View Full Version : ~The silent game...~ (Open to All)

08-18-2023, 03:46 PM
(Just a social thread open to everyone feel free to join at any point. Note the relic in question is from Kalestiya's vignette last month. I figured we can all start combining our lore. ALL are welcome. You can either join with Nosdyn or work to stop him I don't mind.)

Nosdyn was in their cave for a while. He got up from his bed and looked at the two women in his bed. He nodded and walked to another chamber in the cavernous network. A month had passed. Already the various people of the N'Jal cult were active in the cave. N'Jal was standing by her make shift throne carefully pondering some matters. Nosdyn walked up to her. Observed her for a moment. She was in her humanoid form. Handsome and agreeable woman. Nosdyn looked aroun the chamber was lit by candle.

He looked at his sire. "My lady." Nosdyn said calmly.

The shadows danced calmly on her naked skin. She was a pale woman, with long dark blue hair. Nosdyn knew her true form. She was pregnant those days from Nosdyn's own seed. She smiled as Nosdyn approached. "Still cant sleep?"

He nodded. "Was I always like this? I cannot remember."

N'Jal narrowed her eyes. "Someone took away your memories. That is troubling." She said.

"I don't mind starting over." He said wisely. He looked at N'Jal curiously. Hunger was in his eyes.

"Do you still hunger for me after all these years?" She asked.

Nosdyn nodded. "I still lust for my master." He promised of her. "I await your command." He told her.

"I want you to deliver something for me to Ettermire." She began. "It is a relic I have recovered."

Nosdyn hesitated. "You want me to return to Ettermire?"
"Yes Nosdyn. My Agent is awaiting this delivery." She though of something. "It's been years since last you were in Ettermire." She said thoughtfully.

"I will see this task completed my lady." He kissed her deeply.

She kissed back a short while later she handed him the relic that was recovered by another set of her agents.

Nosdyn calmly took the relic package and placed it in his packs. "Hold that thought." He winked at her. A short while later Nosdyn gathered his things and began to move to Ettermire. He was alone....

08-19-2023, 06:36 AM
As the landscape shifted beneath her, Kalestiya found herself halfway between Raiaera and Ettermire. She had traversed through villages and towns, offering her skills in herbalism and medicine in exchange for food and shelter. It had been an arduous journey to traverse past regions of the mountains of dawn, but with the help of an old veteran soldier, she somehow managed. Now, standing at the halfway point of her journey, Kalestiya's heart swelled with a mix of accomplishment and anticipation. Ettermire beckoned, a city of technological wonders and bustling industry where she hoped to continue her healing work and perhaps learn even more about her innate abilities.

Her intention was to visit Ettermire and gather knowledge and eventually travel south, to the fertile stretch of territory known as Khu’Fein, where amidst the green grass, hardy trees, and the country's only good farmland, she envisioned a chance to contribute in a way that went beyond her skills as a healer. But, first things first, and that was to reach the capital.

The sun cast its warm golden light over the sprawling grassy steppes that stretched out before her. Kalestiya's white dress billowed gently in the breeze as she walked, her thoughts as light as the feathered hair-clip tucked into her hair. The landscape seemed to match her own sense of freedom – wide, open, and filled with endless possibilities. Kalestiya's steps were light and purposeful, her eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of a town or settlement where she could rest for the night. Her small coin purse jingled gently at her side, containing the meager earnings she had gathered during her travels.

With her warm cloak wrapped around her shoulders, Kalestiya continued her journey. The knowledge that she was halfway to Ettermire kept her determined. Her path was, as always, not without challenges, but her resolve remained unshaken.

08-19-2023, 08:58 AM
Nosdyn silently walked the road to Ettermire. Many thoughts passed through his mind. The wind came in from the East that day. The damnable sun burned brightly overhead. He was an old Demon by that point, raised on a harsh world. He kept his cloak tightly around his person. The wind was a little bit warmer that day and several others travelled the road that day. All were wise to keep their distance from the mysterious traveller. His business in Ettermire was his own. He doubted there were many alive who would recognize him from his past exploits there. His memories had slowly returned from his previous state of amnesia.

As he moved he made sure to avoid other people. Humans and Elves had a tendency to be outright hostile to his presence. The Dark Elves, Drow, were more accepting of who he was. Nosdyn ahead, spotted a mysterious woman. Curious he slowly altered his course to intercept the woman. The curiosity was palpable. Immediately he wondered if she would make a good bed partner.

With his eyes narrowed he looked up at her and nodded to her directly. As a demon of the Tular Plains, he knew he did well to be on neutral grounds in Ettermire. Any other place the woman would have likely attacked. Out of the corner of his eyes he noticed a mysterious glow in his packs. That was clearly a reaction from the relic he was carrying. Curious. As he observed that reaction he stoped a few respectful paces away from the woman.

He looked at her calmly. His hand instinctively went to his prevalida sword hilt but he did not draw it yet. He was hesitating. The meeting with this woman would likely mean something. His arms were folded across his chest. He watched her response prepared for any eventuality...

08-19-2023, 03:53 PM
With her eyes fixed on the horizon, Kalestiya contemplated the road she had traveled so far. The villages she had visited, and the help she provided to those in need – they were the mosaic pieces of her journey. Although she had some fond memories, there were also lesser experiences she tried to forget. Regardless, Ettermire's bustling streets and technological marvels held promises and uncertainties, mingling with doubts about whether her healing skills could truly make a difference in such an advanced city.

A gentle breeze played with her hair, a tender caress against her cheeks. Engrossed in her thoughts, she nearly missed the figure emerging on the horizon. A figure of a man, enigmatic and cloaked. It seemed that he had changed his trajectory to intersect with hers. Curiosity warred with caution, emotions swirling within her like autumn leaves. Who was this man that appeared to approach her? With a gentle smile, she waited. There was no fear in her heart.

She could hear his heavy footsteps draw closer now now as well as the the faint rustle of his cloak. He stopped a few paces from her. Her eyes were drawn to his hand, resting on the hilt of his blade. He stood there, arms folded across his chest, an embodiment of solidity. His form exuded strength, each muscle defined in a way that spoke of untamed might. A profound rawness emanated from him, his skin bore a hue of blue, hinting at otherworldly origins. The hood obscured his face, but the strands of white hair that escaped its confines danced gently in the breeze. Every detail she could discern painted a portrait of mystery, leaving her to wonder about the stories hidden within this stranger.

