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Nero Vaan Osiris
02-03-2022, 07:25 AM
Name: Nero Vaan Osiris
Gender: Male
Age: 30 years old
Race: Telgradian
Eye Color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5’ 11”
Weight: 155lbs

Background and Personality

Nero Vaan Osiris is a Telgradian; a race of magically astute humans who each specialise in a particular school of magic or swordcraft. He is the younger brother of Shinsou Vaan Osiris, and son of Telos Soltair.

Whilst Shinsou became a polarising figure for Telgradian society, both working for and waging war against his people at various points of his life before finally reconciling a year ago, Nero followed instead in his father’s footsteps. He spent his childhood studying the practical and theoretical applications of elemental magic at the Royal College of Garah, before enlisting as a specialist in the Telgradian military at age sixteen. From there, Nero enjoyed a relatively low-key but successful fourteen year career that saw him promoted from the rank and file to a Major in his battalion.

Nero made no secret of the fact that he wished to one day become a member of the Council of Five – a special division of Telgradia’s military (considered a royal guard) that seated five of Telgradia’s most powerful warriors – and fulfil a goal that his brother Shinsou had not. Seeing a great potential in Nero Vaan Osiris, Council of Five member Remy Krystanthia decided to offer him a new position as her First Lieutenant in order to obtain experience and knowledge of the kinds of special operations that she often undertook for Telgradia.

After Shinsou had travelled to Althanas, both Remy and Nero followed the Telgradian’s movements and actions carefully, making sure to report their findings back to Telos Soltair. After three years of gathering intelligence, it was determined that the Telgradian was not a threat to his homeworld or Althanas, but Telos ordered Remy to continue “surveillance” (in other words, protection) until such time that Shinsou returned. Nero decided he wanted to meet his brother again, and after Shinsou’s conflict in Alerar with the dark elves Cazri and Jivven, and the dwarf Sabal, he convinced Remy to allow them to travel to Alerar to aid his brother.

Appearance and attire

Nero is similar in stature to his brother Shinsou, standing at a tall five foot eleven but weighing in at a lighter weight of around a hundred and fifty pounds. He has short, cropped brown hair and blue eyes. Years of travelling and military service has meant that Nero has kept lithe and athletic, and has the appropriate musculature. Medically, Nero is mostly fit but a wound suffered in a sparring session with a fellow Telgradian solider means that his left knee is prone to dislocation under stress.

Nero wears Telgradian finery when casual; a dark blue satin open shirt and pants, brown boots and a brown leather dress belt. In the field, he changes into more practicable clothing, consisting of a black greatcoat (deliberately contrasting Shinsou’s white one), leather slacks and a navy green shirt with silver buckles.

Items (cosmetic)

The Telgradian is rarely seen without his centrepiece – the cloak “Masuta”. The cloak is crafted from fine black and green silk, woven in the Telgradian capital Garah, and houses a number of elemental crystals called Argents that sit within the fabric. These crystals store an “element” of magic that Nero can call upon, and the spells and abilities these grant can be seen listed in the abilities section. Currently, Nero has three active Argents sewn within the cape, representing the elements of lightning, fire and earth.


Name: Voltra
Type: Iai Sword (modified Katana with no curve)
Material: Steel
Quality: Basic

Voltra is Nero’s Senkei sword – a special, living blade given to each Telgradian at birth (see Enpera – Shinsou Vaan Osiris). It is comprised of a steel tier compound that has not only strengthened the blade, but also allows Nero to spiritually connect to the weapon and use some of his abilities (not yet unlocked). The hilt is comprised of a traditional feudal black and gold grip, wrapped in silver cord.

Nero has only just been given his own Senkei sword, and does not yet have the ability to tap into its power. He can, however, use it to fight in close combat.


Nero is able to craft new Argent crystals for Masuta using minerals native to Althanas and his own magic. These crystals then sit as empty vessels until Nero is able to populate them with elemental magic (learned through IC abilities)

Nero has a wide range of survival skills, learned from serving in the Telgradian military. He is a capable hunter and forager, although his unfamiliarity with Althanian flora and flora is a weakness.


Lightning Argent

Twice per thread, Nero can cast a moderately powerful electrical bolt at a person or object by drawing magical power from the Lightning Argent crystal sewn into his cape and channelling it through his body. The lightning bolt has all of the attributes of a sudden, strong electric shock, and is capable of second or even third degree burns on contact with flesh. Metallic surfaces that are touched by the lightning have their polarity reversed.

Flame Argent

Twice per thread, Nero can cast a stream of flame at a person or object by drawing magical power from the Flame Argent crystal sewn into his cape and channelling it. The flame spews out in a linear jetstream and, on direct contact, is capable of causing significant burns on contact with unprotected flesh. Steel and iron that are exposed to the flames for a prolonged period become superheated.

Earth Argent

Twice per thread, Nero can mould the earth beneath his feet by drawing magical power from the Earth Argent crystal sewn into his cape and channelling it. The amount of earth that he can manipulate is limited to five cubic metres, and can be used to create solid objects or barriers within a four metre radius. Any earth that is manipulated in this way breaks up into dust after use.

Rehtul Orlouge
02-04-2022, 01:25 AM
Everything appears to be in order.