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  1. #1
    upon the cheek of night

    EXP: 224,444, Level: 20
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    Breaker's Avatar


    Joshua Breaker Cronen
    As Dandelion's whinnies and the wolves' growls faded Josh ducked out of the treeline and paced quickly to the mouth of the cave. It led into a long corridor that stretched back toward the mountain's heart. The smell of clean smoke lingered there, alongside the fading scent of the lore guardian and the Fae she had kidnapped. Breaker had barely taken two steps into the tunnel when Myra appeared at the other end.

    Still in the form of the Scarlet Dancer, she flowed toward him on light feet that barely seemed to touch the stony floor. Her long red locks swirled around her face, shrouding all but her glowing eyes as she spoke.

    "It is so kind of you to visit me here in my home," she said in a simpering tone. She spread her arms as if welcoming him. "Why don't you come and sit by my fire, and tell me some of the tales that make the Breaker so famous?" She beckoned with one elegant hand, but beneath the illusion Breaker knew her vicious claws lurked.

    "I am not here to visit," he said bluntly, "I have come to retrieve the Fae you took from Yutori. I would never have allowed you to take him if I had realized at the time he was not one of your followers."

    "But you did allow me to take him," Myra growled, "and we are getting along so well. My little lively one loves his new home."

    "I should like to hear that from the Fae's own lips," Breaker said, advancing another few paces. Myra moved as if to stop him, but then stood aside with a toothy smile.

    "Of course," she said as he moved past, "I would be a fool to challenge the Breakerrrrrr-" the word turned into a guttural growl as her head grew into that of the saberlioness. Her long fangs extended from her upper jaw like twin swords and she leaped at Breaker's exposed back, biting at his unprotected neck.

    Josh ducked and reached up with both hands, seizing the saberlioness by her long fangs. He bent forward and threw the lore guardian over his shoulder as she completed her transformation. Her heavy body thudded to the ground and she lay still for a moment, temporarily stunned. Breaker spread his hands with fingers splayed and summoned water from the air. It formed around her in the shape of a cage and then froze solid. Two hundred pounds of ice as strong as steel surrounded the lore guardian on all sides. She roared and snapped and bit at the bars, but it would take her some time to work her way free.

    The room at the end of the corridor was mostly bare, save for a blazing fire in the hearth and a large pile of hides and blankets. Breaker could smell Myra's musk emanating powerfully from the pile of furs. The Fae's scent lingered there as well, but it was weak... perhaps the small creature had merely passed through the room. Breaker paced toward the doorway set in the far wall, when a small sneeze interrupted his progress. He smiled. The sneeze had come from beneath the pile of furs.

    "I don't want to alarm you," he said as he approached, "I'm here to help. I've caged the beast that kidnapped you, and I can bring you back to the village she took you from." Crouching comfortably with heat from the flames licking at his right shoulder, Josh reached out a callused hand and lifted up the blankets. "My name is Joshua Cronen."
    "The breeze did not stir. The stars did not twinkle. The trees did not sway and the brook did not babble.
    For the world did not turn when Am'aleh wept, and a tear had tumbled down her cheek."

  2. #2
    Sweet Cinnamoth

    EXP: 37,766, Level: 8
    Level completed: 31%, EXP required for next Level: 6,234
    Level completed: 31%,
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    FennWenn's Avatar


    Fennik Glenwey
    Looks eight. He's definitely older.
    Frost Fae
    More or less male.

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    Thumpthump. Thumpthump. Fenn could barely hear anything over the whirring of his own heartbeat. More hunters like the ones that had attacked in the square were here now, he assumed, and there were two possible outcomes mapped out in his head. Either Myra would swiftly dispatch them as she did before (and there would be more dead bodies), or else they would kill her and then him if he was discovered. What he did hear of the scuffle did not sound favorable. Distressed caterwauls echoed down into the chamber, and the boy tensed up, pulling the furs more tightly around him despite how they tickled and itched his sinuses. He held his breath as footsteps mingled with the sound of his strained heart, passing through the chamber with agonizing sluggishness.

    It was too hot in the furs, even if Fenn radiated frost. It was too fuzzy. Without his permission, Fenn’s nose began to twitch.

