Elthas was lost in thought.

The campfire's warmth always served as a way to relax the wayward Forest Elf. He considered the situation at hand. I am going to fight a stranger to increase my knowledge of combat. But why...? Do I just want to defeat my Father...? Or am I doing this for some other reason...? Elthas removed his fancy fedora hat and placed it on the log he was sitting on. He hadn't considered things beyond the conflict his Father had created. Or was it I that created that conflict...? Elthas needed answers. He hoped fighting in The Citadel would at least provide some temporary peace for the trouble adventurer.

He looked at the fire for a moment longer and nodded towards it.

"...Regardless. I've made up my mind." Elthas said out loud to nobody in particular. He stood up at that point and stretched his muscles preparing himself for what was coming. He had his daggers at hand's reach with him at all times. As he stood there he heard some rustling in the wilderness around him. At that point he turned towards the sound. Something shiny reflected moon-light in the wilderness as it approached. ...Armour perhaps? He thought to himself. He readied his trusty daggers and prepared for what was going to unfold...

The night had only just begun.