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View Full Version : Auction House Main Street- Tordir

05-14-2021, 12:43 PM
Welcome one and all to the Auction House!

We have many exciting new items for you to obtain! So keep your eyes peeled, your wits sharp.

How it works:

-Each item will be listed by a staff member. One item will be added a week unless there is little interest in some items.

-You can bid in increments of 5 gold pieces unless otherwise stated.

- There will be a starting bid as well as possible a reserve price, and an ending date. When it reaches the end date (one week after the item is posted up) then the Auction ends and we have a winner!

- When the winner is declared then the gold will be deducted from their account. Please wait until a note appears in this thread from a staff member confirming you have won and the gold is deducted before using the item. Remember to add it to your profile in your next work up.

This week's item:

Item Name: Tordir

Item Description: A Masterwork Damascus Longsword forged by a renown Dwarven smith by the name of Digan Oarnell in Kachuck. Known for making elegant yet dangerous arms, Digan crafted this sword to feature ornate etchings along the fuller that runs along 3/4 the length of the blade and adorned by the crest of Oarnell within the pommel. An enchantment resides within this blade that grants the user increased durability, allowing the user to withstand 2x the damage taken comparable to that of a normal human when the sword is being held in hand.

Starting Bid: 475 GP
End Date: May 21st, 2021

05-22-2021, 11:24 AM
Auction Closed