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Sighter Tnailog
07-11-2022, 12:03 PM
To Music
by Rainer Maria Rilke

Music: breathing of statues. Perhaps:
silence of paintings. You language where all language
ends. You time
standing vertically on the motion of mortal hearts.

Feelings for whom? O you the transformation
of feelings into what?--: into audible landscape.
You stranger: music. You heart-space
grown out of us. The deepest space in us,
which, rising above us, forces its way out,--
holy departure:
when the innermost point in us stands
outside, as the most practiced distance, as the other
side of the air:
no longer habitable.

Translated by Stephen Mitchell
Basic Stats

Name: Cildorian
Race: Mixed High/Wood Elf
Nationality: Raiaeran
Gender: Male
Age: 260
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 240 Pounds (Muscular. No elf twink stereotypes pls)
Hair Color: Dark, Raven Black
Eye Color: Green

Brief Description

Cildorian lives alone in a cottage just outside the mid-sized Elvish settlement of Coiameth, in the Kilya Gorge of Raiera's uttermost northwestern mountain passes. While not a formal leader of the settlement, he is acquainted with the governor and sergeant-at-arms there, and maintains contact with the small bardic community there. He scouts and keeps watch on the land, shares most of what he knows with those who ask, comes into the village occasionally for a drink and to perform a song or two, and trains village children in tracking, basic swordplay, archery, and bardic skills.

Cildorian has skill proficiency in the following areas, with notes where appropriate:

*Both of these skills are master-level, though Cildorian's swordsmanship has not been tested against a strong opponent in a long time and is likely rusty. Archery is still great, though; it takes skill to take down a mountain goat at 200 yards.

Survival/Martial Skills
Horseback riding
*Actively disavowed and avoided skill

Bardic Spellschools - Strong Competency

Bardic Spellschools - Basic Competency
*Both these spellschools have only limited available knowledge. One was forbidden (Enarlin), the other forgotten (Ainalin). While Cildorian knows more about both than almost any normally available living person, that is not saying much as both disciplines are known only a little.

Other Proficiencies
Musical Training
Drum/Body a cappella
Flute/hand pipes


Cildorian's abilities are rooted in music, though not all of them. He needs to be able to make some sort of sound to cast his spells most effectively. Being unable to do so does not block all of his spellcasting entirely, but it does render the effort of concentration needed to focus on some spells much more difficult.

Megillion's Spellbolt
Requires music: No, though it helps somewhat.
Associated School: Dagoralin
Variations: Turalin, Ostalin.
Description: Cildorian focuses magical energy by sustaining a single note, then punctuating the note with a shout. This releases a fiery bolt in the direction of a single target, causing burns and striking with force equivalent to a bolt from a stout crossbow. By modulating the song with Turalin styling, Cildorian can create a bolt that causes extra damage to undead, possibly banishing the weakest undead outright. Ostalin variations can imbue the bolt with tangling vines or a zone of cold that slows enemies at the cost of reduced damage. Cildorian can also enchant a single arrow with this ability, enhancing its damage with the desired effect.
Uses: Once per post, consuming an almost unnoticeable amount of Cildorian's energy. If cast without music, it cannot be cast in consecutive posts, and is somewhat more draining, although not likely so draining that any but the longest engagement will see Cildorian running out of strength to cast it.

Sheltersong of Cuaryƫ
Requires music: Yes.
Associated School: Ostalin
Variations: Dagoralin
Description: Cildorian begins to sing or play an instrument, immediately creating the spell effect and lasting while the music lasts. A snarling sphere of thorny brambles springs up around Cildorian, leaving a space inside for himself and up to five companions in close proximity. The brambles wound anything trying to get through, and regrow if damaged, albeit not so quickly a determined opponent can't hack through in a few minutes. By changing the music to suit the more aggressive Dagoralin, Cildorian can make the sphere of brambles into a sphere of fire, with heat radiating outwards and the sphere moving centered on himself, but with this variation he can only protect himself with the sphere.
Uses: Can be used twice per day, with either variation counting against the limit. The effect lasts until the music stops, which in practice lasts about 5-10 minutes depending on Cildorian's current level of exertion and stamina.