    No! No! No itching! Terrified, the boy slapped his hands over his nose with all haste, but it didn’t muffle the squeaky sneeze well enough. He had been caught. As it turned out, when the blankets had been lifted up off of Fenn, that wasn’t entirely a bad thing. Still about as quivery as a blob of jelly, the not-quite-boy stared up at the not-quite-god with the most dumbfounded shock. Then he pumped his fists in the air, gleeful. Not only was he being rescued, but it was by just the man he needed to see! Fenn bobbed to his feet with a grateful grin, his fear effectively converted to elation, even with the muted yowling in the background.

    Seconds of digging in his bag allowed Fenn to procure a little note. It was a wrinkled, frost-smudged scrap of parchment, scribbled on in smooth green ink. He added in a few lines with a chalky charcoal pencil before showing it to his savior. Cronen took it with blink of surprise.

    The note read thus;
    Hello! I don’t have voice. You are the ice master Breaker, and I’m Fennik Glennwey. I came to your village because I need help figuring out ice magic. Mine is finicky at best. Please?

    My dog is waiting at your village, probably, so we should return before Myra wants me again. Are there still out-of-nowhere-fighting-people around? I like being not-dead.

    Yes, it was possible for Fenn to write (more or less) as if he weren't a simpleton. He had to re-scribe the note a few times to get it right. Even in a premeditated letter, the boy had a habit of writing with a certain bluntness and brevity in mind. It took some effort to deviate from his old habit. In fact, his first draft had looked more like; GREETINGS. YOU ARE ICE MASTER BREAKER? AM FENNIK. NEED YOUR HELP. YOU TEACH THINGS. TEACH ME HOW TO MAGIC. MINE SUCKS.

    But that was besides the point.

  3. #3
    upon the cheek of night

    EXP: 224,444, Level: 20
    Level completed: 0%, EXP required for next Level: 0
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    Breaker's Avatar


    Joshua Breaker Cronen
    A deep chuckle rumbled up from Breaker's chest and resounded off the stone walls of the chamber, cutting through the fire's crackle. He could not help but smile at the mute's quirky mannerisms. Beneath the Y-shaped scars on his cheeks, dimples deepened in the flickering light.

    "No one's ever called me an ice master before," he said, "but I suppose I could teach you a thing or two." His use of ice magic in the Cell was often spoken of, especially the nasty flachette darts he'd used to carve a swathe through the other competitors. "First, let's focus on getting you out of here, Fennik Glennwey." Myra's irritated roars emanated from the mouth of the tunnel, and Fennik flinched away. "Not to worry. I've ensnared the guardian." Josh outstretched a broad hand and took the Fae's tiny trembling one. They moved through the doorway and around the bend in the tunnel, coming upon the great cage.

    Myra screamed and gnashed at the bars, her mighty saberfangs carving off chips of the steel-strength ice. Her muscles rippled beneath her tan coat and her tail lashed displeasure.

    "Watch closely," Josh instructed Fenn, "this can be your first lesson." He drew on the limitless well of the Eternal Tap and conjured more molten ice, repairing the damaged bars before freezing it solid. An eldritch glow connected him to the cage for a moment, fading swiftly. He wondered if Fennik could see it. If the Fae was not attuned to the Tap, it would make teaching him much more difficult.

    The demigod and the diminutive fellow walked towards the glow of sunlight side by side. Behind them Myra morphed into the form of the Scarlet Dancer, throwing her long red locks angrily behind her shoulders.

    "No! My darling little one! My joyous dancer! Come back! Do not leave me alone here. I will follow you, wherever you may roam-"

    Breaker turned sharply and strode back to the cage. "You will not." He declared. "This Fae is under my care. He wishes to become my student. If I catch you lurking around Yutori, I will craft you a permanent cage. This one will melt in time, but if we meet again, I will not be so kind."

    Myra growled throatily, but did not respond. Instead she shrank back against the far bars and sat, resigned to wait.

    "I love you, my sweet little small." Her voice echoed after them.

    The sun traipsed down toward the western horizon as they exited the cave. A low wind moaned in the trees and rustled their hair. Even at a normal walking pace, Fenn could not come close to keeping up with Breaker. The Fae's little legs churned through the deep snow, stumbling on odd steps but continuing on determinedly.

    "Here," Josh said, taking the little one's hand again. He grasped the Fae's collar and lifted him effortlessly astride his broad shoulders. "I should warn you, I came here with one of the men who attacked the town. He is no threat, but we must find him before returning. If he still lives." Breaker took a few careful steps. "Are you comfortable?" He got two pats on the top of his head in reply. Something told him that the Fae was used to being carried.

