He smiled and Lilly felt a bit of joy. It was nice to be in the midst of a family again. Though this family was not her own it wouldn’t cause too much harm for her to revel in the moment. Pretend as if she belong here. She enjoyed acting like she belonged.

“Thank you,” the ingenious girl issued as she crossed through the boundary of his home. Out onto the lawn of grass, pine cones, and mulch. She was eager to unwrap the mystery of Drathis’ secrets; she did not wish to miss a second of this tale. Maybe she’d even steal a glance of his swordsmanship, study his talent.

The darkly colored maid waited there on the precipice of the rest of the township, among the multi-colored foliage. In the welcome mat of House Belthasar it seemed only polite to wait for the native elf to escort her to his brother’s ‘regular spot.’ That seemed more productive than walking around aimlessly.

Turning back towards the oak tree hut she questioned, “Elthas, do you mind if I ask you something?” Without pause the girl’s face split upwards into a huge smile and with full confidence she inquired, “do you tree elves always invite strange dark elves in for lunch?”

It was asked in jest. Hopefully he would understand the humor.