Was he a denizen of Alerar, or perchance a traveler, much like herself? Regardless of his origins, caution was essential, yet respectfulness had to be upheld. Just as she was poised to offer a greeting, a momentary fog of familiarity brushed her thoughts, causing her heart to quicken its pace, as if it were rekindling a long-buried nightmare. She shook her head, resolute in her determination to regain her composure swiftly. With a concerted effort, she returned her attention to the imposing figure before her.

"Um, hello there," she uttered softly, her smile warm and inviting, a gentle wave accompanying her words.

08-19-2023, 04:12 PM
He nodded to her. The sins of his ancient ancestory were heavy on his heart. Perhaps this woman represented a hope to him. A hope that he could repair the damages of the past. He looked away for a small moment then looked directly at her. He lowered his hood at that point and that action drew some glances from those that were on the road with them. A few of the gathered began to quicken their pace away from Nosdyn. And the girl. Nosdyn was a physically massive individual. Covered in black leather. He was armed with a solitary sword and a side pack that contained the relic that was the sole reason he was there. A part of him felt a pull a tug, gentle at first. But he felt a NEED to help that woman.

He studied her for a moment. "Have no fear." He said in a deep voice. "I mean you no harm." A few of the travellers on the road with them happened to also be Ettermire soldiers. One particular soldier recognized Nosdyn as a Demon of the Tular Plains. He was a grim lad. He walked over towards the two of them.

He looked at Nosdyn with a harsh expression. "State your business here DEMON."

Nosdyn looked away from the woman for a moment and locked gazes with the soldier. "I am but a courier." He began. "I am here to deliver something to a contact within Ettermire." Nosdyn had some memories of the past. He did not know if they would remember a blue skinned Demon from hundreds of years prior.

The soldier drew his sword. "Step away from the Demon young lady." The soldier asked.

Nosdyn looked at the soldier his expression becoming serious. "I mean you no harm." He knew negotiation was futile.

The soldier approached Nosdyn and attempted to stand between the woman and Nosdyn. "Your kind is not welcome within these walls." The soldier said.

Nosdyn frowned for a moment. "Your city used to welcome my people." Nosdyn began. "In order to prevent violence I will leave and report my mission here a failure. My employer would be most displeased." He knew he could not mention N'Jal.

The soldier would not chance it and stepped closer. There was too much animosity towards Demon kind. He pointed his sword towards Nosdyn. "I will not repeat myself. Please leave."

Once more, the relic began to react to the young woman in question. Nosdyn noticed the glowing energy from the relic. "Very well." Nosdyn said grimly. He looked at Ettermire's direction one last time. "I go in peace."

Suddenly, the soldier attacked Nosdyn with a clean slashing attempt...

08-19-2023, 05:03 PM
As the tension escalated between the strong looking stranger and the guard, Kalestiya's heart pounded in her chest, her initial intrigue and curiosity morphing into genuine shock. Her wide eyes flitted between the two figures, unable to process the sudden turn of events.
"W-wait, what is going on? Please do not fight," she pleaded.

The guard's sword whizzed through the air, it's sharp edge aimed at the blue-skinned figure.

A crowd began to gather, their whispers crescendoing as curiosity drew them in closer. Anxiety gnawed at the pit of her stomach, yet against the uncertain backdrop, her voice emerged resolute. "Stop! Please, stop!" she called out, her words resonating with an urgent plea. Though her cautious instincts warred with her impulse to intervene, she took a faltering step forward. "This doesn't have to happen. We can find a peaceful solution," she implored, the melody of her healer's heart weaving through her words. Her trembling hands pressed tightly against her chest.

In her attempt to diffuse the escalating tension, Kalestiya's efforts were met with a hazy cloudiness that invaded her thoughts once more. She winced, fingers reflexively pressing against her temples. A soft moan escaped her lips, a fleeting memory or sensation clawing at the edges of her mind. What was this familiar sensation? it almost felt as if a foreign thought sought entry into her consciousness. The moment passed in a heartbeat, and she regained her composure.

Now situated amidst the growing throng, Kalestiya found herself surrounded by voices rising in both cheers and shouts. The unfolding drama between the enigmatic stranger and the guard had ignited a spark of fascination within the crowd, the fervor of their reactions heightened by the very spectacle they were witnessing.

Driven by instinct, Kalestiya sprinted toward the unfolding clash. She believed she could intercede and appeal to reason. But in that crucial moment, the guard, unaware of her approach, poised for another swing at his blue-skinned opponent.

08-19-2023, 05:22 PM
The sword sliced through the air towards it's intended target...

Suddenly it happened. Nosdyn acted he did not draw his sword there was no need to. Bare handed a giant blue hand caught the soldier's sword. Nosdyn held the sword at bay for a moment. He looked at the guard for a cold moment. Obviously torn between violence or somehting else. He held the sword for a solid five minutes. Blood trickling down his hand, black blood the blood of Demons. Nosdyn locked gazes with the guard. He could have easily over powered the soldier, but he chose not to. Instead....

It happened all at once. He reacted and used his might to shove the guard away knocking him backwards a few feet. Nosdyn was clearly very strong. After that he paused. He looked at the gathered. A peculiar thing happened just then. The guards and the travellers who were gathered suddenly KNELT before Nosdyn. Nosdyn was somewhat familiar with Ettermire culture he knew they respected the strong. Nosdyn had beat one of the city guard soundly. He looked at the others for a moment. Momentarily confused. "You would accept me?" He suddenly asked.

One of the female Dark Elves walked up to Nosdyn. "My grandmother used to speak of a blue skinned Demon Lord." She looked at Nosdyn and the young woman. "Forgive the soldier on our behalf Lord Nosdyn." She knew who he was.

The legends were true. An ancient Demon Lord once walked the streets of Ettermire and lived with them as an equal. Many thoughts passed through Nosdyn's mind. "Does this mean you have come back to us?"

Nosdyn looked at the young woman before him for a moment. The relic was clearly reacting to her. He sealed his own fat e by removing the satchel from his pack and offering it to Kalestiya. "I believe this belongs to you." Nosdyn said in a grim voice. The defeated soldier left returning to the city guard in defeat. The others gathered around Nosdyn and Kalestiya.

"My grandmother used to speak stories of a Demon Lord named Nosdyn. He was trying to unite the houses of the Tular Plains and Alerar." She said calmly they were all looking at Nosdyn.

08-20-2023, 05:16 AM
Kalestiya stopped in her tracks and watched the intense scene unfold before her eyes. The burly man had stopped the guards blade with his bare hand. What a display of raw power. She noticed a black liquid pouring down from the sword and dripping from the tip. Was it blood? So he was wounded after all?

Shortly after pushing the guard away from him, Kalestiya was surprised to see everyone around her, kneel down. She was slightly confused and wondering what was happening. Was this some sort of custom in this region? An female figure, what appeared to be an Elf, walked up to the burly man and exchanged words with him.

