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    Let Them Sing

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    Shinsou Vaan Osiris

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    Quote Originally Posted by Yvonne View Post
    Oh, of course. I wasn't even remotely clear on that was I? Sorry Breaker, allow me to unpack for you. Ahem.

    Breaker I try to be a very forward thinker. I'm aware of how many threads I have active currently and a rough idea of how far along they are. I've got a thread one post away from completion and another entering the conclusion phase. By the time we're done and dusted here I expect that I'm level 3, so it makes no sense to me shooting for level 2 compliance. Let's aim for level 3. You can factor that into your hushhushquietquiet calculations.

    The mods here are very busy people. I don't want to create unnecessary work for them. The less they need to work the more fun they can have. You gotta put yourself in the other person's shoes you know? Think, think about what a mod has to go through for you. So I will probably not check in every single level - that would be a hideous workload to trudge through. If instead I checked in every odd number of levels I've already halved the burden you lovelies need to bear and you can still yank me back by the leash if I'm straying too far.

    I try to predict the future a little bit. It's a cool skill, no?

    Tell you what, if I'm wrong and I remain level 2 when you're about to approve me we'll write a thread about how Breaker was an incredible help and rescued Yvonne from certain disaster. She makes him one of the most amazing alcoholic beverages he's ever experienced as thanks.

    If I'm right and I level up to level 3 before then we'll do something different. Maybe the opposite would be an interesting read. We'll write a thread about how Breaker was, surprisingly, aided in a subtle but meaningful way by a half-and-halfling stranger and he buys her a drink as thanks.

    Either way, Althanas wins.
    Better idea - you can do what the man asks you, or just resubmit your profile when you hit level 3. If you do the latter you'll be stuck at level 1 until you get level 3 approval. Our workload is not really a problem you need to be up at night worrying about.

    Carry on.
    Last edited by Shinsou Vaan Osiris; 05-18-2018 at 01:37 PM.

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