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Vixen Crowsfoot
12-19-2017, 03:34 PM
Level one!

Vixen Crowsfoot (Quansaldo)
Vix, Vixen, Horny
A little over 3500.
Half-god(dess) and half uniano humanoid
5' 3"
Up until recently, a slave and then prisoner, and slave again.


Vixen is sassy and smart, with the attitude of a woman who has been harmed much and hated much. She is spiteful, but strong willed and gorgeous, with a deep understanding of people that she has developed over time. She also has no qualms about killing, murdering or anything as long as it aids her own survival. She comes across as bitchy and sour, but has a tendancy to be quiet until she properly gets to know a person.


Vixen appears as a white-haired short but proud individual. She is curvaceous and has never been anything but. She has fair features, and exceptionally pale skin having lived below ground much of her life. Her eyes are the most distinctive part of her - they are vivid pink, some might say a pale red, therefore she often gets mistaken for being albino. Her teeth are fine, aside from her canines that come in the form of sharp fangs and she does nothing to hide this. Despite her years of torment she holds herself proud, and is dressed well, with a blue silk dress being a gift from her last master.


Vixen was born the daughter of a full god, called Ansaldo, and a mortal vampiric race called the Uniano. Her magical powers came in the odd form of causing euphoria, healing and turning into a unicorn at will - the traditional animal of her people. Her first few hundred years were good and pleasant - as per tradition of half-gods on her world she was set into a position of authority. She was married to a Uniano of high rank, called Constantin, and though she had no children with him they had a happily married. As things were, however, she easily outlived him, being of deitic power. He died after two hundred years, and so she began to wonder, and within just a few years she realised that there were various races who began to disappear from the planet that only she remembered.

Her intrigue grew until she began to deliberately hunt out these races. She did so without telling anyone, rarely seeking others out and living as a hermit as time became longer. She mourned her dead husband but had a reason still to exist. Time went on, a few decades before she began to find evidence to support her conclusion that races of more human qualities were more likely to survive. She also found that she could remember the various races she came across, but that they would disappear later along both physically and in the minds of other people.

One day, however, she apparently went too far. She was met by a tall stranger who shone like a sun, with bright white streaming hair and a smart beard. "I am your father," he said, "You have been very disappointing ..." In exchange for her life Vixen agreed to be banished from the planet. She begged however, for a single boon, which was to be given care of a people that he wanted to abandon. For a while he thought, then he agreed, giving her one known as the tengu.

Crow people, thus, became her passion, and Vixen took the surname Crowsfoot in honour of them. Gently she took them into her arms (or hooves), and offered them comfort as their minds were wiped of their old lives upon their old planet - her planet, Ansaldo's world. They landed in a strange world, in a land that she learnt was Keribas, and Vixen set about finding them life. She taught them what she knew, never telling them that she was essentially there as their goddess, but rather wanting to live amongst them. She found a species of spirit creatures, and begged them to help them. The spirit creatures, who were to be known as the kami later, took pity on the tengu and Vixen and agreed. However, as time went on, the kami began to get more jealous of Vixen. They decided they liked guiding the tengu more than their previous lives, and made an agreement with a sorceror-merchant named Heran. Vixen was led by the kami for a 'private conversation' into the wilderness. With their combined power they managed to subdue her and handed her over to Heran, who himself restricted much of her powers. She lost everything, including her unicorn form and only retained her immortality and the ability to create a mild euphoria for those about her, but one that could be shaken off.

Heran had a small business at that time, and that was mainly in slavery. He saw the opportunity and took it. After questioning Vixen by methods of torture he found the camp of the tengu and in the dead of night he had them surrounded. Thus, he enslaved the entire race. The kami could not help, because they found Heran was more powerful and had many powerful allies. Their power also was reduced at this point due to how much it had taken to subdue Vixen - and they found it was never to be the same.

Heran sold the entire tengu race to some merchants, but kept Vixen for himself. Locked in nearly constant bonds that subdued her power Vixen was forced to become a member of his household, though her reluctance and haughty attitude irritated him. Eventually Heran died and his eldest son, Lerak, inherited her. He found her form enchanting, and began the practise of using her for sexual pleasure. As time went on the family found she was not getting older. They grew amused, and she became something of a family heirloom. For seven hundred years she remained in the family, dying a couple of times, but coming back. Each of the sons that took over grew more in power, their lives also getting greater. They lived in towns, tented villages, on ships, but never once did Vixen get free, even though she tried.

Eventually it came to Gehan, the most powerful sorceror to date. He also owned a vast empire by this time with people and a slave army of four hundred. He set out with his household, which included Vixen, to find a new homeland for the large family and society that they had become. He gave his people the name the Herns, named for the area they had lived in. They came to an island, and there built a fort, thus founding the city of Hernsfort - or Hernsford. The fort grew, rapidly, and a great trade as begun in slavery, with the island the Herns base. Into the islands base they built a vast network of tunnels, cells and catacombs, and into here a place for Vixen to ideally live eternally.

People from far and beyond came to settle into the city, bringing their trade. Eventually slavery became the main export for it, with the fort built on the backs of it, and soon unable to survive without it. Gehan built a palace for himself and his children with the only direct access to the cells below, but as more people flocked from across Keribas to settle in Hernsford, his family began to lose their influence. Eventually, three generations later the power itself was lost as the sorcerer at the time, Gehan IV died without issue. Instead he placed his power into the earth and the city itself. Vixen, lost and alone in her cell, was quite forgotten about, aside from a select few of the original slaves who had been bred for the sorcerors for a long time. It became their job to feed and look after her, as she became nothing more than a prisoner.

