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07-26-2017, 02:45 PM
Resolve, Level 5
[0 (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?24387), 1 (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?25122), 2 (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?25937-Resolve-Level-2)]


Name: Resolve Curie
Age: 22
Race: Human
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Pale blue
Skin Color: Warm brown
Height: 5'7"
Build: Athletic
Occupation: Exorcist


Fiercely independent, Resolve can be a bit much to handle at first, but her noncommittal nature betrays her as the young person she is. She has an intense dislike for rules, sitting still, and useless domestic animals, balanced out by her enthusiasm training and parties. She has few ambitions of her own, but would do anything for the people she truly cares about.


Resolve is slightly taller than the average human woman and most of her features harken to her father's heritage, though softened by her mixed blood. She has short, wavy, black hair, brown skin just a couple shades lighter than the norm of her Fallien ancestry, slight bone structure with an athletic build, and peculiarly pale blue eyes. White markings have begun to appear on her skin thanks to her mystical heritage, the first manifesting in a line of freckle-like dots under her eyes. Recently, flower-like designs have blossomed on her chest and in her palms. She dresses in bright silks and saris from Fallien. (See my art thread (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?24666-Art-amp-Sketches-amp-Such) for sketches of her appearance.)


• Combat Training: She's advanced in hand-to-hand, including short sword, and especially wrestling. Thanks to plenty of practice, she's also skilled in aiming for range.
• Domestics: Running a household has given her considerable practice in homemaking. She's a mean chef, seamstress, and handy(wo)man.
• Resourcefulness: Resolve is fluent in the barter system, as well as has the know-how to scrape by on and make the most of very little.
• Social Butterfly: She likes people and they generally like her back. Resolve has a gift for navigating various diverse social circles, networking, earning favors, and breaking hearts. (Okay, maybe she just likes to imagine that last bit.)
• Geography & Navigation: She's been studying up for intended adventures, particularly Fallien.
• Language: She's learned a bit of Fallieni and continues to improve.


• Sixth Sense: Resolve can see, hear, and speak with souls in various forms such as ghosts, but this also extends to an innate radar that senses locations/movements of both the living and dead in her general proximity (about a mile radius). The concept of "soul" is very broad in this context: regardless of spirituality, every living being has a connection to the astral tapestry that Resolve has access to. Places and things can also leave imprints which Resolve can read as memories.
• Energy Manipulation: Like others of the Ahketamika born with supernatural powers, she can use her inherent personal energy to create physical objects up to the strength of dehlar. She can use this to throw concussive blasts (balls of energy about a foot in diameter, strong enough to shatter bones if struck within 20 feet, about 12 per battle) as well as conjure shields, armor, and objects such as simple weapons. The blasts are less controlled balls of chaotic energy that deplete her stores less significantly than, say, failing to reabsorb what it takes to make a solid sword, so she can use the blasts several times in quick succession while creating objects requires concentration. It is difficult to sustain one object continuously for more than three minutes straight, and as for multitasking, she can manage a large shield in conjunction with the blasts.
• Plane Manipulation: As a supernatural descendent of the Ahketamika, she also has access and the ability to travel to other planes of existence. She generally uses it to experience past incarnations of places and people (permanently etched "memories" in the spiritual tapestry), though if she attempts to pry into someone's psyche this way, she can be rejected if they have significant mental protections. If she's able to pry (either through force or permission), such allows some use similar to telepathy (reading thoughts/memories and/or communication). Recently, inspired by her friend Mordelain's plane walking, she's discovered how to effectively jump through space (teleport). She can do this seven times per day/battle and the range is limited to about three miles. She also has the option to teleport once with unlimited range, but the farther she goes, the more rest she needs before using her abilities normally again. The last use she has for plane manipulation is for exorcism; if she gains access to someone's psyche, she can attempt to tear it from their physical form, an act which can cause immense psychological trauma and a pain most beings have never experienced before. It doesn't necessarily kill a person, but it can certainly incapacitate them. This affects everyone differently, depending on their physical and mental fortitude.
• Astral Projection: A sub-skill of plane manipulation, she can manifest in a spiritual form outside her own body by separating the physical from the astral (sort of like exorcising herself, but much less harmful), which she can both do deliberately or instinctively if her body is rendered unconscious. In this state she can float (no longer subject to physical constraints), pass through objects, and communicate visually/verbally with others. She can also choose to take a less easily detectable form that is basically invisible to anyone without advanced perception. This leaves her body vulnerable and if even she tries to go incognito, she may still be sensed by people with enhanced senses or spiritual awareness. This astral projection can manifest anywhere she's been before and lasts as long as her physical body remains safe.
• Enhancements: Intense training has yielded a superhuman increase in speed, strength, agility, and endurance. Specifically speaking, this means her physical reaction time/reflex is much faster than a typical person, as low as a tenth of a second. She can lift up to 300 pounds (can be less if it's awkward to hold or a bad angle), and has a maximum punch force of 1500 pounds. Her balance and coordination make her extremely slippery in close combat and very confident during activities such as climbing, even under precarious conditions. She runs a three minute mile. Her endurance allows her to perform these things as if they were normal, or even easy –– she tires slower than an average person, even with vigorous physical activity. This toughness extends to damage she can handle; she has the fortitude to fight through multiple strikes that would usually incapacitate a person before she, herself, goes down. She has also developed resistance to anti-magical effects, reducing malicious spells of this type to half their usual effectiveness.


• Selukiith Pendant: Recently inherited from an estranged family member, its otherworldly origins are unknown to Resolve (note connection with Itera). She probably would have pawned it already if she didn't realize it functioned as a mediocre substitute for an Amaratna crystal, and she's been training with it until she's able to travel to Fallien and obtain a real one.
• Short Sword: Steel.


Twenty-three years ago her mother was working in trade and, after one particularly fateful trip to Fallien, realized she'd come home to Corone heavy with more than spices and glass. She raised Resolve alone and things were rough at first, but once Resolve was old enough to take care of herself, her mother returned to sea-faring trade and they were able to make the climb from lower to middle class. Because of this Resolve's education started late and at that point she had little interest in it anyhow, but her literacy is gradually improving thanks to Luned's help.

Resolve's supernatural abilities developed early. Growing up in the company of spirits made her a temperamental child, but she mellowed out as she learned about her heritage and how to make use of her talents. She realized her potential as a soldier early on and began training as a preteen, but her skittish nature and disinterest in following directions soon ruled out any career in the military… and most other paths, at that. She's been trying to make a name of herself as an exorcist, but even that is a half-hearted endeavor.

At this point she has participated in the Lornius Corporate Challenge and the Cell, found great friendships within Luned, Muir, Mordelain, and Otto, odd acquaintanceships with Rayse and Ags, and arch-nemeses in Flint and Aurelianus.

07-26-2017, 02:45 PM
Approved - direct transfer.