
Type: Posts; User: Nosdyn

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  1. [Mature 18+] In the shadows... In the darkness... An old...

    In the shadows...

    In the darkness...

    An old enemy lurked, waiting for a chance at revenge. He'd sought relics of the past and the secrets needed to defeat Nosdyn Krotar. As he prepared for his...
  2. [Mature 18+] As soon as Nosdyn became aware of where he was...

    As soon as Nosdyn became aware of where he was he'd wandered at least a mile into Ettermire city. He blinked a few times, he didn't feel the effects of sleep, he felt something else. A serious malady...
  3. [Mature 18+] Did I sleep...? Do I ever sleep.....? I'm...

    Did I sleep...?

    Do I ever sleep.....?

    I'm so tired.

    That night...

    Nosdyn did not sleep. He never slept, since he was a boy sleep always eluded him. Sleep was a mistress that would deny...
  4. [Mature 18+] He observed the boy for a while longer. After he...

    He observed the boy for a while longer. After he was certain that he was out of danger, he took his leave a few hours later. He went to Ealladra's bedroom and sat down next to her. He cried freely...
  5. [Mature 18+] At that point Nosdyn realized he was being stared...

    At that point Nosdyn realized he was being stared at. One of the Undead Thraax, was looking at him. Nosdyn nodded to the boy. "How can I help you boy?" Nosdyn asked looking at the Undead carefully.
  6. [Mature 18+] Nosdyn found himself in the office of his High...

    Nosdyn found himself in the office of his High Priestess, Lethra once more. He steeled himself for the events that were about to transpire.

    "Ah. Lord Nosdyn." She began. Her long hair was cascaded...
  7. [Mature 18+] He was put on alert... The prophecy signalled...

    He was put on alert...

    The prophecy signalled something big was about to happen.

    He made sure Tharak, Son of Nosdyn was working on the prophecy as well as his priestess.

    He sat that night on...
  8. [Mature 18+] Nosdyn went back indoors to consume his High...

    Nosdyn went back indoors to consume his High Priestess. He kissed her deeply and slid into the bed with her. "You belong to me." Nosdyn found himself saying. He wasn't sure why he said that.

  9. [Mature 18+] High Priestess Llethra walked with Nosdyn to the...

    High Priestess Llethra walked with Nosdyn to the side room. "Are you well my Lord?" She asked.

    Nosdyn considered the question carefully as they arrived at one of the guest rooms. He opened the...
  10. [Mature 18+] On the way happened. The noble Dark...

    On the way happened.

    The noble Dark Elf walked up to Nosdyn and nodded. Nosdyn greeted his friend warmly. "The meeting went well."

    The noble, Trevyon, was glad. "That pleases me. Was...
  11. [Mature 18+] The proud Dark Elf nobleman guided Nosdyn to the...

    The proud Dark Elf nobleman guided Nosdyn to the Temple of Lloth. "You should be honored."

    Nosdyn nodded. "I am." He said. "I know things in the past were brutal..." He looked away for a moment,...
  12. [Mature 18+] (Ettermire/Alerar) ~The Rebuilding of House Krotar~

    (Note: Continued after the events of the Hearts Gather thread)

    One day...

    A month later...

    Nosdyn was playing something like a flute that day. A wind instrument made by his people. The...
  13. Replies

    Workshop: Hearts Gather

    What is the name of your thread?: Hearts Gather
    Who participated in the thread?: Kalestiya and Nosdyn
    Number of Posts?: 33
    Full Rubric Judgment?: Yes

    Feedback Rewards: (Post Length of...
  14. Replies

    [Corone] Godspeed my friend... The precepts of House...

    Godspeed my friend...

    The precepts of House Krotar stated that when a Soldier leaves the Tular Plains you said a prayer for them. Nosdyn considered that for a moment. He clutched the letter to his...
  15. Replies

    [Corone] ~Two weeks later...~ Father... I...have...

    ~Two weeks later...~


    I...have avenged you...

    I took my place by your side as leader of House Krotar...

    I do not know if I can do this alone.
  16. Replies

    [Corone] He cried freely by that point. At last, the...

    He cried freely by that point.

    At last, the long nightmare of N'Jal was over.

    At last, he avenged his lost Father.

    He looked at Kalestiya. "I thought I lost you my friend." Nosdyn whispered...
  17. Replies

    [Corone] By that point, Nosdyn held Kalestiya. Only the...

    By that point, Nosdyn held Kalestiya. Only the Undead Lilly had previous knowledge of Kalestiya. They were all crying by that point as Nosdyn's friend was on the verge of death. Nosdyn did the only...
  18. Replies

    [Corone] He reacted to N'Jal's power. Nosdyn felt the...

    He reacted to N'Jal's power.

    Nosdyn felt the weight of her power and dropped his mighty sword. He suddenly did something unexpted. He reached into his packs and pulled out the glowing Thayne Relic...
  19. Replies

    [Corone] Nosdyn had seen N'Jal fight before. He readied...

    Nosdyn had seen N'Jal fight before. He readied his weapon, but something happened. N'Jal caught Nosdyn with a massive smiting ability. Several of the Undead present fell down dead.

    N'Jal extended...
  20. Replies

    [Corone] It was a perverse homecoming. He was there to...

    It was a perverse homecoming. He was there to kill N'Jal. He walked alongside Kalestiya and Tharak son of Nosdyn. He looked at her a moment. "He is my son. I'll explain all in due time." He promised....
  21. Replies

    [Corone] I don't sleep... I never sleep... A...

    I don't sleep...

    I never sleep...

    A familiar scent drifted into the room. Nosdyn narrowed his eyes. He looked up at Lady Kalestiya. "Good morning. We have a long journey ahead."

    He looked at...
  22. Replies

    [Corone] He had no idea what challenges lay ahead. All...

    He had no idea what challenges lay ahead.

    All he did know was that he had to save his people. It was a personal mission for him. Each day that N'Jal grew stronger was a day that they could no...
  23. Replies

    [Corone] She always was so mysterious and spoke of matters...

    She always was so mysterious and spoke of matters Nosdyn did not understand. What is this light she always speaks of? Nosdyn frowned for a moment but then became serious once more. "I thank you...
  24. Replies

    [Corone] Ealladra lead her indoors. Nosdyn was still...

    Ealladra lead her indoors.

    Nosdyn was still concentrating on the relics. A studious scholar of sorts. He'd been studying the Eldricht runes. He wondered what was the missing piece the KEY he...
  25. Replies

    [Corone] Thaat night... Nosdyn found himself alone in...

    Thaat night...

    Nosdyn found himself alone in the house to his thoughts. He sat down at their table studying the Thayne relic Kalestiya put him in charged of. His eyes were narrowed as he observed...
Results 1 to 25 of 496
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