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09-04-2017, 09:49 PM
The air was warm, almost hot as the pair made their way to the citadel, the sounds of birds chirping in the air was almost a silent chorus for the meeting that was about to happen. Sivienna’s heart was beating rapidly in her chest, the humid air causing her body to warm as her mind was racing. She still wasn’t sure why her son had left such a mysterious message, beckoning both her and Seth to the citadel for an information trade.

He left the temptress such a brutal, bloody mess! He’s part vampire, he must have done that through bloodlust. Or worse yet, he has no control over his need to feed. The night beauty thought worriedly, as her hands were twisting against the hem of her pants. She never wanted her son to be evil, she had given him up to the monk’s with the hopes that they’d be able to train him to be the sweet, loving boy she’d hoped he would grow up to be. Not a man gone crazy with power and unable to control the darker half of his heritage.

Her kitsune Serenity was trying to nuzzle her mistress’s neck, as the little fox sensed Sivi’s worry, trying to be reassuring, the little familiar barked “Everything will be fine mistress! I’m sure your little boy isn’t as dark and crazy as his invitation led you to believe!” her two tails twitched, her nose scrunched up as she loudly said to Seth “You should be helping her, she’s nervous about meeting her own child! He is your child too!”

Seth grunted his assent as he took his hat off, and placed it on her head, “Buck up.”

The vixen’s lavender orb’s closed, reassurance from her kistune’s nuzzling, and Seth placing his hat upon her head caused her frayed nerves to quiet. Trying to smile, it came out lop-sided as she murmurs sheepishly “ Thanks Seth. I can’t help but be worried, I left him when he was little, and now, I don’t know the type of man he’s grown up to be. What I saw at the Temptress worried me Seth. It made me wonder if I made the right choice, in letting him go. Or if I should have raised him, even with him being awakened to hex magic….”

He shrugged gently and said softly, “Too late now, choice has been made. We just need to see if it was right or wrong.”

Nodding softly the night beauty looked up at the great pyramid of the citadel that was before them, a gentle breeze picked up playing with her purple tresses of hair, as the pair made their way toward the heavy doors of the citadel.

Inhaling deeply, Sivienna pushed the dark oak doors open, hearing them open with a loud CREAK, the exotic dancer stepped into the silent halls of the citadel. A monk with platinum blonde hair was quietly reading over a piece of parchment, his blue eyes absorbing the information hungrily before he looked up at the trio that walked into the silent halls of the fighting arena. Pausing from his book he asked softly “How many I help you today?”

Sivi opened her mouth softly, the words wanting to come, but it took a nudge from Serenity for her to blurt out “We are here to see Salil Mizami…..you can tell him Sivienna Mizami and Seth Dahlios have come calling…”

The monk’s pale silver eyes widened at the mention of their names, hurriedly rising from behind his solid cherrywood desk, a round hand motioned from beneath his black robes as he said hurriedly “Ah yes, Master Mizami told me to expect you both today. This way,” He motioned towards a narrow hall, leading the pair to an ornate gold framed door he instructed “Just open the door, the young master’s room is right beyond it.”

Sivienna’s lavender eyes were both wide and excited as her soft milky hand reached for the ornate door handle, turning to pull it open, her voice was very soft as she murmured “Are you ready to meet our son Seth?” her kistune’s twin tails wagged curiously, as the door begin to creak open. The vampric’s beauty’s heart was racing as her thoughts were Finally I get to see my baby boy! Hopefully leaving him in the care of the citadel monks, saved him from growing up in a world of darkness…

09-04-2017, 09:51 PM
He was a whirlwind of emotions. He was trying to sift through them as Sivi’s kitsune insisted on drawing him out. He knew it meant well, but his temper was foul and the barking orders irritated him. He didn't do well with people telling him what to do, not even counting his time in the Ixian Knights.

Those two years chaffed him.

Still, he did it for his daughter, who deserved a chance to see the world. With the Ixian Knights to be safe houses for her, she could try and figure herself out. Seth could see she hadn't yet, and he had argued with Liliana to give Samantha the time alone. When she returned, she had stories to tell, and seemed to become more and more confident, even her mother had agreed it was a good move.

Then the Night of Debauchery happened. In one night Seth's world was torn asunder and Samantha was now a hostage, courtesy of Cassandra Remi. That night had nearly killed him, and some days he wished it had. He had fallen through the cracks of Society, staying in the shadows since, and somehow, somehow he managed to keep going.

Hope, they said, was eternal.

He had immediately waged unequivocal war against Cassandra and the Cult of Blessed Torture was their battleground. He had burned out strongholds, eliminated worshippers and drenched his hands in the blood of her followers, and during all this, Salil Mizami had watched, and waited. He had plotted and planned. The one day that Seth couldn't complete his task, that was when he struck.

Salil had destroyed a whore house, washing it's walls in blood. Seth wasn't even fazed walking through it, but when he found his target disemboweled while tied to a pole it gave him pause. The note had demanded Seth visit the man, and Seth couldn't say no. Closing his eyes he cleared his head with a shake as the door was opened.

Seth saw a room, modest in size but full of grandeur. A thick rug of fur covered the floor, giving the room more heat. The source of that heat was a fireplace, grand and large that roared with a fire.

Over the fireplace were small knickknacks, ones he knew well. He hadn't visited his home in Lavinya in years, but he knew someone had ransacked it and stolen them years ago. They had belonged to his parents and held great sentimental value, even if they were useless junk to most people.

The bed was equally opulent, thick blankets to scare away the cold the stones could emanate. There was a forest of pillows and Seth could detect a hint of perfume, Lavender. It assaulted his senses and flooded him with desire, even at such a small amount. He stifled his irritation and continued to drink in the rooms contents.

A couple of glass cases contained a mask and a small handkerchief. Their significance lost on Seth, but he knew they must be tied to Sivienna who would recognize them. His eyes drifted to the corner where a table resided. While the rest of the room was given to opulence, the table was dingy, shoved in the corner and covered with blades, blades he was intimately familiar with.

Ebony, Ivory, Spite, Malice, and ten lung poppers lay on the table, beside a pair of claws that looked recently bloodied. He gently nudged Sivi to look at the corner when the door opened behind them. Seth turned to face the newcomer, and saw for the first time, the dhampir that was Salil Mizami.

Salil had the pale skin of his mother, unused to the Sun. Seth thought he could detect the hint of fangs on the boy’s lips, and mentally filed that information. He dressed as an aristocrat, clean, rich, haughty. His hair looked inherited from Seth, eternally mussed. A gloved hand moved up to brush stray strands of the dark brown revealing eyes that gleamed with a dark cunning. Seth's heart picked up as he felt the gaze a true predator.

He was staring into the stormy grey eyes of an awoken Hex Magi.

09-04-2017, 09:53 PM
He looks good, happy, healthy. His room looks neat, well-kept. I don’t feel I made the wrong decision anymore by leaving him to the monk’s care. He seems to have had a very fruitful life so far. Sivienna thought as her lavender orbs examined her son’s living quarters intently. She could see that he still kept the blanket that she had wrapped in when she had to give him up. This alone made her heart skip a beat as she studied the rest of the room’s furnishings.

She could feel the heat of the large fireplace touching her skin like the warm ray’s of the sun. The vixen continued to assess the room’s belongings and she felt her heart skip another beat as she noticed the handkerchief enshrined in a glass case with a mask she did not recognize. She saw the opulence and wealth her son craved displayed clearly in his room. The only thing that looked out of place was the dingy wooden table, that seemed far less cared for than any other surface of the room. She could see claws, much like her own displayed neatly on the table. The faint scent of blood hung in the air, which made Sivi’s brow knit in concern. Aside from the claws, knives and lung poppers were displayed, evidence that her son clearly was similar in fighting style to his parents.

This made her glad she had decided to wear a fine purple dress, the dress was accented by light lavender lace, she had worn dark purple leather boots to match her dress and for once she had put on more jewelry than the normal pendent of darkness that rested against her bosom. She had donned earrings she had found on top of her dresser, nerves had made her put the amethyst studded hoops in her ears. Her kistune had tried to reassure her as she was changing in her apartment that everything would be fine, that her son would be alright and that she had no need to worry.

For once the normally talkative night beauty had been silent, staring nervously into the mirror above her dresser as Seth waited patiently for her. She didn’t say much to her kistune or her former lover as she silently finished getting her things together. They then had left to make their way to meet their son.

Smiling warmly, the vampriess moved forward to hug her son, her soft arms wrapped warmly around his lithe frame as she exclaimed “Salil baby, I see you still have the things I left with you. To me that means you at least remembered that your mother left you here!” her eyes were bright, warm, her heart beating rapidly though as she drunk in every inch of the child she hadn’t seen since he was a tiny infant in her arms.

