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View Full Version : Crush the Church

11-08-2017, 01:10 PM

Thread for the plotting of the Downfall of the church of the Ethereal Sway. The above link should take you to a Google document for this plotting.

Please note, this is a rough first draft of this project idea, and will be getting updated as we flesh it out!

Major Event: Fall of the Sway
For too long, the Church of the Ethereal Sway has spread a message of hatred, turning Salvar into a place utterly inhospitable to magic users. The Church and the Royals have recently reached a ceasefire and the kingdom is slowly settling back to peace - let’s use this time to hurt the Church, curbing their spread.

Major Players:

The King, Bratus Kutzovich: the reigning king of Salvar. A native Salvaran who was backed by the Vogruk-Stokes company after the previous foreign-born king’s excommunication and subsequent death. Currently, he wields less power than the title ‘king’ might imply, existing to mediate disputes between lords and oversee the Salvic Council. When necessary, he has the power to cast the tie-breaking vote on any given issue. In addition, Bratus is baron of the lands around Knife’s Edge.

The Salvic Council: A collection of the most influential nobles and priests of the land. This council meets twice per year to discuss the state of the kingdom and vote on any changes. The council numbers twenty-four in all, with the king owning a decisive twenty-fifth vote should it be needed.

The Boyars: The highest rank of nobility, the twelve Boyars each preside over the twelve provinces of Salvar. Each is served by any lesser nobles who inhabit their respective provinces, and each holds a spot on the Salvic Council.

The Church of Ethereal Sway: Salvar’s religious presence. Preaching nationalism and devotion to authority, they hope to prove themselves worthy so that their millennium-lost Sway will return to lead them. They seek to supervise all sanctioned magic within Salvar; unsanctioned magic is subject to persecution. They are headed by a group of twelve high priests which, together with the boyars, comprise the Salvic Council.

The Vogruk-Stokes Company: A major business enterprise that controls an exceedingly-large share of economic power in Salvar. They dip into many industries, from mining and lumber to the slave trade and, occasionally, politics. This last item has put them at odds with both church and crown in the past, as their money and clout affords them tremendous influence.

Thread Types :
Fight the Church (The armed servants if the church are not okay with attacks on their power. Fight them, and destroy these accursed places.)

Fight the Kingdom (you or your allies are causing unrest in Salvar, and threatening years of tradition. The Royals cannot abide by this. Defend yourselves against them!)

Spread a new Message (The message of hate has spread for too long in Salvar, inciting generations to despise and fear magic. A new message, a new religion if you please)

Rebuilding (Salvar is in ruins because of the war between Church and State. Capture their hearts by helping them recover.)

Shinsou Vaan o’Fuckin Siris

11-08-2017, 01:11 PM
Sweet! I'm in!

11-08-2017, 03:08 PM
Wenn is in on this plotting as soon as I not feel like my eyeballs will rol out of my head

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
11-08-2017, 03:21 PM
Soon as i'm done with Spit out the Bone, i'm down with this.

Edit: stuck my two cents in the gdoc.

11-08-2017, 04:12 PM
The more the merrier! There'll be opportunities for all kinds of threads with this business!

11-08-2017, 04:24 PM
I'm also down, count me in as Lorenor since he has past history with Salvar. Anyway I'm interested in whatever means I can help out with let me know when the thread is ready!

11-08-2017, 06:43 PM
Ezra is in as well.

11-08-2017, 06:58 PM
Rainee will help out as well!