The shift between Henry standing still, and Henry moving about the room, came without warning, without an indication of anything brewing. Between one note and the next, the grin on his face widened, as Yvonne spoke to him - and then he showed just why it was thy he had cleared most of the things away from the center of the room, and why he hadn't sat back down.

He flung himself about the room, long limbs smoothly flowing about as he spun and cavorted about. His legs flicked back and forth - not the practiced motions of a dancer, but expressing the intense need he had to be moving, to put into motion the energy that was burning beneath his skin. He fed off the obvious excitement that Yvonne was showing as the two of them picked up the tempo, and moved more energetically, his arm sawing back and forth as his fingers flew across the strings. Shifts and turns, his body nearly a blur, the bird led the pace upwards, strumming faster and faster as the song drew closer to the end. It was exhilarating, a rush he rarely got to feel, and he could feel his body practically vibrating with excitement.

A twist of his feet had him spinning around, beside Yvonne with his back towards the piano. Henry gave her that wide, bright smile, his blue eyes brimming with joy. The final notes of the song rang out, echoing a bit oddly in the padded room, and his chest heaved as he caught his breath, that grin, still tinged with a bit of a manic edge, splitting his face wide. He leaned against the piano, his back pressing against the wood as he watched her face intently.

When he had recovered - only a few moments of stillness - his grin shifted became a bit calmer, and he closed his eyes. "Sorry about that, Miss Yvonne. It's not often I have people who are willing to accompany me when I play - they tend to want to just listen." It was a rare treat for him to have someone who was willing and able to keep up with him when he played. He settled the fiddle on top of the piano, and stepped away so he could bow low to her.

"You have my thanks for that. Perhaps in the future, I can find out if you're normally a singer or a dancer." He chuckled, and pushed sweat-damp hair back from his face. The small room was becoming a bit warm, and his burst of frenetic energy certainly hadn't helped him stay cool. He had to unbutton the top few buttons of his shirtto let his skin breathe for a few moments as he smiled warmly at his companion.

"So then! The night wears on - what would you like to do? Retire to a room? Or go out and see the night life of the town? I'd be honored to accompany you." He had caught himself on one of the words, remembering an earlier bit of misunderstanding, and changed it. The musician was enjoying this time and he didn't want a poor choice of words to make the short woman decide she was finished.