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View Full Version : Approved Riches in Me (Aislinn 4)

07-26-2017, 03:10 PM
Name: Aislinn Orlouge
Age: 27
Hair: Fiery Red
Eyes: Ice Blue
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 135 stones (lbs.)

Previous Profile (Level 3) Here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27169).
Updates: Marked with teal

Creator's Note: I want to point out, that due to the nature of Aislinn's witchcraft, that she cannot truly increase a spell's strength. The restrictions on their use are often at will, though with restrictions on how many times they can target people. Because of this I may often try to gain powers from quests and such, I do this mainly because I more often than not will be forgoing updating old skills. This means I'm in essence trading in the updates to be able to facilitate gaining the powers.

Description: Tribal would be the one word that would describe Aislinn. Having been forced to fend for herself going on for almost two decades, the Mystic has taken to caring little for the finer trappings of civilization. Her clothing is functional for covering up her skin, taking the form of a tight fitting top that covers her chest. A similar loincloth covers her unmentionables, tied about the hips. The entire look takes on a more exotic theme when one considers the myriad of trinkets that hang from her hair, her waist and about her arms. Her right arm ends in a stump about halfway down the forearm, the end looking cleanly seared shut.

Personality: Aislinn is bitter at the events that led to her becoming an outcast of the Mystics. While often a neutral toned woman any mention of these events lead her to take a bitter and caustic attitude. While not a shred of guilt plagues her soul over the events, she does often find herself feeling guilty at pushing so many people out of her life in pursuit of her goals. Awkward in social situations, the result of many years in seclusion, Aislinn is only marginally capable of handling herself at a social function, and often prefers her solitude with her sister. This often leads others to wrongfully believe she is an angry hermit, when in reality she is only living the only life she has known.


Mystic Protection –Mystic Spell- Forming a shield of glass about her body or a target she wishes to protect the effects of one blow or spell that attacks is instantly nullified. However, the spell does not stop there, as the shield then shatters exploding in a radius out from the Mystic or protected target. Aislinn's mystic protection is fueled by her rage, and as such is particularly vindictive, the glass acting as if coated in salt, increasing tenfold the pain it inflicts. The shards spread out a mere three feet before dissipating back into nothingness. They are however, incapable of causing any life threatening injuries, and are more likely to stop would be attackers than kill. The dome however doesn't spray downwards, only outwards and upwards, and so prone targets can avoid the shards of glass, should they be lucky enough.

Mystic Protection can be cast twice per day.

Evil Eye –Witchcraft- Glaring vilely at a target, Aislinn enacts a powerful enchantment upon the foes mind, causing them to feel overwhelming doubt. Targets will second guess their actions, often turning away perfectly good ideas for fear of the failure they see them undergo in their mind's eye. While not debilitating, most of the failure is always in relation to doing something to Aislinn, such that most will often give up their feuds or attempts at seduction, for fear of looking the fool. Stronger willed targets can notice the changes to their mental state and may ignore the impulses to give up.

Evil Eye may be used once per day per target. She may only target one person per post.

Healing – Witchcraft - Aislinn has access to very limited healing magic. The effects of which may stabilize a dying target or close minor wounds and injuries at best. The effects are permanent, however the damage repaired can be undone quite easily as is the case of most healing. The effects are somewhat draining to the Witch, and prolonged contact with a person while using such magicks can fatigue her greatly. The effects however are boosted if she does so allowing her to mend broken bones and potentially cure deeper cuts and gashes.

If she uses the lesser version of healing, Aislinn may do this once per day per target. If she uses the greater version of this power, she can only use healing in any capacity once a day. Due to the nature of this power her familiar cannot manifest this power, nor can she use it upon herself.

Agony – Witchcraft - Upon touching a target while infused with this hex, a dark energy will course through her victims veins. This energy will trigger the nerve reaction of pain in each and every cluster of nerves, until finally it has worked its way entirely through a person's body. Obviously those immune or resistant to pain are excluded as prime targets for this ability, but to the weaker warriors of Althanas, this ability can cause crippling pain.

This ability may be used, once per person per day.

Ability was requested for award here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?21024-Keep-It-Classy-Closed/page2).