While their conversation ensued, the man's attention veered toward her, and from his pack, he retrieved an object. Simultaneously, a haze seemed to envelop her thoughts, the familiar tendrils of a foggy sensation creeping in. A voice, almost spectral, echoed in her mind.

"Suvryael fe der Lerm..."

His deep voice pierced the reverie, snapping her back to the present. "I believe this belongs to you," he uttered, his outstretched hand cradling an artifact she instantly recognized. Its ominous aura seemed to pulse in rhythm with her racing heart. A hitch in her breath and an audible gasp underscored her sheer astonishment.

"N-no... this cannot be..."

A sense of dread seeped through her veins, entwining with the tendrils of panic that gripped her. A torrent of thoughts surged within her, a floodgate of questions and apprehensions. Could this man be another agent of the Children of N'jal, a relentless pursuer from the mountains? Was he driven by the desire for vengeance, propelled by his master's demise? Apprehension tightened its hold, a vice-like grip that urged her to take a hesitant step backward. Caught in a tangle of haze and escalating fear, her mind wrestled with the artifact's inexorable pull.

"Suvryael fe der Lerm... Veom pe'ev"

A clash of instincts urged her to run, yet an unexplainable force held her in place, trapped in an irresistible grip beyond her control. Kalestiya could only muster a small step backward. "Are you here to seek vengeance for your master?" she inquired, her voice tinged with a mix of desperation and resignation.

08-20-2023, 06:51 AM
Memories...came flooding back to him all at once. Apparently long ago, Nosdyn had spent a long time in Ettermire. He had affected much change with his own hands. He narrowed his eyes holding the relic out to her. He was not an idiot, he had some knowledge of what Thayne artifacts were and how they reacted to their proper owner. He held it out to her so she can take it into her posession. He was prepared to take whatever punishment N'Jal would deem to give him.

He looked at that young woman. He looked at the people around him. A choice had to be made. "You all don't even know me." Nosdyn began. But it had to be said. "However if I've been here in the past I have a proposition for you all." He said as he made sure he held the relic out to the young woman. A choice had to be made.

"If you all will have me, I wish to sever ties with N'Jal." He was acting of his own accord. He was using his own free will. He considered what he was saying. Could N'Jal's sway be severed? He was not sure.

He looked at the young woman and the dark elf. He suddenly did something they would all have not expected. He knelt holding the relic out to the young woman. "I yield before you all and submit to my fate." He said.

08-20-2023, 01:10 PM
Kalestiya stood, frozen, staring at the relic the burly man extended out towards her. Was she hearing right? She asked herself. N'Jal could have someone submit to his will. Did she? What if it was some sort of trick? The man had demonstrated an exceptional display of physical prowess. Was it wise to risk approaching him? Her apprehension seemed to heighten. Could he be toying with her, trying to entrap her, luring her into his grasp? She felt cornered. Thoughts raced in a flurry and questions plagued her mind. She had to think fast!

Before the torrent of thought and questions could subside, the man knelt before her, offering the relic and submitting himself to whatever fate might befall him. A rush of disbelief filled her mind, the realization finally dawning upon her. "W-what are you doing?" she stuttered.

The fog that had clouded her mind now dissipated, allowing her to think with clarity. The haunting voice had retreated, no longer entangling her thoughts. With a hesitant resolve, she approached the kneeling man and joined him in genuflection. Her hands reached out to delicately enfold his, encouraging his fingers to clasp around the artifact.

"I have no need for this," she whispered softly, "it was never mine to begin with."

Her gaze drifted to his palm, where a noticeable cut from the altercation caught her attention. "Please, let me..." Kalestiya offered, focusing her intent. She reached out to heal the wound, but strangely, she couldn't sense a connection to the man's vitality. Puzzled, she furrowed her brows.

From her pouch, she retrieved a small vial and a piece of cloth. "May I?" she inquired, indicating her intention to apply salve to, and bandage the man's wound.

08-20-2023, 01:30 PM
He'd encountered healers before...but not quite like her.

It did not even dawn on him that his hand was cut by the soldier's blade. Nosdyn held his large blue hand out to her. He let her help him. His hand did not even shake. He did not feel any pain. He could survive tremendous amounts of damage and harm. He looked at her calmly. Extending his hand out to her. He did not feel anxiety, but rather a curiosity. He held his hand before the healer. Nosdyn was not sure of how to proceed with the relic in question.

He knew he could not deliver it to the person in question. N'Jal would be furious that he failed his mission. An intricate cut from the sword scarred his right hand. Black blood flowed freely from the injury in question. He looked at the gathered people. He let her work on his hand. He did not even feel the pain. There were several people around them watching. A small crowd had gathered.

"It is a miracle!" A Dark Elf man yelled.

The female Dark Elf who spoke earlier spoke again. "I have a cousin who can heal but not like that...I've never seen such raw skill."

Nosdyn saw the injury melt away at her skill. "You are full of mystery." Nosdyn said calmly. He remained kneeling by her side for a little while longer. He looked at her calmly. "There are people who need your help here in Ettermire." Nosdyn regained his composure. He stood up and replaced the relic in the satchel on his belt. He looked at the gathered. "I wish to return to your ranks." The old soldier said calmly. He looked at the young healer, lust was definitely in his eyes. He again wondered if she would be an ideal bed mate. He felt an immediate need to protect the healer an idea dawned on him at that point.

He looked at the healer. "You command the healing arts." He began. "People here in Ettermire could use your help..." He began and awaited her response. "Let's get to Ettermire together." He looked from the young woman to the Dark Elves that were gathered.

08-20-2023, 02:36 PM
Kalestiya's inspection of the wound revealed the man's serene composure, a surprising ease in enduring pain that left her astounded. It was as if the pain had never been present at all. Curiosity surged within her, her attention drawn to the unique hue of his skin. She noticed that his blood was actually entirely black. Her thoughts raced as her physician's instincts kicked in. Could he be from a distant land? The question lingered. Where might his origins lie? Does he suffer from an ailment? Her thoughts halted briefly as she became aware of her speculation, her gaze shifting to the gathering of Dark Elves and humans.

A gentle smile graced Kalestiya's lips, a bid to quell the rising apprehension. "I...I would consider it an honor to be of assistance," she admitted, a soft blush tinting her cheeks. A shy smile emerged as she continued, "being able to help people always brings me joy."

