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12-14-2017, 05:05 PM
(correct fucking account this damn time.)
I lay in the soft bed behind Camille, one hand draped across her hip and gently massaging it. This woman was nearly insatiable, and I loved it. I'd have to be careful not to get addicted and just stay in bed with her all of the time. As much as I might thoroughly enjoy that - well. I felt a stirring between my legs again as she seemed to know what I was thinking about, and she rolled her warm ass back against me. I growled into her ear and dug my fingers into her hip.

“If you keep that up sweetheart we are never going to leave the bed.” I nibbled on her earlobe before slowly trying to peel myself away. Damn, but she was soft, warm and inviting. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and sat up, then craned my head over my shoulder to watch her. It was like watching a moving sculpture - her form was incredible, even just lounging in bed in the afterglow. I moved back, resting my back against the wall and stretching my legs out beside her, watching as she pressed against me ever so slightly with her back.

“So, sweetheart. As enjoyable as it is to make you scream my name - is there anything else you'd like to do? A hunt for something else perhaps? The food here is rather, well. Unsatisfying.” I didn't really need to eat, truth be told, but that didn't mean I didn't enjoy the flavors. The food being served by this place was sadly a bit bland - I hoped she agreed with that.

Or not. If she kept rolling those beautiful hips I was going to just slide back inside of her soon. To distract myself I started combing my fingers through her hair. A hum of approval came from her, I wasn’t sure if she was agreeing with me or simply enjoying my fingers in her hair.

I chuckled and tugged her hair gently, drawing her head back so I could see her face. “I need you to use words, sweetheart. Or have we done enough that your brain is a melted puddle of goo for the moment?” I grinned and shook my head.

She scoffed, her beautiful face twisting into a pout. “Don’t be overly cocky my love, I may just have to punish you.” Her hand had snaked around my shaft without me noticing her movements. I groaned in appreciation, and let out a soft laugh.

“What was it you said sweetheart? Don't threaten me with a good time, right?” I leaned forward and kissed those full lips for a moment, before straightening up again. I left my fingers tangled in her hair, gently massaging her scalp. Her hand slowly rubbed up and down my length and I let out another groan as she slowly teased me.

“RI-right. So, a hunt, or.. Continuing what you're starting with your hand there?” I couldn't keep the growl of pleasure from my words as she rubbed her thumb against my tip.

12-14-2017, 05:06 PM
I hummed with approval again for a second time. The sex with him was beyond sensational, it drove me up the wall or well against it. “As much as I would love to worship your body over and over again, I need food.”

I rolled to the other side of the goose feathered bed, stretching and groaning at how stiff my body was. I heard him groan behind me, a hungry low tone of appreciation. A small giggle parted my lips as I pushed myself off the bed, my arms stretched over my head. I turned slowly taking in the beautiful view in front of me. “Mmm I could stare at this stunning sight all day if I could,” I licked my lips as the hunger that had been sedated started to stir again.

Erik had stood up and his broad back was to me as he bent over, picking up his pants. When I spoke he slowly turned his head to look in my direction - then with a grin he flexed his arms, making the muscles on his back shift and quiver, the scars upon them rolling back and forth on his skin. “I like that look in your eyes sweetheart, but as much as I love your mouth on me, we need actual food.” He languidly turned around and leaned against the wall, and started to pull his pants on. I could see that even now he was hard, aching for me.

I tsked slightly at the dull ache that started in between my legs. I quickly turned and made my way to the dresser. I grabbed my clothing quickly pulling them onto to shield my form from is hungry eyes. “Any idea what we are going to go hunting for? I have some contacts that can inform us on what creatures are reeking havoc.” He hummed and pulled on his tunic, his face twisted thoughtfully.

“I'm fine so long as the beast’s flesh is not outright toxic. So - let us find out if your contacts know of anything the needs slaying.” He moved around the bed and took me in his arms, pulling me against his chest. “Then once we’ve had that fun, we’ll be full and ready to share our hunger for each other.” He growled into my ear as he squeezed me, one hand dropping down to massage my ass before he stepped back and away.

I frowned slightly at his absence though he was only a few feet from me. “My contacts always pan out,” I winked at him before making my way towards the door. “Do you like the view,” I tossed back at him, and he laughed, a booming sound.

“Best I've seen in many long years sweetheart.”

The sound of laughter left my lips as I walked out of the room with him in tow.

12-14-2017, 05:08 PM
Sweet Flame, I loved to watch her walk, her hips rolling in front of me from side to side. She shot a grin over her shoulder and me and slapped her ass, and I bit my lip hard to stifle the groan that tried to escape me. He had only just left the bedroom, and if I gave in to the temptation to drag her back in there we would never leave.

So instead I walked closer, cupping her ass with my hand as we went downstairs and outside. She definitely seemed to approve, as she slowed down to give me an easier time of staying in contact with her jean-covered ass. I repaid her by gently squeezing and massaging her, only stopping when we were out in the streets. There, I wrapped my arm around her waist and held her close for a moment. “Lead the way sweetheart. I'll enjoy the view from behind.” I murmured into her ear, kissing the lobe before stepping back and watching as she shot me a smirk and strode ahead.

Oh yes, this little vixen was adding an extra sway to her hips as she walked. I followed after her as we made our ways through the town streets, heading towards her contacts, wherever they were. She seemed to know exactly where she was going, so I kept pace with her, staying close to her as we moved.

This place was ludicrous to me. There were so many people around that following her required me to be almost pressed against her at some points - though whenever this happened she molded herself against me, pressing her body against mine. Even through our clothes I could feel the heat of her body, and I had to force myself not to drag her into an alley to take her. Her attire was not a dress or a skirt- taking her hard and fast would require a bit more effort than if she'd been in more accessible clothes.

Not that I could really complain. I thoroughly enjoyed watching how these clothes hugged her form. And taking them off was just as fun - it was like unwrapping a wonderful little treat as I peeled them from her.

I had to take a deep breath as she stopped in a crowd, and I pressed up against her. My thoughts had gotten me hard again, and I knew she could feel that through our clothes. She gave me a slow, languid smile and ground against me as we waited for carriages to clear the street so we could move on.

Just before we moved across the street I felt her hand cup in between my legs. A small sound of laughter left her lips as she quickly walked across the street. Oh this little - I grinned and followed after her. Turnabout was fair play I suppose, but I hadn't expected her to be so brazen in public. I couldn't say I didn't enjoy it though - her fingers had felt good even through clothes. And I certainly didn't care what these people thought of the two of us - I knew none of them, and I had very little concern for their sense of propriety.

We made it to the building her contacts were in, and I pressed against her as I wrapped my arms around her waist. “Well then sweetheart. Let’s see what prey your contacts can scrounge up for us, shall we?” I murmured into her ear, grinning as my eyes flicked around.

12-14-2017, 05:10 PM
The building was dingy but once you entered the appearance didn’t match the smell. I hate this place, Nikita whined softly. I had to agree, each time I came to this place it always smelled the same. Overly sterilized, with a hint of a copper smell. Turning I looked at Erik briefly, “listen Jupiter is a bit odd so no sudden movements. He gets very skittish, especially with new people.” Erik squeezed my hand and stepped back, nodding slowly.

