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09-28-2017, 10:39 AM
Unwanted, Still Needed


Closed to Flamebird and Phobia. All accounts run by the same writer, bunnies approved, blah blah blah. So a three account solo. . .

Image credit to 7 Themes. (http://7-themes.com/6899587-dark-forest.html)

Origin story time!

09-28-2017, 10:43 AM
WANTED: Dagor Lakefish of the Lakefish Crime Family. Bring him back dead or alive, preferably dead. Ten thousand gold coin award!

"Preferably dead, huh?" Felicity held the wanted paper in her hands, observing the sketch of a gruff looking man with a round face, beard, and numerous scars.

In the town square of a small town in Scara Brae, the mid day sunlight burst down from the cloudless sky. The humble, cool dirt roads all came together in a circle with important buildings. The mayor's office, the local taxidermist, the doctor's. . . It was a tiny community, located right next to the infamous Brokenthorn Forest. It was here that the sightings of the very head of a crooked crime family, the Lakefish's, was sighted. As of now, having already faced a small portion of the family at a burning farm, Felicity Rhyolite and an old friend were tracking the family down.

"Apparently he's wanted for many things," a voice from behind said. The redheaded young girl turned around to see an older young woman with black hair and mismatched eyes. "He's wanted for theft, murder, illegal drug dealing and human trafficking. . ."

Felicity looked at the paper, determination filling her eyes, "After what they did to that farm. . ."

The young woman put an encouraging hand on her shoulder, "We're going to bring him in. Alive."

The young woman turned to leave, pulling a dirtied white cloak over her lithe body, "Let the justice system take care of the low life. . ."

Felicity looked over her shoulder to the woman. As she walked away, draping a white hood over her head, the green eyed girl smiled. Ashla was finally changing for the better. The resentment was still obvious in her eyes, however, and Felicity could tell that letting a criminal live was hard on her. Still, as Felicity pulled her shield against her back, she could not have been more proud.

Felicity stuffed the poster into a leather bag on her belt, following her former teacher as they left the hamlet.

09-28-2017, 10:44 AM
The shade of the combined oak and yew trees were a welcomed shade from the light. A filthy brown shoes stepped over roots and thorn bushes, a small cloaked person navigated through a cold forest. Apparently, this Brokenthorn Forest had taken lives before. Unless it was from overexposure to poison ivy, the young mystic did not see anything to fear. Of course, the emotion of fear was all but dead to the kid. As the wind caused the trees to sway and sing dangers, the mere teenager reached and placed a half gloved hand against an oak tree. The gruff bark was hardly a bother, as she lived her life on a farm. No stranger to the element, the cloaked blond turned and with her free hand, flicked a spider off her shoulder.

She then reached and pulled a veil from her mouth. It was made of rough sackcloth. Her entire outfit was black - maybe a poor choice, considering that it was summer. Even as sweat started to collect on her back, she did not care. She needed to find him. She needed to kill him.

That wretched Lakefish crime family took almost everything from her. Her career as a detective, her father's career, her father's legs. . . Her home faced bankruptcy as her milkmaid mother hardly had enough to get by. With a hefty price hanging over the head of the very man who psychologically tortured her, Deirdre Pyri was determined to kill two birds with one stone.

Today was a day of vengeance.

Dark determination filled her oak brown eyes. This was not just some peasant farm girl who was chasing him. She was a trained detective, and with nothing but the quarterstaff on her back, she would be the one to end Dagor Lakefish. Permanently.

Pushing herself off the thick tree, she pulled her foot in front of her. She was about to move. . . but her long, black cloak got caught on a cluster of thorn bushes.

Maybe the old saying was right? No capes?

09-30-2017, 09:45 PM
The edge of the forest swallowed up two individuals like a beast devouring prey. As the darkness consumed them, the young women were met with cascades of trees and bushes. The oak and yew trees had wondrous canopies of leaves that shaded them from the sun. As they evaded fallen branches, roots, and shrubs, they took notice of the floating particles made visible by sparkles of sunlight peaking through the green leaves above.

The scent was of earth and soil, maybe mild animal scat as well. As the millions of what felt like wooden hands nagged away at the girls' ankles, Ashla took notice of how the air felt cool and moist. Considering that it was a forest, it was no surprise. Ashla looked back for a moment, tugging at her hood's side so she could see fully. It was only moments ago that they entered, but now no exit was in sight. Turning to her companion, who was climbing upon a downed oak, she smiled, "Thanks for wrapping my cloak up. It would be a whole lot harder to move if I let it go."

On all fours, the redhead was observing the surrounding area with diligence. As her red braided hair fell over her right shoulder, she smiled and scoffed in amusement, "Yeah, imagine all the ticks and spiders that would latch onto it too."

As they shared a lighthearted chuckle, Ashla looked down to her white shirt, blue tunic, and brown pants. The familiar chainmail was sandwiched between her white and blue tops. She also had shoulder plates and greaves for her legs. Her delyn plated, leather gloves had retractable claws made of Eiskaltian metal. With the various bags on her back and strapped to her waist, she and Felicity were set to go.

Felicity jumped down from the tree, landing with a thud. As her leather jacket rippled, she stood up as put her hands to her hip. The half-neanderthal sighed, "Everything looks the same. How do we know where to look?"

Ashla walked up next to her, the sound of plants rustling beneath her feet. "Apparently, there's rumors of an old Lakefish hideout next to a creek further downhill."

"So the lower the elevation the better?" Felicity hopped, making sure her bags were secure, "Sounds fun."

Ashla sniffed the air, "If the air is moister, we're closer. Also pay attention to the sound of running water."

"Well, obviously." Felicity smirked.

Smiling, Ashla pat her younger friend on the back then trekked on ahead.