A respectful inclination of her head followed, directed toward the man before her. Her eyes remained attentive as the wound underwent a gradual transformation, the evidence of a cut slowly fading. It was a captivating manifestation of her abilities. Yet, a question nagged at her: "why can't I heal him directly with my own abilities?" She thought to herself, again puzzled by the lack of a connection to his vitality.

She rose to her feet and curtsied gracefully. Her heart was racing, as she couldn't understand why she was experiencing the sudden onset of bashfulness. Kalestiya brushed the dust from her dress, noticing a stain that had gathered at the bottom of her attire. A faint sigh escaped her lips. "It's a wonder I'll ever stay clean in a place like this..." Kalestiya spoke, her cheeks blushing again, realizing her thoughts had slipped unintentionally. "B-but we shouldn't keep you waiting." She continued nervously. She glanced around at the people, noticing how the Dark Elves were looking at them. She lowered her head in a courteous manner.

The Dark Elf who had spoken earlier approached her, appearing about Kalestiya's age, yet with a more athletic build and a taller stature. "May I ask your name?" the Elf inquired.

"My name is Kalestiya; Kalestiya Brightheart, and it's a pleasure to meet you," she responded with politeness, gracing her words with another curtsy.

"Kalestiya... what a beautiful name for an equally beautiful woman," the Dark Elf complimented.

The young healer blushed, feeling somewhat uncomfortable, yet flattered.

"And to whom do I have the honor of addressing?" she inquired politely, shifting her gaze between the Dark Elf and the man she had tended to.

08-20-2023, 03:26 PM
Nosdyn's injury did not heal like it normally should have. Instead there was an ugly scar on his hand, he did not mind it. He barely felt the pain but it kept him going. He stood up at that point. He looked at the Dark Elf woman and the healer woman. Kalestiya. Nosdyn noted her name and committed it to memory. Nosdyn looked at them at that point. "I am called Nosdyn." He said whilst noticeably ommiting any titles or lordship.

The Dark Elf woman turned towards Nosdyn as they all walked together. "My Lord Nosdyn." She said calmly.

Nosdyn shook his head. "...Just Nosdyn I no longer have a titlle of lordship." Nosdyn admitted. The old Demon must have been through quite an ordeal to be stripped of former titles. They would never know what he had sacrificed for their well being. He looked at his hand for a moment. He looked at Kalestiya. "This is N'Jal's doing if you must know." Nosdyn said. The rumors were true a Demon was within N'Jal's ranks. Or so they thought. Nosdyn looked at them as they all walked. "I'll explain everything when we arrive at Ettermire." Nosdyn explained to them all.

A real bed to sleep in for once would be a great change of pace to the cavern floors he'd been sleeping in.

Nosdyn rubbed his chin thoughtfully. There was that glow from the relic once again. It was reacting to the healer woman...curious. Nosdyn noticed the glow he took a note of it and stored the information in his mind. He would make it a point to keep the relic for Kalestiya when she was ready. His prior mission would be a failure as he would not be meeting with the N'Jal contact at all.

Nosdyn considered many matters. At that point the walls of Etterire surrounded them and they were within the city proper. Nosdyn kept his eyes on Kalestiya.

08-20-2023, 06:29 PM
As she listened intently to the conversation between the Dark Elf and Nosdyn, Kalestiya became increasingly intrigued. Although she had encountered the cult known as The Children of N'jal before, she remained ignorant of their true intension. She sensed that the remnants of her previous encounter with the cult continued to linger, as if her destiny was intertwined with them. This conviction was reinforced when Nosdyn presented her with the artifact, leading her to realize that it was the source of the intrusive thoughts that had plagued her mind earlier. Kalestiya remained polite as the Dark Elf spoke to Nosdyn, watching in silence as they conversed with one another. Each mention of N'jal's doing caused her to become tense. Aside from mentions of Njal, Kalestiya was all ears as Nodyn recounted his past experiences.

Walking alongside each other, the young healer couldn't help but notice Nosdyn's lingering gazes that were intermittently cast her way. Each time, those looks appeared to stretch a little longer, leaving a subtle sense of discomfort in their wake. The transition from mere curiosity to something deeper was palpable, though she struggled to pinpoint exactly what that something might be. Casually, she brushed her fingertips against her face, a gesture that was almost automatic in her attempt to reassure herself that nothing was amiss. Following this, she ran her fingers through her hair, her actions revealing a touch of self-consciousness and shyness.

As they continued to travel, Etterime eventually came into view. Kalestiya was awed by the majesty of the city, taking in all of its sights as they made their way through the cobblestone streets. Her expression revealed a blend of awe, joy and amazement. The architecture was far different compared to what she was used to, its design unlike anything she had ever seen before. Eventually, Kalestiya's eyes began to drift upward toward the top of Etterime's inner wall, taking note of its formidable towers that stretched high into the sky. She pondered their purpose. Were they merely for decorative means, or were they meant to be fortifications?

"Phew," Kalestiya exhaled, turning her attention to Nosdyn. "The lengthy walk has left me feeling quite tired. Would you happen to know of a place nearby where we could find some shelter and nourishment? I'm rather famished at the moment..."
She found him staring at her once again, this time looking at her from top to bottom. His eyes resting at her ample bust for a few seconds before looking up at her face...

08-21-2023, 09:22 AM
As it turns out, The Dark Elf's grandmother turned out to be someone Nosdyn had been intimate with in the past. Many years prior. Nosdyn found out that the Dark Elf's grandmother had been connected by lineage to a Dark Elf Nosdyn knew in the past. They were a people worth saving from N'Jal's wrath. Nosdyn welcomed the fact that he could reconect with an old ally. Food was prepared for them.

Nosdyn barely ate his mind was troubled by constant thoughts of what fate lay before him. "You would welcome me despite my sins?" He looked at Ealadra and then her grand daughter, Lydra. As it turned out Lydra's parents were lost in one of many Dark Elf house assassination attempts gone awry. Nosdyn considered the information he had just learned. His eyes were narrowed as he looked at the three women. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. At that point he saw an opportunity to reclaim what was lost. He looked at Kalestiya. "I wish to help this family out." Nosdyn explained calmly. He knew at that point he was turning his back on N'Jal. There was good he could do.
The old Demon warrior gradually ate the Dark Elf cuisine slowly. Noticably slowly.
"You've barely eaten." Ealadra said.

Nosdyn sighed. "I don't have much of an appetite these days." Nosdyn tried to explain. "I'm fueled by my pain." He explained to them all. Knowing Kalestiya would be particularly interested in that detail just then. Nosdyn becam serious at that point. "I have the mark of N'Jal." He said calmly. "I've done things I'm not proud of." In the name of a hateful goddess.

