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View Full Version : Yddra'Lyanna Frostfall

07-11-2022, 11:09 AM
Name: Yggdra'Lyanna Frostfall
Nicknames: "Flick" or "Lya"
Age: 924 Years Old (appears late twenties, early thirties)
Race: Valkyrie

Height: 5' 8"

Weight: 125 lbs

Hair: Black to light blue gradient. Shaved on one side, long to about the chest on the other. Hangs straight with a few fly-aways.

Skin: Fair, with a slight aural hue to it. Not enough to change the look of her skin, but enough to catch the eye and pique interest.

Clothes: She chooses to wear mostly leather, or linens that are fitting of common folk. She often likes to blend in. One article of clothing she is commonly seen with is a leather choker and several piercings along her long, elvish ears.

Other: Flick has two wings that attach at the sacral triangle on her back. These have an iridescence to them but also match the gradient of her hair-- black to light blue. At rest, they come up to the shoulder blades and extend down to the back of the knee. She keeps them tucked away and hidden from sight when in public. Her legs from the knee down also have keratin scales on them similar to a bird. Her feet have four clawed toes and one larger "thumb" where her heel would be. This one usually remains curled and gives off the appearance of a woman in heels. They have the ability to grip branches or hold objects if need be, but are usually bound in footwear.

Link: Appearance & Character Sheet (https://twitter.com/sketchskirmish/status/1545994777467899905?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

Flick often comes off as shy and reserved. She is a kind soul with the desire to help others. Given her background, she hopes to be respected rather than feared by those of the mortal plane. Unlike her kin, Flick is mild mannered and tends to avoid confrontation. She is fiercely loyal and can be extremely protective of those she cares about. Flick is also enamored with the idea of love, trying to protect it when she sees it in the world. She yearns for it herself but feels a preconceived rejection from the world. As much as she would love to trust someone implicitly, those who have harmed her have put a thick armor around her "true" self. Otherwise, she is friendly to most people, keeping her more personal affairs to herself. In public, Flick goes simply by "Lya" with no surname. Her name, much like other aspects of her personality, are hidden carefully behind a wall. Even her assumed nickname, "Flick" isn't shared with strangers for it's more painted history.

Equipment: One iron dagger, a yew recurve bow with a quiver of 18 cedar , iron-tipped arrows, one steel estoc, some linen clothing, a set of studded leather armor, customized heeled shoes, a leather choker, and a few hair clips/lock picks.

Disguise -- Flick is innately skilled at disguising herself. Trying to hide from those that pursue her and keep her Valkyrie heritage hidden, she has learned the art of makeup, camouflage, and subterfuge.

Sleight of Hand-- While she is not proud of it, Flick is exceptionally deft and capable of robbing someone blind with the flick of her hands. This comes in handy when manipulating weapons, stealing, or clothing herself in a hurry to escape notice.

Stealth-- Having to avoid people from her past and the occasional suspicious guard, Flick is fantastic at remaining hidden. She has light footsteps and can muffle her movements exceptionally well to remain unseen and unheard.

Weapon Proficiency -- Trained at a young age and with a long lifespan, Flick is skilled in most weaponry. Her personal favorites are daggers, bows, and piercing weapons like estocs and rapiers.

Survival-- Often choosing to live in the outskirts of major cities or traveling from place to place on foot, Flick is versed in all the skills associated with survival. She is able to identify and harvest all kinds of local flora, identify poisonous or harmful vegitation, learn the movements of local wildlife for hunting or safety, identify cardinal directions by sky or feel, self medicate and treat herself, and fishing.

Alchemy-- With surviving in the wild for extended periods of time come the knowledge of alchemy. By combining herbs, fungus, and various materials, Flick can produce a number of elixers, potions, poisons, and concoctions that help her out in her daily lives. This may include health salves, smoke bombs, greek fire, acids, and venoms to be used to protect herself.

Wild Speech-- Flick is versed in many tongues and able to communicate in most settings. One such exceptional skill is her ability to commune with nature. While there are some creatures too simple to speak with, Flick is able to communicate with a fair selection of animals. This can include birds, reptiles, wolves, mountain cats, bears, similar mammals, and orca. The communication is not as precise as speech, but can relay things like requesting help, relaying nearby danger, showing submission/friendliness, and things one may be able to communicate with a single word: near, far, help, run, angry, afraid, etc.

Manners-- Flick was raised in a setting of higher nobility. She is versed in etiquette befitting of royalty. While not often used, it does help her in settings of refinement, blending in with respected peoples, and passing herself off as someone else when needed.