Salil’s frame was stiff, the gloved hand that had brushed through his hair falling flatly to his side. His tone was neutral as he replied “Sivienna, yes I recognize you by your scent….lavender.” He motioned to the regal bed, where the blanket she had left him in was neatly laid there. “The monk’s told me, you left me in the blanket,, and gave me the handkerchief as well. I keep both as a memory to you, the woman who gave me life.” his steely gray eyes then fell on Seth as he murmured “You must be her lover, Seth. The man who helped create me…”

“I'm Seth, that's, right. I didn't know about you till after Sivi gave birth,” He said carefully, “I wasn't sure what I could do. I don't exactly operate in a situation good for kids.”

Salil’s stormy gray eyes studied Seth carefully, his gaze piercing the thief as if he was weighing whether the man’s words held truth. Seeing nothing hidden in gray eyes much like his own, Salil simply said “You could have at least come calling, left me something to remember you by, like Sivienna did…”

“I died about four months after I found out about you,” The Lavinian replied and he gestured to the mantle, “From the looks of things, you found something. Those knickknacks are your grandparents by the way, your grandmother was obsessed with them.”

Salil’s gaze shifted to the knick knacks displayed cutely above the fireplace. A softer tone was in his voice as he murmured “I see, I found them cute. I wanted them so I took them.” he explained finishing up “Somehow they called to me, I see now why. Thank you Seth.” his tone softened more as he murmured “You have a valid reason for not seeing me when I came here. Death is inevitable.” he said his tone darkening slightly as his eyes searched the thief “Still it seems trouble does befall you a lot.”

“You can ask your mother, I'm nothing but trouble. I manage best I can, but it's always something,” Seth carefully examined Salil, “How much have you dipped into it? How much did you sell yourself?

Sivienna pursed her lips, a squeal escaping from them as she murmurs “Seth hush! Nows not the time to ask question like that! He’s our child, don’t rush for answers that can wait!” she then turns to Salil and asks gently “Have you been well Salil? I see you have quite a grand room. Have you been happy here?” But your father is right dear, he is nothing but trouble, stubborn as they come and he never wants to listen to reason!” she gave Seth a soft smile as she said this though, and she finished with “He’s loyal though and loving, I know even though he couldn’t show you it, he loves you as well Salil….”

09-04-2017, 09:56 PM
Seth bit his tongue. Sivienna was determined to find the good in the situation, while Seth having been turned to a pessimist was assessing damage. The way he spoke for one, and his actions. Had he been a child lost, Seth could have understood, but he was guarded. Seth could see it in the boy’s eye, the kid was assessing his parents, just as much as Seth was assessing him.

Salil replied, “The monks have been nothing short of helpful. When I asked to watch your fights, they recreated them for me, down to the smallest details. When I asked for replicas of your weapons, I felt I learned more about you, Seth. Watching how you fight and recreating those fights, helped me to understand the brutality of the man I would come to know as the Lavinian Demon.”

Seth remained on edge, and spoke, “You gotta know that the words I used aren't all the truth. I let my mouth run on its own often to give me time to think.”

“Well aware Seth, you needn't be so guarded. You are after all with family,” Salil said, his sardonic tone chilling to the Demon.

Sivienna’s gaze was on her son, the look worried as she asked her baby softly “Honey, what are you trying to do? Your father, doesn’t want to be antagonized, he is only trying to learn about you!” nerves were starting to tingle in her body, as one fear played through her mind This isn’t going as well as I hoped it would. Biting her lip the night beauty continued “Seth, I don’t know what he is trying to do, but he is our son, remember that…”the vixen’s eyes were fretful blinking from that of her lover to her son as her mind wandered and she thought Why does this remind me somewhat of when my father argued with me?

“Of course, mother, ever the voice of reason. I would say that in many cases, I saw Seth as he truly was,” Salil pressed as he moved past Seth to the table, “The times he perished, the lives he took. All here amongst these halls, and all recorded, for eternity. Tell me Seth, do you regret a single act you committed amongst these halls?”

Seth looked at Salil he remained silent and spoke, “I don't need to be an aristocrat to spot that trap. Tell me Salil, why did you choose last night of all nights to make your presence known to me? You obviously knew we were in the area.”

For the first time a genuine smile lit up Salil’s face. He spoke warmer, “You are clever. Your intelligence leaves a bit to be desired, but your cunning cannot be denied. I can see why Sivienna could be charmed by a man many called a bruitish bore.”

Sivi’s eyes widened at Salil’s comment, shock was in her voice as she stammered “S...SALIL MIZAMI! No you won’t treat your father that way! He may be a human, but he deserves respect! I won’t have my child make a remark like that!” Without thinking, she looked right into her son’s eyes and asked softly, but their was a tone to her voice “Who else has visited you?” sadness was in her eyes, as she muttered “Sorry, I’m trying not to pry sweetie, I respect you, but we need to be honest with each other, and in truth what you say worries me Salil.”

Salil matched his mother’s gaze and spoke, “When my parents failed to come seek me, I sought family. His sister proved an aloof creature, no doubt aided by becoming one with the night. His parents were dead, but then I found my Aunt, and she gave me what I sought…”

Seth’s hand hovered near a blade as the air grew colder, “You made a mistake Salil, you made a grave error.”

“It couldn't be worse than leaving a child awakened to Hex Magic for the citadel monks. Or letting my half sister be kidnapped by the Cult of Blessed Torture…” Salil replied cruelly. The door opened behind the two of them as he spoke, “I felt a family reunion was in order. Sadly Aunt Rianna couldn't make it, a certain brute nearly gutted her and she has taken to bed ill. However, Grandfather has been a most gracious guest…”

Seth could feel the dark power emanate as a well dressed man entered. The clink of a cane could be heard as he entered and glowered at the Lavinian Demon, his eyes then settled of Sivienna, “The prodigal daughter at long last. Very good Salil, very good indeed.”

09-04-2017, 09:58 PM
“WHAT?” Sivienna screamed as her lavender orbs locked with those of her father’s. An angry growl escaped her lips before she screamed, all presence of her sweet nature gone as she roared at her son “SALIL MIZAMI! FAMILY REUNION DID NOT MEAN THIS BASTARD HERE!” the vixen’s eyes darkened as for the first time in a long time Sivienna revealed her fang’s an honor to her vampire heritage. Her voice was low, dark as she hissed “Father….you can go to hell and LEAVE!”

Salil’s gray eyes blinked, in a jovial voice he asked “Mother really, is that any way to treat your father? You say I should treat mine with respect, what manners are you showing me by screaming at grandfather?”

The room’s air was changing, growing colder, more frigid, as the family reunion’s atmosphere had completely changed with the appearance of the night angel’s father. Sivi’s rage was building as she was having trouble speaking, as both fury and panic were vying for control in her body. Serenity noticing this barked loudly “Damn it all, this had to happen! Did your ever precious grandfather explain the history between your mother and himself?” her twin tails twitched as she hissed “Shit, this isn’t good, she’s losing it! Seth you may want to speak to Sivi, I”ve never seen her this way!”

“Keep your wits Sivi, he's doing it on purpose,” Seth cautioned even as a blade left holster and began to dance in his hand, “We aren't at a complete wash yet…let's give the asshole a chance to prove his idiocy.” He looked pointed at Lord Mizami, “I still owe him for ordering Sarah’s siring.”

Sivienna’s whole body was shaking, her eyes locking onto Seth’s for comfort, her aura was beginning to glow as her flight or fight response kicked in. Listening to her lover’s words was a comfort for her, the aura lightened slightly, as she tried to remain calm while answering her son’s question “No Salil, manners are one thing, being treated like you're not wanted is another.” Closing her eyes, the night vixen shifted a little from nerves as she explained “You have no idea how persuasive your grandfather is my child. How much he loves control, how everything has to be perfect according to his world! Nothing can be a miss, no child can be different! Only his law is word!”” biting her lip so a bit of blood fell from her smooth lips she finished “I said I’d be honest with you Salil, so hear is the truth. My father hated me from the start, just for being sweet, for loving humans.” She gestured to Seth as she continued “He taunted me when he found this out, killed those I was close to without remorse...do you really value someone like that in your life Salil? Even if he is family?”

She then looked at Seth softly saying “Don’t worry, we’ll pay my father back for Sarah’s siring…”

Salil let out a laugh as he said snidely “You seem to contradict yourself with every word you say to me mother…” turning to look at the kistune, Salil blinked once before he answered tersely “Shut up fox, I won’t speak to an animal, I’ll only answer Sivienna’s questions!”

Serenity’s tails twiched in anger, as she growled succinctly in response to Salil brushing her off.

Raoul on the other hand laughed ominously as he roared “Oh my dear prodigal daughter, so sweet, so innocent, yet so naive! Do you really think humans care for you? A vampire?” his grin widened as he said callously “Do you think this man, this cattle that you foolishly slept with, gave yourself too and had a child with, really loves you? Or does he fear you for the beast you are?” his dark eyes then bore into Seth’s coldly, almost mocking him to answer.

“Careful there Raoul, I beat the crap out of Lord Cardenas for less, and he's your superior,” Seth taunted. The knife was flipped to his other hand as he carefully twirled, “You don't want me getting the idea you resent me. Otherwise, I might get upset and take some of your blood for my sister, I hear it does wonders for thralls.”

