A cloaked figure stole into Stonevale, traipsing through the pools of lantern light that beat back the shroud of night.

Jake Narmolonaya adjusted the black patch covering his left eye socket while his good eye scanned the scene. Along the main drag beggars cried out for coins and doxies lingered in doorways, offering a little more bang for one's buck. Jake had no time for either. He adjusted the crystal sword on his hip beneath the cloak, which he kept closely drawn despite the night's warmth. He did not want anyone seeing his chosen garb. Not where he was going.

The streets of Stonevale twisted and turned, and as Jake navigated them there were fewer and fewer whores and hobos lining the cobblestone walkways. The closer he drew to his destination, the more things seemed straight and orderly. Within another five minutes, he arrived at the town's main guard barracks.

There was a single guard on duty in the antechamber separating the barracks itself from the outside world. The man looked up from a metal blacksmith's puzzle as Jake closed the door behind him.

"Whatta' you want?" The guard demanded, brusquely though not rudely. He was just a guy doing his job, who saw an impediment to his enjoying the evening in peace.

A moment later, he saw sparkling gold as the half elf removed several thick coins from his cloak pocket. He stacked them on the desk and then brought a finger to his lips.

"Those are for you," the one eyed youth said with what might have been a wink. "No need to let the other guards know you got such a tip. You should keep it all for yourself."

The guard quickly plucked the coins off the desk and pocketed them. "Well, whatta' you want?" He asked again, but in a much more jovial tone.

"Information," Jake said, running a hand through his messy dirty blond hair. His green eye glimmered as he leaned a hand on the desk. "I'm hunting a demon, and I have reason to believe he's here in Stonevale. This isn't the type of monster you want around, trust me. If you can help me find him, it will be to everyone's benefit."

"A Haidian?" The guard inquired, and Jake nodded. "Actually, we've got one of those on payroll as a mercenary. He's helped us fight off the goblins coming out of the mountains."

"What's his name?" Jake asked quietly, right hand snaking beneath his cloak to touch the hilt of his sword.

"Can't say I remember," the guard replied.

"Would a little more gold aid your memory?"

"I wish it would," the man chuckled, toying with his beard. "But I'm an honest sort, and I honestly can't remember the bastard's name. I could point you towards William Blake though. That's the man you want. He's responsible for paying most of our mercenaries. In fact, I think he just returned from paying that demon. Wait here, I'll see if he's in back."

Jake paced the length of the antechamber while he waited, wondering whether this William Blake would have the answers he wanted. If he could point Jake toward Nosdyn, the half elf would be happy to reward him. Jake always had a list of demons and monsters he was hunting, and Nosdyn was at the top of it. The demon had escaped the hunter's grasp in Alerar. That would not happen a second time.