Ice Manipulation -- Flick has an affinity to ice. She is able to control temperatures in her immediate vicinity of about 15-20'. She can produce a debilitating chill or moderate frostbite to those within the vicinity. Prolonged exposure (about an hour) can lead to hypothermia. On her person, this can be used to form a thick ice armor, ice claws on her hands, or weapons made of ice. The ice is about as strong as iron compared to ice you may commonly find. It can protect against slashing and piercing, but has a weakness to bludgeoning. For offense, it can tear through flesh and gouge leather. It can make its way through metal with enough hacking and slashing.

Flick can summon this aura once per day and it can last up to an hour. During or after using the aura, she can summon the ice armor and weapons up to three times per day. These weapons and armor also last about an hour before melting away. She can re-summon them immediately afterwards for a total of a three hour period or three times consecutively if the weapon or armor is broken.

Illusion Magic-- Flick is skilled in producing an maintaining illusions. At present, she is able to control her appearance and the appearance of her immediate surroundings up to about 15’ or one room. This allows her to better hide her wings from view, or other Valkyrie traits such as her pointed ears, or clawed feet. This is also used on occasion to convincingly pass herself off as someone else by manipulating facial features or body type. It can only modify her height slightly and cannot be used to make her appear like a larger, more threatening creature. It also cannot change her appearance into something feral like an animal. It can, however, make her armor or weapons appear to be of a different material. This can help deter attackers that may think of her as an easy target. These illusions are haptic, and can deceive touch-- leather appearing to be steel will feel rigid and firm to the touch. Clothing and hair will feel real. As a downside, if she is larger than the illusion, there will be haptic feedback prior to touching a surface and can give away aspects of the illusion. In combat, however, this can be a benefit by concealing traps or obstacles which may hinder an opponent. Despite the illusion feeling real, it only resists attacks as if made of thin wood. This means any illusionary defenses can be torn through with relative ease. If the conceals herself as to be wearing mithril armor, a sharp blade will damage whatever material she is actually wearing at the time.

Flick can change her own appearance for about 12 hours of the day. This allows her to function within the normal timeframes of most days. She can only manipulate her surroundings twice a day and only for periods of about 30 minutes. This allows her to fool others for prolonged periods (such as for lunch or hiding). In the middle of a fight, these illusions only last about 5 minutes or when they are shattered. She can then opt to rebuild them again but cannot exceed two uses per day before needing a long rest.

Flight-- Flick can fly. She has wings. Her speed is similar to a bird of prey. While her peers may be faster than her, she still possesses a great amount of aerial dexterity. Flick can fly actively for about 15 minutes before tiring and needing to land. Alternatively, she can soar for about two hours before needing to land in calm skies. (Think of running for 15 minutes vs brisk walking/hiking for two hours)

Background / History:
Flick was born at the abomination between a warlock and a Valkyrie. The warlock , her father, formed a pact with a higher power, her mother, as a vessel for his magic. Over time, the warlock, Aether Frostfall, seduced her mother, Yggdra'Aurora, and in a rare turn of events, produced a child. Born as part Valkyrie, part Snow Elf, Yddra'Lyanna was looked down upon by her fellow gods and celestials. She was considered an abomination. Likewise, her father was chastised for sleeping with a holy power and his offspring was seen as cursed.

Since she was born in the realm of Valhalla, Lya spent most of her time in the celestial realm with her mother. Her mother was both kind and fierce. She protected her daughter from her peers vehemently in her infant years. As Lya grew, she wanted to know more of the world than the confines of her home. She set out, one day, on her own while her mother tended to the battlefield in search of new Einherjar to serve the halls of Valhalla. Her peers and adults of her kind were violent toward her. With their combat training, her younger peers challenged her to a sparring match where she was ganged up on and horribly beaten. Her mother returned to her injured child and unleashed her fury on those who harmed her. As a result, her mother was looked down upon by others and feared by some.

While not exiled, she kept more to herself and stopped visiting the battlefields until Lya came of age. As a result of the thrashing, Lya developed a nervous tick where she would often flick her fingers and wings when nervous or anxious. Now able to fend for herself with intense training from her mother, Lya would often be made fun of in public. Many distanced themselves from her and as a result, she earned the nickname "Flick". While used as an insult, the teenage girl eventually adopted it as her name in defeat. After more years of abuse and cruelty from her peers, Flick eventually broke down.

With her mother often on the battlefield, Flick decided she too would descend to the mortal world. Once she had, returning to the celestial plane was a skill unknown to her. Flick found herself in Althanas, a strange new world filled with strange faces that knew nothing about her. The first few people she met were hesitant to her because of her appearance and took her for a monster. She was chased out and her first taste of a new world became soured.

Over the next hundred or so years, Flick kept to herself and learned many skills to stay hidden and alive. She learned deception and hid herself so well, she became one of the public. She now lives among them, hoping to one day find her mother or until the fabled day of Ragnarok where the world of the gods, mortals, and underworld clash in a final battle for the fate of the world.

Rehtul Orlouge
07-11-2022, 06:00 PM