Two thousand more years passed as Hernsford became the place to buy slaves. The only internationally recognised slaves now come from there (rules apply). Vixen remained as a prisoner, fed only by tradition and great slave secret keepers and eventually no masters at all. As she lived beneath the old Palace legends did spring up about an ancient monster living there, but nothing was ever verified. Vixen found herself still less powerful, figuring that Gehan IV's power that held the island held her cage intact.

It took one moment to begin to free her. A hundred years ago Vixen strangely began to feel strength drawing back into her. But still, it did not give her all her ideal power, only her unicorn form and one that was severely limited to what it had been before. Still, she could not undo the fetter that held her ankle. But she had learnt patience most of all, and over the next few decades she attempted to seduce various slaves who came to serve her, men and women alike until one fell for her. His name was Herik, and reminded her of her husband Constantin all those years ago. Vixen hated herself as she persuaded him to finally free her - using the magical key that had served the society for so long - and then had to kill him for secrecy sake. She ran, as fast as she could, and found herself in an entirely different world. She took weeks to learn the ways, was captured as a slave once more and then sold to a bidder. He was a drow, from Alerar, and once more used her for sexual pleasure. At the Tular Peninsula, on his ship, Vixen killed him, then escaped in the dead of night. Now she is currently alone and free for the first time in almost three thousand years, wandering the Tular Plains.


Seduction: Vixen is skilled in all the ways of seducing someone. She has learnt in her many years to take whatever role anyone wants, and is able to play to many whims and desires.

Reading People: Vixen is able to read body language and people's expressions, even if they want to hide it, to be able to gain an understanding of what they want and feel. She can read how they hold themselves, how they dress and what marks such as scars are on them in order to make deductions about their lives.

Knowledge: Vixen has a great deal of knowledge from years of reading many books when she could get her hands on them. She knows a lot about history, geography and the races. This includes facts, random figures and others.

Racial Note:

As a form of 'purity' vampire, Vixen must have a meal with blood in it every two days or suffer illness. She will begin to get weak
Her people, the Uniano, believe that blood is the source of all truth and honesty and life, and take it as a great honour to be offered blood. They must drink it, however, or suffer first weakness of body, then of spirit and then of mind. They will have dulled senses by twenty four hours without any, leading to complete sensory deprivation within five days without. In six days they will not be able to walk. In seven they will find it hard to breathe and by day nine they will die. Vixen also suffers all of this, but will come back after dying.
They live to roughly 200 years and look like slightly tanned individuals with pink eyes. They can walk in the sun and are strictly forbidden from drinking the blood of any unicorn, whom they consider as sacred.


When Vixen dies she will come back between twelve and twenty four hours later, depending on the quality of her body. If she was only a little hurt - such as a simple throat slash - she will come back in twelve hours. If her body was completely burnt to a crisp, for instance, then it will take twenty four hours. Her body will return to its full health.

Vixen has just learnt how to transform again recently. She can now fully become an Arabian sized unicorn. This equates to about a 14 hand horse, or 4ft 8in. She is white, like her hair on the fur and mane and tail, and has ruff around her hooves. Her eyes also appear the pink of her usual humanoid presence. From her forehead points a half a foot horn.

She cannot hold anything while she is in this form. Instead she ties a rope around her chest which will fill out as the chest of her unicorn form. She ties her dress, sword and crop to this.
It takes her a full two minutes to turn into a unicorn, during which she is incredibly uncomfortable.
Once in unicorn form she has a weakness. If she is caught around the neck, and either a noose is placed around it, or a bridle or someone is able to get onto her back she must remain in that form until they get off, or the noose/bridle is taken off. Of course if someone knows this they can use it to overpower and control her.
She is not able to talk or communicate in any way but writing with her hoof or mind.
She gains the strength of twice a normal being and speed twice that also.
Natural weapons exist in the form of her hooves and horn, which respond to her strength and her hooves have the strength of iron.

Euphoric Projection:
Vixen can express a part of her unicorn self, expressing the purity that it is supposed to be. She can project a field of up to five feet of a happiness sensation, that will be a minor distraction to people at most. Its effects are of making someone feel happy, and more open to jokes. It appears only as a faint buzzing to most.

Those more powerful than her in level can shake it off within one second.
It lasts for three seconds until someone wants to get rid of it, or for longer if they are willing to keep it.
The effects of Euphoric Projection can essentially be used unconditionally, and permanently, if someone wishes to experience the joy that Vixen brings, but they must be entirely willing.
She uses it in this willing manner in her seductions and for those who simply want the feeling. With this version she can actually increase it until they are entirely euphoric, as if in a drugged state (akin to morphine/opium).
This can be used in and out of unicorn form.

A single iron rapier that she was able to steal from her last master, and what she killed with.
A leather riding crop that she prefers to use as a weapon.

Max Dirks
12-19-2017, 05:17 PM

12-23-2017, 03:17 PM
Hey there, Vixen! I apologize for the delay. Thank you for your patience.

12-30-2017, 12:53 AM
I'm sorry for the inconvenience of my mistake of prematurely approving this character. I'm new at this and made a mistake.

It looks like your character is a little overpowered for level 1. May I suggest maybe locking Euphoric Projection until level 2? Vixen has a core skill of seduction at this point, and locking this particular ability temporarily may be the least critical for her at this level.

Vixen Crowsfoot
12-30-2017, 01:59 AM
Take off iron strength for the horn? That should work too? The projection thing I am using more as a story mechanism as well.

Thank you for the suggestion though. :) I appreciate it.

12-30-2017, 11:19 AM
Dropping the horn strength from iron down to a base racial trait at this time puts you where it needs to be.

It looks good to me, but I should get approval on a go ahead first before I put us in this spot again. Again, I apologize.

Please stand by and I'll get back with you asap.