The Twinned Laments
Requires music: Yes.
Associated School: Lissilin
Variations: Alcaralin, Turalin
Description: Cildorian sings a song that effects up to 5 selected allies (including himself) within a 20-foot radius. Minor wounds close and heal completely, major wounds close enough for the wounded person to regain strength and continue fighting, and wounds which would be fatal otherwise close enough to stabilize the wounded even though this leaves them without the strength to fight more. Alcaralin magic can replace the healing effect by bolstering the mind against mental assault, fear, charming effects, or other such enchantments, and effect a similar number of creatures. As a core Turalin variation, Cildorian can effect a zone with an 100-foot radius, centered on him. Within that zone, the weakest undead are destroyed, and stronger undead are turned to flee the area, and cannot re-enter for a day. The zone also repels new undead from entering for a day. Strong undead, including PCs, find the area uncomfortable and hampering, though they can still enter and fight within it albeit at reduced combat capability.
Uses: Cildorian can use the Lissilin and Alcaralin variations interchangeably to heal/bolster up to 5 allies or himself once per day, either all at once or spread out over the day. A creature can receive either effect only once per day, however. If at least 2 uses of the spell remain, Cildorian can use the Turalin version, though it is significantly taxing in either case. Using the Turalin variation requires at least 2 nights rest before it can be used again, and using it also expends any unspent uses of the Sheltersong of Cuaryƫ for that day and increases the cooldown on Megillion's Spellbolt to once every two posts until the next day.


A simple cottage with a small cellar located about 2 miles northeast of Coiameth, in the hardscrabble edges of the woodland near the treeline of Kilya Gorge. Outfitted with the basic things a cottage might need. In the cellar is a locked chest, filled with pain and memories, and no visible lock. Seven sigils of stars are carved onto the clasp of the chest where a keyhole. Who knows what Cildorian will find in it, when he finally overcomes his regret enough to unseal it?

Otherwise, Cildorian can usually be outfitted in any thread with the following:

A plain steel longsword, with an etching of a shooting star on one side of the crosshilt and a small fox on the other side. The name Wyn, carved in Elvish characters, adorns the base of the blade.
Hunting spears
A pouch with herbs, simple medicines, first aid, etc.
A well-made, simple yew longbow, a similarly-crafted shortbow, and plenty of bowstrings
Sturdy leather-and-steel brigandine
Bracers and thumb ring
Wooden hand-harp
Wooden flute
A few knives, nothing fancy, the sort of thing that can skin a boar but could also stab a dude who is being an asshole

Finally, the most expensive thing he owns:

A rosary, seven sections of seven beads each: black coral, yew, glowing crystal, mythril, ivory, amber, and diamond. Expensive, yes. Justification here (https://www.althanas.com/oldworld/showthread.php?12597-The-Cosmic-Detour&highlight=rosary). Spoilers, I guess, for Cildorian's secret identity? Not that it's that secret.

On another note, in that linked thread, I noticed who the judge was, and I got choked up. Manda, you were the greatest. I miss you.

EDIT: The last time I got approved in RoG, with Findelfin ap Fingolfin, he was level 10, with some 59,200 EXP. Considering that this character IS Findelfin, but in hiding, it's not really a reincarnation the way described in the guide. But at the same time, I don't want to be level 10. I want to be reduced, smaller, a bit less epic, a bit more down to earth, a bit more changed and chastened, a bit more sadboi, a bit less cocky, a bit less sure. So I wrote this as a base-level, starting out profile. But if you would like to suggest what you think is fair -- either taking the reincarnation rule and halving EXP, or something else -- I'd be happy to edit up to the level you think is appropriate for an old general who was trying to fade away. Reference: https://www.althanas.com/oldworld/showthread.php?24257-Exile

07-11-2022, 04:04 PM