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View Full Version : AC 2021 Round One: Team Three

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
12-02-2021, 12:00 PM
Round one will begin at 6pm EST on 3rd December 2021.

Team 3

1. Cards of Fate (C)
2. Niko
3. Tyr

12-03-2021, 05:57 PM
Challenges for Round 1:
Your group is heading to Alerar, making their way to these newly discovered ruins. The purpose is up to you, as well as how you interact with the environment (to include factions of the Alerar Guilds, Alerar Army, Tular Plains Demons, or Northern Alerar Dwarves). The following challenges are for use in the thread, and you must include at least one but can incorporate as much as you would like beyond that (it does reflect in the Wild Card and Story section)

Challenge 1: Interact with at least one faction, either as an ally or enemy - or create your own and that faction must interact with the others somehow
Challenge 2: Overcome one “political” obstacle
Challenge 3: Due to the hurried nature of everyone scrambling to get to the new discovery, your characters are not fully stocked/prepared in some way