    "Here we go," Josh said, and then raced off, following the prints of a horse and wolves, the path of Azaranth and his pursuers.
    "The breeze did not stir. The stars did not twinkle. The trees did not sway and the brook did not babble.
    For the world did not turn when Am'aleh wept, and a tear had tumbled down her cheek."

  4. #4
    Sweet Cinnamoth

    EXP: 37,766, Level: 8
    Level completed: 31%, EXP required for next Level: 6,234
    Level completed: 31%,
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    FennWenn's Avatar


    Fennik Glenwey
    Looks eight. He's definitely older.
    Frost Fae
    More or less male.

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    Being away from Myra’s stuffy cave was an immense weight off the tiny Fae’s shoulders. He could breathe freely now, and he did, enjoying the crisp winter air.

    Fenn relaxed as his tall savior plowed swiftly through the snow, smugly reaching up to knock icicles off of the trees they passed under, the wind whipping his hair back from his face. Quite a bit of time was spent marveling at how queer the world looked from so high up. At first, the boy had been rather surprised to find himself lifted off of his feet and into a piggyback ride. Yet he was a bit grateful for the ride in spite of himself; snow was the best stuff ever right until it rose up to his knees. Breaker’s broad shoulders reminded Fenn a bit of John. He sometimes let the little sprite ride atop him, joking that he was Fenn’s new wolf.

    If there was any advantage to be had from Fenn’s childish form, it was that people let him get away with stuff like this. Wheeeee!

    It made him miss Daugi though. She was probably waiting outside Yutori right now, a sight Fenn could easily picture; sulky, growling at any who approached her, ears and eyes on guard for her boy-pup to finally appear before her. He hoped she’d forgive him quickly for being late.

    Not having to struggle through the snow gave him some time to think.

    Earlier, Fenn had felt something warmly ethereal emanate from Breaker as he had repaired the cage. Magic’s glow was unmistakable, a brilliance that radiated from the ice master out to the target. Still, Fenn hadn’t quite… “gotten” it. It seemed so effortless to the eye. Was it something you had to think through? Was that it? The boy typically just sort of did it, the way one might kick and toss in their sleep. Any time he tried to concentrate his way into controlling his magicstuff, it got away from him. He’s get annoyed, or stressed, or panicked, and it’d spiral away from him entirely. Fenn rested his chin on the top of Breaker’s head with a squeak of a sigh. Perhaps this was all more complicated than he had first hoped.

    He was also more than a little curious about this town-attacking man they were meeting. Fenn huffed quietly, inclined to give this guy a piece of his mind for interrupting the festivities and prompting his abrupt kidnapping. Speaking of which… from somewhere up ahead, snarls and shouts shook the frozen canopy. Fenn’s ears twitched in the direction of the commotion. Leaning towards it, Fenn glanced down quizzically at Breaker.

    “Sounds like we’d best hurry,” the godly man rumbled at him with a determined glint in his eye.

  5. #5
    upon the cheek of night

    EXP: 224,444, Level: 20
    Level completed: 0%, EXP required for next Level: 0
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    Breaker's Avatar


    Joshua Breaker Cronen
    After Breaker dispatched the first wolf, the second tucked tail and ran. Azaranth was slow to get to his feet, weary and clearly sore form the battle.

    Josh lifted Fenn down from his shoulders and placed the Fae on the snowy ground.

    "Myra will no longer be a problem," he glanced at Fenn, "for any of us."

    "You mean she's dead?" The hunter gripped his long blade with both hands, knuckles white as snow.

    "No," Josh admonished, "to kill a Lore Guardian would be a terrible thing. You would live to regret it in more ways than one."

    "Perhaps I can live with regrets..." Anubis mused, swinging his sword down to plant the tip in the frozen earth, "but I owe Myra a debt of vengeance. And I still must make a living."

    "I won't let you slay a caged beast." Breaker said. He stepped in front of Anubis, tall and broad shouldered, seeming to radiate might. The few winter-hardy birds stopped chirping in the trees. Squirrels did not skitter, and hares did not leap. Even the breeze stopped teasing the frosted treetops.

    Azaranth's eyes blazed. Anger, hatred, greed, pain. Breaker had felt them all before. He empathized with the man more than anyone could understand, and yet he stood against him.

    "Stand aside," Anubis warned, drawing his blade back for a great cleave, "stand aside, or-"

    He raised his blade as he spoke, menacing the demigod.