He sighed perhaps there was something that could be saved there after all. Maybe somebody like him could be redeemed. Maybe his fate lay with those women. He ate his meal slowly as they conversed.

08-21-2023, 03:00 PM
Sitting quietly at the table, Kalestiya handled her spoon delicately; after all, her table manners had always been impeccable. The seasoning of the meal suited her taste well, and she made an effort to synchronize her pace with the others at the table, although it proved challenging as Nosdyn's eating was noticeably slower. Taught not to engage in conversation during a meal unless directly addressed, she refrained from speaking. Instead, she attentively listened to the exchange between Nosdyn and their gracious host, the lady who had welcomed her into their midst.

Kalestiya was intrigued by Nosdyn's response, learning that he harbored a troubled past. She looked to him at that moment, studying him carefully. Was the pain in his heart truly that significant? After finishing her meal, Kalestiya delicately picked up a napkin and used it to pat her lips, a gesture of appreciation for the meal. "I am truly grateful for your hospitality, Lady Ealadra," she conveyed with a gentle sincerity. Shifting her attention to Nosdyn, she took the opportunity to address his desire to assist Ealadra's family.

"Is there anything I can do to help you help them?" She asked, tilting her head slightly in curiosity. Although unfamiliar with Dark Elves, her genuine concern for their well-being was palpable. The concept of Nosdyn seeking redemption intrigued her, prompting her to offer her support.

Kalestiya watched him intently, waiting for his response as she folded her hands together in her lap. The expression upon her delicate features remained soft.

08-21-2023, 04:14 PM
That night...

The House of Thu'Raal.

The soldier Nosdyn encountered earlier that week had returned to his house. H'ed been soundly defeated. He looked at his superior officers. "My lords I have encountered a demon in our city."

Whispers among the gathered.

There were at least twenty robed figures. "Did you defeat the Demon in question?" One of the robed Dark Elves asked.

The soldier knelt before his house. "I could not defeat this warrior alone." He continued. "Further he had blue skin."

Whispers. One of the robed figures walked over to the young soldier. "Nosdyn..." He sneered. He became very serious at that point. "Listen closely young soldier we must tread very carefully."


With a full squad of reinforcements the soldier returned that night to the house of Ealadra. A group of ten soldiers of the Dark Elf were with him. The boot falls were heavy.

Nosdyn sitting down at his table with the others noticed it first.

The sound of soldier's boots were heavy outside. Nosdyn moved directly into action. He put his food down. He moved to intercept the soldiers that were arriving. Nosdyn did not recognize their house markings. But he did recognize the soldier he had defeated earlier. He clenched his fists tightly. Dark Elf politics were serious in nature, and Nosdyn had to tread carefully to protect his friends. "You." Nosdyn said with anger but did not act at first.

The soldier, backed up with guards looked at Nosdyn. "Nosdyn Krotar." The man said. "You are hereby placed under arrest. By orders of House Thu'Raal."

Nosdyn considered the situation they were all in. He looked at the soldier coldly. "If I refuse to surrender?" Nosdyn asked. The others were beginning to leave the house and join Nosdyn.

08-21-2023, 08:25 PM
Kalestiya keenly observed the swift shift in Nosdyn's demeanor, from tranquility to confrontation, as if the flick of a switch. The sanctuary they had sought in Ealadra's home was now besieged by an unexpected and hostile assembly of soldiers. The situation had blindsided her entirely, and she exchanged a quick, alarmed glance with Ealadra, recognizing the shared astonishment mirrored in the older woman's expression.

Feeling the weight of the urgent situation, Kalestiya moved forward, her instinct compelling her to stand by Nosdyn's side. The sight of the armed soldiers created an undeniable sense of unease within her, yet she gathered her faltering resolve, recognizing the necessity of defusing the tension. With a mixture of anxiety and determination tingeing her voice, she addressed the gathering, her words aimed at both the soldiers and Nosdyn, an attempt to foster understanding. "Please, let's not escalate this further," she implored, her tone carrying a blend of concern and the wish for a peaceful resolution.

Her plea seemed to fall on deaf ears as the guards remained steadfast in their stance. Nosdyn's gaze remained locked onto his adversaries, his body tensed and ready for whatever might transpire. The weight of the situation settled heavily upon Kalestiya's shoulders, and she came to a somber realization that this confrontation was poised to intensify rather than subside. The air crackled with tension, a brewing storm of conflict that seemed ready to break at any moment. As her eyes shifted between the determined guards and the resolute Nosdyn, Kalestiya's concern deepened.

A haze once again enveloped her thoughts. "Oh, not now," she murmured under her breath, a touch of frustration in her tone. She fought to regain her mental clarity, her internal monologue becoming a determined mantra. "Stay focused, stay focused," she whispered, trying to steady her mind.

08-22-2023, 08:02 AM
The soldier of House Thu'Raal calmly looked at Nosdyn the tension palpable in the air. Nosdyn looked off in the ganeral direction of the wind for a moment and then eyed the soldiers, he was ready to fight if need be. Ealadra prepared to step forward. Nosdyn placed his large meaty hand on her chest to stop her. "No." Nosdyn said and stepped forward to face the group. "I refuse to surrender." He said.

One of the soldiers prepared his sword and swung it at Nosdyn. Something happened at that point. Nosdyn once more caught the man's sword bare handed and held it in place. "You are way out of your league here. I know all of your martial tactics." He told the Dark Elf. He gripped the sword in a large hand. Black blood once more poured down from the injury. Nosdyn narrowed his eyes as if fueled by the pain.

He held the sword for a moment and disarmed the warrior in question. He was incredulous as he looked at the old soldier in disbelief. Nosdyn held the sword in his hand for a moment observing it. The markings of House Thu'Raal he did not recognize. It was clearly one of that generation's newer houses. They did not know who Nosdyn was. A moment later, he tossed the blade harmlessly to the side. It clattered away in the pavement. Blood poured freely from Nosdyn's right hand once more. He looked at the boy. "Return to your house. I do not wish to shed blood here." Nosdyn said out loud.

The soldier looked at Nosdyn in fear. He looked at his comrades for a moment, unsure of what to do. His superior officer walked up to Nosdyn. "Nosdyn Krotar." The man began. "Forgive us for our insolance today." He continued. "We surrender to whatever fate you would deem us."

Nosdyn considered for a moment. He wanted no needless violence. He knelt down to the Dark Elf. "Return to your House and never come back." He said carefully. The soldier nodded and from that day forward the soldiers of House Thu'Raal would leave Nosdyn alone. Nosdyn looked at Kalestiya for a long moment. "I am hurt." Nosdyn said plainly and at that point a large migraine headache occured.