Raoul growled lowly, his cane slamming into the ground with a loud THWACK, in a dark tone he muttered “Silly Dahlios, so cocky! So brash, just like that sister of yours! You do realize what that cost her don’t you? My little Rianna was so pleased to claim her after the fight she put up!” looking at Salil he said strictly “Listen closely Salil, you could learn a thing or two!” he then smiled jovially at Seth murmuring “Now your sweet sister is nothing but a thrall of my family AND” his aura pulsed slightly, the strength of his power being hinted at as he taunted Seth “Cattle never have taken my blood, nor has any vampire hunter been able to slay me! What makes you think you can touch me demon?”

Serenity let out a warning growl, as Sivienna let out a scream of wrath, shouting “SHUT UP FATHER! I WILL NOT LET YOU HARM SETH!” her tone rose, along with her anger as she spat “YOU KNOW THE FAMILY RULES! IF I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL, YOU CAN’T HARM SETH! SO BRING IT! I’LL SHOW YOU WHAT MASTER DRASTOIL TAUGHT ME!”

Raoul’s lips twitched at his daughter’s challenge, bowing mockingly he purred “Awww my little baby thinks she can beat me? I’m more than ready to see what your perverted master has taught you my dear! BUT;” he looked into his daughter’s eyes darkly as he finished smoothly “I think you’ll find, your skills fall short of mine my sweet little daughter!”

Salil’s stormy gray eyes perked in interest, as he murmured “This should be interesting to see how Sivienna truly fights! But,”” a coy, almost mocking smile was on his face as he asked Seth “Since mother wants to tangle with grandfather, why don’t we play Seth?”

Serenity’s tails were bristling after Sivi issued the challenge to her father, hopping off her mistress’s shoulders, she trotted over to the thief and whispered to him “I can’t let you fight on your own, I know your powerful Seth. But we have no idea what tricks your son hides. I can’t help Sivi against her father, she wouldn’t want me to, this is her own obstacle to beat. So allow me to offer you aid Seth!” her twin tails twitched in anticipation of the fight as she waited for the demon to respond.

09-04-2017, 10:00 PM

Salil seemed taken aback by the sudden declaration of refusal. His face took on a concerned look before he said softly, “You won't play with me?”

“You think fighting is a game, just like I did, and let me tell you it's not. Every battle has a purpose, even if the fighters don't realize it. I'm done with frivolous battles as a way to stroke one’s ego. Now, now I fight with a purpose,” Seth growled.

“You fight for my sister, Samantha...tell me, why does she go by Ambria? Isn't she proud of her Dahlios lineage?” Salil mocked. Serenity wrapped around one of Seth's legs as she awaited more information.

“I died a few months after she was conceived. She was born without me either. She had her mother and uncle to raise her, and she wasn't given a chance. She doesn't know what being a Dahlios is, so she clings to her mother's name,” Seth explained, “She isn't a Dahlios because I wasn't there to marry Liliana and raise her. Just like you aren't a Dahlios because your mother wasn't married to me either.”

“Listen to him Salil, he is just a stud, rutting with everything and leaving a trail of children and corpses behind him. He truly is mere cattle, sure he has preferred mates and he mimics love and concern, but he doesn't feel those emotions…” Lord Mizami spoke. The knife came to a halt before Seth looked pointedly at Lord Mizami.

“You can be quiet vampire. If I need to open a bar I know who's head to use as a keg tap,” Seth replied.

Lord Mizami seemed to sputter as he hissed, “You will regret treating me as your equal Cattle.”

“Equal? I thought we already established the pecking order, let's go again. There's me, Sivienna, my kids, the dirt, the worms in the dirt, the shit the worms feed on, and then at the very bottom is you,” Seth shot back.

Sivienna growled softly her dark aura pulsing as she raised her hands, flames were forming in them as she shot one ball of flame at her father’s feet spitting angrily “That’s your warning father! Call Seth cattle again and I won’t miss!” Sivienna then looked at Seth and warned softly “I know my father, he’s trying to find your weak point!”

“Oh is that all, people have been looking for that for awhile now. Better people, stronger people, people that actually know how to phrase an insult. I'm kinda hurt Sivi, you told me your dad was smart…” Seth deadpanned.

Salil covered his mouth as shoulders shook, finally he spoke, “Very well Seth, if you won't fight for glory, then let me throw this out there...I have information on my sister. I know what she's been doing, and if you wish to know, you'll turn those infamous knives on me. What is it going to be? Satisfy my desire to fight? Or lose out on learning more about your kidnapped daughter?”

Seth felt his heart wrench as silence reigned in the small room. Raoul was looking at the two of them with a keen interest, while Salil crossed his arms. It galled Seth seeing such an act, because they both knew Seth’s answer. He had lost that very info, and had come to visit Salil for it. Salil’s face lit up in an impish grin when the knife twirl to a stop and was holstered, “You get advantage. Cook up whatever the hell you want Salil.”

Salil seemed disappointed in the words before he reached to the glass case. He lifted the lid and grabbed the mask placing it on his face before his voice echoed from behind it, “All for her. You refused to play until it became about her. I should not be surprised, and yet I am wounded father. I thought you would do anything for your children…”

Seth carefully lowered the brim of his hat and spoke, “Had you wanted to talk, I would have been more than willing. Had you visited me, I would have taught you everything I knew. Had you just asked, I would have bent over backwards. Instead you play games while your sister’s life hangs in the balance. Don't preach to me about it being all about her. You made it about her.”

Salil slid the claws onto his hands and carefully articulated each one, feeling how the blood had affected them. He looked over at Seth and shrugged, “Perhaps I did. We shall see how your truth holds up, after all your stubborn conviction is one of your most notable traits. Shall we adjourn from my room? We shall need a real arena, fitting such a battle…”

09-04-2017, 10:05 PM
The night vixen could feel the hate, the rage coursing through her veins. Sadness was in her eyes as well as she watched her son prepare for battle with his father. Shaking her head as they left Salil’s opulent room, Sivi couldn’t help but sigh softly to herself. She knew the day would come when she would have to confront her father about her horrible childhood. The misery, the sadness, the helpless feeling she felt when she couldn’t save anyone dear to her.

Draistol though perverted had been an awkward source of comfort, turning her feelings of being weak into strength. Where she had been unprotected she now had her magic. She knew she no longer was a child, but forlorn feelings still remained, the control, the wrenching grasp her father had, she, had used her rage about that to gain the magic she had today. The spells she would use to show her father that she no longer was the frail scared little girl she had been in the past.

Steadying herself, as a monk appeared in the narrow silent halls, it was a woman her hair golden in the dim lights, she wore a flowing brown robe and her blue eyes shone with secret knowledge, as if on cue her musical voice exclaimed “A battlefield has been prepared for you all. We had a feeling Master Mizami would want to practice his skills! He’s always been restless since he was a child! Never able to sit still, always studying, always learning! Always training, we were surprised at this, but then again he is an intelligent man. He wanted to absorb knowledge since the time he could speak!” her eyes were sparkling as she led the party to a black shining portal. Motioning with her hand she said softly “It's right here! Good luck to you all!” She then departed giving Salil a soft smile and nod, before she scurried back in the shadow’s of the citadel’s halls.

Salil gave the retreating woman’s form a warm smile, flexing his claws he murmured “Thank you Setsuna…” he then went through the portal into the battlefield, his form disappearing into the vortex.

Sivienna went next, a harsh look on her face as she felt the the tug around her navel as the gate pulled her through. It felt like a few minutes past, as the night angel could feel the dizzying feeling of the portal spitting her out.

Landing unevenly on her feet, the beauty pulled out her pack, growling low, she pulled out her dragon bone claws, staring at them, she muttered “I thought I wouldn’t need anything….I thought this would just be a happy reunion between my son and his father, but no, my father had to ruin the whole thing.”

A dark laugh echoed through the area as the portal spit Raoul out with a loud OOMPH sound. Brushing himself off he said callously “Afraid my dear daughter? You should be, even with what your perverted master taught you, you’ll never be able to defeat me! You're my child and no matter how your strength grows, I shall always be your superior!”

Sivi glared daggers at her father, before her lavender orbs examined the battlefield before her, she could see that the monks had designed a place built for speed and quick fighting. The gurgle of softly flowing stream could be heard somewhere off in the distance. The soft feel of green grass could be felt under the vixen’s booted feet. A gentle breeze played with the hem of Sivienna’s flowing purple frock, her eyes still skimmed over the place where she would finally release all of her childhood aggression. She could see rocks, gray, but dull in all shapes and sizes littering the field, and to top it all of, a moon the shape of a round clear coin could be seen shining its pale blue light onto the arena.

Once her assessment of the battleground was complete, she turned to her dad’s form. Flexing her claws agilely, she hissed “No dad, I”m not afraid! I”ve been through hell since I left! Learned how to care for myself and I won’t let you control me anymore! Nor will you kill me!”

