“It depends on how the method Stare thought of, works.” He reached into his bag and pulled out the rather precious vial. “I can remove the infected material. Due to the source of the corruption, it has differentiated itself significantly from his natural flesh.” Nevin’s tone was calm, even, hard. “The healing process will then be able to be performed either off of this method - or off of other, more mundane ones. Do you agree to the usage of this particular blood, as I have no doubt you are in some way responsible for the effect?” Dark red eyes bore into Vitruvion’s. Around Eteri’s waist the threads shifted and rubbed back and forth, the only subtle display of irritation.

The corner of Vitruvion's mouth twitched slightly, “I am partially responsible of what you are talking of, yes. But Stare's blood is hers to give as she pleases.” Slowly he raised a hand, bringing it to rest on the kenku's shoulder. She rolled her eyes and throwing an apologetic look at Nevin.

Nevin could see the look of irritation and hurt on Eteri’s face, and he couldn’t blame her. She misread situations and he knew she felt dismissed and disregarded by the both of them. He did his best to hold her still but it did not hold her tongue.

“Eteri not like being ignored!” She spat. “Eteri is Stare friend. Eteri is Nevin priestess and not like this.”

Vitruvion's brows rose and he glanced to Stare. She pulled in her breath, before looking at Eteri. “Nobody is ignoring you, Eteri. Not deliberately. We're - they're trying to sort out Raevin as he is hurt.”

“And once that is dealt with, we can all settle down for a drink and actually talk and find out what’s gone on in each other’s lives since we saw each other last. Now.” Nevin drew in a deep breath and squeezed Eteri tightly, with both threads and his arm, before he stepped away. He closed his eyes as he moved closer to the bed - and his head rotated towards Vitruvion. “I need you to back up.” Then he exhaled slowly, as his hands began to glow with a shimmering hue that seemed to warp and twist between colours.

Vitruvion surprisingly did as Nevin said. He twisted around, pushing Stare back lightly before he moved a metre or so away, with him in front of her. The alchemist gave a slight nod, then with one coil of threads he jerked the blanket off of Raevin’s body, once again revealing the bandages. Beneath it the elf bared himself, eyes focused on Nevin. “Eteri, Stare. Please, look away.” The alchemist’s voice was steady, but it seemed talking strained him a bit to the ones used to hearing him speak. Whether they did or not, the alchemist swept one hand up along the length of Raevin’s side, and behind the shimmering hand the bandages twisted, warped and pulled away, collapsing into a small, dense ball, stripping away the coverings over the damaged parts of the Elf’s body. The ball was dropped by Nevin’s feet, and he rolled his shoulders.

“Raevin. I’m sorry - this will hurt.” Raevin gave him a tight nod. And Nevin drove his fingers into the infected flesh, the strange shimmering around his digits spreading out. The corrupted flesh warmed and twisted, and there was an unpleasant, wet, sucking, tearing sound as it was pulled away from the healthy flesh. Thin tendrils of rotten material slid out from the sides, rapidly shrinking and coiling around Nevin’s hand, twisting and compacting as the man worked. Raevin’s face began to go red, and there was the noise of teeth cracking against each other. Blood started to pool into the raw, exposed gap - only to freeze in place as Nevin glared at it intently. The red blood thickened, clotting up against the injured parts of the healthy flesh, and Nevin began to move his other arm.

The alchemist was working, and was starting to look a bit paler. This was taking time, and concentration, and sweat was trailing down his head, dampening his hair. He had experimented with transmutation alchemy in the past, but had always done it in short bursts, on simple objects and materials. The demonically corrupted flesh was actively fighting him in his work, trying to resist him, to further its spread throughout Raevin’s body. It had wormed its way in, and miniscule lines of the infection had spread out, small enough to have slipped by easy detection. But Nevin’s magic was thorough, if draining, so he kept going. His right hand was buried in the Elf’s side, while his left was moving back and forth over his right arm. As his right hand pulled corrupt flesh out, the left arm was gathering the infected material up, condensing and compacting it. The flesh was being smashed into a ball, and at this point it didn’t even look like meat at all - instead it was like a solid, smooth obsidian orb, shiny and black-red.