08-22-2023, 08:34 AM
Kalestiya's eyes widened in response to the unexpected scene that transpired, astonishment mingling with admiration as she watched Nosdyn face the opposing force without flinching, undeterred and undefeated. Her admiration quickly transformed to distress when his blood was once more spilled, an event that triggered Kalestiya to move forward without even realizing. She reached Nosdyn's side and examined his right hand carefully, her voice tinged with concern.

"Let me take a look at that," Kalestiya suggested as she gently took Nosdyn's hand in hers, noticing the severity of the wound and the continuous bleeding. With utmost care, Kalestiya closed her eyes for a moment and concentrated, as she had done so many times before. The soft glow that always preceded her healing powers soon enveloped Nosdyn's hand as Kalestiya used her abilities, successfully this time, to mend the torn flesh and slowly heal the open cut. Once finished, she opened her eyes once more and smiled at Nosdyn reassuringly, seeing that that the bleeding had stopped.

Observing the guards for a brief moment, Kalestiya realized that Nosdyn's authority seemed to carry great weight among them, enough to disperse their ranks and send them away. At that point, Kalestiya could not help but smile inwardly, proud that Nosdyn could hold his own and protect what was dear to him, even if it required the display of physical strength. Kalestiya's curiosity, however, was piqued when the guard referred to Nosdyn by his full name and she wondered briefly if such a detail was of any significance, especially now that the immediate tension had been dispelled and the soldiers had left.

She noticed Nosdyn's furrowed brow.

"Are you in pain?" Kalestiya inquired, wondering if his injury might still need tending to. "Do you wish to take shelter and rest for a moment? Please, if there's anything I can do to help..."

08-22-2023, 09:04 AM
Nosdyn listened to his friend for a moment. He nodded. "I have a really bad headache." He told her casually. Those headaches his endurance powers could not ignore. They were tied to the mark of N'Jal his blood had. He sighed for a moment and tapped the side of his skull. "They've been getting worse." He said. He looked at her calmly. "Let's get indoors so you may help me." He suggested as well.

He looked at Ealadra. "Let's get back indoors."

She nodded. "Let's hope you did the right thing in sparing them."

"They won't ever bother you again, I saw to that." Nosdyn said carefully. As they began to walk something happened. He had a splitting migraine headache at that point. He clutched at the side of his head and was forced to kneel down before them. The headache was horrible. He looked at Kalestiya. "Yes...I'm in pain." He said incredulously. He had no previous knowledge that the mark of N'Jal could cause so many problems for him. He knelt down, and allowed Kalestiya to help him.

The healing arts she was privvy to were a wonderous mystery to him. The old soldier was just a humble warrior, a sword of combat. He looked at her carefully. The migraines were getting worse those days. He was not entirely sure the cause of them. He knelt down and waited on the girl to heal him or at least attempt to. He was not sure the extent of her healing power, he did not know if she could heal curses and the like.

Many thoughts passed through his mind at that point of skull splitting agony. He had a vision of N'Jal smiting him with all of her fury. Nosdyn considered what he was seeing for a long moment. He now had a choice to make, his destiny laid with the Dark Elf people...

08-23-2023, 03:01 PM
As Nosdyn's splitting migraine forced him to kneel in agony, Kalestiya wasted no time. Stepping closer, she placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, her eyes filled with determination. She had managed to heal him to some extent, but this was something different as she would soon find out. Closing her eyes, Kalestiya attempted to channel her healing abilities, willing the pain away. Yet as she delved into the depths of her power, an unexpected resistance met her efforts —something hindered her connection to his ailment. It was as if an unseen force, dark and insidious, obstructed her path. Her brows furrowed in concentration, her grip on Nosdyn's shoulder tightening slightly as she pushed against this unseen barrier.

The pain within him was tangible, radiating through the bond she sought to establish. But alongside that pain, there was another sensation—a malevolent presence that seemed to wrap itself around his affliction like a sinister cloak. Kalestiya's focus wavered, her efforts faltering as she struggled to penetrate this mysterious barrier.

Frustration stirred within her. She had encountered all kinds of ailments and injuries before, but this affliction was of a different natures, something that was more unnatural. It was unlike anything she had ever faced. Doubt crept into her mind, threatening to undermine her confidence. Drawing a steadying breath, Kalestiya summoned her willpower. With unwavering determination, she channeled her healing energy anew, her fingers pressing gently against the side of Nosdyn's head. Her touch was warm and soothing, a stark contrast to the dark influence she sensed lurking beneath the surface.

It was a fierce mental struggle, as if she was engaging in a battle of spirits—one that she was determined not to lose. Gradually, her efforts began to bear fruit. The malevolent presence seemed to weaken, its grip loosening on Nosdyn's vitality. Kalestiya's brow creased with exertion, beads of sweat forming on her forehead as she pushed against the unknown hindrance. Inch by inch, she felt herself gaining ground, her connection with Nosdyn's energies strengthening as the malevolent force retreated.

And then, finally, she felt a breakthrough. The pain subsided, the oppressive weight of the barrier lifting. Nosdyn's knelt form seemed to relax, and Kalestiya released a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. Her hand withdrew from his head, and she opened her eyes, her gaze meeting his with relief and weariness. Her breathing was heavy, as if she had taken a long sprint. She wobbled slightly.

"We... we did it," she murmured, her voice sounding weak. She could still feel a residual presence of what affected Nosdyn, but it was significantly weaker, now merely a faint echo. She gave Nosdyn a small, tired smile, her fingers trembling slightly from the strain of the effort.

"I managed to break through... whatever that was," she continued, her words carrying a note of wonder. "It's not completely gone, but I believe I've lessened its grip on you. I've never encountered anything quite like this before. It was... challenging, to say the least."

Kalestiya's heart raced as she looked at Nosdyn, still concerned for his well-being. She hoped that her efforts had brought him some relief, even though she couldn't erase the lingering sense of foreboding that had been awakened within her.

Merely a moment passed before she collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

08-23-2023, 03:44 PM
After what felt likd an eternity...

A very long bad dream...a nightmare...

It was a long last over. The skilled healer DID something to Nosdyn at that point. Before he knew it, the essence of N'Jal was completely removed from his subconcious mind. For a long moment, Nosdyn breathed deeply. He was free from the grip of N'Jal. Nosdyn sighed with relief for a long moment. He nodded after Kalestiya completed her work. He had no knowledge of the healing arts. He DID know that Kalestiya had collapsed from severing N'Jal's connection to Nosdyn. Nosdyn did not think such things were possible.

