Elthas looked dejected. As if his confidence itself was ripped out from under him and trampled upon. Lilly had not intended to offend him but then why was she being so uptight. This had been the first time she was interacting with elves since her travels. She needed to put the past behind her. It was unfair to treat all elves how she treated those elves. These tree elves, though strange, had been nothing but kind to her. She felt the sting of regret for her hasty caricatures.

“You did not offend me,” she answered honestly. There was no good recovery from her at this point. Though she could try, “I misinterpreted your intent... I’m sorry, your voice was quite nice.”

Better not dwell on your social failings.

This parcel was far more interesting than the dark elf’s rude behavior anyway. She meekly asked the taller elf, “a certain someone?” It was obvious he did not wish to specify who this someone was, she would not push it any further. But she was curious and if he would share freely then why not try it?

Of course, then there was the mention of a seer. This set the gears within Lilly’s mind to work as she toyed with the gears on her gauntlet. Prophesy was certainly interesting but Lilly was uncertain of its validity. Could most of it be vague coincidental scams? It was also possible that it was a form of magic waiting for her to unravel. But if there was magic that allowed glimpses into the future it brought about questions of the nature of elves and men. Was a prophet viewing the singular and unavoidable future or was it one of many futures? Lilthis did not like the idea of ‘fate.’ Predetermination meant freewill was an illusion. She would never accept that.

To avoid further social disasters the slender elf quickly added, “it’s ok if you do not wish to talk about it! I would like to see this parcel if you’re willing to show me.” The Alerian woman sported a glowing smile, hoping to relax the nerves of her forest host.