“I think I can handle that.” His voice was soft, steady.

“Okay good,” I took my hand and wrapped it around his and guided him through the maze. The rooms were small and connected by a series of doors, some actual wood others just cheap fabric curtains. After the fifth room I stopped abruptly, Erik almost running into the back of me. “Shh,” I tilted my head back slightly inhaling the air.

“Jupiter come out, it’s just me.” I sighed with frustration.

“You aren’t alone,” cried out a mumbled response.

“He is with me Jupiter, he means no harm,” at first the silence was deafening but then the sound of scurrying behind them, a round, stout man in front of him. He shared many features of a mole and a man, his giant overbite, sharp pointed nose. His movements were jittery as he eyed Erik up and down. “Jupiter, I need to know some information on any creatures that have been causing trouble around here. I plan to go hunting, we plan to go hunting. This is Erik.” I slowly gestured towards the man behind me.

Erik was staring his head tilted to one idea. When I gestured to him he blinked and nodded his once, softly. “The Rat King’s Kin live here, too? Seems this place is not so different from home after all.” His voice was soft, as if he didn't really know he was talking. He cleared his throat. “Indeed Goodman Jupiter. I intend no harm to you.”

Jupiter stuck his nose towards the foreigner and sniffed slightly before I swatted him away. “Listen, I need information, lets go.” I snapped my fingers in front of him to get his attention. He squeaked slightly and scurried to another room shuffling through stuff. He mumbled as he went, “sand serpents, harpies, no no something bigger, gnomes.” He chuckled to himself in amusement with his own mad mutterings.

“Ah hah, what about this,” he stumbled back into the room thrusting a scroll towards me. I unrolled the scroll and looked back at him confused. “Skin snatchers? Are you serious?” The mole-man was practically beaming with happiness at what he had managed to find. Erik coughed and leaned over me, his eyes scanning the page.

“What are these beasts? I'm not familiar with them.” His voice was a soft murmur in my ear - there was a guarded edge to his tone. Hard eyes flicked to Jupiter. “The Kin isn't intending to send us to our deaths, is it?”

“Jupiter is harmless, skin snatchers are something that I thought extinct. They are like demons they prey on humans and consume their flesh and can take the form of their prey. They were really bad a couple years ago but I thought they had been hunted down and extinguished.” I grinned at Jupiter and held out my hand.

“Deal’s a deal, give me the scissors.” I sighed softly. Erik hummed in thought.

“My Lightning is divine in origin, at least from my world. This will be a chance to see if that holds true here - but, deal?” He tilted his head to the side, watching.

“I get a lock of her hair each time I give her good information,” the round man was bouncing with excitement as he passed me the shears.

“If I find out that you try and cloan me again I will gut you like a fish,” I growled with annoyance.

“I can’t help it, you are unique and a dying breed.” Jupiter chittered, undeterred.

“Little Rat-kin. You know what she'll do to you. You've no idea what I will do, and I have had centuries to learn. Be on good behavior, and we will have no issues.” Erik’s voice was low growl. “Do something she dislikes, and I will experiment to see what your body can withstand. And I can heal you to keep going.”

The mole squealed like a small pig, I quickly cut a small piece of my honey brown locks and handed it to him as he hurried away.

“What, exactly, is ‘cloning?’” Erik looked to me with a frown after Jupiter was gone.

“He tries to take my hair and replicate the strands of DNA, he says that I am special yet can never prove it.” I shrugged sighing softly, “shall we go?”

“Hmm. So he wishes to make a copy? Strange little man. One of you is grand, I don't know if the world could handle two. Let us go.” He grinned and headed back out of the building.

12-14-2017, 05:16 PM
She lead me out of the city and we both began stretching as we left the cramped confines of the streets with their crush of people. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, tension leaking from my shoulders as I breathed deep. A frown filtered across my face.

“I’d not realized how much people stink.” I spat, clearing some of that taste from my mouth. I looked to her, raising an eyebrow. “So sweetheart. Which way are these beasts to be found? And are they toxic?” My stomach let out a low rumble, and I slapped it with one hand. “Quiet, you.”

“They have an odd taste, they taste as if you are eating many different meats at all at one,” she giggled slightly. “They are dangerous though, so we will have to be very careful.”

“Hmm. Well then, our guard shall be high.” I wondered. If these things borrowed the skin of their victims - just what would happen if they tried taking mine? My body dissolved upon death, returning to where I had last rested - leaving nothing behind for them to assume.

“If worst passes and I fall - head back to your room. I should meet you there.” My words were soft as we continued on, and I glanced at her from the corner of my eye. Her body stiffened and her footing stumbled as she looked at me.

“Don’t say that, I won’t let you fall even if you can come back to life.” I paused, and took her shoulder in a gentle, firm grasp.

“Sweetheart. Life and death are two sides of a coin for me, and I walk them both with ease. Of the two of us, I am, how would I say, ‘expendable’. You are not - your life is precious, to me, far more than my own.” I squeezed her and gave a grin. “But this would be the worst case situation - I fully intend not to fall to some annoying lesser demons.” I kissed her forehead, then pulled my head back.

“So. They were hunted down and nearly wiped out completely. So, normal weapons are effective against them? And that paper he gave, did it say how any of the beasts there were?” I spoke quickly, trying to distract her from thinking about it. I knew that my attitude toward death was heavily skewed from what the people of this world would be used to, and I don't want to upset Camille by hounding in the point for too long.

12-14-2017, 05:18 PM
I pondered over what he has said, how the veil of life and death was but a walkway with him. It still weighed heavily on my heart to think of him passing through the shadows of death. He seemed to notice that my mood dropped and pressed on with another topic which I was grateful for.

“They can be killed by common weaponry but they are tricky little things. They kind of have layers of flesh that you have to carve through. Don’t let them bite you either they have this venom that paralyzes their victims, I have seen it first hand and the stuff works quickly.” He squeezed my shoulder again, trying to comfort me.

“So. Hack them apart, and avoid their bites. Nasty little bastards aren't they.” His hand dropped to his belt and he rubbed the strange bell-covered cross in his belt. “And fry them with lightning.”

I scanned the paper, a frown of disappointment as it didn’t mention how many or their exact location. “They travel in a hoard for the most part but here it doesn’t say exactly where or how many there are.” I growled in frustration.

“Seems like we need to have a talk with the Ratkin later about gathering enough of the pertinent details.” Erik’s eyes scanned the trees around us as we walked. He seemed on guard over something.

“What has you on edge, Erik?” I could see it in his body that he was tense and his eyes kept darting for the tree line. He paused, his eyes narrowing into the dark shadows between the trees that cross thing came off its hooks on his belt.

“I think we’re being watched.” He was tense but steady as he studied the trees. “Do you hear anything, sweetheart?”

I paused for a moment, my eyes closed as I listened closely. At first it was nothing, the wind rustled up some leaves, a deer grazing somewhere in the distance. Right as I was about to say something I heard it. It was barely there, but the crunching of a twig reached my ears. “There,” I pointed to our left.

“They’ve been moving only when we did. I almost missed them.” His voice was very soft as he shifted, planting his feet. “I've seen those who stalk their targets like them before though - and these things are out of place in the forest. And they emanate death.” Metal chimed as he shook his bell working out kinks in his shoulders.
“How do we draw them out? Any ideas?”