The migraine headache melted away. Nosdyn blinked for a moment the effects of N'Jal leaving his body. Nosdyn stood up and picked up Kalestiya. He looked at his mate, Ealadra and nodded. "I am free." Nosdyn said calmly. The girl had saved him from a dark fate. He picked up Kalestiya and took her slowly to her room placing her on the bed. He sat down next to the bed in a single chair and watched her sleep.

Ealara readied food for them all.

Nosdyn watched the girl sleep protectively. She made a friend that day...

08-23-2023, 04:55 PM
In the depths of unconsciousness, Kalestiya's mind wandered into a realm cloaked in shadow and mystery. It was as though she had stepped into a world between dreams, where whispers of forgotten names and ancient powers echoed through the void. Among the murmurs, the name "N'jal" resounded like a distant, chilling echo.

Amidst the obscurity, a figure materialized before her. An ethereal being, its form shifting like smoke and light. Its presence held an eerie familiarity, as if she had encountered it in the recesses of her memories. It approached her with an otherworldly grace, its voice reaching her ears in a haunting whisper.

"Suvryael fe der Lerm," the being uttered, a phrase that resonated with a deep, unsettling familiarity within her. The words seemed to stir memories she couldn't quite grasp, evoking emotions and sensations from a distant past. The being's eyes, like pools of shadow, held her gaze, drawing her into its enigmatic presence.

"Who... who are you?" Kalestiya's voice quivered as she addressed the ethereal figure. Her surroundings felt both disorienting and oddly comforting, like the embrace of a long-lost memory.

"In the labyrinth of veils, I am but a whisper, a shadow of encounters past," the ethereal being's words seemed to weave through the air, like a melody carried on the wind. "In the depths of your trials, our paths converged as stars colliding in the cosmic dance."

"Suvryael fe der Lerm," the being continued, its presence an amalgamation of echoes and ethereal essence. "Amidst the abyss of captivity, when your spirit was veiled, I emerged as the ember amidst the shadows. An unseen guide, ushering you and unlocking your true potential."
Kalestiya absorbed the enigmatic introduction, a sense of familiarity brushing against her consciousness.
"In the intricate web of existence, your threads intertwine with a force of darkness, Kalestiya," the ethereal being's voice reverberated, its words bearing both a burden of wisdom and an aura of enigma. "Your fate teeters on the brink of the abyss...."

"What does that mean?" Kalestiya inquired.
"Ulay pe xul der thryruil, iem yul elerpe xul swiysef."
"I don't understand..."

The surrounding light brightened, its brilliance spreading until it wrapped around her like a cocoon. Gradually, its pull tugged her back from the ethereal encounter, gently returning her to the realm of her conscious awareness.

"Wait, I don't understand..."

~ ~ ~

Kalestiya's body stirred, a soft moan escaping her lips. Nosdyn, seated nearby, kept a watchful eye on her movements. He observed the subtle shifts in her form, as well as the rise and fall of her chest with each breath. After a few moments, Kalestiya's eyes fluttered open, revealing the emerald depths of her gaze. She gazed at Nosdyn, confusion reflecting in her eyes.

"Wh-where am I? How... how long have I been asleep?" she mumbled, her mind still foggy from her unconscious state. Her recollection of what had transpired before she fell asleep was a blur, but she could still sense the remnants of what had affected Nosdyn, the shadowy tendrils of its oppressive energy having faded.

08-23-2023, 05:23 PM
(In case it's not clear I added stuff from my Solo Quest.)

He was lost in his thoughts as he watched her. Considering many matters. By that point he no longer felt N'Jal in his body...he was free Considering he was a servant of N'Jal for a long time, at least a century, freedom felt interesting. The headaches were all but gone, and something else had happened, the scar on his hand mended and completely faded away. Nosdyn was looking at his hands for a moment. He looked at her calmly after glancing at his hand.

He listened to her speaking and responded. "It has been a day." He began calmly. A great weight had been lifted from his shoulders. "What you have done here...is miraculous. I did not think severing the grip of a Thayne was possible." He narrowed his eyes. "You are full of surprises." He looked at the door for a long moment. Ealadra, Lydra, and Nosdyn's children were all present. He kept his eyes on Kalestiya. "My lady has prepared food for us you must be famished." Nosdyn said calmly.

Ealadra walked over to them. "You gave us quite a scare." She began. "Lord Nosdyn has not left your side this whole time."

He looked at Ealadra. "She has recovered." He said. He looked at Kalestiya at that point. "I cannot put to words the thing you have done for me this day." He narrowed his eyes trying to express himself, trying to find the right words to thank her with. He kept his arms folded across his massive chest. "You freed me from N'Jal somehow." He said to her calmly. "I am glad you have done this for me." He continued. "Is there any way I can repay your kindness?" He asked of Kalestiya.

08-25-2023, 08:25 PM
The young healer had heard his words about the passing of a day and felt surprised; the whole ordeal, while it seemed to be very short for her, had taken more time than she had initially expected. She looked at him with wide eyes, still in some degree of confusion and tiredness. "Freed you?" She repeated, tilting her head to the side a bit, unsure as to what he meant exactly. However, Kalestiya realized that now wasn't the right time to inquire about such things; first, she needed to eat and regain some of her strength.

She slowly shifted her body and rose to her feet, her limbs feeling a little weak and heavy as she did so. Kalestiya glanced around the room, seeing Ealadra and a few others present as well. "Thank you kindly" she replied to Ealadra as she looked at her, giving her a polite curtsey out of habit. When Nosdyn began speaking once again, Kalestiya turned to look at him. At his question, her eyes became a bit more wide with astonishment as she remembered that he was in fact possessed before. A faint smile touched her lips as she addressed him, her tone gentle. "What matters most is your well-being, and the restoration of your condition is its own reward. There's no need for thanks, as I simply fulfilled my duty as a healer." She spoke softly, her words carrying a reassuring sincerity. "Moreover, your hospitality and that of Lady Ealadra have been more than generous since our arrival."

Her warm and gentle smile was a soothing balm to the room, touching everyone's hearts.
As the room buzzed with a palpable sense of relief and gratitude, it was clear that her presence had brought not only physical healing but also a sense of hope. Nosdyn's gaze remained fixed on her, his eyes reflecting a mixture of emotions. He nodded slowly.

As her mind brimmed with questions, Kalestiya's train of thought was playfully interrupted by the gentle growl emanating from her stomach. "Oh dear," she chuckled, her cheeks tinged with a bashful hue, "it appears my stomach has quite the opinion on the matter," she giggled, placing a hand affectionately on her abdomen, as if reassuring her hungry belly. "I guess I am indeed famished," she added.

