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03-29-2021, 11:21 PM
Mikael Leviasi ia Saiph
Location: Tor Elythis, Study Hall

The long overdue lessons were hardly anything fear inducing, but regardless it brought along a shiver down the spine of Mikael. He had been granted a day of relaxation to better adjust and prepare himself but the dread alone made each step more difficult than the last. The young Elf sighed heavily and moved through the doors with as much confidence as he could muster within himself. Already waiting for his timely arrival, an older Elf awaited his young charge. Age was always the most difficult thing to judge when it concerned elves, but for Mikael’s instructor all one needed to do was look into the utter depthness of his eyes, the length of his hair and the sharpness of his voice.

Mikael bowed to his instructor before taking his seat behind his desk, which held an uncomfortable amount of scrolls and books. His eyes focused on each scroll and book title, attempting to formulate a mental list and gauging the amount of time needed to finish the tasks in front of him. Of course I cannot forget the extra work Mister Lehrerin. Mikael looked up to meet his instructor’s gaze but quickly sent his eyes to stare down to his books and scrolls once more.

“What are the seven gods of magic?” His instructor asked.

“This again?”

Mikael wanted to sigh, but knew better than to add any more fuel to his instructor’s ire.

“What is the point of Magic?”

This question took Mikael off guard, it was strangely asked and furthermore, the tone was even stranger. This caused him to look up and meet his instructor’s eyes once more, Mikael of course wanted to look away from the intensity from his instructor’s gaze but the question pushed him to keep his focus on Mister Lehrerin. It was such a strange question, many answers that Mikael could say but much like a prey sensing a trap, he felt he was going to step on one.

“What kind of question is that?” Mikael frowned as his arms crossed over his chest, for some reason he felt vulnerable as he continued to stare in eyes that no doubt outlived his own hundred times over.

“Will you ever answer a question given to you?”

“Will you ever give me a question I can understand enough to answer?” Mikael continued to frown, but his initial dread and anxiety were slowly being burned away with the growing flame of anger and annoyance.

Mister Lehrerin raised an eyebrow, but took a step closer to Mikael’s desk before responding, “If you fail to understand the question poised to you, it is a failure on your part as I have already provided you with the knowledge and materials to answer such a question.” His finger pointed to the shelves of books behind Mikael.

Mikael didn’t need to turn around to know that his instructor was pointing towards the wall of books and scrolls that he had already read. But Mikael remained unconvinced and Mister Lehrerin seemingly understood that as well about his student.

“If you can answer my question I will tell your father I have nothing left to teach you.”

The young elf narrowed his eyes and quickly turned around and walked over to the books and began to search for the answer.