“I have one,” I took the dagger that was holstered against my upper thigh, then drew it across the palm of my hand. I squeezed my hand tightly letting a few drops of blood hit the ground. “They are hunters, the smell of fresh blood should bring them out of hiding.”

12-14-2017, 06:18 PM
Hmmm. It seemed that she was right. As her scarlet blood dripped down to the earth, the noise in the trees grew. I saw shapes emerge, cautiously at first. I began chanting, soft prayers to the Nameless King, and golden-yellow light began gathering around my chime. I watched, waiting -

I had thought the trolls were damn ugly. These things - oh they were worse. They looked almost like fat little gremlins, with rotting meat strapped to their bodies. Gleaming fangs flashed as their distorted noses twitched, fastened onto the ground and my lover’s hand. Not a Flame-damned chance you disgusting fuckers. The golden light began to coalesce, into a crackling spear, clasped in my hand. “I'll take the ugly shit in the front.” I reared back - and hurled.

The javelin of golden-yellow light crackled, burnt, scorched and sang as it hurtled through the air. There was actinic crackling, a sharp tang in the air - and with a crash of light thunder, the bolt hit the creature in the lead. It let out a terrible screech as the lightning slammed into it, and it fell backwards, hitting the ground and rolling as its body shook violently. Well. I blinked as the creatures around it paused, staring at their pack mate, then slowly turned to look at me with a strange anger and fear in their eyes.

“Divinity still works against the damned, then.” I dropped my chime back to my belt, and drew my blade. Time to see what these things were like. Fast, annoying, heavy hitting - or were they more like spiders, relying on quick movements and their venom? I glanced to Camille, who was grinning in hungry anticipation. I grinned at her, and rushed towards the four that were still remaining, bowling into them with a heavy smash to one's head with my shield.

One jumped on my back, trying to drag me down as it bit feebly at the back of my armor and robes. I threw myself to the ground and rolled, as the three others ran for my Lycan companion. Flame, I hoped she would be alright - without armor, she would be at more of a disadvantage than I was. I'd have to kill my targets fast so I could help her if she needed it.

The thing on the ground tried to get up, but I sliced along its length, hewing a strip of rotten flesh from its form. Fat little bastard, how many people have you slain to have this much meat on you? I drove my blade in at an angle, piercing its side; as the second one jumped back on me, slamming into my shield. It struggled and squirmed, and finally with a heave it ripped my shield from its straps on my arm. I let it take the shield, and buried my foot in the bastard’s gut, hurling it away from me.

“Come then, little demon!” I left my sword buried in the other of the skin snatcher, pinning it to the ground, and chased after the fucker with my shield. It didn't know what to do with it and was chewing on the edge - at least until I caught it, slamming into it with a tackle. I ripped my chime from my belt and slammed it into the demon’s stomach and prayed, calling lightning to my side. Or, to its stomach. Electric gold burst into its body, crackling and ripping through it with coruscating light.

I looked back towards Camille, chime clenched in my hand in case she needed my help.

12-14-2017, 07:48 PM
I ground my feet into the ground, I had forgotten how disgusting these things were. As I had recalled they traveled in a clumsy pack, some still fighting over the rotten flesh of their latest kill. They grunted and sniffed the air, a few noticed the two standing there.

A small giggle left my lips as Erik took charge, calling out which he wanted. I shook my head but let him take the lead. He jumped into action and at first I had nothing to do but admire him, watching him fight was like watching an artist paint.

My attention was drew back to the war that waged at hand, I wrapped a piece of my clothing around my palm before I tossed the dagger back and forth. The weight of it was easily held as I waited for them to come to me. There couldn’t be more than five or six but the way they moved was almost hypnotizing.

Don’t look at them Cammy, don’t stare at them for too long that is how they suck you in. Nikita warned me. I shook my head trying to move my eyes away from their fixation. “Right.” I murmured to myself. They must have noticed their trickery was no longer working on because a few of them charged me.

I clicked my boots together and another blade extended out. It was barely six inches but enough to do some damage. I let it drive into the nearest skin snatcher it met right into the middle of it’s chest. An animalistic noise gurgled from its smashed face, it stumbled before trying to charge back towards me but it stopped and fell to the ground.

Lucky shot must have gotten the little fucker right in the heart. Nikita purred with approval.

The other two circled around me and my own inner beast hated the feeling of being lower on the food chain. “Listen you ugly bastards I am going to rip you apart.” My voice took a venomous growl to it. I reached for another and ripped it’s arm clean off, the opposite leg followed.

The growling wasn’t coming from the skin snatcher now, it was coming from me. I was morphing into my halfling self, the only state where Nikita and I both were of one. I continued to rip the beast, limb from limb. Snarling as limbs flew this way and that way, my teeth elongated to fangs as I ripped at it.

The other beast tried to take me as surprise as I snatched him up quickly. “I will kill you fuckers all,” I snarled My fangs dug into its flesh like warm butter on a hot day. The warm blood spilled down my neck as I moaned with absolute blood lust. By the end I probably looked like something out of a horror book, my chest rising and falling as I held a severed head in one hand.

12-14-2017, 08:31 PM
Well, she looked like some kind of victorious divinity, drenched in the blood of her victims. Bodied littered the ground around her and blood from her final kill stained her muzzle and dripped down her chest. I looked around - the only thing left alive was the creature I had pinned to the ground earlier, still writhing about like a butterfly on a board with my sword planted in its side and into the earth. I strode over to it and stomped down, pulping its head beneath my boot. I wiped the remains off as I moved over to my lover, who was watching me carefully as I approached her.

I circled her slowly, my eyes trailing up and down her body. Her hands had elongated, with hefty black claws in place of her manicured nails, and as I had noticed already her mouth had become a wolf’s muzzle. Wide, wide eyes stared at me unflinchingly as I set my sword back into its sheath. One hand came out to gently stroke along the soft, light covering of white fur that had been stained red with blood. “Well. Still lovely, sweetheart, just a bit more feral. Can't say I dislike it.” I grinned at her before looking around the clearing. There were none left, corpses the only thing remaining.

“Well then. I take it you know how to prepare these things? I think there's certainly enough here to satisfy our hunger.” I looked to my now more feral lover, who was staring at me intently. Her chest rose and fell slightly faster, her body was tense as she turned away from me. I heard some cracking and groaning, I believe it was her bones morphing back to their rightful place.

“Yes,” she gasped softly turning back around. “I do know how to prepare them.” I smiled at her and began moving around, dragging the bodies into one place, stacking them up a bit like cordwood. She'd taken one and begin cutting it apart with her dagger, carving it like one might a side of beef. As Camille sliced away strips of meat, I began preparing a fire, gathering together actual wood and kindling together to light. I coughed a bit as the smoke from the fire started drifting upwards - damn, wet wood.

“The fire is ready when you are, love.” I called over my shoulder to her. She brought over some of the meat, and I took it, skewering the chunks on long sticks. I planted one end into the ground, letting the meat cook, and pulled her down to sit next to me, and wrapped my arm around her and held her against my side.