Vision – Witchcraft - By holding onto an item that has strong connection to an event, or touching a person Aislinn has gained the ability of clairvoyance. When holding an Item she can see the event the item is tied to, to the minute details. When in contact with a person for longer than a minute, she can force a vision upon them that both the Witch and her "victim" see. This is often a vision of something that will occur within a year's span, and may be a possibility rather than a set in stone event.

This ability has no restriction on how often it may be used, however once a vision has occurred, all further use will do is replay the exact same vision, allowing for someone to catch something they may have missed previously.

Ability was requested for award here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?21083-Broken/page2&p=167786#post167786).

Cloud of Fear – Witchcraft – Calling upon Shyish the wind of death Aislinn can generate a cloud of fog that permeates the area around her. This cloud penetrates into the minds of those who inhale it and finds their deepest darkest fears before forcing the person to confront them. Panic and hysteria are often reactions to this cloud to those unaware of its effects. Those who are aware of the side effects have an easier time shrugging off the cloud, but it will still have its effect on those within it. Even if you rationally know the fear isn’t real it can still be difficult to shake its grasp upon you. It is important to note that Aislinn herself is*not*immune to the effects and as the cloud begins with her, she will be the first one affected by the fear fog. The Fog lasts for two posts and the effects of breathing it in last a post after the fog has dissipated.

Usable once a thread.

Burning Hand – Witchcraft – Aislinn can create a hand of flame on her right arm starting from the stump to replace the hand she lost in the Mystic War. This hand allows her to grip her staff with two hands and other than the clothing she wears and herself anything touched by the hand can ignite as normal flame can cause, similar to being struck by a torch. . While the hand is active she can once per day turn the hand into a projectile shooting it forth at a target this will cause her to lose the ability to create the burning hand for the remainder of the day. Otherwise the hand is at will.

Clarification: The Hand inflicts Second degree burns where it strikes open flesh and ignites anything flammable that is not properly protected.

Chains of Jigoku – Witchcraft – Calling upon Chamish, solid Iron chains spring from the earth. These chains are empowered with runes that bind both body and spirit, acting as solid against the ghosts and spirits of Althanas as well as the more mundane threats. If a threat possesses a corporeal form, these chains will lock the possessing force in the form, allowing her a chance to lock it down and deal with it. If Aislinn feeds blood into the spell, Shyish empowers it by infusing the chains with dark spikes that seek to sap the energy from the victim, preventing them from using magical means to escape.

Rider of Death – Knight of the Apocalypse – Blessed by the Horseman of Death, Aislinn is immune to death from natural causes. Only a violent end to the witch can kill her.(Locked till next Level.)

Medicine – Knowledge Skill - Aislinn has practiced the art of herbalism and medicine for most of her life since leaving Chateau Dranak. Because of this, given the supplies and ability to mix them properly she can produce cures for most illness and poisons. However, as she is often flat broke this will mean that she is unable to create most of these things. It does however, help her in identifying the plants in the wild, and as such she often gathers small bits to take with her. At any time she can cure most mundane illnesses and clean most wounds without resorting to the Bazaar. More exotic illness and poisons of any sort would require her to buy the materials she would need.


Geas are actions that Aislinn must perform in order to maintain good relations with the winds of magic. While she is of course free not to follow a Geas, doing so may cause adverse affects if she uses a power tied to a wind of magic she has slighted in this manner.

For Ghyran – The Breath of Life:

Aislinn, has sworn never to willingly take a life.

For Blessing Ixian Castle, Aislinn has sworn to bear a child.

For Ghur – The Storm of Beasts

None at this time.

For Azyr - Flurry of the Heavens:

Every Dusk, Aislinn must sing an ancient hymn to Althayne until the moon begins to rise under the sky.

For Shyish - Chill of the Grave:

Aislinn has lost the memories of her childhood up to her exile. Should anyone probe her mind they will be able to find these memories and may try to dredge them to the surface. If they force Aislinn to remember these sealed memories Shyish withdraws its support of the witch and refuses to give her any spell that is bound to it until such time that she can meditate and give them back to Shyish.

For Aqshy - Wind of the Pyre:

Aislinn’s right hand has disappeared from her body. Her arm ends in a stump that goes halfway up her forearm. Any attempts to regenerate this lost appendage will result in a fiery incineration of the regrown hand, painfully as a reminder to who that hand belongs. Prosthetics are allowed but if not removed prior to Burning hand being active will destroy the prosthetic by being consumed by the flames.