    Breaker slid forward like an eel shedding its skin. He turned and thrust out a straight side kick. The hard edge of his boot stopped a mere inch from the younger man's chin.

    "This is a fight you cannot win," he said, leg still extended, "come with us. Return to the village."

    For a moment the hunter wavered, and then he sheathed his sword and trudged around Breaker and Fenn, giving them a wide berth.

    "I came here to take those fangs," he said, "you'll have to kill me to stop me."

    Breaker considered. The sun had already dipped below the treeline, and Dandelion's hoofprints were beginning to fade in the soft snow. He needed to hurry, if he meant to return by sundown with the steed as promised. Doing so with an unconscious Anubis over his shoulders would prove much more difficult.

    "You're bound for death," Breaker warned, catching the hunter's eye one last time. "Myra will make dried meat of the likes of you."

    "Let her try," was the only response as Anubis disappeared into the trees.

    Josh took a deep, calming breath. Part of being Breaker meant he needed to realize he couldn't save everyone, but it still stung from time to time when he lost a good warrior.

    "Well Master Fennik," Josh said, "will you help me find that horse and return it to old Gregor?"

    The Fae nodded, and Breaker swept him up, racing through churned up snow again with Fenn atop his shoulders. They followed the hoofprints, scanning in both directions at once. After all, four eyes did better than two.

  6. #6
    Sweet Cinnamoth

    EXP: 37,766, Level: 8
    Level completed: 31%, EXP required for next Level: 6,234
    Level completed: 31%,
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    FennWenn's Avatar


    Fennik Glenwey
    Looks eight. He's definitely older.
    Frost Fae
    More or less male.

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    Fenn didn’t know what to make of the dark-mannered warrior they left behind. The little fae didn’t know him well enough to cheer him on in his endeavor, but he also wasn’t rooting for Myra to bring him to his doom. More blood would be shed...

    Regardless, the hunter was gone now.

    From his recently-renewed perch, Fenn grinned. They were gone now. Gone from Myra, gone from danger. Back to the village, back to Daugi, back to safety. Today had been a wild mess. He was eager to find some grub and just take a rest from it; seeing what all he could do with his frosty affinity could wait another day. A growl rose in his stomach.

    The boy couldn’t say when they would near the village — he hadn’t explored this part of Akishima enough to know — but he did keep his eyes sharp. Buggy solid greens scanned the vegetation diligently. Eventually, Fenn spotted a movement in the distance; the arch of a graceful neck, the prick of two frightened ears, the anxious swish of a snow-white tail. The horse there were searching for stood tall among the trees in the instant that the boy spotted her. She shuffled hesitantly in place, perhaps recognizing the Breaker enough not to flee. Wordlessly, the boy tugged on Breaker’s collar and pointed her out with his other hand. They came to a swift halt.

  7. #7
    upon the cheek of night

    EXP: 224,444, Level: 20
    Level completed: 0%, EXP required for next Level: 0
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    Breaker's Avatar


    Joshua Breaker Cronen
    "Here, Dandelion." Josh called softly, splaying his palms. He could feel Fenn miming the same action. "That's a good girl," he said as the horse wickered and moved toward them. He extended a gentle hand and allowed the horse to nuzzle him. "You ride, Fennik." He hoisted the little fae onto the horse's saddle. "We'd best be on our way, and swiftly. Myra's or not, there could be more wolves around."

    Nighttime had finally fallen, but a sliver of moon provided enough light for the sharp-eyed adventurers to make their way. They ventured carefully at first, like foals on their first legs, but once they gained the trail Dandelion kicked to a trot which Breaker matched effortlessly. Four metal horseshoes and two metal boots kicked up snow and dirt as they dared to canter, over slopes and past trees and around perilous corners. Breaker kept close to the horse's side, in case the Fae should fall, but the child-sized being showed a surprising aptitude for riding, even though his feet could not reach the stirrups.

    They raced against the wind, and the knowledge of what they had left behind; a battle between lore guardian and mortal which could have no happy ending. Breaker gritted his teeth at the memory of Azaranth trudging past him, on his way to take his revenge or die trying. The human had potentially sealed his fate the moment he chose to hunt Myra in the first place, and Myra had a right to her own consequences, for fennnapping a fae from a village of mortals. Whichever of them lived would at least think twice before stepping out of line again. That was what Breaker told himself.

    He had saved the fae, that was what truly mattered.

    The battle between Myra and the mortal was their business alone.

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