“A nice little scrap. Now I know my divine magic still has something of an effect on demons of this world.” I murmured as the fire crackled and popped in front of us. “Were you injured beyond your hand, sweetheart?” I turned to study her with one eye, checking to make sure she hadn't been bitten.

“No, no I am fine. I promise,” she smiled at my tenderness for her. I kissed her forehead and nodded in relief. If she'd been injured I would have been rather upset with myself. At least I could heal.

“Ah, let me look at your hand, see if I should heal you.” I took her wrist in one hand and unwrapped the cloth she had wound around her palm. There was some blood clotting up in her hand, and I brushed it away gently so I could see the injury. It was a mild cut, just enough to draw her blood, but I still didn't like her hurt. I pressed my hand against my chime and began chanting, a prayer for a soft benediction of aide for her. Warm light flowed around us for a moment, and when it faded away her skin had returned to its unmarred state.

I brought her palm up to my lips and kissed it, before smiling at her. “Food should be ready soon.” I reached out and rotated the meat, making sure it cooked at least somewhat evenly. I pulled one away and bit into the meat - it was still a bit bloody. I offered it to her with a raised eyebrow as I let the others cook longer.

“Cooked enough for you love, or too much?” I tilted my head to the side and watched her.

12-14-2017, 11:19 PM
I looked at the meat, there was nothing worse than over cooked meat, chewing on it like an old leather boot. I bit into the meet he offered me, the juices exploded in my mouth causing me to moan softly. “Mmm, it’s perfect,” I popped each finger into my mouth sucking off the leftover juices.

“Let’s eat,” I offered him a smile.

At first we just ate in silence which I didn’t really mind all that much as I was used to it. I watched as the flames lapped at the wood, blistering the bark until it cracked under the heat. At the base of the flame it was white, melting into a red or an orange. Even the embers danced giving a beautiful light show.

“Penny for your thoughts,” I asked softly. He slowly turned his head to me, one eyebrow raised in confusion. Then he blinked, and seemed to think about it.

I noticed the intent look on his face as he chewed. I wondered if he had ever been haunted by the death of his paths. I felt a pull towards him. Not just sexual though I do enjoy his body it was more like a kindred spirit type of way. I knew I cared for him deeply already which is something I didn’t think I could do any more, not after Gnarl any way.

He made me feel alive when in many ways I was sure my soul to be dead.

“I was… Thinking of how alive this world is.” His voice was soft as he stared at the fire. He reached out and laced the fingers of one hand with mine, and shifted his gaze to them for a moment. “My world was - trapped, locked in an endless cycle. Most people never knew, but I - I was in a rather unique position, and tried to fight it. Hence, my curse to bear the scars. And I only ever got to see the end of a cycle - when the world was dead, decaying, in desperate need of rebirth. The people there - nothing like this, like us, would have ever happened. No, because everyone was locked into struggling for survival. Romance? A dream of a better time.” His fingers tightened against mine.

“I thought being cast out from my world was the worst thing to happen, because then no one would ever know to break the false cycle. But.. They were happy. And now - now I am too. It's strange.” He returned his gaze to the fire, not letting go of my hand. “I didn't think I would ever be in a place where I could say that.”

My heart swelled, did he mean that since meeting me he was happy, maybe my ego was just getting in the way. Obviously we cared for each other in some odd strange way. Was it that we were both so simply broken and lonely that we cling to one another? You are acting like a love sick school girl. Nikita scoffed. She didn’t need to feel loved or wanted not after her heart had been broken in so many different ways.

“Do you think in another world if we found each other and were just normal humans that we would be like we are now?” I looked down at our hands intertwined and then to his face. He blinked, and seemed to be considering it before he shrugged slightly, a thoughtful expression on his face as he looked at me.

“I would hope so.” He gave my fingers a squeeze before continuing. “I quite enjoy spending time with you, and you don't mind if I get bit - well, vicious.” I couldn’t help but laugh a little, I believe I was the more vicious one.

“I find it odd that there is this sensation or pull towards you, I don’t just enjoy being around you I love it. It is scary for me because of how long I have been alone. With you though your touch brings parts of me to life that have been dead for many years.” I rolled my eyes at how silly I was sounding, I was acting like a schoolgirl with a crush.

He laughed, that deep booming laugh again, and shook his head. “I had a wife, once. Centuries ago. But - it's been centuries. I've lost track of how many. I've seen women in the mean time, but I haven't felt any kind of attraction to any of them. Quite honestly, until you decided to make a move, I didn't even know those physical parts still worked. And I'm still trying to figure out what's going on in here.” He tapped his chest with his free hand. “But what I do know, is that I'd much rather have you by my side than away from it, sweetheart.”

A smile danced across my lips as I leaned against him, my head resting on his broad shoulder. “Look at us, one of the most dangerous partnerships I know of, and here we are, reduced down to talking about our feelings.” A small giggle left my still smiling lips.

12-15-2017, 01:27 PM
I tilted my head and looked down at her, and raised an eyebrow. A slow, languid blink, and I shrugged my shoulder making her head rise and fall. “Does that not just make us the more terrifying? Here we are, sitting by a pile of corpses of our foes, our stomachs filled with their flesh, and we have such little concern for them that we know we have the safety to discuss important matters.” I let go of her hand and coiled my arm around her shoulders.

“Besides, sweetheart, there is no shame in having emotions, or sharing them. Especially not with one who cares for you. Emotions have driven men to challenge the gods - knowing and accepting them is a source of strength, not one of weakness.” I kissed the top of her head, and rested my chin there for a moment.

“And discussing our emotions, our feelings. That just makes sure we are both on the same page as to where our - relationship, will be going. I for one, cherish time with you, and greatly hope that this will not be a - what was the term I heard someone use in town…” I frowned and drummed the fingers of my empty hand against my legs for a moment. “I do not want this to be a ‘one nightstand’ though I'm not sure what furniture has to do with romantic entanglements.” It didn't make sense to me, but the men I had heard talking had clearly been using it to refer to spending only a short time with a woman. Bizarre phrasing. “And I hope you don't either.”

Her laughter sounded like a small innocent child as she shook her head, and it puzzled me for a moment. “It’s just an expression that people use, but I feel the same. I want to see where this is going to go.” She brought our entwined hands close to her lips as she kissed each of my knuckles.

It was strange though, how much I enjoyed spending time with her. I thought I had seen everything, and that this world just had what I was used to, maybe dressed up in new outfits but still the same drudgery and creatures that I knew of old. That belief had been shoved to the side by the woman beside me, my tired, worn Soul revitalized by new and someone who actually cared . I couldn't remember the last time either had happened, and for them to be one and the same - well. I don’t think I would ever get enough of being near her, she sparked my curiosity in the world again, and I wanted to see what it was like with her by my side.

“Huh. Well, I am well aware expressions can be odd. Not sure why they chose furniture still, but alright.” I chuckled and shook my head. “And it seems we’re in agreement then. I certainly don't want this to end any time soon. You're stuck with me a while longer it seems, Camille.” Her name felt like sweet honey on my lips, and I couldn't stop the smile that tweaked my mouth. I shifted, and pulled her into my lap, one arm coiled around her stomach and the other holding her hand.

