
Type: Posts; User: Hayate_Amatsukami

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  1. Hey all, I’d like to start off by telling...

    Hey all,

    I’d like to start off by telling you guys a story, about a young college aged guy who moved to a new city and was trying hard to fit in. Moving away from your hometown and being away...
  2. Replies

    Finding The Foundry

    Three months had passed since that day.

    When the Former General Amatsukami Hayate saved the Council of Radasanth and all the refugees within the Iron Keep from a horrific death. Yet still he was...
  3. Replies

    I agree with Tobi or else I’d be the first to...

    I agree with Tobi or else I’d be the first to sign up!
  4. Replies

    As the dust settled he didn’t see Felicity...

    As the dust settled he didn’t see Felicity standing in front of him, instead he saw the face of another. Instantly he grew nauseous, fighting back the grimacing churn of his stomach acids, his face...
  5. Replies

    The amount of restraint she was showing was...

    The amount of restraint she was showing was incredible, considering her history.

    She didn’t understand him and it was his own doing, remembering that she was prone to outbursts like these Hayate...
  6. Replies

    Though he couldn’t initially respond to the...

    Though he couldn’t initially respond to the burst of anger he was well prepared to deal with it. As she scooped the shinobi up over her shoulder he tensed his mussels, absorbing most of the impact...
  7. Replies

    His mind’s eye opened wide as the words left...

    His mind’s eye opened wide as the words left her mouth, burning his ears with the news Lord Osiris had taken another under his wing. His thoughts grew dark once more acknowledging the very message...
  8. Replies

    “Why don’t you take a seat,” Hayate said...

    “Why don’t you take a seat,” Hayate said gesturing to one of the chairs at his desk with his left hand while he unfastened his cloak with his right. Shaking it off before kicking it lazily into...
  9. Replies

    “Fine,” Hayate answered rubbing the back of...

    “Fine,” Hayate answered rubbing the back of his head with his ‘new arm’ trying not to blush. Felicity was as stunning as the shinobi remembered, her fiery red hair dancing blissfully across...
  10. Replies

    [APPROVED] After a brief conversation via the Discord...

    After a brief conversation via the Discord “Crazy” has been deemed a minor psychological edge when dealing with pain but offered no resistance. With that in mind I see no reason we can get you...
  11. Replies

    [APPROVED] Howdy! If you would let me take a look over...


    If you would let me take a look over your profile I’d be happy to get you approved and ready to go! It should only take a few moments.
  12. Replies

    There is no pain like that of a mystery unsolved,...

    There is no pain like that of a mystery unsolved, a secret gnawing at your very soul can be as venomous as a viper's kiss. And oftentimes far more deadly.

    Forty seven days Hayate sat in the cold...
  13. Quickly and without a moment's warning Hayate...

    Quickly and without a moment's warning Hayate stood chest to chest with Erik, staring up to him with an angry glare, ready to sock him right in the jaw. “And what if those two never report back to...
  14. As the Shinobi inched forward toward the sliver...

    As the Shinobi inched forward toward the sliver of a passageway he noted that Erik had a good head on his shoulders. While these mines were owned by the Assembly and its resources were principal in...
  15. Four months had passed since the war of Radasanth...

    Four months had passed since the war of Radasanth and less time than that since Hayate escaped from his incarceration at Fort Dour. Every day was a struggle as he tried to blend back into Coronian...
  16. Outside the world grew thick with dust, filling...

    Outside the world grew thick with dust, filling the air and hiding the burning sky, coming from the far west as if signaling a new threat yet to realised. As the Corpse King destroyed the meteorite...
  17. Replies

    There was a discerning uneasiness in the air...

    There was a discerning uneasiness in the air tonight, a chill burned your cheeks and the distant sounds of Crows made the hairs on your neck stand on end. Hayate and the others in his small four-man...
  18. All things came to an end when the heel of god...

    All things came to an end when the heel of god scraped the outer edge of Althanas’ atmosphere bringing with it a blinding light and scorching air. The massive celestial body’s mass was great...
  19. Replies

    We have a big time difference but try me on...

    We have a big time difference but try me on discord!
  20. Replies

    Nice to meet ya! I believe that we are gonna...

    Nice to meet ya! I believe that we are gonna collab in the future.
  21. For ages, Hayate had been a well-respected...

    For ages, Hayate had been a well-respected authority in Akashima, the head of a powerful merchant clan and league of assassins, yet today he had been reduced to this. A man standing by a cause he...
  22. “Hush now my love, dry your eyes…” Hayate...

    “Hush now my love, dry your eyes…” Hayate could hear the voice of a mother waver as she tried to console her babe, they and many others were seaking refuge within the main hall of the Steel...
  23. Indistinct screams echoed through the streets as...

    Indistinct screams echoed through the streets as the city faced the first of many quaking attacks. Dust fell from the ceilings of the Steel Hall as Hayate and the others felt the beginning of the...
  24. “As unary as ever it seems…” The years...

    “As unary as ever it seems…”

    The years hadn’t been well to the wizard of Radasanth and now it seemed like they were trying to kill him. Ioder never wanted to see the day someone could...
  25. Replies

    This would be something I could support provided...

    This would be something I could support provided activity increases a little.
Results 1 to 25 of 240
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