For Ulgu – The Chill of Darkness

None, at this time.

Chamon – Fury of the Forge

None, at this time.

Hysh – Breeze of the Light

None, at this time.


Shadow Fetish – Witchcraft - The Shadow Fetish is a weird trinket woven into her hair that allows her to move about creatures of shadow easily. In recognizing the source of her problems as something strong enough to overcome the mystic boundaries of the Shadow Trial she surmised its nature must be of the shadow itself. As such, the trinket passes her off as a creature of shadow and creatures from the Plane of Shadows will not willingly attack her unless directly ordered to.

Glowing Fetish – Witchcraft - This fetish is linked intrinsically to the ability of Aislinn to cast the Burning hand. As a reminder of the deal brokered Aislinn must wear the fetish on her body at all times. Failure to have the fetish on results in the loss of her ability to cast Burning hand, until such time that it is replaced within her hair.

Oak Quarter Staff - Used more as a walking stick than an actual weapon.

Satchel containing standard traveling necessities.

Small pouch containing a myriad of herbs and flowers used in her medicine skill.


Aislinn wasn't always the woman she was today. Raised under Succed Orlouge, she was trained in the arts of magic. Her gifts seemed the ability to draw magic and use it for other purposes, and she relished in her gifts even as her twin sister Felicity aspired to other aims. They were close as sisters often were, and often talked of what they would once they completed the trials. Both agreed that they weren't particularly fond of the light magic, being so flashy and obvious, preferring the more subtle Shadow Arts.

However, the day finally came when they were both of age. Felicity was the first to go, being the elder by only a scant few minutes. Aislinn waited dutifully at home, hearing that it often took a day for one who went through the trials to succeed or fail. The next morning she awoke and found that Felicity had not left the trials yet for some unknown reason. Believing the worst her father had gone into the trials looking for his daughter, only to come back with the worst news yet…

Felicity was not to be found anywhere.

They waited another day before proclaiming her twin sister dead. Aislinn was shocked by the news, but her father merely told her to be strong and put her into the trials. The villagers had been whispering enough as it were, for Aislinn to fail too would have looked equally bad. The girl however, held the knack for understanding the trials and was progressing at a brisk clip when she stopped, spying a small cat moving about the area. Aislinn waited silently watching the cat for awhile before it darted forth to the girl and leapt up, nearly bowling the two of them over. Aislinn looking at the cat frowning before she realized the truth.

Her sister was the cat.

She looked upon the girl turned cat for a long while before she finally realized the truth. Something darker was at play in these trials. Perhaps at first they had started innocently, but in the recent years something had to have corrupted them to the point that they would punish failure so harshly. Even in her young mind, she knew that something was gravely wrong, and to continue would only bind her in service to that being. Taking the cat she left, forfeiting the trials. When asked if she would undergo the trials of light, the thought horrified her, for if something had corrupted the shadow trials, what of the light? Was it safe? She didn't know, but she wasn't going to stick around to find out.

There was only one choice for those that refused to complete a trial. Exile.

Since that day, Aislinn has traveled with her sister, learning what has happened to the poor girl. Sensing the strange magicks binding the girl in her current form she began working at siphoning them off, using her ability to draw the magic in order to manipulate it into destroying itself. It was in this way she realized her true gift. Mystics were naturally blessed by the winds of magic to forever wield them. Aislinns gift was a bit more serious than the standard mystics. She didn't ask the winds what to do, she told them what to do. It was in this way she began wielding raw magic, and since that day she has forever shunned hermetic study of magic for favor of the more shamanistic cults.

Moving about Althanas, her goal in mind she seeks out the force that corrupted the trial for her sister. Once she has found a way to defeat it, she will destroy it even if it involves burning down the Shadow trial in the process, and in doing so perhaps free her twin from the caged form of a beast.

Level 1 Update

Aislinn has slowly begun to come out of her anti-social shell. Upon being left for dead in a Radasanth alleyway, Aislinn has since been recovering with her Uncle, Sei Orlouge. While recovering, she had insisted upon repaying her uncle for his kindness, such that when she would leave, she would not feel guilty about abusing his hospitality. To these ends she was placed in charge of the Ixian Knights Medical Facilities, yet uncreated. With the work of twelve other members of the knights, they have managed to make an infirmary capable of handling at least a hundred people at one time.