Her gaze shifted to her lap, a hint of shyness in her expression. "And, um, thank you for taking care of me," she whispered softly.

08-26-2023, 07:45 AM
Ealadra was ready by that point. She went quickly and got them all food. Ealadra brought them food of Dark Elf Ettermire cuisine, and plenty of it. She was a fair cook. She knew her Nosdyn had a large appetite too. She put the food down on the guest bed and let them all eat. She noticed that Nosdyn waited. "What is wrong my love?" She asked at that point.

He hesitated. "We'll discuss it later." He said and watched Kalestiya eat calmly. The food was hot and there were sevaral differrent selections on a large tray. Nosdyn watched Kalestiya carefully. "Make sure you eat well Kalestiya." He said calmly. Something troubled him but he wasn't sure how to word it. It felt different not having N'Jal in his subconcious mind. He was not sure how to feel at that point. It was honestly a little bit frustrating. He ate carefully though as he watched Kalestiya.

It was a gaze of appreciation. He could not word how different he felt, he was not an artistic person he said what mattered. He was eternally thankful that she had freed him from a horrible fate he was destined for. He made a lot of mistakes for N'Jal and ultimately she saw him as a disposable asset. That is what troubled him the most.they were all just disposable assets.

Nosdyn carefully considered those matters. The game gods played with their lives were matters for another time. He ate quietly watching Kalestiya eat. It was almost a fetish of sorts. His children were around them eating calmly. Ealadra was quietly watching him. He knew they would have to have a heavy duty talk at some point. He'd been given a fresh start.

08-28-2023, 04:45 PM
Kalestiya happily indulged in the wonderful selection of food Ealadra had prepared for her and the rest. As she ate, she was lost in her thoughts, considering everything that had transpired. She wondered what it must be like for Nosdyn right now, considering all that had happened to him, and the consequences of his possession. She knew this wouldn't be easy for him... or anyone for that matter. As she pondered, she realized Nosdyn's gaze seemed... somewhat fixated. She couldn't help but giggle inwardly, wondering if perhaps Nosdyn had become entranced by the sight of her eating.

'Well, perhaps it's a way to show appreciation...' Kalestiya mused thoughtfully to herself, considering it might be quite normal to observe with delight one enjoying a good meal. Kalestiya couldn't deny it was delicious, so she savored every bite, enjoying the taste of Ealadra's cuisine. The rest of the company ate in a cheerful and content atmosphere, and the atmosphere felt somewhat celebratory to Kalestiya. She had fulfilled her duty, and healed Nosdyn... and yet, her mind remained troubled, wondering what he must be going through at the moment.

'He must feel lost right now...' Kalestiya thought, as she slowly chewed her food. She didn't have to ask, she could tell it would be a difficult and complex ordeal. Kalestiya glanced toward Nosdyn from time to time, smiling gently between bites of food, her emerald green eyes carrying a compassionate gaze.

'Whatever the outcome... He'll be fine. With Ealadra, and the rest of his children, he will be well cared for. He will heal, in time.' Kalestiya reassured herself, a faint smile forming on her lips.

When everyone was done eating, Ealadra took their trays to be washed. Kalestiya was grateful for the opportunity to finish her meal at her leisure, appreciating Ealadra's hospitality and care. She remained seated on the edge of the guest bed, glancing toward Nosdyn and observing him quietly, sensing an unspoken weight on his shoulders.

"So, what will you do now? You are free... where will you go?" Kalestiya finally dared to ask, the question weighing on her mind since she'd heard him express gratitude toward her for helping him.

"Is there anything I can still do to help? You don't have N'Jal controlling your actions any more..." Kalestiya spoke calmly, as if she didn't wish to trouble Nosdyn, or push him to a decision. After all, the matter was entirely up to him.

08-28-2023, 05:14 PM
(Note: Ending Post the events of this thread lead into the I am Nosdyn thread)

Nosdyn considered all that had transpired. It was true he was free from N'Jal at that point. He considered something very seriously for the first time in a long time. His eyes narrowed as he looked at Kalestiya. "I am going to stay in Ettermire." He offered. "For a long time we were sleeping on cavern floors and the like."

He said carefully. "I have a contact with the Lloth Priesthoood." He said. "I am going to seek to join this city officially." He swore. "Once...I was a lowly Child of N'Jal the same as all of the rest of them." He continued. "I did things in the name of a horrible goddess." He sighed. "Too many sins." Nosdyn carefully explained how it's been for him. "But if Lloth can accept me, there is always hope."

Nosdyn continued. "It is difficult to explain what it's like being free from N'Jal's grasp." He lowered his gaze for a moment. "So...If there is ever an ally you need for anything you can call on my sword." Nosdyn swore to Kalestiya. Nosdyn stood up. "Since you've been asleep I contacted the Lloth priesthood." He considered his next move. "In about a week the priesthood will agree to see me." Nosdyn said. "Maybe it will be a chance to start over." Nosdyn said.

"It is good to sleep in a real bed for a change." Nosdyn glanced at his wife, Ealadra. He looked back at Kalestiya. "We don't need the Thayne."


08-29-2023, 06:12 PM
Kalestiya smiled warmly at Nosdyn's decision to seek a chance to start over. She wasn't sure why he mentioned the Thayne in this context. "Of course...you don't need the Thayne at all," she agreed. "But as for me, I will always be happy to help others, regardless of their faith. That will always be who I am."

She took Nosdyn's hand affectionately, and gave a light squeeze. "You will have my blessing always, no matter where you decide to go from here. And I am certainly grateful to have a new friend who shares in my values...

"Please, don't forget that should you ever need me, I'll be happy to lend a hand. I don't know what Lloth will decide for you, but if she accepts you, that's all that matters."

With those words, Kalestiya thanked Ealadra for her kindness and the hospitality. She wished Nosdyn the best of luck for his upcoming audience with the priesthood. She hugged Ealadra and kissed Nosdyn on the cheek.

"I will go and explore the city for a little bit," she said with a warm smile before leaving through the door.


Rehtul Orlouge
07-02-2024, 06:01 PM
I apologize for the long wait time. Unfortunately I am not able to do a full Judgment with all of the bells and whistles at the moment. I pray you can forgive me. However, as an apology for both that and the time it has taken me to get to this thread, I will be increasing the base EXP and GP Payout on both accounts.

However, Nosdyn has asked that I transfer all of his rewards to Miss Kalestiya. In keeping with this request, you will gain 15,000 EXP and 2,500 GP, and I will bypass the experience cap that only allows you to gain one level at a time.

Once again, my apologies for taking months to do this. My health has not been the best.