripple Ogun if the situation called for it.

Without a second to spare the Anarchist left his trap behind and made his way back to the city street to await his opponent.

“Come now Ogun”

Gene StarWind
04-05-2020, 12:29 AM
It was nothing to fight for the half dwarf. Ogun born of mysterious circumstance, raised in the library of Ankhas who fought in the bottomless pits arena for sport as a youngster had seen combat. He was proficient with many a weapon but was truly divine with a spear. He read books on various martial arts and put them to the test in the arena and now the Leader of a group he had sworn his strength wanted to test his metal.

Using the "confiscated " airship from there escape from Berevar, Ogun and his combatant arrived at the grand citadel located in corone.
He had only read about the structure during his youth but setting eyes upon it lit his wonderment ablaze. The large ghostly white tower was the pupil of the capital, inhabited by monks capable of the highest level of healing and revival magic. The two could virtually unleash there full breadth of skill on the other without loss of life and Ogun of course found this fascinating.

Reiker was skilled and Ogun was sure of that. He had already displayed an aptitude for violence along with tactical planning so Ogun would not look past his one armed foe.

"How many charges today"? Ogun jabbed at his confidant.

Reiker whose face mainly sunk into the shadows of his hood revealed what appeared to be a ghostly white smile that showed through the darkness. Though we had business with the monks and the right to access the citadel caution was a constant necessity. Ogun knew Reiker would not respond but to Ogun the battle was first fought in the mind.

When it was Oguns time the monks conjured their magic and Ogun with inventory in tow casually walked through the portal.

Upon arriving he was taken to what appeared to be a crumbling city block.
The sun mostly gone over the horizon gave the rubble torn landscape a pinkish red glow and the wind beat against his back. His cloak which hid his black tunic and muscular frame blew like a willow and his baggy black trousers flapped violently in the gale. With one hand holding his hood over his head he used the other to draw his spear that he had modified to collapse for the occasion.

Buildings broken and dilapidated offered cover and advantageous footing for the coming conflict and they lined the street Ogun was in front of.

Thanks to his attention to detail, Reikers love of traps and explosions had not made it past the half-dwarfs perception. He was to do combat with a specialist in a specialized field.

Ogun felt compromised having to navigate a war torn crumbled block in twilight especially given his foes love for traps. It was logical that they would be transported opposite each other and it appeared Ogun was last to arrive. With one powerful motion Ogun stuck his spear into the ground and began to bow it back towards him. The oak creaked and moaned and Ogun lowered his posture into a squatting position. With little warning he eased his grip allowing his spear to fling him forward while also using the momentum to pull the weapon from the ground. Air born he landed on what appeared to be a tavern. The building mostly in tatters stood only by a duo of walls that formed a corner.

Ogun perched like a gargoyle vigilantly awaiting a response from the land group when out of his peripheral he sees Reiker leaving from the building he's squatted on top of.

"Come Ogun". Teased the maniacal anarchist.

Finally feeling as if he had a true handle on the situation Ogun grabbed a gold from his pouch he carried. Wedging a coin between his thumb and middle finger Ogun is able to create tremendous pressure due to his dwarven strength and with a thunderous pop he launched the golden coin directly where Reikers face should be in the shadows of his hood.

04-07-2020, 07:29 PM
“You can’t sneak up on me that easily.”

The half-dwarf must've thought he was clever, the anarchist mused as he tracked the small hulk of a man far before Ogun could have known. From the moment the tip of his spear reflected even the smallest amount setting twilight Reiker had his eyes on him. Taking the high ground by pole vaulting with his spear was a remarkable use of his skills and intellect. He knew Ogun had to be a very smart man but sneaking up on Reiker, even in the shadows, wasn’t easily accomplished. With a swift pivot on his heel, the Anarchist swung his arm catching the heirloom coin in his palm.

“Though that was a good try,” He scoffed before dropping the coin and breaking into a full dash towards the tavern.

Without aid Reiker lifted himself off the ground, pouncing like a tiger onto the balcony just meters away from Ogun. The anarchist was remarkably athletic, boasting twice as much agility and reflexes of a regular man. Though making the jump to the balcony was about the limit of what he could do and continue to do in his present condition. Reiker hadn't yet regained the total strength he lost from the time he spent incarcerated.

“I prefer a more personal approach,” a wicked grin covered what little of his face was visible. The rest covered in a fresh layer of bandages except for his eyes which seemed to glow ominously through his hooded cloak. “Don’t you agree?”

As if a blur Reiker’s hand moved for the hilt of his blade, a weapon he wasn’t fond of but knew he would need for now. Reaching for the final ray of twilight the anarchist brandished his iron shortsword, reflecting the last glimmer directly into Oguns eyes. The hilt of his blade was wrapped with an easily accessible layer of iron wire, a last resort Reiker was particularly proud of and takes sadistic pleasure implementing. Resting his blade at his hip Reiker shuffled forwards a step or two testing the exact point Ogun would react.

“The Pride doesn’t have any use for someone who can’t at least beat me in a fight,” Reiker said with a matter of fact tone, though bluffing as he had no intention of losing Ogun as an asset to the organization. He had also grown fond of the industrious dwarf in their short time together, a fact he’d never admit to though. “So show me exactly what you can do with that spear!”

Then the anarchist leaped into action as he winded like a viper towards the half-dwarf, twisting and contorting his body as he delivered a deadly slash of his sword. Mere child’s play to the fighter, but an opener none the less. Sure to be parried, blocker, or dodged Reiker was ready for Ogun's follow up. As long as his eyes remained focused on the tip of his spear he should be able to avoid his counterattack, his reflexes though dulled were more than enough he imagined.

And if not the two explosive charges strapped to his chest would be.

I won't be going out alone… the anarchist thought as he attacked.