Lord Mizami slammed his cane swiftly into the ground, his own lavender orbs darkening considerably as his aura pulsed menacingly, in a suave voice he cooed “Then come show me when you’ve learned my dear! We shall see if it's enough!!”

A scream left the vampiress’s lips, as she charged swiftly at her father’s lean form, a quick claw swipe was aimed at Lord Mizami’s shoulder, before she aimed a roundhouse kick at his stomach. She then jumped back her claws at ready for what her father would do next.

The cane rose agilely, easily blocking the claw slash, a smug grin was on Raoul’s lips as he hissed “Too easy SIvi, didn’t Draistal teach you any better?” he then began to chant softly under his breathe, the moonlit sky darkening as he began his spell, in a dark voice he muttered “You’ll regret never obeying my rules Sivi!”

09-04-2017, 10:07 PM
“I thought you said we were fighting?” Salil slashed again, only to watch his father once more slide out of the Dhampir’s way. A growl of irritation left his lips as he crowed, “Pull your weapons and face me!”

“Make me Salil,” Seth replied. A slash sailed over his back and with a step inside Salil’s reach a gauntlet clad fist rocked the boy’s head back. Seth clicked his tongue and hissed, “You call yourself a fighter yet you're not even using your full potential...you have all those weapons and you refuse to fight with them.” Salil growled out of frustration and swung wildly at Seth, who punched the boy once more and shook his head, “You'd be dead at least five times already Salil. Thayne bless it kid, pull your head out of your ass and fight! This showmanship is costing you.”

Salil took a more defensive position and growled, “I have no clue what you mean!”

“Hromagh blessed you with two feet, two knees, two elbows, two hands, and a head to figure out what the fuck I'm trying to teach you Salil,” Seth chided and he punch his son in the gut and shrugged his shoulders, punching the kid again, “Jomil should be blessing you too, you're not so dumb as to not see my issue with your fighting. I don't hate that you're bad, I hate that you're sloppy. That’s what happens when you just go around murdering and playing at actually knowing how to fight.”

Salil was rocked by the punches and threw another one in frustration which Seth lazily dodged again. The claws scraping against a boulder and sending flashes into the night. He slashed, hoping to box Seth in who yawned and avoided yet another blow. The Demon shaking his head before Salil finally hissed, “Stop toying with me and fight! I asked you to fight!”

“You asked me to play, we’re playing Salil. You wanted this so badly you could taste it, now you got buyer’s remorse. Not my fault kid, you just suck at what you’re trying to do,” Seth pushed a clawed gauntlet away and shook his head clicking his tongue, “If I thought you needed the help, I would have shown up faster. As it is, I don’t have time to teach you everything you need…not today…”

Something seemed to shift in the man who suddenly began a new flurry of attacks. Seth could feel the murderous intent behind them as he slashed, and finally began kicking, and elbowing and kneeing at the thief who kept barely a step before the boy. His frustration was beginning to leach through as the man went all out and slammed a clawed fist at the thief. Seth moved his head to the side as the gauntlet broke a chunk of the boulder off, the rocks tumbling down the side.

“No, I refuse to play second fiddle to Samantha. I refuse to be tossed aside like Serenity,” Salil hissed. Seth’s eyes widened at the proclamation and the Dhampir hissed behind his mask, “Oh yes, I know all about Haven and what you did there. I know Herald, but that’s for another time. You were supposed to be here for me, and you insist on playing games Seth Dahlios!”

He slashed out, his speed getting too fast for the demon, as the clawed gauntlet moved to clutch the man’s father by the throat sparks flashed into the night once more as Salil saw his gauntlet gripping the blade of a knife, Lavinian in make, lacking a proper hilt like most daggers. No light gleamed off its polished blade, and Salil followed it to the eyes of his father who showed a fire in them, that fire he desired to test himself against.

Salil grinned behind his mask and spoke, “There you are...we meet at last Demon…”

09-04-2017, 10:11 PM
Darkness was filling the moon shrouded field, the chilling feeling of a shadow watching you was hovering over the night vixen’s form, as she felt frozen in place. It felt like her form was rooted to the spot, the charge she wanted to make at her father was not coming. Something was wrong, it felt like she was a child again, scared to do anything that would make her father made.

Her lavender orbs glared razor sharp at her father as she hissed “What are you doing father? Your chilling the air...or is this all in my mind? Why am I scared of your magic? God damn it!”

Raoul laughed chillingly, his aura darkening around him as he said smoothly “Oh my dear child, you’ve never seen me battle have you? No, you always were kept away training, or learning how to take care of yourself under a master I deemed appropriate! Didn’t you ever wonder why House Mizami was feared my sweet angel? Why no other house would attack you or your mother when you were out and about? It was because they all feared the master of its domain! Now you shall see just how strong I am my sweet little girl, and to you’ll find your skills are no match!” he then closed his eyes a dark black portal appearing before him, the sound of loud stomps could be heard as a large bright red burst of flame spewed forth from the portal.

The owner of said fire soon made itself known, as a large crimson demon appeared, its huge leathery bat-like wings flapping as it exited the vortex that gave it life. A low growl issued from its lips as it boomed out “You called master? What is thy bidding?”

Lord Mizami smiled easily as he murmured “Kill my daughter Amon. There is no need to restrain yourself! You're free to do as you please!”

Smoke issued from the devil’s thin mouth, his eyes lighting up at the prospect of a kill, turning to face the slim beauty before him he said mockingly “She’s just a slip of a thing master! She shouldn’t be much of challenge!”

Raoul smiled saying softly “Then go and do my bidding, my devil!”

Amon started to walk easily toward Sivienna, his claws flexing eagerly at the thought of fresh blood being spilt.

Sivi meanwhile growled angrily, her lavender orbs darkening as she spat “Fuck you father! God, no wonder all the other houses feared you! You play dirty! You don’t give anyone else a chance!” closing her eyes Sivienna begin to chant swiftly under her own breathe, a purplish-black vortex forming in front of her as twin howls could be heard. Flames begin to lick around her own portal as a pair of darkness fire wolves appeared in front of their mistress. The fear that had moments before been coursing through her body disappearing as her determination to fight her father took its place.

The exotic dancer ran her hands over the wolf thick silky black-red fur. No words were spoken as she urged with her touch for her wolves to attack, she knew they might not be a watch for her father’s creature, but they would at least give her enough time to perform her next trick.

She already had to pull out all her cards, plus this time her kistune was preoccupied helping Seth with their son, so she did not have her to distract her father. The air around her begin to grow warmer as she began chanting under her breathe, a much larger portal wispy in appearance beginning to form.

Her creatures begin to snap and claw at Amon, the demon in return parrying back and slashing. A breeze, hot and humid now begin to blow across the field as the creatures clashed, howls and roars echoing menacingly around the once peaceful battleground.

Raoul laughed as he hissed “Oh sweetie, you really are trying to show me your strength aren’t you? Well, it's obvious to me you’ll fall, your magic level is no near match to mine! Plus I know Draistol never had time to teach you all the secrets of your darkness fire magic! You’ll lose simply because of that and you're too soft my innocent child! You don’t have the hate and rage needed to wield this magic!”

09-04-2017, 10:13 PM
Sparks flashed into the night as Demon and Dhampir fought. Salil would try to gain the upper hand only to see another dirty trick employed losing any advantage gained. Once he thought he had pinned Seth against a boulder only to find his claws used against him by getting one stuck in the rock. Salil growled in frustration when Seth rocked him with a blow to the back.

“I wasn't sure, but now I see it. You aren't a vampire, but you certainly try to act like one. It's the little things that give you away,” Seth mused. Salil growled in irritation and swiped crudely only to find his hand grasped and himself flipped onto his back, “You aren't good enough to fight with Anger Salil, learn to fight before you try it.”

“Oh you son of a bitch! So self righteous, so arrogant, I see it now, why you are a target. No one could fight you and not want to tear your throat out,” Salil hissed and kicked at the thief forcing distance between them. Footing regained he stood up and saw Seth wasn’t even trying to attack him. He growled lowly in irritation.

“We're just playing, aren't we?” Seth mocked, “It would hurt if I thought you were actually trying to kill me Salil…”

Salil growled in irritation behind the mask before he went on the offensive. Sparks once more filled the air as Seth parried and dodged various attacks. Salil growled once more, “Fight me you bastard!”

“Excuse me? Your grandparents were married, only bastard here is you,” Seth sassed. Salil rocked with the verbal blow and Seth struck, shoving the pommel of his knife into his son’s gut. He pulled back from the winded boy and spoke, “There, we played your game. You lost, that could have easily been the blade. You done with this? Are you finally satisfied?”

“You sanctimonious son of a bitch!” Salil roared. He lunged at Seth who once more flipped him onto his back. The boy growled out and slashed at Seth ineffectually.

