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View Full Version : About and How To

04-28-2020, 06:16 AM

Here you can view and nominate threads that are the best Althanas has to offer. These are prime examples of the best writing and storytelling that add to the rich lore of Althanas.

This feature was previously known as Judges' Choice, which can be found in the Archives, or by clicking here (https://www.althanas.com/world/forumdisplay.php?22-Judge-s-Choice).

How To

You can use this feature to nominate a thread for Althanas Choice. You can do this by using the following form and posting it in the Nominations thread.

Name of thread:
Link to thread:

A member of staff will then assess if the thread is eligible and if so, create a poll for it.

Important Things

You cannot nominate threads that you yourself have written or partaken in. This is to encourage you to read others' threads.
Sometimes threads might appear here not nominated by members. These are threads that the staff of Althanas has nominated, either a moderator or a Judge.
Any thread nominated must be approved by an administrator before it goes to vote.
To get the reward of Althanas Choice a thread must gain 70% 'yes' votes.