“Not that either of us really considers that much of an imposition.” She felt warm and alive in my hold, and damn good. Something like this would never have happened if I had stayed in my old world - there the only warmth I ever experienced was from the Flame itself. The comfort of another person had been denied me for so long, it was almost miraculous to me how right it felt to hold her. She laughed and squirmed on my lap, adjusting herself a bit as we faced the dying fire.

For a moment the two of us were quiet, content to just enjoy each other’s presence. I'd spend countless years alone with only my precious mount as a companion, so sitting here and holding her was almost novel. I savored it, before tilting my head to murmur in her ear.

“What was it you said earlier? A penny for your thoughts? What's on your mind dear?”

12-15-2017, 01:31 PM
I looked at him for a moment, I blinked a few times. My mind ran many places, always a million thoughts and trying to sort them out was grasping at straws. I chewed on my lower lip trying to put words to my chaos of a brain.

“When I was little I always thought being in love would be great. Then it happened and as soon as it was in my grasp, pulling at my heartstrings it all came crashing down. This, whatever this is, it scares me but also excites me to no end.” I sighed hoping that it made sense to him. For a moment he was quiet and still, then he tightened his hold on me.

“Love is a scary thing, I remember. It doesn't always make sense, and it can be a confusing mess that leaves you jumbled up. But I can promise you this, dear Camille, I'm not going anywhere unless you want me to. Literally, not even death can stop that.” He kissed my head again, and his hand tightened around my fingers.

I don’t know how he did it but he always made the awkward more bearable, the unknown less scary and taking a risk well worth it. I sighed, “you my love, you are something very special.” I played with his hand, drawing small circular patterns. He let out a soft laugh.

“As far as I know, I'm literally one of a kind here.” His hand twitched and flexed as I drew shapes on it.

I couldn’t help but laugh a little, “you sometimes make the simplest statements sound like you are being cocky.” I knew what he meant but they way he delivered his statement was so innocent. I looked around, we had made such a mess, we were going to have clean this up. I pushed myself reluctantly off his lap.

“We need to clean this mess up, it’s already starting to stink.” Erik groaned when I was standing up, but he soon joined me on his own feet. He stretched out his shoulders and looked at the pile of bodies, then nodded.

“Delicious, but foul smelling little blighters. Do we toss them out into the woods? Bury them? Burn the whole lot?” There was an odd note in his voice at the last suggestion.

“Tossing them into the woods would be best, the scavengers can pick them apart later. I need to bathe after this,” I scrunched my face picking up some body parts and tossing them into the tree line.

We picked things up in silence, it was almost relaxing. At some point, Erik began to amuse himself by hurling the body parts further and further, and I could see his muscles tense as he flung them far and wide.

I tossed my head back and laughed, only he would find it amusing to play with dead body parts. I shook my head and watched him. Each piece flew farther and farther, soon there was only two pieces left one in my hand the other in his.

“Wanna make a bet?” I arched my eyebrow with a smirk on my lips. He slowly tilted his head to the side, a curious expression on his face.

“What would be the terms?” He bounced the limb in his hand up and down a few times as he waited for me to explain. “If I can toss this farther than you can, you have to buy me drinks, if I lose I will buy you drinks.” I held out my hand to seal the deal. His grin stretched his lips wide as he clasped my hand - then pulled me in for a kiss. He drew back, smirking wider.

“Deal. You first, or me?”

“They do say ladies first,” I grinned.

12-15-2017, 01:41 PM
I smiled and stepped back, giving my lover a clear shot. I had been having fun throwing these little rotters into the woods - I had no problem at all laying a few drinks on the line over it. Especially as I'd already intended to buy us something to drink tonight anyway - but now, now there was a wager, and I intended to win. Just letting her win would be dishonest and an insult to her - so I watched as she prepared.

She was smooth, moving in swift flowing motions as she twisted around, and hurled the body part in her hands into the trees. It went a rather fair distance - hmm, perhaps her nature afforded her extra strength? Might be something to experiment with later. But. But, I knew I could throw further. So I stepped up beside her, and squeezed her ass with my empty hand, grinning at her.

“My turn, sweetheart.” She smirked - but didn't step back, instead remaining close as I stretched out my arm. That was fine, I could throw from an immobile stance. I reared my arm back - and felt a hand slip inside of my pants and squeeze. I let out a choked gasp and threw, hurling the arm straight out like a javelin.

It flew forward, and even with her diabolically wonderful interference I thought I had won. Until the arm hit a tree and fell. I slowly looked to her, raising my eyebrow. She gave me a squeeze and withdrew her hand with a smirk on those full lips. “Yes, love?” Oh, she was a vixen through and through wasn't she.

“Well. It seems I owe someone drinks, don't I?” I folded my arms over my chest and stared at her. She gave me an innocent look and shrugged.

“I didn’t say I would play fair.” I laughed and shook my head, then kicked dirt over the fire, snuffing out the last few embers. Then with another chuckle, I started heading back towards the town, heading towards the bar that I had seen while walking through the city.

As we walked, I shot her a look from the corner of my eye. “You do know dear, that if you end up getting me going I'm going to want you to take care of the problem?” My voice was warm and teasing as I grinned at her.

She laughed giving me a daring look, “I don’t do well with authority, lover.” She winked again playfully. I reached out and pulled her to me, pressing her flush against me as I leaned in and kissed her. I tilted my head back.

“But would you leave me to suffer, knowing only your touch can fix it?” I grinned and pinched her ass before pulling back and walking on, tossing her a smirk over my shoulder.

“Ah but that is what is so fun about all of this; you, are my serenity, and I, your salvation.” I laughed and shook my head, pressing on into the city as she grinned and slipped her hand into mine.

The bar was dark and smokey, and I had to suppress the urge to sneeze as we walked in. I pushed through the small throng of people, using my bulk to shove them aside, and to guard Camille from flying elbows. It seemed most of the people here were already deep in their drink. There was one table that was empty, and I quickly claimed it for us, setting my stuff on it to make sure that no one else moved in. Camille took one seat and moved some of my stuff to the other, as I pushed up to the barman and got us two mugs of…I honestly wasn't sure. It wasn't Siegbrau, I knew that much.

I set her mug down in front of her, and took the other seat. I grinned and raised my mug in a salute to her, then started draining my mug.

12-15-2017, 04:26 PM
I sighed inhaling the familiar scent of the tavern. I had spent many of nights here, drowning my sorrows in blackberry brandy and my anger in any type of rum the bar wench had.

I looked into the mug giving it a quick sniff, smelled like ale of some sort. I take a long swig, my face puckered slightly at the bitter taste. “By the Goddess this is bitter.”

Before he could say anything I grabbed his mug and walked back up to the bar. I calmly set down the mugs and waited for the brute that was serving drinks. The barman turned and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Oh Rufus,” I whistled drawing his attention.

“Cammy, I thought you had moved on to a different part of the world. Haven’t seen you in awhile.” I shrugged tapping at the lip of the mug, glancing at it and him.

“What is this horse piss,” my eyebrow arched with my question.

“Matilda ordered it from some new supplier,” he shrugged holding his hands up. “Well it’s disgusting,” I tapped the bar with my knuckles. “Come on you know what I want.” The broad man groaned but didn’t object.