The Demon stepped back and clicked his tongue disapprovingly, “If being sanctimonious gets through to you, then I'm the fucking high priest. Are you done toying with the lives of your family, have you finally learned how pointless this is? Tell me you know you're being used by your grandfather.”

Salil stood and shook his head, “You think you're so damn great. You fawn over Samantha and left me and Serenity to the wolves. She's just like you, just like me, she's a monster Seth. She isn't your perfect little girl anymore!”

Seth frowned and spoke, “What are you babbling about?”

“That warden the cultist wouldn't shut up about? The one that was supposed to show you the path? That’s your daughter, she is a monster who polices the other monsters the Cult has. Did you honestly expect a single one of your kids to not end up a monster? So naive…” Salil spat. Seth for once had nothing to say and Salil smiled seeing he had gotten to Seth, “Yeah, congratulations father, it's another bitch in a long line. I wondered who the white haired cultist was in Underwood, but to find out she's my sister? Oh how proud you must be…”


“You failed Seth...you didn't save her.”

09-04-2017, 10:26 PM
Damn it, shit! He’s causing my concentration to falter, I can feel my connection to my dragon slipping. Sivienna thought worriedly, her eyes closing, blocking out the image of her father as she hissed at herself Focus! Concentrate! Don’t let his words get to you! Don’t let him win! The dark vixen’s aura grew darkening, the aura pulsating through the grassy fields, as the moon’s blue light, went from a light shining azure color to a much darker navy. A sigh that the night’s angel magic was increasing in strength.

Her portal begin to grow bigger, the blackish-purple magic starting to lick with flames, as her beast’s snout snorting with smoke begin to emerge from the gate’s opening.

Raoul chuckled darkly, her feet smoothly begin to sprint forward across the grassy plain, in a voice filled with mirth he called out “Oh my sweet little girl! You think I’ll allow you to call your dragon? You don’t think I haven’t been watching you? I know your tricks my dear and I know how to thwart them!” with a click of his fingers, he pulled a thin sword from the sheathe that he used as his cane. The silver glinting in the dark blue moonlight, as he ran towards his daughter a regal smile on his soft lips as he purred loudly “SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR STRONGEST SPELL MY DEAR!”

A howl could be heard, loud, angry, vicious as a red maw snapped at the sword that was aimed at it’s mistress throat. The beast's fangs snapped at the steel of Lord Mizami’s sword as it growled viciously. The threat real as Raoul swung the beast agilely to dislodge it from his blade. The fire wolf’s red eyes shined maliciously as he howled again, its haunches crouched to maul it’s mistress’s father’s throat.

An angry hiss escaped from Lord Mizami’s lips as he growled “Amon! Come bring this beast’s brother with you! Kill them both!” a flurry of slashes and a big burst of fire was hurled at Raoul’s tall form from the darkness fire wolf’s mouth and claws. The beast flurry the lord of House Mizami with a vicious assault to give it’s mistress time to call out her most primal and strongest creature.

Amon roared, its claws clicking against the soft grass as it made its way towards its master. His dark flame eyes were glowing with its power as her roared “MANGY MONGRELS! LEAVE MY MASTER BE!” his speed quickened as Sivi’s second wolf leaped up and latched its maw onto Amon’s arm, causing the demon to flail about wildly as the fire creature’s fangs sank into his leathery flesh.

A cry of rage echoed as the fiery entity flapped its bat-like wings angrily, it swiped a claw at the wolf’s belly, the sound of the claw heavy in the silent night. It felt like minutes, but it was mere seconds, before the demon swiped the annoying creature off its arm.

A loud yelp of pain could be heard as the exotic dancer’s elemental creature was vanquished. It disappeared in a puff of red smoke, as the still remaining fire wolf howled in rage at the disappearance of its mate. A more direct attack was launched at the night angel’s father, howls of fury echoing in the moonlit night as the beast snapped and slashed at any exposed part of Raoul’s body.

Amon, now free of distractions turned to the vampiress’s curvy form and bellowed “You die at my master’s command little one!”

Sivi’s only response to the demon’s declaration was a growl, loud and forceful that came from the portal. Out of it came her darkness shadow dragon, its ancient eyes glowing in the dim light of the moon overhead. Its great purple-black leathery wings flapped as it emerged from its vortex, its great body the next to appear as with a thoud THUMP it landed in the grassy planes. A sight to behold against the blue night sky.

A grin laced the vixen’s soft mouth as she spewed out “Meet my dragon demon! Its time for YOUR demise!”” she then looked at her mythical creature, her lavender hues glowing with the power of the beast she called forth. Linked with its mind she ordered “Hold back your flames for now,, guard your weak points and attack my father’s demon with all your might! VANQUISH IT WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH MY DRAGON!

The dragon’s ancient eyes glowed with its wisdom, smoke still spiraled from its nostrils as he echoed in the vampiress’s mind “Your bidding shall be done my mistress!” he then lifted his great head a roar bellowing from its cavernous mouth as he shouted “Let us dance demon! It's time you faced a creature matched in strength!”

Amon roared charging at Sivi’s dragon, his claws flexing agilely as he accepted the ancient creature’s challenge, his large claws slashing for the dragon’s leathery wing as he exclaimed “I shall defeat you! Every beast has its weakness!”

Raoul chuckled at the display of might before him, as he was dancing around the still surviving fire wolf’s attack as he hissed at his daughter “Your creatures are nothing but a nuisance my dear girl! I will bring you home, your spells are nothing compared to mine! You should have learned your lesson as a child! Been a good girl and followed my orders! Then you wouldn’t be on the run, scared for your life Sivi! Afraid that out of every shadow I’ll come to haunt you! You’d be safe! At home, sheltered just like your little sister! Wouldn’t that be so much easier my dear? Then be hunted every night by your family?” his eyes were shining at his offer, a smile playing on his lips even as he continued to dance around the wolf’s snapping jaws, waiting to see what his daughter would say.


09-04-2017, 10:30 PM
This time the fight was far closer. Seth’s focus was shattered and he barely had the presence of mind to defend himself. To anyone who knew the thief, it looked like his instinct was piloting as his mind raced to grasp what had been said. His sleeve was in tatters from where Salil had raked him a good one. Had it not been for his plated gauntlet, his wrist would probably have been shredded.

A punch connected, the metal gauntlet winding the thief as another punch rocked his face. Seth turned with the blow as he tried to think how his daughter had fallen. Blood began to stream down his face as Salil said something, it all seemed distant to the thief who was still working back through the words. The last he had seen his daughter, she had been chained to Aerith’s wheelchair. She was a prisoner, how did she think that policing them was even a viable route?

No, someone offered her an out. That had to be it. His other arm matched his first. Blood was pouring from the thief’s body at what would have been an alarming rate. More words, more taunts, more things said that were inconsequential. His mind pondered the course not action, Cassandra made no sense. The woman would never have allowed Samantha out of chains, not if she felt there was any chance for Seth to reach her. It was a gamble, a play at creating a monster. This didn't have the Midnight Mistress’ mark, it was far too risky. If Samantha ever realized she could walk away, and no one could stop her? The game was over. The raw manipulation that would take…

“Aerith…” Seth finally growled out.

Salil faltered at the first words from Seth in awhile. He tilted his head in wonder before he spoke, “Who is that? What is going through your head?”

Seth shook his head and realized he was a wreck. His son had scored countless blows, and the Demon was not where he had been before. He realized he couldn't fight like he had, and clicked his tongue in distaste, “You certainly did a number on me…”

“What was that about?” Salil demanded again, “Another lover? Another daughter? Who the hell is Aerith?”

“Don't get your pants in a twist, she doesn't matter to you,” Seth replied, “Not unless you want to help me rather than kill me. I won't lie, the irony of dying to my own kids is not lost on me. Today however, is not my day to die.”

“You're bleeding out, you won't be able to stand for much longer. Even with your stubborn resolve, you've lost to me Demon!”

“Now what?” The question rocked his son. Salil’s eyes widened, and Seth stood. He walked carefully towards Salil who took a wild swing at the thief, “Just what I thought. You aren't even sure yourself. You don't want to kill me, I can feel a killer’s intent and you're lacking it.”

Salil growled and slashed at the thief again who dodged the blow. Seth stretched his arms out wide, “Kill me Salil, we both know you don't have what it takes.”

Salil’s eyes widened at the bold proclamation. He shook his head slowly and swung for Seth who dodged. He growled lowly, “I knew you wouldn't make it that easy.”

“You're still not trying,” Seth replied, “Try again, for someone who's killed an entire brothel, you certainly forgot how to kill. Was that a fluke? Or are you realizing the consequences your actions bear?”

The gauntlet slid into his gut, and Seth to his credit didn't shy from the blow. He hunched forward, leaning against Salil who looked at his father with concern on his face. It was a terrible clarity born of a moment's passion. One that shook the foundations as the man realized the magic's grip on his mind. Seth pushed off the claws and stumbled a step, falling to the ground. He let out a weak chuckle his eyes glazing over, “Buyer’s remorse kid? This is what you wanted, right?”

