View Full Version : Ongoing Workshop ~ Lost and Alone

02-16-2021, 09:00 PM
No need for lengthy rubrics or anything like that, unless you want to. I do plan on officially workshopping this thread when I'm done.

I'm taking a different approach to writing this thread as opposed to others in multiple ways.

For starters, I have a max word count of 500 words per post. My highest word count for any posts so far is 495 on post 12.

Secondly, I'm writing in first place POV. I always felt like first person would fit my writing style better than my normal third person limited. I'm so used to writing third person, however, that I just use that out of habit. Well, I'm trying first person in this thread.

The pacing and structure are also very different. I've been trying to avoid fluffy filler scenes. Instead, I jump from one area of importance or notice to another. This means there's several scene jumps and time skips between posts, when usually the timeline is more fluid.

While I'm working on it, any feedback would be greatly appreciated and helpful. Thank you!

Lost and Alone. (https://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?2396-Lost-and-Alone)

Thank you!
~ Flameburb.