He sat down a bottle and two glasses. “Thanks, you’re a peach,” I called over my shoulder before skimming through the sea of bodies.

“Here, this is way better than that nasty garbage they gave us before.” I sat down in my spot, popping the cork and pouring out an amber colored liquor. Erik lifted the glass and rolled it around, raising an eyebrow.

I took a swig of it, savoring the sweet after notes. I sighed, eyeing my lover. I let my index finger circle the rim of my glass as I waited for him to take a swig. He took a sniff, raised an eyebrow, then swallowed, coughing slightly as he set the glass back down by the bottle.

“By the Flame, what is this?” He looked at me with his eyebrows raised.

I laughed at his reaction, I shook my head before taking another swig. The amber liquid left a warm trail and settled in my belly, warming my entire form. “It’s brandy, I prefer it over ale. Too strong?” He laughed and took the bottle from me, pouring his glass full.

“Not at all! I just hadn't had it before. Not used to it, doesn't mean I don't want more.” He grinned and drained the glass, closing his eyes as he considered the burning in his throat. “Good stuff though sweetheart.”

12-15-2017, 04:40 PM
It wasn't Siegbrau, but it was one of the better drinks I had had since coming to this world. I could feel my cheeks heating up a bit - hmm, so this had a fair amount of alcohol in it too. Good. I poured myself another glass and pushed the bottle back to my lover. She picked it up and took another swig, and I felt my eyebrow raise. I wonder - was her alcohol tolerance higher than mine? I sipped on the alcohol now, letting the sweet burn longer on my tongue this time.

“So, we’ve hunted. Is there anyone we need to alert about those things making an appearance again?” I tilted my head to the side watching her as she played with the bottle’s mouth. She shook her head smiling. “No, Jupiter usually knows when he gives me a target I hit it. He has probably already let the Rangers know.”

I stretched out as she thought, and looked around the barroom. The place was busy, and in this one room alone held more people than I was used to seeing. Usually crowds of bodies meant lots of things trying to kill me - not people relaxing and having fun in a peaceful place. It was…bizarre? I think that was the right word. I shifted in my seat, trying to suppress my agitation.

I felt as if all their eyes were on us. I couldn't blame them in one regard - Camille was attractive to a fault, and she drew their gazes, I felt. If I was less confident I might have been concerned, but she didn't seem to even register the rest of these individuals, much less actually caring that some of them were watching her. I shifted again, and my fingers tightened on my glass.

Was it just me, or were there more people here than there had been before? I hadn't been paying attention to the entrance - my eyes had been on Camille and her rolling figure. Despite myself I felt my shoulders crouch inwards slightly, tensing up as I prepared in case they started attacking. I dealt better with small groups, not this press of people. But, she wanted drinks, so here we were. And I'd put up with more than this if it would make her smile.

“Alright. So, then. Drinks - then?” How did this work these days? “We go find something else to kill? Or is there another plan in mind?” I sipped more of the brandy, watching her. I'd have to look into these Rangers, see if I could use them as a source of information myself. Or - well. I certainly didn't mind hunting with Camille.

“Maybe retire? I do have more things I'd like to ask you, and you've probably got questions about me as well.” Her altered state was intriguing to me. Was she just faster and stronger in that state? Or did it come with other benefits and detriments? I actually had a fair few things I wanted to ask her - but I didn't want to upset her by asking in public, if these were rude topics to discuss. No, I'd wait until we got back to our room.

12-15-2017, 04:46 PM
I grabbed the bottle and my glass, snapped my fingers for one of the bar wenches before tossing a few coins at her. “I need to bathe and you can ask me your questions then,” I offered him a soft smile.

I sighed softly gripping my bottle before tossing him a look over my shoulder. I was nervous, he had questions and what if I gave the wrong answer, or one he didn’t like. My stomach flipped as I grabbed his hands and hurried out the door. I walked in silence and thank the heavens the Inn I was staying in was only a few blocks away.

I didn’t give him a chance to speak as my pace was quick, the clicking of my heels echoed in the alleyways. The pace of my heels matched the beating of my heart. I knew it was only a matter of time before we dug deep, but I didn’t think it so soon. Calm down you over reactive girl, Nikita quipped.

I pushed open the Inn door, my eyes met with the Inn keep as I nodded. I knew she would understand by how I was covered in dried blood. She hurried away calling out for someone to warm so water for the bathing tub.

“We can talk once we get upstairs,” I gave him a nervous smile as I let go of his hand. I dug in my pocket looking for my room key. Quickly and fluidly I made my way up the stairs taking them two at a time. We were met by a short girl, her black pixie cut framed her young face.

“That was quick,” I mused knowing that the Inn Keep was frightened of me.

I pushed open the door and set down the bottle and glass before peeling off the blood soaked clothes. The sound of sticking fabric maybe a shiver run down my spine. I could feel his eyes on me, watching me intently. I enjoyed his attention and it made me feel less tense.

I walked towards the bathing room and smiled seeing that little pixie girl had been hard at work. I lowered myself into the large tub and glanced over my shoulder to see Erik standing in the doorway. He had his shirt off, baring the medley of scars on his flesh, but he'd kept his pants on. He moved into the bathroom and leaned against the wall, a curious expression on his face.

“My first question, I suppose, is, do you want me to join you?” He raised one eyebrow.

I laughed softly nodding my head as I grabbed a loofa and lathered it up with soap. “Of course I do.” He slowly peeled off his pants and tossed them out of the bathroom, then gingerly climbed in, scooting me forward to hold me in his lap as his legs settled into the water. He groaned and I looked back to see his head dropped back slightly.

“The heat feels good.” He defended himself without opening his eyes. One arm wrapped around me as the other took the loofah, and he started gently washing my back. For the moment, he seemed content not to ask anything.

Then he leaned forward and kissed the back of my neck before murmuring into my ear. “If there's anything I ask that you don't want to answer, just tell me. I won't be upset, sweetheart.” He gave me a squeeze and handed back the loofah before sitting back in the tub.

“So, your transformative state. It's one you control freely? Not tied to a cycle, or environment?” His voice was steady, but curious. His eyes watched me without a hint of judgment, just that interest shining in them.

I sighed softly trying to figure out how to put into words the question he wanted answered. “When you are a lycan it is something completely different than a werewolf. At a certain age you ascend it’s painfully for a while but a spirit from a lycan chooses you. You become one so when I shift my lycan spirit takes control. My halfling state is the only time we both have control over the body.” I glanced at him, I knew that it was confusing and at times I was confused at the mechanics of it all still.

“It’s confusing and messy and at times makes me feel crazy when she talks but also comforting.” I shrugged innocently. He blinked, stared at me, tilting his head to one side as his eyes widened.

“You've two Souls? Vying for dominance, or trading it. I - oh dear. Second Soul, I apologize if I'm not to your taste. Is - Hm.” He seemed thrown for a loop. I laughed softly cupping his cheek, “Nikita is someone entirely differently and she is bitter after all we have been through so she doesn’t truly have an opinion that matters on my personal life.”

Thanks for that, Cammy. Nikita growled with frustration. Erik leaned into my touch for a moment before raising an eyebrow.