09-04-2017, 10:34 PM
“DAMN BRAT!” Lord Mizami roared, his lavender hues darkening in anger, he sidestepped to avoid his daughter’s fiery elemental beast, the air chilling as his aura’s power increased around him. Glaring at his rebellious daughter he hissed “I tried to offer you an olive branch my dear, tried to give you a chance to earn your way back into the family’s good graces. But no!” elegantly he slashed his sword evenly at the fire wolf’s stomach, a yelp could be heard as Sivi’s dear wolf disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Sheathing his sword, his smile was thin almost mocking as he purred darkly “Now it's time for you to pay the price for your insolence my darling little girl! Time for you too see why I discarded your mother! Why you had to flee for your life, if you had only been a good little doll like your sister, you’d be so content now!” his lavender eyes then closed, a soft chant hovering across the grassy battlefield, as roars and shrieks could be heard from the two mighty beasts clashing around the father and daughter.

The night angel’s dragon was roaring viciously, its flank bleeding slightly from a deadly slash from Amon’s claws. Its patience was wearing thin as it slashed with its heavy claws at Amon’s stomach. The demon roared in pain as a deadly slash opened up in its belly from the mystical creature’s attack.

Growling deeply and warningly, the crimson demon’s wings flapped, a whoosh of air blowing across the grassy field as he roared “Time to die dragon! You say you're my strength, we’ve been evenly matched so far but can you handle this?” he then opened his mouth wide, a jet of crimson flames begin to form into a large ball of fire. The demon’s red eyes glowed brightly before he released his flame attack. A howl of victory escaping as he murmured “Time to die!”

Sivienna hissed, her own lavender hues shining brightly as she screamed into her dragon’s mind My father’s demon is clueless! You are immune to fire, you thrive in the heat! Finish this beast now, use your acid breathe, but first fly up into the sky to avoid that tornado of crimson death! Then use your acid breathe to melt the flesh from my dad’s hellish creature! She then turned to her father, giving a mock bow she murmured “My little sister is the brat father! I chose the better path! FREEDOM! Even if you say I have a chance to be brought back into the family fold, I wouldn’t want that! Life is better without it being run by you!”

Hearing its mistress’s orders echoing in its mind, the dragon’s great leathery wings begin to beat against the still air, the pressure of it all causing little spirals of grass to lift up from the ground and twirl like mini tornadoes in the air. Its cry of victory echoed against the moonlit night as it lifted its great presence into the air. Smoke begin to issue from its nostrils, as Amon’s burning wall of flames passed just beneath the ancient creature’s flying form. Opening its cavernous mouth, a great purplish-green ball of flame begin to form in the beast’s mouth.

Amon growled as he began to flap his own leathery bat-wings, its eager greed for victory would be its demise as he charged for the dragon, his own mouth opening as he began to shoot balls of flame at the dragon’s scale covered hide roaring “No you don’t! I won’t be banished again by a dragon!” the demon received no response from Sivi’s ancient dragon as he simply released his acid flame breathe right into Amon’s face.

It hit the demon square on in the face, as he howled in pain, once Sivi’s beast had used its breathe attack, it begin to fade from existence, it had just enough time to swat Lord Mizami’s summon to the ground as he roared into his mistress’s mind It is weakened mistress! Finish it now! The dragon then disappeared in a puff of purple-red smoke.

Listening to her ancient creature’s last words of advice, the exotic dancer charged at the writhing demon, the acrid smell of burnt flesh was heavy in the air, as the vampriess nimbly leapt onto the fire demon’s bleeding stomach, ignoring the scent of blood, she flexed her dragon bone claws agilely, before swiping with a flurry of attacks at Amon’s throat. Her eyes were shining once she leapt off the beast’s leathery bat-wing and he disappeared in a huge puff of black-red smoke. Grinning like a cat who caught the mouse Sivi exclaimed at her father “I”m stronger than you think dad! I just banished YOUR demon!” she was all smiles staring gloatingly at her father’s angry darkened form.

Raoul’s voice was suave, dark as he cooed “So my baby is powerful! Rebellious to my rules! SO WHAT! LIKE I SAID IT'S TIME TO PAY THE PRICE FOR YOUR INSOLENCE!” he then finished his chant, the interruption to it not halting it at all, as dark purple shadow hands begin to erupt like ghouls from the soft dirt of the battlefield. They caught the sultry night vixen by her arms and ankles as they begin to pull her with ease toward Lord Mizami’s tall form.

A scream of panic erupted from Sivi’s full lips, her angry form turning to panic as she shrieked out “Fuck! What the hell!” fear was evident in her raising voice as she shrieked “When did you get this spell you bastard!” her panic stricken lavender eyes stared into her father’s own matching ones. An evil grin was on his face as he sweetly mocked “That’s more like it my prodigal daughter, fearful, looking at me like I’m a god! This is more like it!” He then placed his hands gently on his daughter’s forehead, it almost looked like he was going to stroke her hair, but instead he said strictly “Night my dear! Say hello to your mother for me!”

Sivi’s vision begin to blur dramatically, her head lolling to the side as the only thing supporting her was her father’s shadow hands. Her mind begin to fade as the illusion spell begin to take effect, the day sunny, the air light. Her hands felt small again as if she was a child once more. Shock filled her voice as she began to hear a sweet familiar voice, a voice she never thought she’d hear again….Mom? She thought dazedly, no it can’t be? What did my father do to me?

Raoul laughed softly as he turned to Seth, his lavender hues bright as he murmured “That should break her! She was mommy’s little girl after all! Now as for you! Broken and tattered by your own son? You really hide behind a wall of weakness Dahlios! You can’t even bring yourself to kill family! Pitiful! So frail and tired!” his voice then rose strictly his dark lavender orbs falling on Salil, in a no nonsense voice he ordered “Kill your father for the cattle he is Salil! Prove your loyalty to me! Show me you aren’t weak like your parents are! Show me you have the guts to get the job done when it's needed!”

09-04-2017, 10:37 PM
Seth lay on the ground for what seemed like ages. Staring up into the nights sky brought a calm comfort, and Salil looked down at his father concerned. For a moment, Seth saw Salil stripped bare. Behind the mask he could tell the boy was struggling.

Seth closed his eyes and spoke, “Don't worry, I'll be kicking his ass in no time.” He opened them to see the eyes widen, and the thief slowly got up, peeling himself from the blood soaked ground. Raoul looked to the rising Demon and frowned.

“Stay down and die like the prey you are Seth Dahlios,” Raoul commanded. A knife left it's holster and began to dance in an intricate manner before the man continued, “Parlor tricks and flair are no match for several hundred years of experience Dahlios. You're merely a loose end I will clean up-”

“For a pat on the head from Cardenas. We all know how much you love to suck his cock,” Seth finished his tone dry. Raoul’s eyes widened as Seth continued, “You may have been a tool, but you actually gave the order that got my sister sired. I'm gonna need blood now, your blood. You can either make reparations, or I'll take it from your body. Either way, I'm getting that blood.”

The elder Vampire narrowed his eyes dangerously and gave an imperceptible nod. Seth, too caught up in his wrath failed to noticed his Son had followed behind him. As the boy moved to strike a small figure darted and the claws missed Human flesh. A cry pierced the night, and the demon moved in a flash.

Salil’s gauntlets were covered in the kitsune's blood and the Demon growled out in unrestrained anger. Heat poured from the thief as the sounds of ancient gears grinding echoed in his head. The Wrath Engine starting up. The warm air exploding out from him in a burst that sent the night’s fog out in a steamy burst. Seth’s first words were for his son, “Time’s up, I'm putting you in time out.”

Salil was frozen in time, black energy firing off before the prodigal son could blink. He struggled to move and felt Seth’s indomitable will hold him in place. The young boy felt it, the seething anger and hatred locking him in place. Attack done he knelt to the kitsune and gently picked it up.

“You're certainly loyal,” Seth replied.

“And you're a fool, but mistress loves you in spite of that. I should have involved myself when he was actually hurting you,” The words were thick, the kitsune having problems biting them off.

Seth gently set the fox on the ground with his jacket as blanket, “I got it from here, you rest…”

“You're a blind fool if you think he'll let you just steal his blood. You're far too wounded to take him,” The Kitsune offered. Seth nodded.

“I'll be fine, he's a pushover,” Seth replied. Raoul looked at the thief casually dismissing him before he snorted softly and moved. The thief stared forward impassively and sidestepped the cane blow that was meant to hit the back of his head. Rather than gut the bastard, Seth went one better. The cane bowed when it struck the ground, and before the vampire lord could pull it back Seth’s dirty boot hit it, right at the bend, and with a snap the cane shattered, “You're a one trick pony. Bad boys get their toys taken away.”

Raoul looked at the broken cane and tossed the broken shard away. His eyes full of seething hatred at the Dahlios who’s furious gaze matched his own. The heat reaching a sweltering heat. Raoul narrowed his eyes and spoke, “You may have some skill boy, but you're still years away from me when it comes to magic.”