He felt Eteri shift behind him, she gently wiped away the sweat from his brow and kissed the top of his head. Her hands rested gently on his shoulders and gave them a squeeze. At the same time Raevin's jaws ripped open and it was clear he had been holding in the pain for that long. A scream began to pierce the air, high and shrill.

But the white-haired man was fast. Shoving Stare right behind him he swung around to the end of the bed and shoved a hand forwards. His fingers clasped around Raevin's still existing ankle.

“Vitruvion - do not touch him!” Nevin’s voice came out in a loud hiss, and the control over the orb of corrupt flesh wavered, and spikes began to jut over it. “Your nature is causing the demonic material to go fucking nuts!” He had frozen, and the alchemist was visibly trembling as his right hand flattened onto Raevin’s side. His left was held up in a claw around the ‘orb’, and one of the spikes was nearly piercing his own skin.

But Vitruvion did not let go, and did not say anything. Instead he closed his eyes. Raevin's scream suddenly cut off. His eyes went large, staring at Vitruvion who was suddenly still. He blinked a few times before looking at Nevin. “I don't feel a thing …” he whispered. The alchemist didn’t react - his eyes were locked on the flesh hanging by his hand. Slowly, slowly, the spike retracted - and the very end glistened red, matching a welling up on his palm. With a shudder that shook Eteri’s hands, Nevin managed to force the corrupt flesh to bend to his will, locking it back into the smooth orb.

He let out an explosive breath. “I… will try to end this quickly.” The redhead’s voice came out in a bit of a croak. He had to - he already had an idea of where the pain had gone. And controlling the corrupted material was not an easy task at all, and was draining him even now, just holding it in abeyance. His right hand moved back up and off of Raevin’s torso, and he resumed drawing the infected material out. The process had been nearly done when the pain had become too much for the elf, but even with it nearly done, Nevin had to be sure that none of the corruption remained. If even a little was left behind, then this would have all been for nothing. And there were too many variables that had managed to go right for this to go anywhere near as smoothly if they had to do this again.

With a heavy sigh, Nevin pulled the last of the main corruption out and away. His chest was heaving as he sucked in deep breaths - and his right hand began to sweep back and forth across Raevin’s body. In a few places, he paused, and thin, almost invisible, slivers of blackened flesh slipped from beneath the skin. The healer was visibly sagging when he finished, sweeping his hand along Raevin’s form one last time. “Done. None left. He - needs to drink the potion. You know the rest from there.” Nevin stumbled backwards, leaning heavily into Eteri’s hands, and both of his hands were held up, around the now solid black orb.

Nevin’s body was shaking as he slumped downwards, and the only reason he was currently upright was the fact that his girlfriend was holding onto him. He gave her an exhausted smile. “Thank you, love.” His voice was thin and reedy.

Eteri gripped him tightly and burried her face into his neck. “Is weak. How make better?” She mumbled into the sweaty flesh of his neck. He gave a low chuckle, that sounded more like a croak.

“Rest. Fluids. The usual. Not for here. And it’s ‘you are weak, how can we/I make you better.” His right hand tossed the vial towards the bed, letting it land next to the now cleansed elf.

He winced as he felt the nip of her teeth against his neck. She was irritated. “No. Now.” She hissed. Nevin tried to shake his head, but didn’t really have the energy for the action. His head slowly rolled in the direction of the bed.

“The spare room is prepared,” a low voice growled from the corner of the room. Vitruvion was slowly curling out of his crouch, eyes still closed and rolling back his shoulders. “Out the door, second on the right.” His voice was thick and tense, as if he had just suffered a great ordeal. Near him Stare was standing, eyes like daggers and baring into him, but with the focus slightly off - a look Nevin recognised as a mental conversation between the two. Nevin managed a weak nod.

“A bit of rest sounds like a fantastic idea. For you, too. I know what you did.” His right hand still a claw around the orb of corrupted flesh, Nevin slowly started making his way towards the door, or at least, trying to. Eteri was holding the most of his weight against her small form. Still grumbling as her hair bristled. The couple made it out of the room and to the nearby chamber, and the redhead collapsed onto the edge of the bed, his body trembling.