“So, she doesn't like me then. I'll keep my distance from her in that case.” He chuckled, a bit strained. Then he rubbed his chin with a hand, and caught my hand in his grasp and gave it a squeeze. “So, aside from sharing control with a second Soul, does that form have any hidden benefits or demerits? I've seen you are stronger and faster when changed.”

“I do, I am stronger than a regular person and I heal somewhat faster. I can take hits better than most people. There are downsides though, I am more emotional, unstable at times. I can sometimes be animalistic. Being a lycan is a blessing and a curse, I had a soulmate, literally, a soulmate. Nikita, she is the lycan spirit and imprinted on a man once. I fell in love with him hard and when he broke both of us not once but twice I let her take control for many months.” Realizing I had just shared one of my most intimate secrets that I had kept for over two years. I grabbed the bottle pouring my glass full and gulping it down greedily.

Erik was quiet, letting me drink, and instead watched me with a half-closed gaze, his brow furrowed in thought. He reached out gently and took my hand, lacing his fingers with mine. “I told you that I was married, yes?” He waited until I nodded, half-remembering him mention that. “I didn't say that she was responsible for my first death. Not that I knew it at the time. I told you I rejected the cycle my world was trapped in, and that I fought the gods over it, receiving my curse of Undeath. But - I only lost the first time because she betrayed me to my enemies. I didn't know, at the time, didn't learn for over a century. My world has a limited reincarnation cycle, reusing old, weary souls after a time of rest. I thought she had died at my foe’s hands, and so I waited for so, so long, hoping to see her again, knowing I would still be alive when she was reborn.” He let out a short bark of a laugh.

“It was only as I found her and started to rejoice that one of the damned messengers of the gods found me. He took a great deal of pleasure in informing me that she had willingly handed over the key to our chambers so I could be slain. So, to you both. You are not alone.” He gave me a strained smile and climbed out of the bath, and shook himself dry before reaching for a towel. “This conversation has become rather maudlin, I'm sorry.” He gave me another smile, and slowly left the bathroom.

A few tears slipped down my cheeks as I dabbed at them. I had still not fully gotten over Gnarl but having Erik with me was something that eased my suffering. I slowly washed my hair, enjoying my fingers as they diligently worked at my scalp. I rinsed and repeated a few times before washing the rest of the dried blood away.

12-15-2017, 04:47 PM
Why in the name of the sweet Flame had I told her about Evangeline? I hadn't thought about that scared, bitter harpy of a woman in so long I had almost forgotten her name. I sat down on the edge of the bed, the towel wrapped around my waist, as I stared at my hands. I - thankfully I had stopped myself from telling her the full truth, that it had been that woman who had killed me the second time, when I was shocked and stunned by learning of what she had done. But still - Evangeline was an old, old scar, a wound on my heart I had let fade because the years had made everything numb.

But - but Camille, and this Nikita. They had lived through betrayal so recently, and the wolf spirit was at the least afraid to love. I couldn't blame them, and I couldn't fault the wolf for being wary or not liking me. No - all I could do was show that I would still be here, and that I would return despite the challenges that might arise. Most people would claim that they would die for someone to prove their feelings - something I thought quite stupid. Death was cheap, death was fast - it was over and done as easily as a blade pierced a heart.

No. If she wanted me to, I would live for her instead. I certainly had enough of that time to spare. Which was - an odd thought for me. To have a reason other than my sheer, unrelenting hatred of the gods to want to continue living. I'd clung to that hate for so long, used it to fuel my very sanity, that having another reason was actually a bit baffling to me. I sat upright and ran my hands through my hair, letting a drawn out sigh escape from my lips before I stood up.

The similarities between us were a bit boggling at times. Warriors both, with two states. She had better control over her change, but lot control to another spirit. I had only my skill preventing my change - if I died I changed and that was that. But, I suffered the loss of reason and an increase in anger. Not the same as hers, but an odd parallel. And the betrayal we both suffered - if I found the man who had hurt her…. I Would have to see how well my experiments in torture carried over to this world.

I looked up as the bathroom door opened and she glided out, her hair damp from the bath, but free of blood. “Feeling better then, sweetheart?” I slowly opened my arms for her, if she wanted to seek my embrace. She nodded softly, slowly climbing into my chest, “I am not over the hurt or love I have for him but you make it more bearable.” I nodded and held her gently.

“Wounds to the heart take the longest to heal, if they ever do. Just don't choose him over me and we’ll be fine.” I tried to laugh, but it was a terrible joke that fell flat even to my own ears. I held her for a moment, relishing her warmth, then let her go and stepped back. “Well. I think that's enough of that depressing topic. Did you have anything you wanted to ask me?”
She hummed softly, pondering her thoughts.

“Do you know exactly how many times you have died?” I blinked. OK, I had not been expecting that, though maybe I should have. I sat down after a long moment, the bed shifting under my weight.

“I tried to keep track. It was easy at first, I died maybe once a century or so. Then the gods stripped more from me, making me weaker, and I died more frequently. I lost count after…” I trailed off. Then I took in a deep breath. “After a particularly bad stretch where I gave up for a while, and let anything or anyone that tried, kill me.” I rubbed the back of my neck as I laid back, staring up at the ceiling.

“I'd been alive through a few cycles at that point. Watched my world die, be reborn in flames, and watched people worship the gods who had them trapped in a false cycle. Over and over again. Eventually I recovered. Found a companion who had survived the gods trying to kill it, too. Then I hid myself away because my world clearly didn't need me. Until - until that bastard found me. The final champion of the gods. He struck me down, and it seemed the gods had had enough of me. He killed me, and before I recovered, I was banished here.” I couldn't keep the bitter hatred for that man from my voice. I didn't know if he even remembered his own name when he killed me, but I fell to his blade nonetheless. I rubbed my face and sighed,before rolling my head to look at her.

“Next question?” I grinned weakly.

Her cheeks collected a pink color which made me curious of the reason. “Do you have any children or just many lovers?” A school girl like giggle left her lips. I blinked slowly and sat up, raising my eyebrow at her.

“I had several lovers, then my wife then I was alone for a few centuries, then a few more lovers, then no one until you, sweetheart. As far as I know, no children.” I slowly stood up and stepped closer to her. “Is there another question on your mind?” Judging from the blush on her cheeks, I doubted it.

12-15-2017, 04:52 PM
I sighed softly trying to find a way to ask this question without scaring him. “Do you ever want kids?” My question was indeed innocent but I did wonder because of the way he talked about his old world. He stared, his eyebrows disappearing into his hairline. I noticed that his chest wasn't actually moving - he wasn't breathing? Then with a shuddering gasp his body seemed to restart.

“I -... I… Can honestly say I haven't thought about it in a very, very long time. Once, I'd considered it, but I didn't want to have children born into that damn loop. This world - I.. Had not even thought of it. I don't know if I can? I..” He sat down, heavily, on the bed, and rubbed his face. Finally he looked up at me with a quirk to his lips. “I'll think about it. But - I want us, to be a sure thing first. I'd not raise children in a fractured household.” His grin was lopsided. “That means I - no, we. We will have to find a way to help you past your hurts. And a way to get Nikita to like me.” He laughed softly.