“Too bad you blew your load on Sivienna. See, you throw everything you got at someone hoping to destroy them outright. It isn't savvy, not particularly cunning, but to those who watch it sure is flashy…” Seth retorted, “You're done Lord Mizami…”

Raoul disappeared showing next to Sivienna. With a knife he collected blood from Sivi while Seth struggled to close the distance. He moved so damn fast, and the Demon had taken a shot to his gut. He could feel the engine lurch and go into overdrive. White light seeped from the wounds along with blood. The Lavinian watched him carefully put the vial in a pocket before he spoke, “Business has been attended to, now it's time for pleasure. I'm going to enjoy proving you wrong human. I'll beat you to the death you so justly deserve, you gave her one child, and she bears another, I can only imagine that's your doing as well…”

Seth reeled for a second time but refused to lower his guard as Lord Mizami moved again. He could feel the engine reaching its limits and the Demon realized what had to be done. “Life is passing you by…” he muttered, and with the grey energy forming about him fired point blank into the Lord Mizami, ducking under a kick meant to remove his head. Mizami went wide eyed at the second miss, and the demon let a wild grin play on his face. A knife slid up Raoul’s leg causing the vampire to hiss in a manner he had not done in many years.

He clutched his legs as the muscles spammed to a close, his eyes boring into Seth’s own. The demon was on the attack slashing and carving into the lord, who found himself tapping into his immortal stamina just to keep up. It was taxing to the vampire lord who found those damnable blades sapping more of his vigor with each pain fueled slash. All the while that bright light only grew brighter, “What is that!?”

“Oh nothing, just a mana construct I fused to my soul,” Seth replied nonchalantly.

Raoul reeled at the information and hissed, “You’re going to kill us both!”

“It won't stick, monks and all that shit...but I gotta admit I've never seen what happens if the mana reservoir boils over,” Curiosity touched Seth’s voice. Raoul was trying to get away when quicksilver splashed out over the ground. The Lord Mizami went wide eyed as chains, chains that would require him not to be fighting the Demon wrapped about his shoulders. With his speed slowed, he could exert nowhere near the pressure to make the human Cattle pay for the insolence and white light exploded from the thief burning the both of them.

The chains dissolved, sending the vampire lord rocketing across the arena. Salil felt another wave of superheated air and covered his face, and looked up to see his battlefield destroyed. Lord Mizami lay at the edges of the clearing, and was not moving. Seth had collapsed to a knee, and seemed to be unmoving. Sivienna was resting on the ground next to him, and Salil could see Seth had not faced the missing Mizami when he exploded. Footsteps crunching in the night air as he approached his father his eyes wide.

Seth had been kneeling, butcher was barely awake. His eye turned to Salil and he let out a soft grunt of acknowledgement, “This is your chance. I doubt I can move fast enough, I feel like a spit roasted rabbit…”

“We’re done for today,” Salil said softly and jogged to check on his grandfather.

09-04-2017, 10:42 PM
A woman was standing smiling sweetly at a younger Sivienna Mizami, the woman’s pale face shared the same features at the little vampire. Her face heart shaped the only difference was a little spot of green in the beautiful older vampire’s eyes, her hair was a long flowing locks of purple tinged just at the end with glistening black. Her outfit consisted of a long flowing Blue gown, with soft flats covering Sivienna’s mother’s feet. The scent of lavender was heavy in the air, as little Sivi was sharing in shock at her alive mother. Shaking her little head, she looked down at her hands, they were smaller, less shapely, somehow her father had warped her back to a much younger time in her life...a time when her dear sweet, innocent mother was still alive…

Looking around, she had to shield her eyes, the sun...hurt, which was unfamiliar to the young dancer. Moving deeper into a shaded tabletop, the child looked up at a bright purple umbrella, shading her father and mother from the sun’s harmful rays. Tea and crumpets was being served by one of their human thralls, a young girl with bright blonde hair. Shaking her head, Sivi’s mouth formed an O as she realized what day her father had thrust her back into. Fear was in her face as she tried to stutter out “No...mo...mommy!” but the words wouldn’t leave her lips. It was almost as if she couldn’t speak.

The human thrall looked up and murmured “Young miss, your father wants you to join the family at the table. Tea is about to be served.”

Raoul smiled disarmingly at his daughter as he said strictly “Come Sivi dear, you have an appointment with Master Draistol for lessons after this, you don’t want to be late…” He then turned to his wife as he said softly “Honey, a carriage will be picking you up shortly...I’ll have Mary here shade you with an umbrella when it arrives. You need to pick up my order for the kitchen from the market.”

Sivienna’s mother smiled the sweetest smile ever as she said with kindness in her voice “Yes love, that would be my pleasure. But, please make sure Mary doesn’t drop the umbrella, I nearly got burned the last time a servant was clumsy…”

“”Oh course darling.” Lord Mizami purred, before he gave an imperceptible nod to his left. A bodyguard, darkly clad was standing to his left as he nodded his head murmuring “Mary, Lord Mizami needs you to help in the kitchens. He forgot to bring his wife’s favorite cake. Be a dear and fetch it please?

Mary’s little blue eyes went wide, fear in them as she muttered “B...b..but, Lord Malik, I’m supposed to escort the mistress to her carriage!” turning to look at Sivi’s mom, her little lip trembled as she finished meekly “Then escort little lady Sivi to her lessons with Master Draistol!”

Malik’s dark eyes glittered eerily in the shade of the umbrella, his lips pursed as he said succiently “Little cattle, listen to your betters! Sivi’s teacher has already been notified! You did not see, but he is already waiting for his pupil, while scarfing down on tea and crumpets over there. You be a good OBEDIENT little dear and do as my lord orders!”

Mary gulped, the fear in her eyes only increasing as she bowed her head, her long locks of blonde falling in front of her face, nodding meekly without saying anything else, she scurried off to fetch her mistress’s treat.

The air was gently, humid and breezy as the Mizami family dined on their tea and biscuits, talk was minimal as the little Mizami vampiress found herself immediately sipping tea like a good little girl and primly eating a blueberry crumpet. The taste felt bitter in her mouth though, as she was not enjoying this at all. It felt like a ticking time bomb to her, the countdown to the horrible fate she knew was coming. As she wiped a cotton napkin against her mouth, she heard the telltale CLIP, CLIP of hooves approaching, she wanted to cry out to dive onto her mother to prevent her leaving.

Instead, she saw Malik coming primly with an umbrella in hand, he opened it with a small POP and walked easily over to Mistress Mizami, bowing regally to her he murmured “Your ride awaits my lady.” he then took her slim hand and kissed it softly, helping her up. He then nodded to Raoul, a signal that his words were about to be done. The pair began to walk to a waiting carriage shrouded in a black cloth. Two black stallions were whinnying and stomping impatiently as the driver, a little demon with a red top hat bowed and said “I shall take Lady Mizami to market.”

However, that never happened, it only seemed like minutes, but really was only mere seconds; before the umbrella shading Sivienna’s mother disappeared. Malik returning back to the safety of shadows through a simple portal he had called before tossing the umbrella away.

Screams could be heard, loud, fearful issuing from the beautiful vampriess throat. An instant later, Sivi herself was running out to her burning mother, she could see bright orange flames engulfing her beloved mother in an instant. Her little arm reached out trying to grasping her mother’s burning hands. As she felt death licking at her own body to, tears were falling like rain from her lavender orbs, as her mouth finally worked as she screamed “MOMMY NO! DON’T DIE PLEASE! I NEED YOU! I LOVE YOU!” she could feel her body dancing with flames, the hand of death ready to claim her as well.

The tears continued to splash as she tried to connect with her mother’s slowly turning to ash body, fear was in her heart as she wanted to save her dear sweet mother. Instead she was saved, a dark red blanket covering her slowly burning form as a familiar voice hissed “God dammit dear! To impulsive! Don’t you listen to anything I ever teach you Miss Sivi?” Draistol drawled, before he turned eyeing Lord Mizami angrily. The perverted instructor said no words, just simply disappeared with Lady Mizami’s young daughter, knowing full well that death had been what Raoul had wanted for his unwanted wife and rebellious, non-moldable daughter.

The sultry night angel’s mind was beginning to clear, she could feel grass beneath her body, could smell the scorched wind from the battle between her father’s demon and her dragon. She could still feel the cold, unfeeling after affect of her father’s shadow hands. She could also feel anger, rage swelling in her heart. The last fleeting memory of her mother’s death was in her mind. Her perverted instructor saving her, saying does she ever follow his teachings?

I do Master Draistol…. Her mind screamed hotly, as she could feel heat licking all around her body. She looked a sight a flaming vindictive ghost rising up from the grassy plane, almost instinctively her lavender orbs fell on her father’s rising form. You could feel the humidity pulse against the grassy plane, as bright purple flames begin to snake their way around the night vixen’s normally soft hands.