However, with this, Aislinn slowly began to grow attachments to the Ixian Knights, and learned that she needn't have been so distant from her relatives. With the help of the enigmatic immortal Jensen Ambrose, she has begun to warm up to the idea of staying in the Ixian Knights, if only to help them better. She has grown fond of, and attached to her hospital claiming it as her own little world apart from the chaos that seems to reign in the tunnels of the Orlouge Tomb.

Level 3 Update

Aislinn has grown tremendously from the isolated frigid bitch she began as. Much more tolerant of the random people she is forced to interact with on a daily basis the Witch. Having earned the moniker of Scarlet Witch, she has stepped down as the head of the Ixian Knights Medical staff in name, giving it over to her surrogate Father. She still offers her skills to the medical ward and despite her best efforts many still see her as the leader of the Ixian Knights medical team.

Level 4 Update

Lady Orlouge has seen trying times before her. With the dissolution of the Ixian Knights she remains with her surrogate father Pierce Hawkeye.However, the secludion seems to have come to an end. Taka, General of the Ixian Knights has disappeared, leaving the Mercenary Company adrift without its leader since its inception. Seeing a sign of troubles ahead, Aislinn has already worked to mobilizing what few Ixian resources she knows remains. Taka knew how to reawaken the knights however, without him she has had to stick with the mercenaries he once roamed with and her husband Adolph Gretzel.

Taka had left with the rogue spirit Amari, also known as Scarlet or Red, Right Hand of the Crimson Assassin, Licensith Ulroke, sworn enemy of the Ixian Knights. The hunt for the lost General begins, as the Ixians have been dormant, for far too long.

Felicity being a familiar cannot enter any fight without consent of the opponent.


Name: Felicity Orlouge
Age: 27
Race: Cat Mystic
Height: 1'
Weight: 12 stones (lbs.)

Appearance: Felicity was once a raven haired girl, her hair darker than standard shades of black. In her feline form not much has changed, making her one of the darkest cats yet. Atop this, the cat seems well kept for, even if her younger sister is not.

Personality: Felicity is actually quite friendly as far as cats go. Her child likened natured having not diminished in the slightest since the incident. While happy to be about her sister, she frets constantly over the girl and wishes that Aislinn would give up her crazed obsession with the Shadow Trials. She has largely given up on ever being humanoid again, and has taken to enjoying her life as a cat.


While Felicity is a feline she still retains some of her mystical powers, thanks to Aislinn slowly yet surely eroding the barriers between her and them.

Stealth – Active Skill - Felicity being a small feline cat has the ability like most cats to move about silently should she wish to. Her natural coloring allows her to hide in shadows as well. This makes finding her difficult unless one knows what signs to look for.

Telepathy – Psionic Power - Felicity is a telepath capable of reading thoughts and sending them. Because of this, Felicity is always in contact with Aislinn, who is often the target of her communication.

Human not Beast – Witchcraft - Felicity was once a Mystic, and so her mental dexterity has not lessened in the slightest. With each passing day she retains her mental traits, often employing them in cunning ways as any cat would. While she has the tendencies of a cat, she is still quite human in action if she chooses to be.

Share Spells – Witchcraft - Felicity is capable of now using any of Aislinn's powers, though the bond between them requires that Felicity be in close proximity to the Mystic. Unless that power specifically says Felicity cannot manifest this skill, it is fair game for Felicity to use, though it does require line of sight between Felicity and Aislinn. If Felicity ever loses sight of Aislinn (even seeing the girl's hand would suffice) she cannot manifest nor maintain any witchcraft she draws from their link. However, by the same token, this ability is taxing and despite the normal restrictions on the witchcraft for Aislinn, Felicity can only draw from Aislinn's power three times a day.

Creators note: Please note that as Felicity is drawing from Aislinn's power anything Felicity does counts against Aislinn's powers. For instance if Felicity heals someone, Aislinn will be unable to do so later unless a day has gone by. The intent behind share spells is not to create a new platform to hit people with Witchcraft again and again, but to give Aislinn another vector to use her witchcraft from.

07-26-2017, 03:12 PM
Approved - direct transfer.