I frowned softly, “I- I didn’t mean I wanted to have kids with you right now Erik, I just wanted to make sure we are on the same page. I didn’t want to have feelings for you only to find out that after maybe being together for so many years that you don’t want to. I-I have always wanted to have kids, be a mom.” I smiled softly, the image of my own mother popping into my mind. He reached out and caught one of my hands and pulled me closer, but not down into his lap, not yet.

“Apologies. I'm not against it. You caught me by surprise, sweetheart. I've not thought of children. But I'm not against the idea - this world is a new life for me, and I would be a fool to just dismiss things out of hand.”

I walked over to him my hand landed on his cheek softly stroking it. “Please don’t apologize dear.” A small frown stretched across my plush lips. I kissed his other cheek softly before walking to the dresser and pulled out a sheer robe. I shrugged it n and tied it around my slender waist. I started to towel dry my hair.

“Sorry I caught you off guard, I just want to be on the same page with everything. I don’t want to be caught off guard again.” I gave him a sad, apologetic smile. I ran a quick comb through my honey brown locks before grabbing the bottle and my glass.

I made my way to the bed, climbing in and propping myself up with pillow. He laughed and slowly shifted back to curl one arm over my shoulders before he spoke.

“Camille, sweetheart. Everything about you catches me off guard. I find myself loving that. I didn't even think affection like this,” and here he squeezed me against him, “was even possible for me. The first people I met in this world were fighters and killers, all a bit mad. Then you decided to jump in on my hunt, and promptly flipped my world upside down. On the same page?” He grinned and leaned over to kiss me softly, lingering with his lips against mine for a long minute. Then he pulled back enough to break the kiss, but I could feel his lips move against mine. “You might as well be writing the book.” His forehead rested against mine as he smiled at me.

“I think you mean you jumped into my hunt,” I laughed softly kissing the tip of his nose. He snorted and shook his head.

“No no, see I attacked first so it was my hunt and I graciously let you help.” He shifted and settled back, leaning against the wall behind the head of the bed. My mouth fell open slightly and my eyes narrowed slightly. He grinned wider.

“Oh you handsome devil you,” I flicked his nose before sitting back in bed still glaring at him. He laughed and tickled my side with his fingers, his skin warm against mine through the robe. I sighed contently pouring myself another glass of the sweet yet harsh amber liquid.

I brought the glass to my lips, at first taking a small sip before a greedy gulp and licking the remnants of my plush lips. “So full of yourself,” I giggled softly.

12-15-2017, 05:36 PM
I couldn't help it. I tried to keep the comment behind my teeth, but as she licked those full, lovely lips of hers, I knew I had lost the fight before it even began. I smirked. “I'd rather you were full of me sweetheart.” I snagged the bottle of brandy from her hands as she processed that, still smirking as I took a drink of the alcohol.

Her mouth fell open slightly being taken back by the comment, I assume she wasn’t expecting me to make such a bold comment like that. “Well, well.” Was all she could muster, stuttering slightly and ended up shaking her head. I grinned and took another swallow before handing the bottle back to her. Then I rolled myself off the bed and stood up, stretching before pulling off the towel that had been preserving my ‘modesty’. I draped the towel on top of one of the chairs in the room, then frowned as I realized that I - did not have undergarments like hers. Oh well. I would just have to sleep in the buff if we were going to sleep now.

I flipped back the covers on one side of the bed, covering her legs with them, and sat back down against the wall, and raised an eyebrow to her.

“My, my haven’t you just made yourself at home,” she giggled her eyes glancing down south before she licked her lips again. I shivered slightly - I remembered full well how that tongue and those lips felt. I rallied and grinned at her and made as if to stand up.

“Ah, I'm sorry, I should probably go find my own place to sleep should I?” I was moving slowly as I went to climb up.

“Oh don’t be silly, we have shared many things in the last twelve hours might as well add a bed to one of them.” She rolled her eyes at me laughing softly. I grinned before settling back down, and laced my fingers with those of one of her hands.

“And I for one am looking forward to continuing that.” It was…Strange to be naked near another person. Even considering everything we had already done, so many years of habit were not easy to erase. Still, she seemed to appreciate the view, if the way she glanced down was any indication. I brought her hand up to my lips and kissed her palm softly.

“You'd best be careful, sweetheart. I hear drinking too much can remove inhibitions.” I grinned, teasing her. We’d already done a fair amount of sharing our bodies, so there weren't exactly many inhibitions left between us in the first place. I settled her hand on my leg and began combing my fingers through her hair - it was quite soft and still a bit damp from the bath and it felt wonderful against my fingers.

12-15-2017, 05:43 PM
I snuggled in closer to his warmth, today had been a trying day. I pulled the blankets closer around me, then drew small circles across his chest. Tracing his scars and more patterns, my eyes began to get heavy.

I hadn’t remember the last time I felt this serene, it had been such a long time. I was looking forward to sleeping in his arms. Wait, does he need to sleep? I sat up abruptly looking at him, my eyebrows arched. He followed me, sitting up and looking around rapidly.

“Wait do you even have to sleep?” Erik blinked, stared at me with raised eyebrows, and then let out his booming laugh. He actually doubled over laughing, and wiped a tear of amusement away. He laid back down and shook his head slowly.

“No, not really. Sleep serves to ‘reset’ me - it anchors me to where I will wake up if and when I die. Unless I need to do that, not really. And even that sleep is short.” He shrugged. “So if I sleep here, here is where I will wake up if I die. Otherwise, I think… It’s a field somewhere outside of town, the last place I did so.” He looked mildly thoughtful.

“So, will you just watch me sleep then?” My question was innocent yet curious. He tilted his head to the side, considering me. He shrugged, his muscles rippling with the motion.

“If you wish me to I'll stay here with you and keep watch over you. I'd planned to perform some maintenance on our gear, before wandering the town a little. I'd not want you to think me a strange stalker or something, waking up in the middle of the night to find me just sitting and staring while I think.” He looked at me with warm eyes as he smiled softly.

I smiled softly, curling into him a little more, “no stay.” I sighed my eyes started to get heavy again. I could feel sleep trying to claim me quickly. “Today was one of the best days in a long time for me, Erik.” He curled his arms around me a bit, and resumed stroking my hair as he settled down on the bed.

“I have to agree. This was…a rather wonderful day for me too, Camille.” I could feel his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm - thought this close, I could tell something was off. There… Was no heartbeat? No, there it was, just, very slow. Very, very slow.

“Mmm, your heart beats so slooow.” I mumbled, my tongue clumsily tripping over it’s tired self. He let out a soft laugh that I could feel vibrate in his ribs under my head.

“I'm surprised it beats at all, sweetheart. Now shush, and rest. You need sleep. I'll keep you safe.” He admonished me gently, flicking my nose with his forefinger. Then he curled his arms around me, embracing me as I rested against him.

It didn’t take long before I was out, completely lip against Erik. My light barely audible snores. Perfect ending to a perfect day was all I needed.

12-16-2017, 05:23 AM
Bed Ridden or Hell Bound (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?781-Bed-Ridden-or-Hell-Bound-(Mature)/page2).
No Judgement


Erik (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?177-Erik) receives:
810 EXP
110 Gold

darkest.desires (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?128-darkest-desires) receives:
880 EXP
110 Gold

Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.

Mark Twain