Gauntlets of fire, bright, purple and shining wrapped around Sivienna’s fists. Her eyes flashed as the flames died down from her body. Her voice was fierce filled with rage as she shrieked “Fuck you father! Now I know the truth of why mom died! You never wanted her, BUT! YOU NEARLY KILLED ME TOO! MASTER DRAISTOL SAVED ME! “ her voice quieted as she finished “Now time for some payback!”

Feeling the remnants of her new spell flash fiercely, the agile dancer charged at her father’s risen form. Shock was in his eyes as he was cobbling himself back together from his tangle with Seth. Blazing fists begin to punch and hit every part of his body. As his angered daughter was holding nothing back, once again he was knocked back, heated flaming wrapping around his body as he begin to light up like a torch. Shock was in his voice as in a weak, dazed voice he asked “What did you learn my brat? What hidden spell is this that the flames can tear into my body.”

Sivienna grinned like a cat as she purred “Hell’s inferno, one spell Master Draistol never got a chance to teach me. I never had enough anger, rage to learn it. You father gave me that gift! So, thank you AND GO TO HELL! BURN LIKE YOU MEANT ME TO WITHER AND DIE!” Sivi screamed as she did one more fierce punch to her father’s gut. Sending him flying against a giant gray shaped rock, as the flames lit his body up like the morning sun.

Turning to tiredly grin at Seth she whispered “That should do it…” her flaming fists slowly died away as she gasped and murmured “Reliving how I learned my resistance to sunlight sure is a bitch…”

09-04-2017, 10:43 PM

He was in pain. It certainly hurt. Being the epicenter of an explosion ranked up there with the top three most painful moments of his life. He had been burned alive in the oils of a chandelier during the Serenti by Letho, that had certainly hurt like a bitch. Then against Zephyriah Albione he had been electrocuted when he had made the mistake of being in a puddle when the man had shot lightning into it. Both had been extremely painful. However, this one certainly made top three, he just wasn’t sure which one hurt more anymore.

He tilted his head back and saw the Kitsune, staring at him from his jacket as it shook it’s head, “You are not a fool. You’re just suicidal.”

The rumbling of laughter began in his chest, and despite the pain it hit the air as Seth winced in pain, his tolerance at its limits. He drew in a breath and hissed looking up at Sivienna, “Sorry, I went and did something monumentally stupid. Forgive me?”

Kneeling down, Sivi moved to brush a stray lock of Seth’s hair away from his face, a smile was on her soft lips as she murmured “Always the idiot. Stupid fool Seth, you're forgiven yes”.

He winced once more and laughed before he spoke, “You sure like to put the salt in the wound...not that I don’t deserve it….This is going to hurt like a bitch…” He hissed as he clutched the gift of the magi. The wounds inflicted themselves as Seth felt the burns reopen up. His back arched momentarily before he relaxed on the ground. His eyes closed before he spoke, “That’s never going to get easier…” in the wake of the magic passing over him he brushed the blood from his arms, revealing flawless skin underneath. He sat up in a practiced motion and hunched forward shaking his head.

Eyes rested on the Thief Extraordinaire, and he waited patiently before he looked up into the cold grey of his son’s. He got up and spoke candidly, “Still think grandpa knows what the fuck he’s talking about? Both of us nearly killed him. He obviously doesn’t know a fucking thing that he talks about.”

Salil looked at his father and shook his head, “You’re insane…”

“Hardly one to talk yourself kid. No one in our family is sane. Not me, not you, not your mother...I mean she puts up with my dumb ass. Thayne knows why…” Seth replied firmly. He gave Sivienna a wry smirk before he said, “Stick with us, learn the truth from people that actually care. Not from a fossilized vampire who got his ass handed to him the first time he stepped beyond the boundaries of his domain.”

Salil shook his head slowly and removed the mask, hanging it from his hip. He looked down at his grandfather and spoke, “Go, the kitsune has little time left. Let him see the monks. I have similar allies to attend to. We’ll meet one day Seth Dahlios, and we will finally get each other’s full measure. Mother…” He gave a casual salute to her before” he gently lifted up the body of Lord Mizami and moved into the darkness where he began to disappear, his voice echoing, “Tonight was enlightening, I wonder the truth behind my Aunt’s claims…”

09-04-2017, 10:45 PM
“Salil!” Sivienna stammered softly, biting her lips as she whispered “Please, don’t go. My father only wants to use…” the vampiress was unable to finish her sentence as she watched her son disappear with her father in his arms. A groan escaped her lips as she looked at Seth murmuring weakly “I feel like hell. This whole visit went to hell.” she covered her face with her hands, her strength shattering as she could smell her kistune’s weakened form.

She wailed “Why did my father have to get involved Seth? If he hadn’t been here...maybe, just maybe we could have reasoned with our son…”

“That’s exactly why he’s here. He wants our Son, for you I’m betting. He got a vial of your blood, but I’m sure there’s more to it. We’ll know in due time,” Seth replied bluntly. He carefully picked up the Kitsune in his coat before he spoke, “I’m sorry, I dismissed you way too easily. I’m not used to fighting with someone...like you.”

Sivienna rose unsteadily to her feet, her eyes widening in shock, before anger flashed briefly in them as she growled “That bastard!” a hand hand explored her body, looking for regenerating flesh as she finished up “I know exactly what he needed my blood for…..Rianna, so she could walk in the sun too! God damn it!” she looked at Seth murmuring “He knows my little sister’s weakness, she’ll never go through the hell I went through Seth. So he’s giving her an easy out to learn the same gift I did!”

Serenity whimpered in pain, curling into the warmth of Seth’s coat she weakly said “I didn’t….” a yelp interrupted as the fox continued “ t..rust you either, Seth. Always though you were a fool, sweet words to sweep mistress...o..ff her feet.” her chocolate brown eyes closed, just talking seeping the strength from the injured kistune’s body as she finished “N..now I see you care for her deeply…”

“It’s okay, the demo title gets everyone on edge,” Seth responded. He looked to Sivienna,”Too bad he underestimated me...got a vial? I’m not sure how long this stuff keeps…” Seth replied. He held up a blood soaked dagger and spoke, “I think we both know someone who could do with some Vampire Lord Blood.”

The night angel’s lavender orbs lit up wide in shock, before she knelt down and rummaged through her bag, coming up with an empty vial, she uncorked it and held it out to Seth murmuring “Sarah, she could be helped from the curse my family put on her…”

“It’s the least I can do for her, after the hell she went through on my account. Course, she won’t talk to me...so that leaves one person to hopefully snap her out of her stubborn pride…” Seth said. The blood was dropped into the vial and filled it a quarter of the way before he shook his head, “Wish I got more off the bastard.”

The exotic dancer carefully took the vial from Seth’s hands and gently placed it back in her bag. A smile was on her face as she exclaimed “This is enough to help her Seth don’t worry.” moving to hug him she murmured “I”ll drag her back from wherever she’s hiding. If it's stubborn that’ll knock some sense into Sarah’s head, then I’m the woman for the job!”

“Thanks Sivienna, I owe you…”

“We’re family Seth. You owe me nothing.” Sivi responded softly, as she turned to head towards the exit portal, waving her hands murmuring “Hurry Seth, Serenity needs attention or she’s not going to make it!” The vixen exclaimed, as she felt the familiar tug on her navel as she was pulled through the portal and back into the citadel’s hallway. Seth soon followed suit, as two dark robed monks appeared quickly taking Serenity from Seth’s arms murmuring “We’ll attend to her.”

With that taken care of Sivi murmured “This has been a hell of a day Seth, we’ll just have to see what happens from here…”

Seth nodded softly before he spoke, “We got time. Salil isn't so far gone, I shocked him for a moment, he's not beyond hope.”

Sivienna wrapped her arms around her waist, hugging herself she whispered “I hope we can save him, it pains me to have lost him as a child, now after finally seeing him grown, I just want him happy.” looking into Seth’s eyes she murmurs “I know we’ll get a chance to save him though, there's always hope Seth.”

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
09-20-2017, 10:04 AM
Please note this thread's rewards are on hold until Nightsangel's profile is approved.

Also, Nightsangel's spoil request is denied as a thread reward because it is an ability, which is something for Realm of Greeting to consider. I will pass that on to Breaker for him to peruse.

Thank you.

10-21-2017, 12:22 PM
Name of Thread: Wrong Side of Heaven (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?292-Wrong-Side-of-Heaven/page2)
Judgement Type: No Judgement

Note: Takes place in the Citadel but is a story thread, and not set up for a standard combat fight.


Nightsangel (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?16-Nightsangel) receives:
2970 EXP
350 Gold

Dissinger (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?17-Dissinger) receives:
4580 EXP
315 Gold

Rewards include 3x Althy Day incentive. Both writers also receive an extra 50 Gold for the judgement taking so long. Gold is taken from my account.

Spoil request for ability denied. Please place it into your next RoG update and they can help you there.

“I’d said it before and meant it: Alive or undead, the love of my life was a badass.”
― Richelle Mead, Blood Promise

10-21-2017, 12:29 PM
All rewards have been added.