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08-14-2021, 11:42 AM
I have been going nuts looking for it, but I can't seem to find a current Althanas map on the site, I don't wanna have to dig through the archives. I think that would be a good idea to have a current Althy map. I'm trying to refresh my memory of where exactly Haide/Tular Plains was located I THINK was near Alerar but I don't exactly remember. I have an interesting plan for Haide going forward. But yeah if any of you lovely folks could link me a current Althanas map I would very much be thankful thanks all.


Small Edit: If no current map exists can anybody tell me the rough location of Tular Plains on Althanas? Thanks muchly in advance.

08-15-2021, 08:53 AM
I'll have a look at the maps. They at least should be on 3.1 but will get them onto the wiki.

08-15-2021, 09:24 AM
Thanks for the head's up Ailsa I will look at the 3.1 site for said information too.

Preciate the help. But yeah if yall can link the current map up to the wiki on this site too that would be a fantastic help. I been noticing newer players get overwhelmed by things like site lore/geography of the world. I think all this needs to be far more accessible to people. Just a minor opinion I have on all this as someone whose been here for many years.

But yeah let me know once the map is linked up and I'll cross reference the 3.1 stuff too. Stay safe Ailsa and thanks for the info.

08-15-2021, 06:27 PM
There was an old link added in Geography but it since went up in smoke. I went ahead and linked the older maps under Geography in the header under "Map Compendium" a few minutes ago. Drafting new maps is one of the several things I'm working on in free time. The Wiki does need some love in different ways, but it isn't yet complete and being worked on.

08-15-2021, 08:18 PM
Thanks folks. The assist is always appreciated. I noticed that too one version of the map was deleted or something. Either way thanks for your help in this matter guys, always helpful. Either way hope you guys staying safe.


08-15-2021, 08:34 PM
Yeah. That old official map is gone completely these days due to circumstances beyond our control. We only have the older maps and descriptions in the region pages to work from. That's what I'm basing new maps on, plus doing pre "The End of All things" and post.

Someone out there may have the old official map saved to their out there, but it could be a long shot.

08-15-2021, 09:41 PM
Yeah that's definitely good to know.

I'm glad I actually brought this up now. I mainly needed to know where Haide was in relation to Alerar for my own story line purposes going forward bro. Thanks a bunch for the help by the way.

I been working on update Art for myself, updating my style and what not. I linked a newer drawing of Nosdyn in my art album.

Hope you guys like it.

When I become more confident I might help you guys do a revised hand drawn map.

I did one of the really old versions of the Alth map by hand a long time ago. Dirks still has it and I still have a physical copy of the drawing someplace myself if yall need it for reference. I think I have my Lornius notes someplace too.

Either way it goes folks thanks for the assist.

08-15-2021, 10:11 PM
This is what there is found on Haide/Tular Plains (http://www.althanas.com/oldworld/showwiki.php?title=Haide+Tular+Plains). Hope it helps some.

But yeah, some things haven't been brought over from the 3.1 Wiki yet for different reasons, but that's in the process of being rectified. I apologize. Anything you can't find here, you'll find there.

08-15-2021, 10:16 PM
I have a tular plains related question while we are on this subject.

I noticed that the original Demon General, Zieg has been MIA from the site for a very long time.

Is it possible that I could ic quest to become the new Demon General? Just a thought I had, I'll settle for other positions of leadership if at all possible. Thanks for your help so far bro.

08-15-2021, 10:20 PM
Oh! There's mention of it in the Alerar page too. Yeah, bro. Canon Submission is there for all to utilize for possible new lore being weaved in if desired.

08-16-2021, 08:36 AM
I have a general idea of how I'm handling the next part of my character's development now.

Maybe not a Demon General directly but I'm after something far more grandiose.

I'd like to do the death of N'Jal as a site event for sure. But if there isn't enough like support for that I'll solo it as one massive thread. Though I would prefer at least one other partner.

But yeah in my next Solo project I have a lot of ideas I'm gonna piece together that will ultimately culminate in N'Jal's death as the big bad. That's been a long term goal of mine for many years now.

Once things start cooking I'll network with you later on to bounce ideas off ya. So far I completed my Ettermire arc and the next arc is gonna be N'Jal's death. So that should be crazy going forward.

08-18-2021, 04:42 AM
Thanks Tyr

08-18-2021, 10:08 AM
Hey Ailsa. And yeah Tyr thanks for the assist bro. You gave me a lot of pretty good ideas for Nos progression in general now.

I think for sure I've got a decent plan for the next part of the story. But yeah guys your help is always appreciated.